by Tia Siren
''As you know, your commanding officer, Captain Todd, recommended you be referred to me for assessment. How are you feeling?''
Feeling? Ashton thought. How the fuck was he supposed to be feeling after he'd lost seven of his men. ''I'm feeling fine, sir,'' he said.
The Captain's desk was full of photos of his family. Ashton looked at the picture of the attractive woman holding a young child and the picture of the Captain on his wedding day. Who the hell takes a photo of their wedding to work? he asked himself. The Captain was around thirty, perhaps five years younger than Ashton and he headed the psychology department at Leyton Naval Base, home to the Naval Special Warfare Group.
''Commander, after what you have been through, I would be extremely surprised if you were feeling anything at all, least of all fine. I understand your resistance to therapy, many men in your position do. But your commanding officer and I both think it is necessary.''
Ashton looked at the Captain. He was what he called a pretty boy. His hair was neatly cut and full of gel, and he still had a college boy face. ''With respect sir, all I need is to get back to work, to my boys and defending the United States. I don't need any of this crap.''
''Crap, Commander? I understand how you feel. I do empathize. I know what type of man you are and what you have done for this country. Joining the navy at sixteen is commendable. You’ve spent many years in the service. At your current age of thirty-five and having been through what you’ve gone through, perhaps it's time to unload your mind.''
Ashton hated having to call a college boy 'sir.' He didn’t hear empathy. He heard condescension. But the truth of the matter was, while he'd been risking his life to protect his country this man had been studying his way to a higher rank. Rising through the ranks by doing nothing more than reading books.
''Sir, I came here today because I was asked to. I do not need therapy. I have been through things like this before and always dealt with them on my own.''
The Captain leaned forward and put his arms on his desk. ''But you have never been involved in a debacle like the one that has just befallen you. Have you? You have never lost any of your men. Not one in all the operations you have been on. Frankly, Commander, that is simply amazing. And truly an accomplishment. This time, something went wrong. We just want to make sure your mental state wasn't the cause and that you have not had an adverse reaction to it because of it.''
It wasn't the cause, you fuck-head, Ashton thought. The reason he'd lost seven men was because he'd been given the wrong coordinates when they'd been flown into the area. They'd been delivered into an impossible situation. The fact any of his twenty men had survived was a miracle and due solely to their bravery.
''There's nothing wrong with my mental state. Can we wrap this up? I've got more important things to do.''
''I'm not sure it's that simple, Commander. You were asked for a report into the incident and you only gave half the story. Several of your superiors believe that you could be experiencing some mental trauma, keeping you from being able to recount exactly what truly happened out there. While we all respect how patriotically you have served, it would be unfortunate if you were reprimanded for not fully cooperating with the investigation into the events that led up to fatal injuries of your men.''
''Do what you have to, Captain.'' Ashton stood up and saluted. He turned on his heels and left the room.
Joe's Bike Shop was half an hour on foot from the naval base. As he walked, Ashton thought about how the armed forces had changed over the years. Gone were the days when men relied on pure physical fitness to get them through. He was brought up to believe that a fit body meant a fit mind, that ethos seemed to have been forgotten. These days, they appeared to be governed by an army of shrinks, who made men like him feel useless. He wasn't some impotent weakling who needed to be mollycoddled, he was a fearsome fighting machine who actually killed people when he had to. The Captain he'd just been speaking to would probably shit himself if he had to fire a gun.
''Hey Ashton,'' Joe said. Joe was sixty but didn’t look a day over forty-five. Ashton had known Joe since he'd bought his first Harley fourteen years ago. He'd trusted him and relied on him to service all the bikes he'd owned, and the latest Roadster was no exception.
''How are you doing Joe? Is she ready?''
''Sure is. Ready and raring to go.''
Ashton loved that bike shop. To him, it was the smell of home, a delicious mix of leathers, oil, and rubber. Whenever he returned from active duty abroad, the first thing he would do was get his motorcycle serviced.
''I'll have my boy bring her round to the front,'' Joe said.
''Sure, what do I owe you?''
Joe knew what Ashton did for a living, as a military veteran himself, he was reluctant to take money from Ashton just for looking the bike over.
''No way. Here's two hundred,'' Aston said, peeling two notes from a large bundle.
''Have it on me, please. We only looked it over, there was nothing to do on it,'' Joe protested as he handed the money back.
''You're a good man Joe, but you're a pain in the ass,'' Ashton joked.
Neither of them took much notice of the leather-clad person who entered the store until she took off her helmet and shook out her hair. Once Ashton's eyes were fixed on her, they wouldn't leave. He loved the way her leather pants hugged her curvy thighs and ass, and the thought of her straddling a powerful Harley made his dick twitch. When she walked to the counter, he looked at her face. Her eyes were large, round and wonderfully expressive. Her lips were red and full, perfect for cock sucking, Ashton thought.
''Steady on, you'll give Joe a heart attack. He's not used to having beautiful women in here,'' Ashton said.
''I don't suppose he is, it's a naval base, not a regular city.''
''So you like big machines,'' Ashton said. He wondered if she would pick up on the innuendo.
''I love 'em. The bigger the better,'' she said, looking him straight in the eye.
''Then you'll love mine,” he said. “It's so big.''
Would you like to find out just how big the Commander’s – ahem – motorcycle is? Then click on the link to get the rest of the story, plus one more, for FREE.
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