The Beast's Nanny

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The Beast's Nanny Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  The sweet woman who had gotten under his skin. After tonight, he would find out if it was just her innocence, or if there was something else that called to him.

  The knock at the door made his cock ache. He went to it, opened it, and smiled. Grace stood, wringing her hands, dressed in a robe as well.

  He pulled her into the room.

  The doctor had said her arm had all but healed, which was why he’d taken her into the water. She’d be sore, but everything else had healed.

  He felt her nerves. Resting against the door, he watched her. “Do you want to cancel tonight?”

  “No.” She snapped the word out, holding her hands up. “No, of course not. I’m just, you know. This is all new and I’m afraid.”

  “Of what?”

  “Disappointing you.”

  He watched her. “How could you do that?”

  “You … I served you coffee, and seeing how sad you were, I was worried, and I served you breakfast. I wouldn’t let you pay. From that experience of human kindness, I was kidnapped and terrified. You instigated all of that, and … ugh, I’m not doing this well. You wanted me from that moment because I’m different. I don’t know the kind of women you dated before, but I guess I’m not like them. I talk a lot. I care. I know only to give love.”

  She stopped and glanced around his room. “I’ve never lived in a home like this. I’ve never had sex. A man has never looked at me as if I’m good enough to eat. I’m scared of you finally having me, and well, finding that you don’t really have a liking for me, and you want to kill me or toss me aside.” She took a deep breath. “I’m verbally diarrhea-ing on this moment.”

  “I would call it that.” He closed the distance between them. Grasping the belt of her robe, he tugged it until it fell free. After running his hands beneath the robe, he pushed it off her shoulders, exposing her nakedness.

  He captured her hands when she went to cover her tits. “Don’t even think about it, babe. I want to see every single part of you. Tits, ass, pussy.” He walked behind her, drawing her back with a hand on her stomach. Sliding his hands up, he cupped her full, heavy tits.

  “These babies, they are a dream.” He pinched both nipples at the same time. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve imagined these? I think about them bouncing as I fuck you hard. There’s no way you can ever think you won’t live up to my expectations. I want you, sweet Grace, but in this bedroom, I want you to be dirty as fuck. What I need is for all of this to belong to me. Every single part of you belongs to me. All of this. If I find you even looking at another man, I will fucking kill him. This is mine, Grace. That’s what you’ve got to promise me.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “And when you’re in this room, or any room with me, and I want my dirty slut, will you give her to me?”

  “I don’t know if I can be that way.”

  He smiled. “Spread your legs.”

  She opened them wide and he dipped a finger between her slit to find her soaking wet. “This tells me, baby, that you want to go dirty with me.” Using two fingers, he stroked her clit, rubbing either side, then over, and around. She shook in his arms. “Get on the bed.”

  Caleb helped her as she was a little unsteady at first. She lay on the bed.

  “Open your legs and get your pussy ready to be licked.” She was going to hurt when he fucked her, so he needed her nice and wet for him.

  Opening his robe, he let it drop to the floor, keeping his gaze on her. He crawled onto the bed, putting his hands on her knees, spreading her open for him. She released a little moan and he watched her. There was no reason to rush.

  He ran the tips of his fingers up and down her inner thighs, keeping his gaze fixed on her as he did this. Her nipples were tight buds that needed to be sucked.

  “When you’re in this room, I want you naked. No excuses. Always come to me and get ready to be fucked.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  Gliding down, he lowered until he was directly over her tight cunt. “So pretty, and all mine.” He sucked her clit into his mouth, using his teeth to bite down. She cried out, arching up, and he pulled back to stroke her with his tongue, circling her. He went to her entrance, promising to fuck her, only to pull back and twirl over her clit again.

  She pressed her thighs together, trapping his hand. He placed his palms on the inside of her thighs, keeping her spread for his tongue.

  Holding her down, he ravished her pussy, giving her pleasure. She’d come so easily, but he wanted her to be soaking wet by the time he took her. He used his tongue to bring her close to the peak.

  She cried his name repeatedly and he knew there was only so much she could take. He waited, getting her completely out of her mind until her sexy begs filled the room. The moment she did, he pushed her over the peak, relishing her climax. Replacing his tongue with his fingers, he continued to drive her crazy with release, not letting her stop until he was ready, and he moved between her thighs.

  Letting go of her pussy, he wrapped his fingers around his cock and pressed to her entrance. She was so slick, and as he slammed deep inside her, he felt the tearing of her virginity.

  The sounds she made turned from pleasure to a whimper of pain. Taking possession of her mouth, he swallowed it down, feeling like a bastard for not preparing her for what he wanted.

  She stayed perfectly still.

  He hated that.

  He wanted her to move. To give him something, anything. The stillness did nothing for him, but made him ache for more.

  Pulling away from the kiss, he stroked her hair back and stared down at her.

  “That hurt.” Her voice broke.

  “It won’t hurt again.”

  “Is that why you … licked me?”

  “I wanted you to be as wet as possible. There was no way I could stop it from hurting.”

  Her lip wobbled.

  His gut clenched. He stayed perfectly still within her.

  She reached up and he expected her to slap him for the pain he caused. Instead, she placed a hand on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Why are you thanking me? I hurt you.”

  “But you did everything you could to make it perfect for me. Thank you.” She lifted up and brushed her lips across his. “I won’t forget that.”

  He wasn’t a good person. Everyone who heard his name feared him, and yet this woman, she saw good in him. She had to be a fucking idiot, but as he looked at her, he knew she was anything but. Grace was a good person. At each turn, she kept shocking him, and he didn’t know how to respond to that.

  He refused to analyze what Grace did to him, and instead, he kissed her hard, wanting to do a lot more. As he flicked his tongue across her lips, she opened up, and he began to rock against her. She didn’t tense up, and as he thrust into her, she began to meet him. Slowly, he pushed the pain away, making love to her, doing something he never thought he would do. This woman was precious to him in every single way that mattered, and he wanted her to know just how much.

  It’s not love.

  I don’t do love.

  She’s going to betray me one day, and when she does, I’ll be ready.

  Caleb stopped kissing her, pulled back, and stared down at her. “Are you ready?” he asked.


  He gripped her hip and began to rock inside her, turning the love into plain and simple fucking. He saw the blood coating his cock, and he closed his eyes. It meant nothing. Grace would belong to him for as long as he needed to rid himself of her. Not a day or a night before. The moment he was done, or the day she turned out to be like every single woman he’d ever met, she’d be out on her ass.

  Chapter Nine

  Grace smiled as Caleb instructed his men putting up the decorations. It had only taken her two days of nagging for him to finally relent with Christmas. She refused to believe he hated this day out of the whole year.

  “It looks so good,” James said.

  She pulled him close to her side.

  Caleb had warned her that he had an enemy who was intent on hurting people close to him. It was the same person who had attacked the house, and they would likely do it again. The fact he was even putting up decorations was a shock.

  She didn’t completely understand the world Caleb was involved in. He disappeared for hours at a time, and when he came home, he sometimes looked so angry he scared her. He’d never hurt her, and she understood that, but someone had angered him to the point that he looked ready to commit harm. She didn’t understand that.

  “Are you ready?” Caleb asked.

  His men climbed down and he came to stand with them. He put an arm around her shoulder and they looked up at the house.

  Within a matter of seconds, the lights were aglow, and she smiled. “They’re so beautiful,” she said.

  Tears filled her eyes as she recalled all the memories with her parents. How the ground would be covered in snow but her dad would demand them all be out for his display. He always had something fun in mind. Her mom would bake cookies and mince pies. It was always such a wonderful day, and looking at it now, her heart filled with love and warmth.

  “Why are you crying?” Caleb asked. “I can get them to change it.”

  She reached out, putting a hand on his chest. “No, there is no reason to change a thing. It looks so beautiful. Even more so than I thought possible.” She rested her head against his chest.

  “Swimming,” James said.

  Caleb chuckled. “Go on then, go and get ready. Wait for us. Do not go to the pool.”

  One of the men was already following James into the house.

  “I better go and follow him.”

  James had been asking Caleb to take him swimming for a couple of days now.

  “Go and get changed into your bikini. We can have a lesson.”

  “But James?”

  “Is a competent swimmer. You’re not.”

  She frowned. “How is he a competent swimmer?”

  “I’m going to be there, and I know my sister had already started to teach him at my pool. Go and get changed.” Before she got a chance to ask him some more, his cell phone went off and he swatted her ass.

  Moving forward, she decided to keep her questions to herself. She went to her bedroom and to the drawers to find them completely empty. Her closet was also bare.

  Stepping out of her room, she went to the nearest guard. “Where are my clothes?”

  “All of your stuff has been sent to the master’s bedroom.”

  “Oh,” she said. “Thank you.”

  She walked around the guard, went to Caleb’s bedroom, and sure enough, her clothes were in separate drawers. Why did he move her into his bedroom? Something on the bed caught her attention and as she got closer, she gasped.

  The photograph albums that she thought were lost since the kidnapping. Caleb must have gone to her apartment and got them. When she flicked them open, tears filled her eyes as she saw her parents. There were so many of them, and of her.

  “Your parents look like good people,” Caleb said.

  “Yeah. They were. You’d have hated them. They were always cheery.”

  He chuckled, coming to sit on the bed beside her. She turned toward him, cupping his cheek. “Thank you for getting them for me. I thought I lost them.”

  “They were never lost. Everything you own is put in storage. When the time is right and you move on, you can take it anytime.”

  She rubbed her thumb back and forth, staring into his eyes. The way he looked at her, her body heated up. Ever since he’d taken her virginity, he hadn’t come back for seconds. She’d been worried he didn’t want her. If he no longer wanted her, he wouldn’t be moving her into his room, would he?

  “I better go and check on James.”

  She went to move, but Caleb caught her wrist. “No. James has a babysitter right now. Drop your trousers, and get on your knees on the edge of the bed.” He stood up and went to the belt off his pants.

  Grace put the albums onto the floor and pushed them beneath the bed for good measure. After kicking off her trousers, she went to her knees. Caleb didn’t waste any time. He stood behind her and he took hold of her panties, tightly gripping them within his fist. He tore them from her body and she let out a gasp at the sheer force of his touch. The panties shredded easily.

  His hands went to her ass, cupping her, spreading her cheeks. One hand stayed on her ass, the other cupped her pussy, and she whimpered as his fingers slid inside her, going deep. He pumped in and out of her with one finger before adding a second, stretching her out.

  “Are you sore?”



  His fingers left, and in their place, he slammed his cock inside her. They both cried out and he held on to her hips, the tips of his fingers digging into her flesh. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

  “Let me hear how much you enjoy my cock inside you, baby.”

  “Please, Caleb.”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I want to come.”

  “Good. First, you have to get my dick nice and slick. Ride it, baby. Push back.” He moved to the base of her back and she tensed up as something teased across her anus. The touch was so fleeting and quick, she wasn’t sure she felt it, but the pressure intensified and she knew he’d teased her there.

  Closing her eyes, she felt an answering pulse of pleasure rush through her entire body.

  “I think you like it a little dirty, baby. You like to think of my cock inside your ass. Damn, I’d love to see it. I’d love to have you riding my cock.” He leaned over her, his teeth sinking into her neck. “Don’t keep those sounds in. I want to hear how much you like it. Give it to me, Grace. Let me hear everything. Moan for me.”

  She cried out as he fucked her harder. Each slap of his body against hers echoed around the room. He slid his hand up her body, cupping her tits, massaging them as he took her harder. He pulled all the way out until only the tip of him was there, then plunged in deep.

  Suddenly, he slowed down, and his hand went between her thighs to stroke her clit. She pushed back against him as he thrust all the way inside her. Pleasure consumed her, and it wasn’t before long that she stopped thinking about everything else on the outside and only focused on what was going on now.

  She moaned his name. Begged for more, and he gave it to her without question. He brought her close to orgasm and fucked her hard.

  Grace didn’t think he’d allow her over the peak, but all of a sudden, she was there, and he shoved her over the edge. Her orgasm came screaming from her lips. Caleb stopped being careful. He fucked her harder than ever before, pounding his way inside her.

  His fingers dug into her hips, but he stopped abruptly, holding perfectly still within her.

  “Grab your ass,” he said.

  She frowned but followed his illicit instruction.

  “Oh, fuck, baby,” he said.

  Grace tensed up as his fingers stroked along the crease of her anus, pressing against that tight, puckered hole, shocking her at the sudden touch. She held her breath as he continued to caress her.

  The pleasure was strange at first, something she wasn’t sure she wanted. Caleb didn’t rush, he took his time, letting her get accustomed to the feel of it, but when his finger pressed inside her asshole, she couldn’t help but pull back.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  His question took her completely by surprise. Glancing over her shoulder, she nodded.

  “Then let me show you how good this can be.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to refute him, but instead, she started to relax. It seemed impossible, but she found the way as he kept on stroking her asshole. She licked her lips, trying not to tense up as he thrust against her.

  As his finger pushed through her tight ring of muscles, she whimpered.

  “I’ve got you, baby.”

  The hand at the base of her back held her steady. The flat of his palm feeling warm against
her. In and out, his finger pumped. With his cock still deep within her, it felt uncomfortable.

  When he added a second finger, she didn’t know if she could handle any more, but the hand at the base of her back moved to her clit, and he started to tease her there once again.

  “This isn’t fair,” she said, crying out.

  “Why not?”

  “I … it feels amazing.”

  “Then enjoy it. One day, I’m going to fuck this pretty ass, Grace, and then I’d have had every single part of you. You’ll be all mine.”

  She shouldn’t care about who she belonged to and yet, hearing him say those words, they meant a great deal to her. They weren’t terms of love, but they were close.

  Don’t, Grace. You’ve got a year. That’s all.

  The thought of love dampened her desire, so she pushed it all aside to only focus on him and the now.

  Caleb brought her to a second orgasm, and the moment she came, his fingers pulled away, he grabbed her hips, and he fucked her harder than ever before. She loved it, relished his touch, and wanted to give him everything.

  Falling for him wasn’t part of the gig, but she knew if she wasn’t careful, Caleb was going to break her heart, and she didn’t know if she’d ever recover.


  Caleb stepped into the apartment of the man who’d killed his sister and hurt Grace. The man responsible was long gone and as he looked around the empty carcass, he shook his head, anger rushing through him.

  His man had failed him once again when it came to capturing this asshole. Every time James asked about his mom, he felt like a complete failure. What he wanted was to find the man who dared to take him on. There was a debt of pain he owed him.

  His sister didn’t deserve to be killed. Grace didn’t deserve to be shot.

  Running a hand down his face, he moved toward the window. There was nothing distinguished about this house. He stood, looking down at the town, and wondered who the fuck had such a grudge against him. Not that it mattered. He hadn’t gone out of his way to make friends.


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