The Beast's Nanny

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The Beast's Nanny Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Excuse me,” Brian said, being persistent.

  Caleb glared at Owen.

  “Brian, man, she’s not lost. Clearly, she met someone.”

  “I don’t believe that,” Brian said, rushing over to an escaping Grace. He reached out and touched her arm.

  Anger fused through his entire body and he stood.

  Grace looked toward him. She was uncomfortable. “Look, I get that you’re concerned, but what you really need to be paying attention to is Caleb. Someone handed out drugs that put several people in the hospital. Why don’t you go and find them instead of interrogating him? He hasn’t done anything wrong. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a child to attend to.” She turned on her heel and walked right out.

  Caleb watched her go, enamored by all that she was.

  He quickly and swiftly finished the meeting, making a note to talk to Owen about his partner.

  The moment he was alone, he went in search of Grace, finding her in the kitchen. James was also there, using a rolling pin.

  “What are you doing, buddy?”

  “I’m rolling out cookies. I’m going to decorate them.”

  “You’re doing a good job.” He kissed his nephew’s cheek and grabbed Grace, pulling her toward the doorway. “What the hell was that?”

  She frowned. “What was what?”

  “You had a chance there.”

  “A chance to what?”

  “To make your escape.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “You mean that was a test? Were those men even police officers?”

  “Yes, they were and you had your chance.”

  “Caleb, I have no desire to leave you, okay? I’m … happy. I know that’s hard for you to believe, but it’s true.” She touched his chest and went onto her tiptoes, brushing his cheek with a kiss. “Now, do you want to help roll out cookies?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “But you’ll eat them?” she asked with a chuckle.

  He grabbed her ass and pulled her close. “I think I’ve proven time and time again I know how to enjoy a good cookie.”

  Arousal glimmered in her eyes and he was tempted to get one of his men to watch his nephew while he went and showed Grace exactly what he wanted to do to her. Instead, he kissed her again and released her, letting her go.

  He stood in the doorway, watching them.

  James’s little tongue peeked out as he concentrated like crazy on the task at hand. It was so cute to watch. He folded his arms and took in the scene. They both looked so comfortable together.

  Returning his gaze to Grace, he didn’t know what the fuck to think when it came to her. She’d completely blown his mind already. There had been cops waiting who would have believed her and yet, she still stayed with him. He didn’t know if that made her brave or just plain stupid.

  “Come on,” she said, holding her hand out.

  Grace wasn’t supposed to last this long. No other woman had. She was like a breath of fresh air. Vibrant. Rather than want to get rid of her, he found himself drawn to her even more.

  Her sweetness, goodness. Everything that made her who she was. She was everything he’d ever wanted, and now, he didn’t think he could stand a single moment if she ever left. He needed her, and it hadn’t dissipated once.

  Running a hand down his face, he didn’t join but instead, left, hoping to gain some semblance of control while he still had the chance.

  Chapter Twelve

  Grace had something important to tell Caleb.

  Only, his lips down her body were far more important than spoiling the moment.


  She’d been able to get a test from one of the men, and she’d taken it that afternoon. The missed periods, morning vomiting, tenderness, they were all signs of pregnancy, which she had.

  “I fucking love your body,” Caleb said, spinning her over and drawing her up to her knees. His lips followed the path down her back as he spread her ass cheeks wide and began to stroke and tease. He pushed two fingers inside her but he didn’t keep them there. He pulled them back, circling her anus. She tensed up even as she liked the new sensation.

  He’d been playing and teasing more and more at taking her ass. Each time he’d add another finger, or tease with the tip of his cock. So far, he hadn’t gone too far.

  Caleb nudged her forward so she was flat on her stomach, and he opened her thighs, spreading them wide. She watched as he went for the lubrication.

  Again, nothing new, but tonight, something felt different.

  She gasped at the cool gel as he rubbed it against her anus. His touch vanished and she glanced over his shoulder to see him applying a generous amount to his cock. He tossed the tube aside and his cock pressed against her tight asshole.

  She gripped the edge of the pillow. Pain and pleasure mixed as he pushed against her forbidden entrance.

  “It’s okay, baby. Push out. You’re going to enjoy this.”

  Grace didn’t think it was going to be possible, but she did as he asked, pushing out. As she did, he didn’t let go and started to push his cock deep in her ass. He took his time, going inch by inch, making her feel each push and pull of his cock. She whimpered his name as it was just too much.

  The hand on her hip moved between her thighs and he began to stroke her clit, drawing her pleasure out, making her moan and beg for more.

  Caleb wasn’t going to stop, and the truth was, she didn’t want him to.

  “Nearly there, babe. Fuck, you’re so tight. Tighter than your virgin pussy. I own all of your firsts, Grace. Only me.”

  He didn’t even realize it yet, but he also owned her heart. She loved him. It was why she couldn’t bring herself to tell the cops that she was kidnapped. In her heart, she no longer felt that way. She was free in so many ways, and against all the odds, Caleb had made her fall in love with him. Why would she ever want to leave the man she loved so much?

  She was also now pregnant with his child. There was no way she’d ever leave him. He’d gotten under her skin and now, there was nothing she wanted more than to be with him. This was the love she had always dreamed of having, but never for a second believed she’d get the chance to know what it was like.

  Grace cried out as he thrust the last few inches into her ass, and she closed her eyes. He teased her clit, drawing out the pleasure. The pain slowly began to subside. It felt strange, but not awful. She wanted him, badly.

  He held himself steady, bringing her to orgasm, which numbed any kind of discomfort.

  “You have no idea how fucking sexy you look, babe.” He returned his touch to her hips, holding her in place as he began to rock in and out of her ass. “So beautiful. Your ass was designed to take my cock.”

  Caleb was gentle with her. She had no doubt he could hurt her if given the chance, but he took his time, allowing her to become accustomed to each inch of him. His thrusts were slow, deep, and they drove her wild.

  When he finally came, his grip tightened to the point she knew there were going to be bruises on her flesh. She moaned his name and his cock pulsed inside her ass, filling her with his cum.

  Cum that had already gotten her pregnant.

  He lay over her, gaining his breath, until he finally got up, kissed her shoulder, and disappeared into the bathroom. He returned with some cloths.

  Her face heated as he cleaned her ass. Then he came back, climbing in beside her, and she moved to snuggle up against him.

  “I’ve never done that before.”

  He chuckled. “I know, babe. Did you enjoy it?

  “I think so.”

  “You think so?”

  “It was all a bit of a blur.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Then we’re going to have to do it again just to see if you liked it.”

  She tilted her head back. She wanted to tell him.

  “You know, I thought you were going to tell Owen.”

  “Who was Owen?”

  “The cop.”

  “Oh,” she sai
d. “Why did you think that?”

  “I did kidnap you. You’d be well within your right to tell them what a beast I was.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re not a beast, Caleb. Just misunderstood.”

  “Said like a woman who doesn’t see the truth.”

  “Hey, I see the truth. I know you’re a good person.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” He kissed her lips. “Being the man I am, I got my sister killed.”

  She’d noticed he never once said her name. It was like it went against the rules to speak of her. Pain did that.

  Grace remembered the first year after her parents died. She’d struggled to think about them without wanting to throw up. The pain of loving and losing them had been too much. She’d not been able to stand it.

  “Her name was…” Caleb stopped and she looked up at him. He frowned, pressed his lips together, and she waited. “Allie. My sister’s name was Allie.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she watched him.

  “She was … good. Kind. She never wanted to harm or hurt anyone. In a way, you were both alike, always trying to help people. The asshole who got her pregnant, he’d been an addict and she thought she could fix him. She got pregnant instead, and she fell in love with James the moment the nurses put him in her arms. She never did drugs, though. Always a wonderful mother. I didn’t think she could handle something so … difficult. The sleepless nights. Not to mention the pregnancy hadn’t been a breeze for her. Far from it. She got so many cravings. She ate the entire kitchen on one of those days.” He laughed.

  Grace cupped his cheek.

  He wasn’t crying.

  Her big, tough man wouldn’t cry. She knew that and so she cried for the both of them.

  “Fuck, I miss her. Out of everything I’ve done, I feel like I’ve failed her the most.”

  “You couldn’t fail her. I bet she loved you.”

  “She asked me to take care of James. I … I need to take care of him. She’d want me to do that.”

  “Then we’ll take care of him together.” She’d intended to tell Caleb about her pregnancy, but it wasn’t a good time.

  No time seemed to be a good time.

  He was a busy man and so far, she didn’t want to spoil what they shad.

  Her time would come to tell him. Until then, she rested her head on his chest and listened to him talk about his sister.


  Caleb wasn’t a good man. It didn’t take a genius to work that out. Grace didn’t have the first clue what was happening today.

  He was done.

  Their time had to come to an end.

  She’d become far too comfortable with him, and after spilling out his soul, well, that was the end as far as he was concerned.

  Arriving at the new apartment, they both climbed out, and he took the lead, and her hand.

  Just touching her drove him crazy. He had to get control.

  There were a lot of Bernies in this world who would see Grace killed to punish him. He couldn’t allow that to happen. Not on his watch.

  “What is this place?” Grace asked as he put the key in the lock and opened it. He pushed open the door.

  He’d paid a lot of money and made sure Grace was set up for life.

  Closing the door, he left his men outside. They didn’t need to see this.

  “This is your place.”

  Grace paused and turned back toward him. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I told you there was a time limit on our time together. That has come to an end.”

  He noticed the way she put a hand on her stomach and reached out to grab the back of the sofa. “You’re dumping me?”

  “Grace, please, you were never my girlfriend. You were nothing more than a fuck toy. I can get plenty of those, and I’ve gotten so bored. It’s time to find something new.”

  He watched those tears and hated himself even more as she just stood there.

  “Wow,” she said. “I … I knew this wasn’t going to last, but I didn’t think you’d be so cold.”

  “I’m a beast, babe. We both know that.”

  She looked around the apartment and he turned to leave. “What you are is a coward, Caleb Raine. We both know that.”

  He spun around to face her. She stood in the same position. “I’ve killed men for lesser insults.”

  “Do you think I don’t see this? You can’t push me into your little betrayal corner. You told me about your sister. Do you really think I’m so fucking stupid?” She threw her arm out at all of this. “This is guilt. You expected me to betray you, didn’t you? Everyone else but your sister has done it, but then, she did, didn’t she? She had the audacity to die.” She yelled the last part at him.

  “You be careful.”

  “No. You be fucking careful. All of this is a load of bullshit. I never betrayed you and I know you, Caleb. You’re not bored. You’re scared. I’m not like a lot of other women, and because you can’t handle that, you’re getting rid of me.” She pushed away from the sofa and spun around. “If you were done with me, Caleb, I wouldn’t have all of this luxury. I’d be going back to my other apartment with my job still intact. This is not you sending me away because you’re afraid. This is you getting rid of a problem you don’t know how to handle.” She sniffled.

  “You’re being overly emotional.” He reached out to leave until her next words stopped him.

  “You betrayed me!” She stomped her foot.

  “I betrayed you?”

  “Yes. This was supposed to be a year, and I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you. You were supposed to stay this horrible beast, but instead, you showed me a man who deserved love. A man who was so desperate, and I fell in love with you.” She put a hand to her stomach. “But now I see, deep down, he’s a coward and we are better off without you. Get out. Leave. Get the fuck out.” She reached for a vase and began to hurtle it toward him.

  He was out of the door as it crashed against the door.

  Caleb expected to hear more stuff hitting the door, only nothing else came. He stayed, waiting, expecting. Nothing.

  Without looking at his men, he left, making his way to the stairs, and he began to descend.

  “Look at my brother, so scared to fall in love. You’re embarrassing me, and you do love her, asshole. You’ve got to get your head out of your ass and realize you’re so in love it makes you feel sick.”

  Caleb stopped, aware of his men doing the same a couple of feet behind him.

  Turning around, he took a few steps and stopped again. He wasn’t going to listen to his sister’s voice. She was gone. He spun again.

  “I may be gone, but that doesn’t stop you from thinking about me and wondering what could be. You love me and you miss me, but without Grace, you’re going to die.”

  I could kill her.

  “Not possible. You’ll protect her, just like you’ll protect James, and you know she’s carrying your child. You saw the pregnancy test kit. Stop being an asshole. Go to her. Go now.”

  Spinning back on his heel, he took the stairs two at a time, rushing back to her apartment. He expected her to put a lock on the door, or to do something to keep him out. When he entered, he was surprised. He stepped over the glass and saw Grace on the floor, sobbing.

  “You’re wrong.” He slammed the door. “You did betray me, Grace. You were only supposed to be a fuck. I never wanted to know there was goodness in this world, and what was more, I was never supposed to have it for myself. You made me fall in love with you and if you think I’m going to walk away when you’re carrying my child—”

  “How dare you … what? You knew?”

  “Of course, I knew. I was waiting for you to tell me.”

  “I wanted to tell you. I’ve been waiting for the right moment.”

  “Being with me hasn’t taught you there are no right moments?” he asked, storming up to her. He sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her close, claiming her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and
he swallowed down her moans.

  She suddenly pushed against him, breaking the kiss. “Wait a minute! You love me?”

  “Yeah, I love you.” He kissed her lips. “I love you so fucking much, and I want you all the time. I’ve never felt this way about anyone.” He sank to his knees. “Please, forgive me, baby. I love you, and I want to be a husband to you and a father to this baby.” He pressed kisses to her stomach.

  Glancing up, he saw the tears in her eyes, and he laughed. “What’s the matter?”

  “You’ve just confessed your love and told me that you love me all in one. I’m processing.”

  “Yeah, and I think we shouldn’t wait to get married.”


  “Do you want our baby to know you were a naughtier girl before she was born?”

  She burst out laughing. “I’m still angry with you.”

  He stood, cupping her face. “No, you’re not. You’re Grace Page. The nicest, most beautiful, and kindest person I ever met. I don’t deserve you. I know that. I can never be a nine-to-five man. I can never be good.”

  She rested her head against him. “I can be good enough for the both of us.”

  “Is that a yes, you forgive me and a yes, you’re going to marry me?”

  “I’ll marry you, but I’m going to require a little more groveling.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers. “How about I fuck you into forgiving me? Do you like that?”

  “Oh, I do like that. I like that a whole lot.”


  Ten years later

  Grace stood with Allie and George by her side, watching as James stared down at his mother’s grave. Caleb was there, and she saw her two men as they struggled to keep their emotions in check.

  In all of the time she’d known Caleb, he’d only cried twice. At the birth of Allie and George. Pregnancy had been difficult for her, but she loved to be pregnant, which was why they were expecting their third. Each time, he promised it would be the last baby. Of course, she’d get pregnant, and well, the last time wouldn’t be the last one.


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