What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 4)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 4) Page 175

by Selena Kitt


  We’re lucky to find a cab right outside his building. It has started to drizzle and I’m not exactly wearing walking shoes. He doesn’t say much the whole way, but from the corner of my eye I can see he keeps looking in my direction. So does the driver for that matter. Back and forth from me to him, through the rear view mirror.

  I pretend not to notice and just sit still, holding his hand. I’m hatching a little plan to surprise him tonight, even though it requires a little reconnaissance once we reach the venue.

  Meanwhile he’s starting to fidget, growing more nervous the closer we get.

  It doesn’t matter to me what our colleagues will think. I’m hoping to get Dick off my back once and for all once he realises I’m not available. And the girls have been asking me for weeks whether I’m bringing a date to the party. I never had an answer before, but it’s going to be pretty obvious now.

  I’m just so glad how this turned out so far. Only twenty-four hours ago I hardly dared to dream that he had feelings for me too. And look at us now. The thought makes me smile.

  “What’s funny?” John asks.

  “Oh, I’m just happy you’re here with me,” I respond while squeezing his hand tighter.

  The cabbie’s stares have become even more intrusive. Normally I’d say let him, but right now I would prefer if he paid more attention to the road.

  Finally we arrive, in one piece.

  The hotel the company has booked is quite fancy it seems. That’s probably why Amanda wouldn’t shut up about it. There is a sign at reception pointing towards the main function room; “Aspect Christmas Ball”. Christmas. It’s barely December. I feel like rolling my eyes.

  Familiar faces arrive at the same time as us, but nobody I know by name. We leave our coats at the cloakroom at reception.

  As we walk in I catch a glimpse of the hallway opposite where we just came though, it leads off into a darker, quieter area of the hotel it seems. Promising, but I’m going to have to have a better look later.

  John still looks quite uneasy. I put my arm through his and scan the room. Sparkly lights hanging from the ceiling, countless round tables laid out with shiny white china and centre-pieces of holly dotted with silver and black Christmas baubles. It’s quite overpowering at first glance, as if someone randomly scattered glitter everywhere.

  There’s a stage at the far end of the hall. I cringe at the prospect of listening to managerial speeches over dinner. I’ll never understand why these corporates even bother with speeches at parties; by the time they want to talk, everyone is going to be drunk anyway.

  “Let’s get a drink,” I suggest, pointing towards the bar in the corner.

  “Cath!” I hear a familiar high pitched voice towards my right. Amanda walks over to me in long strides.

  “I wasn’t sure you’d come.” She stops in her tracks when she gets a better look at us. “Oh. Hi John.”

  “Hi,” he responds awkwardly.

  I turn to Amanda, ignoring her confused expression with a radiant smile. “Hi Amanda. Yes, of course I came. Even managed to get myself a date for the occasion.”

  “Yeah, um, I didn’t realise you guys were this close,” she says.

  “We were just getting a drink, you wanna come?” I say.

  “That’s OK…” she mumbles.

  We leave her on the way to the bar.

  “So, I’d say it’ll be about five minutes before everyone knows,” John remarks dryly.

  “Good. I’ll have a white wine in the meantime.”

  I watch him walk to the bar; he does wear that suit extremely well. I think I may have watched one too many James Bond movies growing up, inspiring this fascination with formal wear. But there is one crucial difference, John – unlike Bond – has no idea how hot he is.

  Sooner or later I’ll have to be completely honest with him, but I just don’t want to scare him off. The last time I was in a similar situation, it didn’t exactly end too well.

  He’s talking to the bartender, I can’t keep my eyes off him, everything else around me blurs into a sort of tunnel surrounding him. Both drinks in his hands, he smiles and thanks the bartender before turning around to walk back to me.

  He looks so different now with a sparkle in his eyes. The sadness that seemed to be permanently etched into his face for the past weeks has vanished. He is once again the way I remember him, how he looked the first time I noticed him at the office, only better.

  Finally he’s standing right in front of me, offering me my glass. My eyes are glued to his, so much to see now that he’s no longer shut down. In the amber depths I see tenderness, warmth, love? Could it be, or is it just wishful thinking?

  At last I manage to take the glass from him. Our fingers brush against each other, and my heart jumps.

  “Cheers,” I say, still unable to look away, and take a sip of wine to calm myself.

  “I see you already have a drink, too bad, I was going to offer you one.”

  Turning sharply, I see Dick standing a few paces beside us. He looks annoyed. I guess the gossip spread around the room faster than predicted.

  “John.” He nods, with a dark expression on his face.

  “Richard,” John responds.

  I look back and forth between the both of them. They are staring each other down. I do hope there won’t be a scene.

  I clear my throat. “So, what time does dinner start?”

  Dick just gives me a disapproving look and walks off, no doubt to try his luck with a more willing victim.

  “OK, that went well,” I comment.

  John shakes his head. “I wonder what his fucking problem is.”

  “Guess he doesn’t enjoy rejection. The creep,” I say, shuddering at the memory of Dick cornering me by the drinks machine last week.

  John puts his arm around me, and whispers in my ear: “Don’t worry. He tries anything and I’ll kick his scrawny ass.”

  I chuckle and slide my arm around his lower back, underneath his jacket. My hand rests on his side which feels so soft it makes me feverish with lust. The awkward part is over, hopefully.


  We meander around some of the tables. No name cards to mark the seats, the tables are only labelled with department names.

  It’s starting to get quite busy now as more of our colleagues have arrived. The mood is generally good, but then again, I might just be biased because I’m pleased that Dick seems to have disappeared for now.

  The wall clock shows quarter to 8. I’m guessing nothing will happen until 8 at least. I let go of John and excuse myself.

  “Ladies’ room, I’ll be right back.”

  “Sure, I’ll wait near our table,” he says pointing at the one labelled ‘Semiconductors’.


  I head for the door, indeed the restrooms are just outside. But I’m not looking for those, instead I want to see where that dark hallway leads which I had noticed earlier. Nobody is around as far as I can tell.

  There are two doors just on the other side of our function room. I carefully open the furthest one labelled “Staff only”. A table with folded stacks of clean laundry greets me inside. I check the inside of the door and am pleased to see there is a key in the lock. As if the hotel staff knew what I had planned…

  This room will do just fine, and it’s no use wasting more time here. I look around the hallway before stepping out, the coast is still clear so I head back to the party.

  As soon as I find John, someone steps up to the microphone on stage.

  “Ehm, ladies and gentlemen. Please be informed that dinner will start at 8:30. In the meanwhile, you may help yourselves to champagne.” Indeed waiters have appeared with trays full of glasses of bubbly. Probably not the good stuff, but I’m not fussed. So, we have until 8:30, that’ll do for now. I pick up two glasses from the first tray that passes by, and hand one to John.

  “Cheers!” I give him a wicked grin.

  “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were tr
ying to get me drunk,” he says.

  “Well you are just so charming when you’ve had a few,” I laugh.

  We take a few sips, the cold, fizzy champagne goes straight to my head, compounding the effect the earlier glass of wine already had on my empty stomach. I hope it has a similar effect loosening him up.

  I set down my almost empty glass and lean over to whisper in his ear: “I’m going out into the hallway, you keep an eye on your phone, when I text you, come out too and head to the right.” He looks at me, confused but slowly nods in agreement.

  On my way to the exit, I do a bit of a sexy walk on my heels, hips swaying from side to side. I know he’s watching me, I can feel it. The dress feels clingy and tight while I move and I know my arse is decent looking by most men’s standards. I can only hope the view he’s getting while I walk off is putting him in exactly the right mindset for what’ll come next.


  The hallway is still empty and dark, thank god. I get my phone out and send him a quick message: ‘Now!’

  It doesn’t take long at all, he must have been quite impatient. Good. I wave at him from the door I had found earlier. He comes in after me and I immediately turn to lock the door. The room is dim but not fully dark, lit only by one of those permanent safety lights on the far end wall. I turn to face him after leaving my clutch bag hanging from a hook on the wall.

  “I simply had to get you alone for a little while…” I say, running his tie through my fingers.

  “Because I haven’t been able to really appreciate you all dressed up like this, with so many people around.” I pull him towards me, kissing him deeply on his lips. He immediately responds, his hands on my back, pulling me against him. I let out a moan while he explores my neck with further kisses.

  Don’t know if it was the wine or he’s generally gaining confidence, but one hand slides down onto the small of my back before softly cupping my ass. He certainly got the message.

  I moan louder, spurring him on to be bolder and he starts squeezing my butt gently at first. It feels so good I start to rub myself against him. My thigh against his, my hard nipples brushing against his chest while his belly presses against mine. He lifts his head to find my lips with his again while I cling onto him tightly at the shoulders.

  “Oh god, you turn me on so much,” I breathe, both my hands now on his jacket collar, pushing his jacket open to slide it off his shoulders.

  My chest heaves with heavy fast breaths, and he’s helpless staring at the view from above. I throw his jacket onto the pile of laundry behind us. One of my hands finds its way to his shirt buttons, slipping two fingers in just above where it’s tucked into his trousers, teasing it out and unbuttoning him from the bottom up.

  As I slip my hand under his shirt, over his sides, skimming the soft fabric of his vest until I reach his bare shoulders. Touching him makes me dizzy, but I can’t stop.

  He’s completely still, his forehead against mine and eyes closed, breathing in short bursts against my lips. One hand still holding my butt, the other on my side just above my hip. His growing erection is pressed hard into my lower abdomen. The exact same spot is clenched together with arousal and I can feel myself getting soaking wet.

  “Wait, I’ve never done this…” He whispers.

  I softly bite and pull at his bottom lip and respond. “A hotel laundry room is a first for me too.”

  “No. I mean I’ve never done this.” His eyes are wide, betraying a more intense emotion than just nerves. He just looks at me, waiting for my reaction.

  Finally it hits me, I don’t know how I could have misread his earlier hints. John is a virgin!

  I slip both my hands over the gorgeously smooth skin on his shoulders and press my lips against him for another kiss. The tension in his eyes softens until he closes them, losing himself in our kiss. The thought that I might get to be his first is such a huge turn on for me, as well as reassurance that I will have to take the lead with him.

  “Just relax and enjoy what I’m about to do.”

  I release one hand from his neck and run it down his chest and belly over the bulge in his trousers. He gasps and presses his face into my neck. My fingers working furiously now to release his belt and undo his trousers, my other hand takes his from my side and slides it forward onto my breast. Instinctively he squeezes me gently, making me moan and press up into him.

  My other hand finally successful opening his fly, slips inside and into his boxers. His cock feels warm, solid. I tease it out and reach underneath to his balls. He groans and shudders against me, causing every inch of my body to respond to his pleasure. Grabbing his cock once more, I start to rub my hand against his full length.

  “I just want to make you feel good… Do you still want me to stop?” I ask, fully aware that I wouldn’t even if he tells me to.

  “God, no,” John moans.

  The moment I offer my lips to his, he eagerly kisses me as though he can’t get enough of my taste. It feels like this is the only way he knows how to express his desires, before breathlessness and more groaning forces him to abandon the kissing.

  I close my hand around him, he’s so thick and solid in my hand, I get shivers down my spine just thinking how he’d feel inside of me. I lift my leg up slightly so I can rub my thigh against his balls, and stroke him, slowly at first, then faster, in between circling his foreskin with my thumb. His hips grinding at me set the rhythm he likes best, progressively faster. I try and keep up with his pace.

  He’s oblivious to his surroundings now, his breathing more strained like it had been earlier this morning. He’s close, I can feel it. I feel behind me with my other hand and grab a towel from the table, forcing it between us. He starts to shiver, his hips spasm violently and I feel his cock squirming and pulsating in my hand. He lets out a last muffled groan into my shoulder as cum starts to squirt out into my hands and the towel.

  His arms surround me, holding me so tight, I’m completely overwhelmed by him.

  “Fuck,” he stammers, “fucking hell.”

  Rather than speak, I just kiss his neck a few times and enjoy watching him catch his breath.

  “Not sure what I did to deserve a treat like this,” he says.

  He lets go and looks at me, eyes clouded by the orgasm that had just washed over him. His expression is priceless, I can’t help grinning while wiping the lipstick stains off him.

  “Told you, you look fucking sexy in a suit.”

  I crumple up the soiled towel and throw it in the first bin I come across and head over to the sink. While I wash my hands, he buttons his shirt back up and zips up his trouser.

  As I finish drying my hands with another clean towel, I hear footsteps coming up behind me. His hand runs all the way down my back, causing me to twitch and lean back into his touch.

  “Mmm, has anyone ever told you that you look quite spectacular indeed, especially in this dress?”

  After catching my breath again, I turn and feign innocence, “Well, that hand job has certainly had the desired effect on you, Prince Charming!”

  His turn to grin at me.

  “Let’s head back before we miss dinner,” I say, heading for the door.

  As I reach for to turn the key, he takes hold of my arm.

  “What about you?” he asks.

  “Oh, don’t worry you’ll get plenty of opportunities to please me later.” I give him a little wink and check if the coast is clear.

  “OK, follow me.”

  We hurry out of the corridor and back to the party, I go in first while he makes a little detour to the men’s room.

  With so much excitement bottled up inside of me, I really could use some relief. I’m desperately horny, surely it must be written on my face for all to see. Perhaps we need to leave this party early…


  My thoughts are going round in circles while I clean myself up in the men’s room. So much has happened today and it feels strangely surreal.

  Cath is… well I’m not sure I have t
he words for it. Gorgeous, incredibly sexy, perfect. Completely out of my league.

  And yet, she wants me.

  Every step of the way, I’ve embarrassed myself. First at home, earlier today. I can’t even kiss her without getting hard. She just keeps egging me on too, until I can’t control myself. Who the hell cums while making out, honestly!

  In the laundry room, I suppose it was her intention to take things further, not just kiss and mess around. I simply couldn’t. If I’d just refused her, she would’ve felt bad like I was rejecting her. Telling her why was the only thing I logically could do, however hard it was.

  This game most guys appear to play, pretending to be someone else to impress girls, I don’t know how they do it. I’ve never felt in charge, everything has always been in someone else’s hands. Cath’s in this case. Literally.

  She seems completely sure of what she wants, even if I can’t understand why. All I can hope for is that she appreciates my honesty, because frankly I don’t know what else I have to offer.

  When I confessed to her that I’d never had sex, I expected her to change her mind, to be disappointed. I had assumed that the implied history between Julie and I had made me a more worthy partner. Nobody likes a reject.

  So I just stood there, at her mercy. Waiting for a laugh of disbelief or a disapproving frown that never came.

  Instead she kissed me, with the same passion she had shown before. I can’t decide if she’s just a really good actress, or… She wants me anyway.

  At the sink, I opt for the cold tap to try and calm my nerves. She certainly knew what to do, in that laundry room. My god, it felt so good. Indeed if she hadn’t touched me, I would’ve finished anyway. Like a bloody hormonal teenager.

  Shaking my head, I take a few more deep breaths to try and rid myself of the lingering feeling of embarrassment. She seemed to like it. And I’m determined to learn what else she likes.

  “So, Cath,” I hear Dick say under his breath. Where the hell did he come from?


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