His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

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His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 53

by Kara Hart

  “What happened?” he asks me. “You feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, it was just like… I couldn’t breathe. Not sure what that was about,” I say, closing my eyes again and falling back on the bed. It’s light outside. My guess is that we slept in a bit.

  “Vi, I’m sorry. You need anything, a Xanax or something?” he smiles a little.

  “You just carry Xanax with you?” I ask him.

  “You never know when you might need one,” he shrugs.

  “Bad cop. Bad,” I mumble.

  “It’s harmless,” he says. “Here, I’ll just get you some water. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great,” I say, pushing myself out of bed as well.

  “I think we’re getting somewhere with this guy,” he says to me. He hands me a glass of ice-cold water and it feels good as it hits the back of my throat. Still, there’s no taste in my mouth. I feel so numb.

  “What do you mean? You think you’re getting closer to getting the other two?” I ask.

  “We gave him 48 hours to sign the deal. If he signs, he’ll get 5-10 years maximum,” he says, smiling.

  “And if he doesn’t?” I ask, knowing that Elroy is weak. He’ll probably take the fucking deal. I need to come up with a better plan. I need to keep aware.

  “Ha, if he doesn’t… well, he’ll be locked away for a long time. Nearly his whole damn life. They all took a hell of a lot of money,” he says. “It’s a federal crime. You don’t fuck with the government, especially not in the state of Texas.”

  “He’ll take the deal,” I suddenly say.

  “What makes you so sure?” he asks me, looking at me carefully.

  “Why wouldn’t he?” I ask him. “Wouldn’t you?”

  “Depends on how much money I had,” he laughs. “If I had a rich family, I’d tell them to get me a good lawyer. I’m not a snitch. I couldn’t give a partner’s life up that easy.”

  “Hm,” I shuffle and sit back down. “Well, it’s kind of exciting isn’t it?”

  “It is,” he smiles again. “But it’s almost over.”

  “What’ll happen to the rest of them?” I ask, feeling the pain in my stomach start to grow. I’m fucked. I’m done for. And after Marshall’s heart breaks into a million pieces, he’ll ask for the harshest sentence on me.

  “No deal for them. We’ve asked them to come forward plenty of times on the news. They had their chance. They’ll go away until they’re old and wrinkly,” he says.

  “Seems kind of… harsh,” I admit.

  “The law is pretty harsh sometimes,” he agrees. “That’s why you don’t break it.”

  He makes me sick. “Let me lose myself in you,” he says, not too long after, as he looks into my eyes. I blush, but I don’t feel that way about him right now. Every fucking time I look at him, I feel disgusted. I feel hopeless. How could I let him touch me now?

  “I don’t feel that good,” I tell him. “I’m fine to stay, but I’m having some issues.”

  “Period?” he asks, the dumbass.

  “Yeah,” I frown. “Takes a lot out of me.”

  “I don’t mind it,” he says, putting his hand on my leg. I close my eyes with annoyance.

  “Well, I do.” I move his hand away. “Sorry, I’m just really not in the mood.”

  “What the hell did I do?” he asks, pacing around the room, showing his true cop behavior. “Do I deserve this? All I’ve done is be nice to you.”

  Yes, you do deserve this, asshole. You’ve ruined everything. All my plans are now fucked because of you. “That doesn’t mean you get to do anything you want, you know,” I say, standing up.

  He groans loudly. “Cool,” he says. “I see how it is. So you’re just going to be in one your moods again. Fucking great.”

  “You know what? You’re a real asshole sometimes, Marshall. I think I’m going to take off. For good,” I say, feeling light headed. I need to be by myself. I need to get the fuck away from him for a while.

  “Great! I hope you leave. I hope we never even speak again,” he says.

  “Okay then,” I find myself reaching for his door handle. He walks after me and touches my arm. “Don’t you touch me,” I say, instinctually. “I need to leave. Now.”

  “Fine,” he relaxes his hands. He wasn’t going to hurt me. I know that. But I need to leave and he needs to let me. “Sorry,” he says.

  “Bye, Marshall,” I mutter, closing the door gently. Now begins the road to the end of life as I know it.


  “It’s the end of the world as we know it…” The radio wakes me up, blaring in my ears. “What the fuck?” I mutter, hitting it three times, until it finally shuts off.

  I slowly open my eyes and then every shitty fucking memory starts to flood back into my brain. All the things we said to each other last night. Vi… My Vi. Gone for good.

  I know I fucked up, but I don’t understand why she turns off all of the time. It’s like one second she’s into me, and the next, she hates my guts. I really don’t get it. But still, I shouldn’t have pressured her into anything. If she didn’t want to be close to me, I should understand. Women generally have their reasons. I’ve lived long enough to know that.

  Anyway, it’s probably for the best. This whole week is going to be huge for the department and I’m going to need to keep my head straight. I can’t keep letting women fuck with my thought process. I’ll end up losing my job.

  I glance over at the dresser in my closet. On the top is the woman’s pantyhose from the first crime scene. We know now that there’s a women involved and she’s one of the bank robbers. Who knows, maybe she’s the top girl in all of this. I laugh to myself as I walk up to the piece of fabric.

  It would be funny, I start to think wildly, if the girl involved was Vi. Virginia, the bank robber. That would be good. I mean, she’s tough enough. Still, I can’t imagine her holding a pistol, while telling everyone to get on the ground. I shake off the thought because it’s too imaginary. The woman who did this is hiding away, no doubt.

  She’s not stupid. Hence, the reason why she split up from the men. She knew there was something weird going on between them. The one constant in all of this is the lack of loyalty. Well, that’s how criminals tend to behave. It’s a selfish sport, really. And when the going gets tough, we see friends selling each other out all of the time. It’s pathetic.

  I get to the station in a hurry. I want this plea deal done and signed. He’s got 24 hours left on it, but I want him to know the consequences. This is a big fucking decision, alright.

  “He’s still mulling everything over,” Adam says, looking concerned. “He keeps saying he needs a lawyer. It never ends with this guy.”

  “A lawyer? Is he completely ignorant? The man robbed two banks and got caught red handed, with the cash in his hands. There’s no way a lawyer is going to get him less time,” I tell him.

  “He says his family’s got money. Says they have a family lawyer ready,” he tells me.

  “Shit,” I sigh, eying the coffee in the corner of the room. I walk over and pour myself a cup and think for a second. I need to wake up before I make any decisions. “Well, does his story check out? Who’s his family?”

  Adam frowns. “You know the Olington’s?” he asks me.

  “The tire people? Olington fucking tires?” I nearly spit out my coffee.

  “They do everything auto-related now,” Adam informs me.

  “Yeah, big fucking deal. They’ve got a small franchise,” I say. “So what?”

  “His direct family owns the company,” he says. “They’ve got a pretty damn good defense team over there.”

  “And they’re used to handling cases like these?” I ask. “Give me a fucking break.”

  He shrugs. “They’re used to the court circuit. They’ve got a lot of friends in this town. You know how far a couple of friends can get you in this city,” he says. “I wouldn’t shrug any of this off. It’s not sounding too good.”

  “A bank robber!” I s
cream, slamming my coffee mug against the wall. It shatters and coffee splatters across the paint. Everyone is staring at me. “A fucking bank robber! This is ludicrous. This is…”

  “Calm down, sir,” Adam says. Then, he lowers his voice and brings me over to the opposite corner of the room, waving at everyone to let everybody know that everything is okay. “Between you and me, the department is getting worried about you. They’re starting to say things.”

  “What kind of things? I’ve been with this department before you even knew you wanted to be a cop. How could they turn their backs on me?” I ask, with malice.

  “I didn’t say I was saying anything,” he says. “I just wanted to let you know because I am on your side. I want you to handle this case, but you can’t be having anymore outbursts like that or people are going to say some shit.”

  “Alright. Point taken,” I calm myself down. “What do you think we should do?”

  “We keep pressuring him. We start to ask deeper questions,” he says.

  “Alright. Well, I’m going in,” I tell him, walking ahead. I open the door and Adam follows me in, sighing loudly.

  “Good morning, Elroy,” I say. “How’s our favorite guy at the station doing today?”

  “I’m not talking to you.” He’s defiant already. I nearly turn red.

  “I hear you, man. I heard you had a change of heart,” I say. “But I need to ask you. Why?”

  “Because I’m no fool. I know who I am. I know what I’m worth. And that’s the biggest weapon I have right now. Knowing that I can get out without ratting out my friends can at least help me sleep at night,” he says.

  “That’s admirable. Real admirable,” I laugh. “It doesn’t change the fact that we have you on tape admitting guilt to a federal crime. You can’t escape that, brother. I’m sorry. You’re going to prison.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” he says, crossing his arms.

  He’s called our bluff, which is highly unusual. Usually, a criminal plays his role well. He knows he’s been caught and he takes the damn deal. But this guy has a small amount of power in this town, and in small towns, that means a lot. I need to start asking more poignant questions. I need to get the rest of the people involved. Once they’re all here, they’ll surely turn on each other.

  “Where’s the girl?” I ask him, straight up with no games attached. “Where is she?”

  “Who said there was a girl? No girl can rob a bank, man,” he says.

  “We chased down a female on a motorcycle,” Adam says. “We know that there’s one male and one female. Don’t bullshit us on that, Elroy.”

  “Alright, there’s a woman. Fine. I won’t say anything about that, except for the fact that she’s smart. She’s already outsmarted all of you fools,” he says.

  This hits me. I don’t know why, but it does. It means that she’s up to something big. I’m just not sure what that big thing is yet. “Outsmarted us? How?” I ask him.

  “I ain’t saying shit, man,” he smiles.

  “What the fuck are you saying, Elroy?” I ask again. “How is she outsmarting us? Where did she go? What is she up to?”

  “Fuck you.” He spits with full force at my face.

  Of course, I fucking lose it. I dive across the table, in an attempt to choke him out. Adam has to come in and defend me, while also defending that criminal. It’s all fucking messy and at the end of it, the whole squadron rushes in to break up the fight.

  The captain walks in, no sooner than two seconds after, and screams, “Marshall! You’re off the case. Get the hell out of this interrogation room and collect your things.”

  “Sir, he attacked me,” I say. “He spit directly at me. You saw him.”

  “Suspension. Three days. Get your things, Marshall. Did you fucking hear me?” he says, all in front of the criminal.

  “Get your things, Marshall,” Elroy laughs.

  I make one last struggle to get the guy, but it’s no use. They’ve got me held fucking down.

  “Alright,” I say. “Let me go. I’m getting my shit and going home.”

  The whole thing makes me sick.


  Ever since I met that woman, my life has gone to shit. It’s like she’s put a curse on me and is enjoying watching me fall. I’m hopeless, but this bottle of whiskey helps me deal with all of the bullshit that’s been flung in my direction. Fuck it all, I keep thinking.

  And then my phone rings. I glance down and I see her name. “Virginia.” Vi. God dammit. I answer the phone and mutter, “What do you want?” I’m bitter. I’m an asshole and the world should hate me. I’m going to make them hate me.

  “I’m just calling to check in on you,” she says. Her voice is soft and sweet. She sounds… nice.

  “Why you doing that?” I ask. “I thought you hated me.”

  “Marshall, I don’t hate you at all,” she says. “I just needed some space the other day.”

  “Fine,” I groan.

  “Anyway, I heard on the radio the other day that you got suspended,” she says. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know,” I mumble. “I guess we don’t have as much on the suspect as I thought.”

  “Uh, didn’t you catch him in the act of fleeing? Isn’t that enough?” she asks. I smile. My girl.

  “You’d think,” I laugh. “But turns out his family has some clout in this town. Wealthy. They most likely donated to the mayor’s campaign too. Anyway, he won’t take the deal. He won’t reveal anything about anyone. He’s lawyering up.”

  “Do you need anything?” she asks.

  Yeah. I need you. I need you to be here with me. I need to wrap my hands around that waist of yours and I need to kiss your sweet lips. I need to feel myself slip inside of you. I need to hear your heavy breathing as we move in oceanic rhythm. I need you now.

  “Want to come over? I could use some company,” I say.

  “I’ll be over in a half hour,” she says. “Stay put.” My Vi.

  She arrives at my doorstep in less than fifteen minutes and, boy, am I drunk. I open the door and she looks at me for a good 15 seconds before saying anything. Then, she bursts out laughing. “Are you joking, Marshall?”

  “Does it look like I’m joking?” I ask her, smiling a little. “Come on in, darling.”

  “Oh God, I could smell the whiskey from a mile away,” she says, walking inside. “Well, if you’re going to open your door this drunk, at least offer me a glass.”

  “No glasses here. Only bottles,” I say. “Tonight, we drink as if our sorrows depend upon it.”

  “But it’s just 4pm,” she smiles.

  “It’ll be night soon enough, my dear.” I grab the bottle and hand it to her. We both mechanically make our way to the couch and I sprawl myself out. To my surprise and delight, she lays across my lap and wraps her arms around me.

  “I’m sorry,” she says. “I know you’re going through a lot.”

  “Eh, it’s fine,” I say. “I know I can be a little hard to handle sometimes. I’m kind of a prick.”

  “You’re learning,” she laughs.

  “The thing I don’t understand is what he said to me,” I tell her. “He told us the woman involved has already begun manipulating us. I just don’t get it.”

  “He said that?” her eyes widen. “I wonder what he meant by that.”

  “I can’t get it out of my damn head,” I say. “It’s driving me crazy.”

  “Well, try and calm down. Here, let me help you,” she says. She runs her hands across my shoulders and squeezes gently. “You’re working too damn hard, Marshall. You need to take breaks every now and then.”

  She’s right. I am working too hard. I always have overworked myself and now it’s starting to wear on me. This job is too much with too little pay. What’s going to happen if I take those bandits down anyway? Nothing. Nothing at all. Will I get a bonus? Fuck no. Maybe a promotion. Maybe. I’ve done better in my years and they barely gave me a thank you. No, in this business
they give you a standing ovation and a pat on the back. Then they tell you to get back out there and keep at it. It’s all fine and dandy until you realize you’re older with nothing to show for it.

  I exhale all my problems and close my eyes. She runs her hands across my abs and I start to relax. Still, I can’t get what’s been bugging me out of my mind. I just can’t wrap my head around things. “Who is this woman?” I ask her as if she has all the answers. Of course, she has no idea. She’s more clueless on this thing than I am. “What is she up to?”

  Her hands get tense. “I wish I could help you,” she kisses my cheek and holds her lips there, breathing lightly. I feel my cock start to rise. I need her. Fuck, I need her.

  “You can help me,” I say.

  “How?” she asks, even if she already knows the answer. “What can I do for you?”

  “Help me open up,” I say, opening my eyes again. “I want to feel close to you again.”

  She climbs over me slowly until her ass is directly over me. She’s wearing a short silky dress and the view I have is perfect. Suddenly, I forget all of my troubles. They all wash the hell away. “There’s my girl,” I kiss her thigh and run my hand up her dress.

  She gives a hushed moan and bites her lip. She grabs my cock lightly and I feel her saliva fall across the tip. “Fuck,” I whisper. “I’ve missed your touch.”

  “Yeah, baby? Did you miss this?” she asks, swirling her tongue around the base like it’s a lollipop.

  “Yes, ma’am.” My eyes widen and my breath quickens. I kiss the curve of her thigh. I keep kissing until I can’t hold back any longer. When I feel her mouth open around my shaft, I suck on the edges of her lips. I lick up, meeting her clit, and I feel as she starts to let go.

  “You’re all I need,” I whisper, pushing myself deeper inside her. I feel the back of her throat grow wetter as she holds it open. “My dirty, filthy woman.”

  “I like it when you call me that,” she whispers, pushing her body off of mine. She walks over to my wall and puts two hands firmly across the center. “Now, show this dirty girl how you fuck.”


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