His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

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His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 68

by Kara Hart

  I write out, Yeah lol, but I erase it immediately. I get out of bed and make myself a cup of coffee. I set the phone down and decide to just forget the whole thing. By the time night hits, I won’t even care.

  I take a sip of coffee and sit down. My phone vibrates and I feel my heart race. I slam my hand over my phone and look at the text. I’m serious. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop thinking about you either.

  I feel weak. My body feels light and my heart’s racing. Who am I kidding? There’s no way I can forget the feeling of his warm body, sucking, scraping, and kissing every tender part of my body. I type out a reply. Sorry, I was in the shower. Last night was… hot.

  Hot. Yeah, I said it. But last night was so much more. It was perfection. The only thing that could have made it better would be to spend tonight doing the same thing.

  If Jennifer was here right now, she’d congratulate me, and say something like “Why aren’t you over there right now? What are you doing?”

  Should I listen to her voice over my shoulder? The old me would think that’s an awful idea. But now, I feel up to trying her advice. Who knows? Maybe it would lead me toward something good. Not that I’m even thinking about a longer road with Jackson. No, this is all just fun and games. I swear, it’s only a good time.

  You’re in the shower? Can I join? he asks me, my phone sliding across the table from its vibrations. I close my eyes and see him thrusting against me. My face starts to feel clammy. I’m blushing red, even though I’m alone. My heart is still the bane of my existence.

  The water is still hot. It’s practically scorching my ass, I type out. I click send and feel my pussy tingle with excitement. My throat starts to tighten and the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

  You’re making me go crazy, he texts. A few seconds later, he texts me again. My cock is so hard it hurts. And then a third text. This time it’s a picture. He’s naked and his skin is glistening. He has a towel over half of his hard cock and the fabric just hangs over it. I hate to admit that I’m actually salivating looking at it.

  Man. You want to spread these lips bad, don’t you? Tell me how bad you need it, I say back, the sheer naughtiness of my words making me squirm.

  I do. I’m dying for it. You have no idea. I can’t sleep. I can’t play ball. I’m letting everyone down and it’s all because of your pussy, he says.

  I start laughing uncontrollably when I see this. Still, at the same time, I love reading those words. It’s exhilarating. It feels like life has begun again. Shit, though. Things never end well when they feel this good and I tend to make this mistake a lot. I’m aware of the consequences.

  Crawl over here, boy, I text him back with a winking face.

  I drink a glass of wine and pour a hot bath, dipping my toes into the hot water and I’m forced to jump back out because it’s so hot. Finally, I get my knees in and wait for him. My door is unlocked. My body is shaking with anticipation. This is so bad. I can’t believe I’m doing it.

  The door creaks open and I hear his heavy footsteps coming toward the bathroom door. It pushes open much faster than I expected and he’s standing there, wearing no clothes, stroking his enormous cock. He’s got his signature, cocky smile on and he knows he’s about to get some ass.

  He walks forward and I turn and press my hands against the tile wall of my shower. He reaches out halfway and grabs my ass, slapping it lightly. I close my eyes and moan, feeling the urge for him swell up inside of me.

  “Miss me?” he asks.

  “Yes, Jackson,” I moan. “I’m a happy woman, now that you’re here.”

  He loves hearing that. Any kind of praise or encouragement gets him off. “You’re the best,” I tell him, and he smacks my ass harder.

  “Quit telling me what I want to hear,” he says. “I want you. I’ve been going insane over you. And yes, I blame you for the mess I’m in.”

  I smile and turn my head, narrowing my eyes. “Well, then. What’re you waiting for? Aren’t you going to punish me?”

  His grin falls short, turning into a slight grimace. His eyes are dark and serious. He steps inside the bath tub and his hands slide down, between my legs. He cups his fingers around my lips and softly presses upward, slowly inserting a finger, using the rest to spread my lips outward. His cock presses softly against the top of my ass and I exhale sharply, unable to contain myself.

  “Fuck me,” I reiterate. “Fuck the life out of me, football star.”

  He smiles and grabs the back of my hair, pulling downward. I sigh and arch my back out further, pressing my cheeks against his cock. I push up and down, massaging against his shaft. I can feel him grow as I push my hips from side to side.

  He pulls my hair down further until I’m on my knees in the bathtub, ass sticking out from the water. My nipples press lightly against the water when he says, “Listen to me very carefully. I want you to do everything I say. By the end of this, I want you to make this cock yours.”

  “Yes, Jackson.” I spread my cheeks and feel the head of his cock touch my lips, teasing me. He pushes his body forward and his arms come over me, wrapping around my chest, hands against my tits. He squeezes gently, thrusting forward. His breath is slow and steady. He knows he can take every bit of me and get away with it. I push back until his cock disappears inside of me, and he groans deep and irrational.

  He kisses my neck, and starts to thrust more powerfully inside of me. One hand falls to my hip, gently guiding each motion. I lift the front of my body and push back against him, until I’m sitting on his lap, his cock deep inside. I place my hands on his muscular thighs and bounce up and down. He kisses the top of my back, near my neck, and I move faster, rocking my hips back and forth.

  I feel myself letting go, the water rocking in unison around us. He thrusts upward and my pussy slides around him with ease. One more thrust and I’m sent spiraling. I grind my clit against him, pushing his cock deeper inside me. He fills me to the brim and I find myself screaming along to his sudden groans and grunts.

  I cum, and I cum hard. I grab every bit of flesh I can and I press against him, arching my back out. My body spasms in a confusing rhythm and the feeling of extreme euphoria rushes over me. Suddenly, joy is within my every fiber. “Your cock is perfect,” I manage to say between breaths.

  He spins me around and places me back on his lap. I throw my thighs around his chest, sitting down on his cock. He thrusts upward and grabs me close. “Look into my eyes,” he says. I do and he doesn’t stop staring. He wipes a piece of hair from my eyes and kisses me, pulling back on my lips. “I think I want to fuck you forever,” he says, smiling.

  He lifts my tits against his mouth and slides his tongue around my nipples. He drains the bathtub as he fucks me, pressing my back against the shower wall. He lifts me up until I’m holding onto him, his hands gripping my ass.

  He’s still holding me as he steps out of the shower before placing me on the bathroom sink. He holds my legs out and I feel my heart beating again, water dripping down my body onto the floor. He runs his hand against the porcelain sink, sliding closer until he reaches the core of my body. He holds my pussy like it’s his, rubbing his index finger against my clit. His finger slides inside me and I scoot closer toward him, my back against the mirror.

  “Spread that pussy for me,” he says, and of course I do.

  “Give me your cum,” I tell him.

  “Shut up,” he says, smiling again. He places one hand over my mouth and the other around my neck, squeezing lightly, but not hard enough to feel any pain.

  I grab his hand off my mouth and whisper. “Harder.”

  He squeezes my throat and I nod up and down. “Fiona Breckinridge, you’re one kinky woman,” he says and I simply nod at him, opening my mouth slightly.

  His cock replaces his fingers inside of me and his pupils expand. His body goes rigid and he fucks me like he owns me, kissing my thighs while my body bangs against the glass. Hearing that, he looks at me with a sudden concern in his eyes. “Hard
er,” I tell him.

  He throws his hand over my mouth again, closing his grip tighter around my neck, and I smile as I feel him get harder inside of me. He buries himself within me only a few more times before he’s shooting inside me.

  He falls forward and we passionately make out for a few minutes, still riding high. I grab his face and look at his chiseled jaw and cocky eyelashes. Don’t ask me how they’re cocky, they just are. We pull back from each other and I laugh.

  “What the hell is so funny this time?” he asks me. “I’m pretty sure I saw you squirming back there.”

  “I did a little squirming. You’re right,” I laugh. “I just can’t believe all that just happened.”

  He falls forward and kisses my thighs. I fidget away from him, but he grabs me takes me into the bedroom, pushing my body flat against the bed. “Believe it,” he says, wrapping his tongue around my clit. He sucks making my toes curl and gives me a smile that makes my heart jump in a funny way. “Believe it.”

  “I believe, I believe!” I squeal.

  Tonight, he’s spending the night. I already know how this one’s going to end. We’ve already drank enough wine for five people and we’re falling over the place. It’s not good and I don’t even want to know how this looks. We’re playing football in the back yard and I’m on all fours, on the grass.

  “That’s not exactly the position,” he says, falling underneath me with the football. He grabs the ball and kisses me. “But I like seeing you like that.”

  “Oh you do?” I ask him. He grabs my legs and I fall on top of him, laughing. If someone were to find out about this… If Joseph was to find out about this, I’d lose my job. How dumb am I? Turns out, pretty dumb sometimes.

  “You know I do,” he says, smacking my ass.

  We make our way back into my room, drink some more wine, and fall into bed. He offers to eat me out again because he’s a filthy animal and says he “can’t live without my taste in his mouth.” I’m not sure if I should be flattered or not, but in the end I take it as a compliment.

  We fall asleep like drunken messes and I wake up a little later with his hand firmly gripping my butt. “I love this,” he murmurs as he falls back asleep. I love this. Oh. There’s that word. The dreaded l-word, love.

  I don’t say a word. I just close my eyes and hope he forgets what he just said. When I wake up again, he’s hard as a rock. He leans over and kisses me, pressing his cock against me. Of course, I’m wet. I can’t even control myself at this point. Looking at that gun he’s packing makes me go insane.

  I wrap my legs around him without thinking and he fucks my brains out, again. He tries for a second round, but I’m forced to push him away. “I have to go to the office today,” I tell him, swatting his hands away. “Plus, I think we need to take a little break.”

  He falls against the bed cushions and sighs loudly. “A break? What? Why?” So many questions all at once.

  “Um,” I close my eyes and feel my muscles tense up. Why? I suddenly don’t know why. I look at him with his perfect body and peak strength, and I suddenly forget why a break would be beneficial for anyone in the world right now. “Because my company works for your team. It’s unethical.”

  He laughs loudly and grabs at the wine bottle, taking a few sips. He spills some of the dark red liquid on his chest and laughs some more, shrugging. “Fuck being ethical then,” he says.

  I fall across the bed again and groan. “Ugh! I know. No one is ethical. Not really. But we could get caught and I do not need that in my life right now. Seriously, Jackson.” I grow tense and serious and, still, he laughs at me.

  “Well, fine. You can take a break. I’ll work overtime for you. Your pussy means that much to me,” he says. He smiles wide and rolls over, pulling me against him.

  “Don’t make me barf,” I say, rolling my eyes. “But if you need to do that, go right ahead. You won’t get me playing those games.”

  “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’ll give up,” he says. “I’m always up for a challenge.”

  “Good God,” I sigh. “I really am fucked, aren’t I? Something has changed inside of you hasn’t it? What have I done?”

  He lets go of me and sits up. “Nah. Same old dickhead,” he says. “But I’m sort of obsessed with your ass right now. Sorry. It happens. I’ll get over it someday.”

  “That’s appropriate,” I tell him, smiling. “just don’t let it affect your game. If it does, we’ll be both out of a job.”

  He rubs his hand over his eyes and his smile suddenly fades away. “What?” I ask him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I sort of threw a punch at a teammate yesterday. Landon,” he says, tensing up. “But, fuck it. He deserved it.”

  I feel disappointment flow through my body. My whole body stiffens before I have the nerve to speak. “You punched a teammate? Come on, Jackson. We talked about this.”

  “Don’t be disappointed,” he reassures me. “Everything is fine. It’s all taken care of. I got the day off to let off some steam.”

  “So you came here to fuck my brains out. That’s letting off some steam?” I ask him, grabbing my clothes.

  “Yeah, actually,” he smiles. “There’s nothing that could make me feel as good as you have lately.”

  “Okay.” I sigh. “You can’t say things like that. It makes me feel weird. It makes me—”

  “It makes you wet, doesn’t it?” he asks, reaching between my legs. I push away from him, laughing.

  “A little, but that doesn’t mean you’re right!” I say, standing my ground.

  “I’ll be good. I promise,” he says. Do I believe him? “I’m an idiot who makes mistakes sometimes. It’s not the end of the world. We’re going to crush the next game and then the game after that too. I’m going to take us to the Championships, baby.”

  I tap a finger against his abs. “Don’t let me down. You’ve been on my good side lately. You don’t want to see my bad side.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He salutes, kissing me.

  When he leaves, the house is quiet, except for the branches that tap against my window. I hug my pillow and curl my legs around it. I’m in too deep, aren’t I? I told him we couldn’t be together, but how are we supposed to contain this now that it’s gotten so out of hand?

  I fall asleep to dreams of him. Odd dreams. Dreams where we’re walking together and we’re old. And when I wake up in the middle of the night, dying for a glass of water, I realize just how stuck he is in my mind. I’ve got to keep my distance. I can’t let myself fall any further.


  She looks into my eyes and tells me we shouldn’t keep up what we’ve been doing. The woman just can’t handle me, she says to me. She can’t handle fucking me so much and if we continue, she’ll never be able to resist me. It’s not exactly the worst thing a girl can tell a guy.

  Still, I get the picture. This is bad news. I’m bad news. This is always how I’m perceived. Back when I was a kid, people always thought of me as the good kid. Now, people either scoff at me or hide their eyes.

  It’s not hopeless, however. In the end, I’m still going to win at this. It’s like I said to her: I don’t give up and I love a challenge. And right now, I have bigger fish to fry. I gotta make up with Landon and Coach first.

  I actually first head to the local bar, grab a Rainier and down it. I don’t aim to meet anyone today. The reason I’m out is purely to wind down, away from people. Except my whole fucking team walks in through the doors and I’m forced to reevaluate some things.

  First of all, where was my invitation? If there’s a team function, I’m usually the first to know. I’m the first to grab shots for everyone and I’m always the person to give a toast. Instead, I’m in the damn corner, drinking a warm beer all by myself. It’s just as I suspected. The team has some weird shit against me now. Makes sense, I guess.

  Landon walks in last and throws his hands against the bar loudly. He orders shots for everyone and doesn’t even look my way. He tak
es the shot, orders another round, and proceeds to jump on top of the bar. He grabs another shot glass and raises it high in the air. Someone yells up to him. “Speech! Give us a speech!”

  “I was never one for speeches,” he says. “So all I have to say is fuck you, and drink up!”

  I shake my head and attempt to leave. I’m halfway out the door before I lose it. It’s like I’m not even on the team anymore. I turn back around and head to the bar. “What’s the word?” I ask, slamming down my arms against the bar loudly. My palms clap against the wood and Landon jumps out of surprise.

  “What’re you doing here?” he asks coldly. I take a shot from his limp hand and down it back. I sigh loudly and smile.

  “Just came to get a drink. I’m allowed to do that, right? This is, after all, my favorite place to drink,” I reason. I’m not out for blood. I just want to make myself clear. All that Landon and I had in our friendship is now shattering before my very eyes.

  I look into his light blue eyes and spit onto the floor next to his shoes. He jumps back, throwing his arm behind him. He lands a solid punch against my jaw and I fall back with a wince. I shake it off and keep my smile on him, taunting him every chance I get.

  The whole team at this point has surrounded me. They’re yelling this and yelling that. It’s funny, actually. In a moment of crisis, everything tends to blackout. It’s like I’ve found my special place. The place where everything slows down before speeding right back up. I close my eyes and wait for the right cue.

  Someone behind me whispers, “Bro, don’t do it. Don’t swing back. Landon is just trying to work you up, so you can’t play in the next games. He wants to take the Championship from you.”

  It sounds like Loke’s voice, but I can’t be too sure. Either way I spin it, it’s not anyone’s championship but our championship together. There’s no one road to glory. Still, the thought of Landon holding that trophy up to a crowd of 100,000 people makes me sick to my stomach.

  He swings at me again, hitting me in the upper cheek this time. I’m less mad about the pain than I am about him fucking up my face before practice the next day. I push my body off of the bar and throw my hands up.


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