The Wreck of the Red Bird: A Story of the Carolina Coast

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The Wreck of the Red Bird: A Story of the Carolina Coast Page 3

by George Cary Eggleston



  To say that Ned was surprised is to describe his feeling very mildly.Knowing his uncle's easy, indolent mode of life, his contentment withhome, his lazy love of books and pipes and ease generally, Ned would assoon have expected to hear that the organ in the little church had goneoff summering, as to learn that his uncle and aunt were travelling.

  The other boys were in consternation.

  "What on earth shall we do?" asked Jack Farnsworth.

  "Better eat supper, fust an' fo'most," replied Maum Sally, whose theoryof life consisted of a profound conviction that the important thing tobe done was to eat an abundance of good food, well-cooked.

  "That's so," said Ned. "We can't bring my uncle back by neglecting oursupper, but we can let the coffee get cold, and that would be a pity.Let's eat now while the things are hot."

  "Yes," replied Charley Black, "that's all right, but after that?"

  "Why, after that we'll try the joggling boards."

  "But, Ned," remonstrated Charley, "this won't do. Your uncle has goneaway, and the house is shut up and so we can't stay here. Now, I movethat you go back to Aiken with us."

  "Not a bit of it," answered Ned. "I've visited at your house and atJack's, and now you're my guests. Do you think I've 'forgot my manners,'as Maum Sally says?"

  "But, Ned," said Jack, "you see the situation has changed since westarted to go home with you. You can't go home, and now you can't stayhere."

  "Can't I though?" asked Ned; "and why not? I know a way into the house,and if you'll stay where you are for five minutes, I'll have the bigdoors unbarred and invite you in."

  With that Ned stepped upon the piazza railing, caught a timber above,and easily swung himself up to the roof of the porch. Thence he made hisway quickly to a round window in the garret--the house was only onestory high, with a high garret story for the protection of the roomsfrom the heat of the sun. Pushing open this round window he sprang in,descended the stairs, and a moment later the boys heard him taking downthe wooden bar which kept the great double doors fast. Then drawing thebolts at top and bottom, he swung the doors open without difficulty.

  "Come in, boys," he cried. "I'll open the doors at the other side, andwe'll have a breeze through the hall."

  "But I say, old fellow," said Charley, "I don't like this. What willyour uncle think of us for making free with his house in this way?"

  "What, Uncle Edward? Why, he wouldn't ask how we got in if he were toget home now. He never troubles himself, and he's the best uncle in theworld; so is Aunt Helen, or, I should say, she is the best aunt. And,besides, I tell you, this isn't Uncle Edward's house. It's my father's,and all the furniture is his too. Uncle Edward lives here just becausehe likes it here, and because father likes to have him here. But thehouse is ours, and sometimes we all come here without warning, and stayfor months. It don't make any difference, except that more plates areput on the table. Every thing goes on just the same, and if Uncle Edwardwere to come in now he would hardly remember that we weren't here whenhe went away. So make yourselves easy. You're in my home just as much asif we were in Savannah, and there's nobody here to be bothered by ourfun. We'll stay here and fish and row and bathe, and have a jolly time.The servants have all gone away, I suppose, except Maum Sally, butshe'll take good care of us. You see, I'm her special pet. She hasthought it her duty to coddle me and scold me and regulate me generallyever since I was born, and she likes nothing better. So come on out hereand I'll introduce you unfortunate up-country boys to that greatest ofhuman inventions, a joggling board. There are four or five of them onthe front piazza."

  This hospitable harangue satisfied the scruples of the boys, and thehouse was so pleasant, with its large, high rooms, wide hall, and broadpiazzas--one of which looked out over the water,--the grounds were sotasteful, the trees so large and fine, and the whole aspect of Blufftonwas so quiet and restful, that they were glad to settle themselvescontentedly after their long tramp from the railroad at Hardeeville.

  "The best way to get acquainted with a joggling board," said Ned,approaching a queer-looking structure on the piazza, "is to get on it.Try it and see, Charley. Don't be afraid. It won't turn over, and itcan't break down. There," as Charley seated himself upon the board, "liedown now, and move almost any muscle you please the least bit in theworld, and you'll understand what the thing is for."

  "Oh! isn't it jolly!" exclaimed Charley, as the board began to swaygently under him and the breeze from the sea fanned him.

  "It is all of that," replied Ned. "I'll get some pillows as soon as Iget Jack to risk his precious neck on a board, and then we'll all becomfortable, like clams at high-tide. Jump up, Jack; it won't tip over.Now swing your legs up and lie down. There, how's that?"

  Jack gave a sigh of satisfaction, while Ned ran into the house for sofapillows. The three boys, tired as they were, soon ceased to talk, andfell asleep to the gentle swaying of the joggling boards.


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