SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 1

by Lynn Faye

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  WARNING: This eBook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This eBook is for sale to adults ONLY.

  Please ensure this eBook is stored somewhere that cannot be accessed by underage readers.

   Copyright 2017 - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Personal Note

  Hey gorgeous, thank you for your interest in my book! It’s passionate readers like you that allow me to live my dream and write books – this wouldn’t be possible without you!

  I have included some extras to show you my gratitude, be sure to check them out!

  With love,



  Seal of Approval


  The Storm Romance Series

  Preview of “The Billionaire’s Fake Marriage”

  About the Authors

  SEAL of Approval

  A Billionaire Brother in Law Seal Romance

  Lynn Faye

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Special Invitation fom Lynn and Sarah

  Dear reader, thanks for reading our book! Be sure to join our newsletters to never miss a new release – plus, we have gifts for you! ;-)

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  See you on the other side!

  With love and talk soon,

  Lynn & Sarah

  Copyright © 2017 by Lynn Faye & Sarah J. Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah J. Brooks

  Prologue –

  Andrew Broderick’s last wishes

  I’m dying and I know my death will cause turmoil in many ways. My wife, my beautiful wife has endured so much. I love her with all my heart… just not the way she deserves.

  I pull open the drawer of my desk in the study and write a letter to Kristen. She means the world to me. She will get this letter only six months after my death. She has been the best thing that has happened to me and I do not regret being with her for one second.

  My Dear Kristen,

  I know you loved before me, but the devotion you’ve shown to me has been the strength I needed to endure this curse I have upon me. I say curse because there is no cure for what I have. You have taken care of me the best that you can.

  I know you are angry with me for what I did to you and my brother, but I had no choice. You will come to know what I did was the best thing as you will face many trials in my absence.

  Please forgive me for what I did you to… the many things you had to endure. This is my last wish from you, my darling. Even if you cannot forgive me, find your true happiness with the man you loved before me. I know he’s buried in your heart as I can see the way you look at him when he is near you.

  My only regret is that I could not love you the way you so deserved. Thank you for being my wife, you brought me happiness. You are a true hero.

  All my love,


  I pick up the letter and fold it in three, then place it in an envelope addressed to her. Taking a deep breath, I look around my study. My heart breaks, knowing the lie I have lived. However, this lie will die with me. I know Kristen will protect me even in death. She’d proved her loyalty to me so many times. I trust only her. I have caused her so much pain, yet she stood by me.

  I rise from my chair and look around one last time, then picked up the letter. I pause at the door for a minute before turning out the lights. This is the last goodbye.

  Chapter 1

  Kristen’s head throbbed from the words rolling off her mother-in-law’s tongue. The woman’s crisp tone seemed to cut through her ear canal, lodging deep inside her brain. Kristen closed her eyes as Helen continued her tirade. Listening to it made the pounding in her temples increase; the urge to slap the older woman was intense, and Kristen started counting from ten backwards.

  They were at the Norfolk County Family Court building awaiting a hearing of parental competence. She’d done nothing that would warrant this hearing. This was the doing of her late husband’s parents in a bid to take away her child… her only child. Kristen was no pushover and she was ready to fight to the death if needed.

  Helen Broderick continued her prattle as Kristen swallowed the tempestuous words lingering on her tongue. She had never spoken badly to her parents-in-law, but since they threatened to take her child away, she had had enough. Biting her tongue, she folded her fists at her sides and ground her teeth together.

  “You were never good enough for my son and I will not allow you to raise his daughter,” Helen declared for the umpteenth time.

  Kristen opened her eyes and stared into Helen’s icy titanium pools. They held each other’s gaze for a moment before Kristen made a step forward. It was as though she’d lost all her senses in that moment and her nostrils flared as if they were emitting steam. She was within a few inches from Helen when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her up hard against what felt like a human wall.

  Trying to shrug off her captor was futile. The grip tightened and she shifted her focus from her nemesis to whoever was manhandling her. Cerulean blue eyes stared down at her. Sandy blond hair, once short and now fully-grown, fell carelessly about broad shoulders.

  Ethan? Kristen’s mind went blank for a moment trying to assimilate the situation.

  This was her brother-in-law, whom she hadn’t seen in the six months since her husband passed away. He was pulling her down the passage, away from his mother. Gritting her teeth, she tried to wrest away from his vice-grip but she knew she would lose. Those damn muscular arms were stronger than a ten-ton ox. She’d seen him break bricks in training and knew if she didn’t stop struggling he’d perhaps break her arm.

  However, Kristen was not thinking clearly. She wanted to scratch
Helen’s eyes out. She skidded to a stop and planted her feet firmly, refusing to be dragged away like a sack of dirty clothes. His scowl deepened as his eyes continued drilling into hers. She’d learned long ago that these exchanges between them would not end well for her, but she continued sending bullets his way. She decided to ignore her super flushed skin and the way her heart was racing at a zillion beats per second. Her nostrils flared wider and her breathing sharper.

  Something had to be said and the first thing that came out of her mouth between gasps for air was, “What the hell are you doing?”

  It wasn’t really a question and she didn’t expect an answer. Her voice was as venomous as she’d intended and she saw a flicker cross his face. Ethan was still gripping her arm, his long, strong fingers biting into her flesh. She needed him to set her free.

  “Saving your sorry ass,” he growled.

  She remembered the voice well. That commanding tone that made people fell in line. Well, this was not the Navy and she was not his subordinate. She shot darts at him with her amber stare.

  “I never asked for your help. Now let go of me!”

  His hand dropped as he sneered, “Gladly.”

  Kristen’s arm smarted where he’d gripped her and she reached a hand up to rub it. They glared at each other as she struggled to steady her breathing. In the scuffle, if one could call it that, her hair was shaken loose from the pins which held it in place. Annoyed that he’d ruffled her feathers, she picked the pins out and smooth her thick, dark tresses. Once the pins were out, it fell about ten inches below her shoulders.

  “How dare you manhandle me?”

  “You were about to make a huge mistake. Don’t you know your mother-in-law? How could you think of confronting her here at the courthouse?”

  “What do you care anyway?”

  “Like it or not, I am Hailey’s uncle. I know my mother isn’t the loving grandmother she makes out to be. She’s just doing this to spite you because she blames you for Andrew’s death.”

  Kristen hated to admit it, but he was right. She let out a breath, blowing a wisp of dark hair from her eyes. “You’re right,” she admitted. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  In her ire, she completely forgot where she was and why she was there. Helen always brought out the worst in her. Now, she almost lost her chance to prove to the judge that she was more than capable of taking care of her own daughter. Hailey was the only thing in her life worth fighting for. Kristen would be damned if she would allow Helen to win.

  The hallway in front of the courtroom started filling up with people. Kristen took several deep breaths and smoothed her pencil skirt, which hugged her hourglass curves. A man in a dark gray suit with a briefcase approached. It was her lawyer Mark Rickards. Forcing a smile, she moved to meet him.

  “You ready?” he asked and she nodded. Looking at the man just behind her, he further inquired, “Relative?”

  “Forget about him, he’s my brother-in-law.”

  “For a minute, I thought he was on your side.”

  “What gave you that idea?”

  “Just the way you two were looking at each other.”

  Kristen snickered. “Yeah, if looks could only kill.”

  Mark chuckled and led her through the courtroom door. Apparently, while she was busy arguing with Ethan, the case number was called. Kristen pursed her lips as she took her chair beside her lawyer.

  Mark leaned toward her, speaking softly, “Just relax and let me handle this. They can’t take your child without reason.”

  In response, she slowly nodded and relaxed her shoulders. To their right, her mother-in-law scowled at her. The tension between them was palpable as they sent silent messages to each other. She’d half expected to see Harold Broderick, her father-in-law at the courthouse. He’d never treated her unkindly, but Helen was persuasive and Kristen had expected her mother-in-law to convince him to join her.

  Beside Helen was Mr. Brown, a lawyer famous for his television appearances. He was known to be a courtroom shark, winning most of his cases. Kristen feared that Mark would not be able to outwit such a man.

  “Don’t look at her. It will only upset you,” Mark advised.

  Kristen reluctantly shifted her gaze. At that moment, the bailiff announced the entry of the judge and asked that everyone stand.

  Judge Byron Lorde entered and Kristen’s eyes unwittingly caught Helen’s smile. The smug look on the woman’s face told her something was aMiss. It seemed that this was all pre-arranged and would ensure her defeat. The headache from earlier resurfaced and Kristen reached a hand up to massage her temple.

  “Relax, you look like you’re about to faint,” she heard Mark mutter in her ear.

  “I feel like I’m about to pass out. Did you see the look on her face when the judge walked in?”

  “I told you not to look at her.”

  “I couldn’t help it.”

  They all sat back down and waited for the hearing to begin. And the headache got worse. Kristen’s palms became sweaty and nausea rose to her mouth. She was so rattled that she did not hear the judge ask the bailiff to brief him on the docket. It was when her lawyer stood and began speaking that she realized the proceedings had begun.

  “Your Honor, my client has been an exceptional mother and a good wife. I see no reason why she should be forced to give up her parental rights,” Mark stated.

  The plaintiff’s lawyer stood and addressed the judge, “Your Honor, Miss Martinez…”

  “Objection,” Mark interrupted. “My client did not divorce her husband. She was still happily married to Mr. Broderick when he passed away and retains his name. It is disrespectful to refer to her as though they were never married, Your Honor.”

  Judge Lorde held up his hand. “May I remind you, Mr. Rickards, that this is not a trial but a civil hearing,” he said then looked at the other lawyer. “Mr. Brown, he’s right. Keep it respectful.”

  “Yes, Your Honor.”

  “Continue,” The judge ordered.

  Mr. Brown’s mouth tightened, showing his displeasure at being reprimanded. He continued his argument while Helen’s face hardened and her stare frozen. Kristen trained her eyes on the lawyer as he resumed.

  “As I was saying Your Honor, Mrs. Broderick here has no money, no job, and no means with which to support her daughter.”

  Mark stood once more. “Your Honor, my client’s husband not only left a will in which he gave his wife a tidy sum, but he also left a trust fund for his daughter.”

  Mr. Brown picked up a piece of paper from the desk and handed it to the judge. “We are contesting the will, Your Honor.”

  Judge Lorde scanned the document and raised a brow. “On what grounds are you contesting this?”

  “Well, the parents feel…” Mr. Brown fumbled.

  “They were married for how long?” the judge cut him off.

  “Eight years, Your Honor,” Mark offered.

  Helen stood. “Your Honor, may I speak?”

  “Go ahead, Mrs. Broderick.”

  “My son was very unhappy and she only married him for his money.”

  “That’s not true!” Kristen jumped to her feet. “He was not unhappy, not with me, anyway.”

  Helen’s lips twisted and her face hardened. “She is the reason my son went to an early grave. She killed my son!”

  “That’s preposterous, Your Honor. How can you allow her to make such a claim?” Mark chimed in.

  “Mrs. Broderick, calm down,” the judge cajoled. “We all know you miss your son, but blaming his wife won’t bring him back. We are here to determine whether or not your granddaughter will be raised in a stable environment and whether her mother is capable of caring for her.”

  Helen stiffly sat back in her seat, her chin raised in defiance. Kristen watched her from the corner of her eyes. The woman’s usually coiffured blond hair was slightly out of place. Her crow’s feet seemed to have deepened since the start of the session. Kristen chortled to herself. It was rare
that anything could rattle Helen, this seemed to be one occasion.

  The judge began speaking again and all eyes turned to him. “I see no reason to declare the defendant incapable of caring for the child financially. However, to foster a stable environment I am giving the Mrs. Kristen Broderick three months to find herself a new husband. We will return to the matter three months from today for an update.”

  “Your Honor,” Mark said, jumping to his feet. “Isn’t that a little extreme?”

  “Getting married is not extreme in my opinion, Mr. Rickards,” the judge replied.

  “But she isn’t even dating, your honor.”

  “Then maybe she should start right after this session ends.”

  “Your honor,” Mark continued to protest, but Judge Lorde held his hand up.

  “Let me finish, Mr. Rickards,” the judge said in a stern tone. “Now have a seat.” His eyes settled on Kristen. “Mrs. Kristen Broderick, I’m giving you a chance to prove that you are willing to do anything to keep your daughter. You may be equipped to care for her, but you must admit that her grandparents can provide far more than you can. When their son passed away, they felt that they had the right to care for his only child. I know a mother’s rights come first. Nevertheless, I have to make a decision based on what I think is best for your daughter.”

  Kristen stood, her eyes pleading with the judge. “Your Honor, please. How am I to marry in three months?”

  The judge seemed to ignore the question. “In the meantime, your daughter will remain in the custody of her grandparents in order to get to know them better.”


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