SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 4

by Lynn Faye

  After the incident last night, she spent some time researching the disorder and found that many Veterans committed suicide due to not getting adequate treatment. Some veterans could not find jobs after returning home and ended up on the streets. The health insurance for life from the Veteran’s Administration caused nothing but problems. A part of her was glad she didn’t insist on him leaving. She’d hate for anything to happen to him out there. She’d found the name of a psychiatrist she thought he could talk to, but knowing Ethan, he’d probably refuse.

  She was done with the bunny and headed up the stairs when the front door opened and Ethan sauntered in. That was strange. All this time she thought he was in his room.

  “Where have you been?” she asked, retreating her steps. “Do you know how worried I’ve been?”


  Ethan halted in the living room while Kristen bounded down the stairs. He’d just came back from a jog when she was apparently headed upstairs. As he opened the door, she turned in the middle of the staircase, saw him and came after him.

  “Where have you been?” she asked, her voice sharp. “Do you know how worried I’ve been?”

  “You can stop now. You don’t need to pretend anymore,” he replied, trying to past her.

  She grabbed his arm and pulled him back. With narrowed eyes, he looked down at her hand on his triceps. She saw the look and dropped her hand, but her touch left a tingle behind. “What do you mean, pretend?” she demanded.

  “Look, you don’t want to marry me that’s fine, but I can’t deal with you being nice one minute and mean the next,” he said. “I’ll be out of your hair anyway. I’m leaving.”

  “What?” she frowned. “You’re running away?”

  Ethan turned to face her fully. He couldn’t understand what she was talking about. He searched her eyes and got nothing. “What do you mean by that?” he asked.

  “You’re leaving, just like that? I thought you said we needed each other.”

  He scrunched his face and narrowed his eyes, trying to figure her out. “And you said something along the lines of you not needing me, remember?”

  She shuffled. “Well, that doesn’t mean you should just leave. At least stick around for a while.”

  Suspicion began to worm its way into his mind and he wondered what her game was. “What’s going on, Kristen.”

  “Okay, I need you, for today. Join me for lunch with Helen and Hailey.”

  “No, it’s more than that. What are you up to?”

  She moved to the window overlooking the front lawn. Something seemed to be on her mind and Ethan waited to hear it. “I think you need to talk to someone,” she said.

  He moved to the sofa and sat. “What are you talking about?”

  Coming to sit beside him, she handed him a piece of paper. “She’s very good. I think she can help you.”

  Taking the paper, he noted a telephone number and a name scrawled below it. Below the name was the word ‘psychiatrist.’ “What the f… a shrink?”

  “Your nightmare could be as a result of PSTD.”

  Ethan stood, crumpling the paper. “You want to get rid of me that badly? I’ve been here two days and you’re ready to assume something you know nothing about?” he began to move away.

  “Ethan, wait!”

  “No.” He paused. “I get it. I knew we didn’t get along, but I didn’t know you hated me this much.”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “Well, you sure act like it. You yourself told me so just yesterday.”

  “You know I didn’t mean it,” she replied in a quiet tone. “Besides, you’re the one who told me that you’ve been having these recurring nightmares.”

  “And I also told you they were nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Ethan, please…” she said but he was still too upset to listen.

  “No, I won’t see your shrink. Enjoy your lunch. I’ll be gone when you get back.”

  There was no way he was seeing a damn shrink. He’d received a recommendation to see the Navy’s psychiatrist about the same thing and had refused. Why was everyone quick to label him as crazy?


  Kristen didn’t like the way the conversation was going. Ethan threatening to leave did not sit well with her. Despite her denial, deep down she cared what happened to him. She told herself he was Andrew’s brother, and that was the reason for her concern.

  Before she knew where her thoughts were leading, she was speaking, surprising even her own self. She couldn’t stop it even if she tried. “I’ll compromise with you, but don’t leave,” she said.

  “What are you gabbing about now?” he growled, obviously irritated with her.

  “You talk to the shrink once and I’ll consider marrying you.”


  She was confused. “You were the one who said we should.”

  “Yes, I suggested we should. But I won’t have a shrink probing around in my mind.”

  “What do you want, a promise?”

  “No, you marry me first and then I consider seeing this shrink of yours,” he said, opening his palm with the crumpled paper and smoothing it. “Why do you suddenly care anyway?”

  That question made her heart lurch. There were things no one knew or understood and Kristen was set on keeping them hidden. Maybe someday Ethan would learn the truth but for now, all she needed was to make sure he was okay. Her conscience would not allow it any other way. She needed to make sure he got the best psychological help he needed for his sake as well as hers.

  “A child is involved and I won’t have you putting her at risk. Do you really want to be Hailey’s guardian not knowing if something is wrong? Shouldn’t you at least take care of yourself before putting our… I mean my daughter at risk?”

  The look on his face told her that he knew what she said was true. He walked a few paces, then returned. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you have to sign to it. I don’t want you changing your mind after I see this person.”

  “Fine. I’ll draw up the contract later,” she agreed. “I’m running late.”

  “Kiss Hailey for me.”

  “Ethan, you’ve got to do this for Hailey’s sake. I’m taking a huge risk here,” she reiterated.

  “I know.”

  Chapter 6

  Helen reached over, gently grasping her granddaughter’s hand. She planted a smile on her lips as Hailey looked up at her questioningly. The car had just pulled up outside the restaurant and she wanted to make sure all went as planned. The only reason she was doing this was because the child threw a tantrum to see her mother.

  “Now, Hailey, remember what we talked about?” Hailey nodded. “You must be on your best behavior today. Eat your lunch and never tell your mommy what we talked about, or the judge won’t let you see her again.”

  Fear crossed the child’s face and she sank back into the seat, subdued. “Yes, grandma.” Her voice was barely audible.

  Helen refused to feel guilty for manipulating her grandchild. In her mind, she was doing it in the child’s best interest. She let go of Hailey’s hand briefly to exit the vehicle, but as soon as the child was out, she gripped her hand once more. Like a loving grandmother, Helen led Hailey into the building.

  Soft classical music played from hidden speakers inside the restaurant. Although most of the tables were occupied, the place was quiet as people spoke in hushed tones. This was what Helen liked the most about the restaurants she visited. She hated loud places, especially those where food was served. She believed in eating in a relaxing setting.

  A Maître D’ approached with a smile. “Welcome, Madam Broderick.”

  At Chez Marion, the Brodericks had a standing reservation. Most other people would need to book their table at least a week in advance. Helen hated the inconvenience of not being able to dine at her own whim. This was ideal.

  “Hello, Jacques.”

  “Table for two?” the man asked, looking from her to Hailey.

  “Make it three…” Helen began b
ut someone moving up behind her said differently.

  “Make it four,” came a familiar voice.

  Hailey broke free and ran towards the voice. “Mommy!”

  “Honey, Mommy is so happy to see you,” Kristen said as Hailey flung her arms around her mother’s neck. “I Missed my little pumpkin.”

  “I miss you, mommy,” Hailey replied, looking up at Helen.

  Helen’s face tightened as she glared at mother and daughter.

  Jacques’ eyes widened as they set upon Kristen as she engulfed Hailey in her arms. A broad smile presented on his face as his delight at seeing her became evident. “Miss Kristen, a pleasure to see you,” Jacques said, ignoring Helen’s cutting look. Jacques shifted his gaze beyond Kristen and gave a little salute.

  Helen’s face froze as she followed the Maître D’s eyes to rest upon the man standing behind Kristen. What was he doing there? She looked from one to the other, then settled on Ethan. Her face softened for just a moment but hardened when she looked back at Kristen.

  “Table for four,” Helen told Jacques, her voice tight.

  The Maître D’ moved quickly and they followed. Helen felt flushed. Her mind began to focus on her son and her daughter-in-law, wondering what Kristen was up to. Why did she bring Ethan? Was she hoping Ethan would reason on her behalf? The tension in her body made her walk stiffly to their table. By clenching her teeth together, she almost cracked her crown. Whatever Kristen was up to, she would not get away with it.

  Jacques saw to it that all four were seated and then disappeared for a while. Hailey took the seat between Kristen and Helen, while Ethan sat between Kristen and his mother. It was the perfect seating arrangement for all four.

  Helen sat stiffly in her chair as she watched Ethan, her younger son as he made faces at Hailey across the table. The child giggled with delight. Helen never saw Hailey laugh this way at the mansion, but she was determined to change that. She would make sure the child wanted for nothing. If necessary, she would get her a playmate to keep her company.

  She wanted to ask Ethan about his life, what he was now doing since returning from the Navy, but that would make things awkward. Their relationship had fallen apart a long time ago when he refused to work in the family business. Helen and Harold had groomed both their sons to take over Oaklum Industries. With several branches all over the country, one in Canada and another in Europe, they had hoped that both sons would share the responsibility equally. Coming back to the present, she curled her lips at the corners, though rather painstakingly so that Hailey wouldn’t see her displeasure.

  Shortly, a server approached the table with a notebook. The young woman seemed new as Helen had never seen her before. The girl smiled politely before settling her eyes on Ethan. Helen watched with slight amusement at the young woman’s appraisal of her son. With a smile, she picked up her menu and motioned those at the table to do the same.

  “I will have whatever my pumpkin here is having,” Kristen said, giggling with Hailey.

  Helen’s head snapped up, giving her a pointed look. “I already ordered meatballs and spaghetti for her.”

  “I will have the same,” Kristen insisted.

  “Very well,” Helen relented. “What about you Ethan?”

  “I’ll have the same,” he grinned.

  Helen’s ears burned as blood rushed to her neck and face. This was Kristen’s doing. She brought Ethan along not to plead with, but rather to aggravate her.

  “I’ll have the seared salmon with artichokes,” she told the server.

  While on her way to the restaurant, Kristen had doubted she made a wise choice in insisting that Ethan tags along. Now she was certain that decision was genius. Helen was about to blow a fuse. Kristen wasn’t sure how long her mother-in-law would take before she snapped.

  They finished their meal, which Kristen, Ethan, and Hailey enjoyed. But Helen’s salmon was barely touched. They’d had their desert, a nice helping of chocolate cake, when Kristen made the announcement.

  “Hailey, you love Uncle Ethan, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  “I know you Miss Daddy, but you know he isn’t coming back, right?”

  Hailey shook her little blond brown curls, her hazel eyes gazing up at her.

  “How would you like Uncle Ethan to become your Daddy?”

  Helen, who was sipping her water snapped the glass onto the table and coughed loudly. Apparently, the water went to the wrong passage.

  “Yay! That means I can come home!” cried Hailey.

  “As soon as the judge says so, honey,” said Kristen. “We have to get married first and as soon as the judge agrees, then I will bring you home.”

  “Can I call Uncle Ethan Daddy now?”

  Kristen blushed wickedly from the question. Her heart pounded erratically as her daughter was obviously eager to call Ethan her father. “Sure…” Her voice shook a little and she hoped that neither Ethan nor Helen would notice.

  “This can’t be happening,” Helen spat. “First, you took Andrew away from us, and now my younger son. No, this wedding will not take place.”

  “Am I really your son?” Ethan asked, surprising Kristen. Helene’s eyes bulged. “You told me I was no longer your son when I refused to join the company. You and father disinherited me. Remember that document you had me sign?”

  “That was a long time ago. Now you’re home…”

  “No mother, you don’t get to decide whom I marry.”

  Helen’s mouth hung before she blinked and swallowed. Kristen knew there was bad blood between Ethan and his parents, but she had no idea how bad it was. Andrew had told her about Ethan signing over his birthright. All this time she thought Andrew was referring to the biblical reference because Ethan refused to join the company. Instead, he chose the Navy. Helen’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

  “What is it about this particular woman that has you both smitten? Her beauty, her body?”

  “Her beauty far extends the physical, mother, something you seem to lack these days,” Ethan told her.

  That couldn’t have been nice for Helen to hear. Kristen did not wish to add fuel to fire, nor did she wish for Ethan to speak to his mother badly on her behalf. “Ethan, no,” she softly scolded.

  “You stay out of this,” Helen snapped at her. “This is between me and my son.”

  “I’m only your son when it suits you. Well,” he said as he stood. “What I do is not your concern. Shall we go, Kristen?”

  “You’re not going even ask about your father?” Helen asked, her face hopeful.

  “Kristen, let’s go,” Ethan insisted.

  “Mommy, please don’t go,” Hailey grabbed her hand.

  Helen rested a hand on Hailey’s shoulder. “Your mommy has to go now, Hailey. Remember what we talked about?”

  The little girl withdrew her hand, her eyes becoming sad. “Yes, grandma,” she said.

  “What did you say to her?” Kristen asked. “Hailey, what did your grandma say to you?”

  “I explained to her that she will be living with me for a long time and she should learn to accept that fact.”

  “No, you’re lying. I know my daughter more than you do. If I find that you have threatened her in any way, shape, or form, you will regret this.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  Kristen stood. “It’s a warning,” she replied, bending to kiss her daughter. “Now sweetheart, I will see you soon, OK? Kiss Grandpa Harold for me. As soon as the judge says so, you will get to come home. Oh, I almost forgot…” She reached into her handbag and pulled out Mr. Carrot Top. Hesitantly, Hailey took the toy and hugged it. Kristen kissed her once more before following Ethan out of the restaurant.

  Helen’s eyes followed them out, her face like stone.

  Kristen’s heart ached from leaving her daughter behind. Even though she didn’t trust Helen, she never once believed the woman would do any harm to Hailey. However, she was curious about what went on in the Broderick Mansion. It was imperative th
at she marry Ethan soon in order to get her daughter back.

  A small twinge of fear found its way into her thoughts. Her doubts about agreeing to this marriage were surfacing. What if Ethan’s problem would affect her case? The last thing she wanted was for Ethan’s potential psychological problems to interfere with her getting back her daughter. The best thing to do was to keep his meeting with the psychiatrist secret. Many people went to therapists, even Helen had her own shrink. There was nothing wrong with him seeing one, but she wasn’t sure if he needed something greater than counseling.

  On her way back home, she gave the matter some serious thought. She’d given Ethan her car keys and allowed him to drive to the restaurant. He assumed the role once more and took the wheel again. She watched him from the corner of her eye as he steered the vehicle.

  As she watched him, her mind flicked back ten years to when they just met. It was Ethan whom she met first, but he was never interested in settling down or having a serious relationship. They’d gone on three dates. The chemistry had been off the chains, but she needed more than what Ethen had to offer. He wasn’t the settling down kind and she needed a solid relationship. When she saw him with another girl smooching in the theater, she decided that she would never go out with him again.

  She’d met Andrew a year later and quickly hit it off. At the time, she had no idea that he was Ethan’s brother, as he using the name Broderick and Ethan, to everyone, was Ethan Brody. Imagine her surprise when she met him at her own wedding.

  They remained civil, even friendly. However, what happened after her marriage caused a rift between them. That incident hurt her more than anything did. Even the memory of it brought a sharp pain to her chest. Shaking her head, she pushed it aside and concentrated on what would happen next. A wedding needed to be planned.

  Chapter 7

  Helen paced the expansive living room in the Broderick Mansion. Sitting on thirty-five acres in Sharon, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, the house was built by her great-great-grandfather two hundred years ago. It had seen many remodeling and renovations to make it into a modern monument.

  Harold’s eyes followed her every move. She knew it annoyed him, but she could not sit still. It was after ten the night of the lunch meeting with Kristen and she’d had a hard time getting Hailey to bed. The child fussed and cried for her mother so much that it really annoyed her. However, the memory of that girl with Ethan was too much.


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