SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 31

by Lynn Faye

  I kind of thought I was in the middle of being fucked by my dream man, but I wasn’t about to admit to that.

  “Ok,” I said in hopes that it would satisfy him.

  I really had no idea what I promised him. He wasn’t a jerk at all. I had found him to be very funny and a total gentleman. Maybe that wasn’t who he really was, but the Matthew I met that night was certainly not a jerk.

  His movements quickened and I moved my hands down to his ass and held onto it as he moved hard inside of me. His ass was tight with strength and I felt the contraction as his final thrust delivered pleasure to me.

  For my first one night stand, Matthew had turned out to be a guy that I probably wouldn’t be able to live up to with any other one night stand.

  He leaned down and kissed me softly one last time before he got up and went to the restroom. I lay on his bed totally having an out of body moment. This was the start of my new life. I wasn’t a girl anymore, that was for damn sure; I was a woman.

  I had just fucked what had to have been one of the hottest guys in all of Illinois. I felt like my womanly mojo was in full force and I was about to take over the world. My new job started in just a few days and I had a new confidence that I was going to be pretty damn good at it.

  My desire to be involved in politics had finally culminated with this job and I wasn’t about to let the opportunity slip by. After four years of studying politics, I was finally on my way to getting to be part of it.

  “I’m going to hop in the shower, be out in a second,” Matthew said as he opened the bathroom door.

  He stood there wrapped in a towel and looked like some sort of cover model out of a magazine. If I hadn’t already had plans to go to Washington D.C., I would have loved to of stayed in Chicago and seen Matthew again. I doubted he was the kind of guy that kept a steady girlfriend, but even just a fun fling with him would have been great.

  The thought of walking into a restaurant with him by my side made me smile. People would automatically think I was some sort of money hungry sugar baby or something. I wouldn’t mind, though. I bet it would be fun to go out on the town with him and have the people staring.

  But it didn’t matter. I was about to leave for Washington D.C. and a whole new life, which wouldn’t involve any handsome men like Matthew.

  My life was about to be engulfed in the old man politics of Washington and my desire to try and find a way to fit in. The old boys club of Washington was going to be a tough place to break into and I had no intention of sleeping my way into power. I wanted to grow a career I could be proud of and only hard work and dedication would work for that.

  I needed to leave.

  The awkwardness that would happen when Matthew came out of the shower was not something I wanted to deal with. I knew there was no future with a guy like him. There was no need to get my hopes up and think he would call me. Even if he did show an interest, I was about to move to the other side of the country.

  I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled a pair of his sweatpants off the floor. I slipped them on and made my way out to the living room to grab my purse and my shoes.

  The refrigerator door was still opened and I smiled as I shut it. How pitiful his fridge looked so empty. He was a true bachelor with a fridge like that. The only thing that would have made it more bachelor-like would have been if it was filled with beer.

  I grabbed a cup of water and drank it quickly to cure the dry mouth that had overcome me. The thought of just leaving without giving Matthew my contact information weighed heavily on me. I didn’t want to seem like a slut who just slept with anyone, so I looked around for some paper to write on.

  On the kitchen table, I saw a small notepad and a pen.

  ‘Matthew, thank you for a delightful night. I’ll keep my promise, Kayla.”

  I stood up to bring the paper into the kitchen and saw what looked like a picture of Matthew on the front of a magazine on his table.

  Slowly I dropped the paper onto the floor and grabbed the magazine out of shock. Had I just slept with some sort of celebrity? Oh God! It hit me. I knew who he was.

  ‘He’s about to take the world by Storm’ the front of the magazine said.

  I flipped through it as fast as I could to try and find the story. Maybe he wasn’t who I thought he was. Maybe he was some sort of investor? A model? No, he didn’t seem like either of those. Maybe he owned some big corporation or something.

  My hands shook and I looked back toward the bedroom in hopes that he wouldn’t come out. I flipped through the magazine so fast that I couldn’t find the story.

  My mind raced as I tried to flip through the magazine slower so I could actually find what I was looking for.

  ‘Matthew Storm, the hottest young Senator in Washington, has his sights on the White House.’

  The first line of the article was all I needed to see. It was him. I had just fucked Senator Matthew Storm, my new boss. I ran out of the apartment just as he came out of his bathroom. What the hell was I going to do now?


  Back in D.C. and it was time to get serious about work. My complex plan would take years to put fully in place, but I was never one to shy away from a little work.

  With the new legislative session in the works, I had lists and lists of people I needed to mingle with. The first of which was Senator Joel Edwards. He was a fresh fish to politics and had won Iowa in a landslide. It wasn’t often we had a new guy in our midst and I wanted to be one of the first people to welcome him.

  I hoped that building a relationship with him would get me in the door with his mentor, Senator Stickney. Andrew Stickney was harder to crack than any other Senator in Washington. He was on the senate arms committee and pretty much said whether someone would be considered or not. But I had yet to get a one on one meeting with the man.

  Senator Stickney, wasn’t interested in the politics of Washington and instead always said he was dedicated to his constituents. It was an admirable way of working, but it would never get him what he wanted in Washington. The only way to get ahead in this town was through relationships.

  Joel had won over his small town and then served one term as governor, which was pretty fresh meat to be walking into the Senate. Most new guys, and girls, typically had at least ten years of small town or state politics before they ended up in Washington.

  I had watched Joel’s campaign and admired it from afar. He was a dedicated social media expert in politics and that was a great new way of building a following. I personally was fascinated by the power of social media and couldn’t wait to implement it into my plan when the time was right.

  I didn’t fit into the ten-year rule either, but since I come from a political family it made sense for me to move quicker up the political ladder. After my father had passed away, people looked for someone to take over his legacy; both in business and politics. I was ready for the challenge. After business school I had already planned to work my way up in his company, his death just accelerated my move. I was confident I would have ended up in the exact same position had I been given more time and my father. But alas, I couldn’t change the fact that he was gone.

  Washington was an intricate subculture that many new Senators struggled with. Everyone you talked to was out for themselves. It took me a whole year to truly understand this. You get asked to lunch and feel like someone is being genuine and wants to help you, then bam you get asked to join a committee or co-sponsor a bill.

  I ended up on eight committees because of my lack of understanding when I first came to D.C. That number had dwindled down to six, but still a heinous amount of time out of my schedule. Yet the one committee that I needed to get on had eluded me. The arms committee was reserved for the long timers, yet that’s where I had to make my move this year.

  Planning out the longevity of a political career was similar to trying to eat an ice cream cone in one hundred degree heat. Constantly I had to change my plans and prepare for what was next. Many of my days were spent keeping the ice c
ream from hitting the floor; or the shit from hitting the fan. Politics got messy and I was known as the clean-up man.

  It wasn’t officially a title. But many of my colleges had learned that I was excellent at spinning the press in their favor if they needed it. There was a certain tact to controlling the media though and I needed to understand the social media end of things if I was ever going to truly win them over.

  Without fail, I would get on that arms committee though. It was an absolutely necessity for my future in politics. My first push would be with the mix of Senators I was already friends with. They had to get my name out there as someone who could fill the empty position.

  “Senator Edwards. Joel, it’s nice to meet you,” I said as we shook hands in the cafeteria.

  As much as we would like to have meetings in fancy restaurants, most of us Senators were too busy for that. Lunch meetings were typically catered in our offices or in front of lunch trays in the cafeteria.

  “Matthew, it’s great to see you,” he said with his strong handshake.

  The kid was green. I could tell the nervousness in his hands as he shook mine. But he should be nervous. I planned to eat him up and spit him out by the end of the year. My plan needed a pawn and Joel Edwards was the perfect person for the job. Of course Andrew Stickney would have to be used as well, but my plan for him was much more painful and career ending than my plan for Joel.

  As we sat and ate our meal, we exchanged niceties and discussed what life was like on the hill. It was more than just making laws and giving back to society. There was a dark underground that I warned Joel about. It was more than most young Senators understood and it wasn’t something I could have him falling prey to. I needed him to remain fresh meat so he was trustworthy and someone that I could use to get what I needed.

  “So Joel, any big plans for your first term?” I asked.

  “Not really. I know many people are worried about health care reform and that stuff, but I’m just going to sit back and take everything in at first. It’s a lot to try and understand.”

  “Definitely. I think that’s the biggest mistake I made when I got here. I tried to take over the place. The older guys really hate that and get defensive. Sitting back and letting others come to you will be a much better plan.”

  “Thanks, Matthew. Hey, I was sorry to hear about your father. He was a good man.”

  “Yes, he was. Thanks.”

  I hated it when people brought up my father. Yes, he was a good man. But he had passed away four years before and I wanted to move on from it. Unfortunately, no one else wanted to move on, they all still loved talking about my father and his politics and business throughout the years.

  “Do you feel like you have a similar style as him?”

  “I have a style of my own, it’s…”

  I stopped talking. My brain couldn’t process what I saw. I could have sworn I saw Kayla walk through the hallway on the other side of the cafeteria with a fresh batch of interns and political aids getting their first-day tour.

  Certainly it couldn’t have been her. She ran out on our night together in Chicago. There was no way she was there in Washington D.C. My mind must have been playing a trick on me.

  I had thought about her a lot since that night. Probably because she had been so sweet and hadn’t wanted anything from me. In fact she left without even a ‘goodbye’ to me. But even a sweet girl usually wouldn’t garner all that much attention from me after she was gone. There was something about Kayla that kept drawing my memory back to her. And now I was even having visual hallucinations that she was there in Washington D.C.

  Yet, my eyes didn’t lie. I remembered her so vividly. Her touch. Her lips. The smell of her body. My cock reacted to just the thought of her. I normally had better self-control over my body than that. It wasn’t something I was prepared to deal with there at the cafeteria table.

  Maybe I just wanted to see her there? I was still pissed that she had left without giving me her number or even saying goodbye. She had no way of contacting me and I had no way of reaching her. It wasn’t my typical one night stand. Normally I had to make an excuse as to why I couldn’t keep in touch.

  Never did the women try and get rid of me before I tried to dump her. But I figured there was a first time for everything. Kayla must have gotten spooked by something, I just couldn’t figure out what it was. It had haunted me that whole next day as I replayed the evening and tried to figure out why she had left so quickly.

  I couldn’t stand the idea that Kayla was there in D.C. If it was her, and I couldn’t stand the mystery so I excused myself for a moment and made my way to the tunnel area where I saw the new aids tour heading. I had to see if it was her. My brain said it couldn’t be, but my body said it was definitely her.

  When I came around the corner, I saw her standing with the group. It was her. One hundred percent it was Kayla.


  I turned back to finish my meal with Joel. There was no way I could have Kayla anywhere around me. I had work that needed to be done during the legislative season and an ass like hers would be way too distracting.

  Hopefully, she was with a Senator in one of the other buildings and not mine. That was all I could hope for at that point. At least that way I could avoid her if I knew who she was going to work with.


  My heart pounded out of control as I walked down the hallway to Senator Storm’s office. I had no idea how I was going to handle the situation. It wasn’t anything I had thought would ever be an issue.

  In general, I was pretty good with deal with my ex-boyfriends. We typically broke up on good terms and were able to work together, or run into each other, and be civil around each other. But I had never been in a potential situation like the one I was faced with. Never had I ever dated my boss.

  I wasn’t the kind of girl who slept with a guy like Matthew normally anyway. In fact, I absolutely wouldn’t have gone home with him if I knew who he was. Even if I had been a little buzzed when we met, if I recognized him there was no way I would have gone home with him. I would have told him about my plans to work with him in Washington. I would have geeked out totally and tried to talk politics all night long. It would have been a very boring date.

  But I couldn’t say I was sorry that I had gone with him. His hands still ran through my mind when I remembered that night. Everything about him was perfect. His body, his lips, his cock. Matthew was the kind of man I dreamed of having. But not at the expense of giving up my dreams of working in politics.

  When I saw him in the office, I would just explain that I didn’t know who he was. Right away I would have to get that out in the open. I didn’t want him to think that I had purposely slept with him because of who he was.

  Actually, there was no way he could think that. Right? I mean he approached me on the street, it wasn’t the other way around. Surely he had to know I wasn’t some sort of strange college girl stalker. I wouldn’t act like that. Never.

  My breathing was labored and I couldn’t seem to calm myself. There was no way this was going to work out. All I could think about was trying to concentrate with him around. My mind would always be on what it was like to have him inside of me. I would always be thinking about his thrusts and my moans.

  Maybe I could transfer to work with another Senator. There were plenty of them around and I was relatively positive other women would be interested in trading with me. Matthew was the hottest Senator in Washington D.C., it wasn’t likely anyone would turn down an invitation to come work for him.

  I stopped and turned back toward the elevator. It just wasn’t going to work. I couldn’t work as an aid to a man I had slept with and then ran out on. Never. It seemed like a bad made for T.V. movie. My career was worth more than that and I needed to find out how I could trade my Senator to a new one.

  Or I could leave and not work in politics? How would I explain that?

  The idea that I just up and left and didn’t say goodbye or give Matthew was pretty bad
. But leaving at that moment would be worse. I needed to figure out an explanation for why I didn’t even leave information about how to reach me. Surely that is the part that would sit badly in Matthew’s memory. It was childish to have left like that. But I couldn’t just stay there and have to talk to him after I realized who he was.

  I stood by the elevator as I tried to play out the possible scenarios in my head. None of them seemed very good.

  “Hey, are you a new intern? Do you need help finding your way?” A nicely dressed guy asked as he got off the elevator.

  “Um, yes sort of. I’m a first-year aid, worker. I’m working with Senator Storm.”

  “Oh, hey, yeah, that’s great. I’m Steven. I work with Senator Storm too. Come this way,” Steven seemed really excited and had much more energy than I typically did.

  “I’m Michaela Wilson,” I said as I followed him into the office.

  Instantly I looked around to see if Matthew was there. His office door was open though and it didn’t appear anyone was there. Finally, I could relax for a moment.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Michaela. As I said, I’m Steven. And this is Sarah and Jeannette. We were all interns last year. Now I think our title is legislative aids, but not sure. Sarah, do you know what our job title is?”

  “Nope, not sure. Aren’t we called slaves?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. The three of them seemed to get along really well and had great senses of humor. I could only hope that they would make this year fun for me after all. If I worked with a group of fun coworkers that would be a great way to take my mind off of my own issues with Matthew.

  “So are you the intern or the aid?” Jeannette asked.

  “I’m an aid. I just graduated from college.”

  “Crap, that means the intern is lost. Sarah, can you go try and find her?”

  “There was a girl crying downstairs,” I offered.

  “Alright, so Michaela was your name?” Steven asked me.

  “Yes, but I go by Kayla.”

  “Ok, Kayla, so here’s the deal. Although you are one tiny step up from an intern, you’re still pretty much the low person on the totem pole. If I or Sarah, or Jeannette asks you to do something you need to just do it. If Senator Storm asks you, it’s necessary to do it even faster than humanly possible.”


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