SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 36

by Lynn Faye

  As she walked to the door, I jumped up and turned her around. My cock was full of desire again so I pressed up against her.

  “I’m going to need those skills of yours that you used on Senator Masson, do you think you could work that magic on some of the other Senators?”

  Her face flushed as she moved her hips back and forth against my throbbing member. She really did feel incredible. I could have taken her back to my place and fucked her all night long if she would have let me.

  “I’m sure I can come up with some secret magic for them,” she said sweetly.

  “I’m counting on it. I think you and I are going to make a great team.”

  I saw a look of doubt in Kayla’s eyes, but I knew she would be easy to get to come around. Kayla and I had a connection and I was perfectly comfortable with using that connection to my own advantage.

  My life was about exposing what I needed to exposing and keeping the rest behind closed doors. Kayla already seemed to understand that very well and I was excited to have some more time with her.

  The way she made Senator Masson meet with me was impressive and I needed someone like that around. I was good once I had someone one on one, but many of the Senators in Washington just refused to meet with people. They knew it was opening the door to someone new, and none of us had the time to offer those doors for everyone who asked for a meeting.

  All of my fellow Senators were just as busy as I was and I hardly ever agreed to meetings unless I felt like there was some sort of gain in it for me. But when I met with other Senators I was usually going to offer them a benefit to our interaction, so they should meet with me when I ask them to.

  “Goodnight, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kayla said.

  She was still pressed up against me and I knew I could have made her stay if I really wanted her to, but I didn’t need that. Slowly I stepped my naked body away from her and I watched as her eyes looked down at my cock.

  Kayla licked her lips as her eyes stayed fixated on my body. I couldn’t tell if she was deliberately teasing me or if she just did that as a natural reaction. Either way, it was distracting as hell to see her licking her lips. All I could think about was those lips wrapped around my cock.

  “Goodnight, Kayla. Have fun with your friends.”

  “Aren’t you going to go get dressed?” She laughed

  “I’m good.”

  I stood in the middle of my office with my cock throbbing as she walked out. Again, she was walking away from me. I didn’t like it. Not that I was a particularly controlling person, but it was really bothering me just how easily she was willing to leave.

  Most of the women I was with liked to try and stay with me as long as possible. They worked to manipulate me and get me to care about them. But Kayla did have to do that. I thought about her constantly, but I knew she wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.


  Matthew always wanted to be in control, that was something I saw very clear when I told him I had plans for the night. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to spend time with him, but I also had to make an effort to get to know the other people around me.

  Washington was a world of relationships and I had to do everything possible to build my relationships with my peers. Someday these were the men and women that would be running Washington and it wouldn’t hurt to get to know them and get on their good sides.

  I had met a few girls that worked with other Senators while I was on my tour and so when they invited me out for drinks, I couldn’t resist. Getting to know people my own age was a necessity for me because I was so new in town. As much as the Senators thought they were in charge, it was really the secretaries and assistances that ran the town. If you knew an assistant to a Senator, you could get any meeting you wanted.

  Although I loved spending time with Matthew, he couldn’t be my whole life. I intended to have a long career in Washington and the only way to do that was to build positive relationships with everyone.

  Matthew had his eyes on climbing the ladder in Washington, but he really didn’t understand how to do that; at least in my opinion. Sure you could strong-arm people into doing what you want them to do, but for long lasting alliances you needed to build those relationships. You could sneak around and backstab people to get what you wanted, but in the end the long lasting relationships were what would hold your career strong and make it last longer.

  If Matthew wanted to make some big moves, he was going to need me around to help him. The way he liked to bully people wouldn’t only work for a short time. He was handsome and charismatic; and a man! Those were all important in Washington, but not the only thing that mattered. Women were climbing up their own ladders and getting involved more and more in politics.

  I was totally willing to help him, because just like everyone else, Matthew could be the key to my future in the city. If he did make it as high up in the government as I thought he was going to go, then I needed to keep on his good side for sure.

  As I walked into the restaurant to meet my friends, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Matthew standing naked in the middle of his office. He was damn fine as hell and I couldn’t wait to spend time with him again. Hopefully the next time we were together it would be in an actual bed.

  The way his muscles defined each area of his body was a memory I couldn’t easily forget. I really was going to need to see him naked again, very soon.

  “Kayla! Over here,” I heard Kim yell as she waved her hands in the air.

  “Hey, Kim. Hey, Anna.”

  Kim and Anna worked for a couple other Midwest Senators and they were super sweet. I didn’t suspect they were going to last very long in Washington, but not everyone wanted to. Sometimes people just wanted to have something cool to put on their resumes. It certainly did make your resume stand out if you said you worked for two years with a Senator in Washington D.C.

  “So how is Senator Storm? I hear he can be a real asshole,” Anna asked.

  “Oh, yes. He just randomly came out of the office and started to scream at us all. I was like…what the heck man.”

  “Some of these guys are so full of themselves it’s impossible to figure out where their head is.”

  “Kayla, I don’t want to be rude, but you need to up your clothing game,” Kim said as she looked over my outfit.

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is going to sound sexist and it is. Washington is a man’s world and not only do us women need to have the brains to manage our jobs, but we also need to look sexy while we are doing it.”

  “Kim, seriously. It’s the twenty-first century. We don’t get positions based on our looks.”

  “Kayla, that’s juvenile to think that. No, technically we don’t get the jobs based on our looks. But standing out with your clothing and your look will make you memorable in everyone’s minds. Both men and women.”

  “So not only do I need to look good for the guys, but also for the women? That’s crazy,” I said.

  It wasn’t all that crazy though, I knew exactly what Kim was talking about. The female Senators in Washington had it the toughest. They had to dress conservatively, but also be stylish. At least as an aid to a Senator I wouldn’t have to dress totally conservatively. I could have a little more style and pizzazz in my outfits.

  “It’s the reality of the world we live in. Everyone wants a well put together woman in their office. They want the visitors to be just a little jealous of the caliber of women that they have.”

  “The problem is, I don’t do sexy very well. And I really have no idea how to dress business sexy.”

  “It’s a balance. You don’t want to show too much, but you want everything to really accentuate your curves. You also have to do your makeup, Kayla. What the heck is going on here,” Kim said as she moved her hand around my face.

  “I’m too tired to get up early and do all the face and hair stuff. I’m all about looking professional, but I just can’t do all of that.”

  “You can and yo
u will,” Anna said.

  “Kayla, this is your future. You said you want a career in Washington, then you need to seriously up your game and make yourself memorable.”

  “Ok, I’ll give it a try tomorrow. But I don’t think I can do it every single day.”

  “Listen to me Kayla. You have to do it every single day. You need to go to bed early so you can get up and make yourself into a model before you go to work every single day.”

  “I need a drink,” I laughed. “I’m not really model material.”

  “Alright, but only one more. You need to get up early,” Kim also laughed.

  I got what Kim and Anna were saying. Washington was a city full of men and yes there was an argument for being a smart, professional woman. But I also needed to be stylish and I really had to admit that the style Kim and Anna had was exactly what drove me to them during our tour. I wanted to be that kind of woman and I was willing to try and set the time aside in the morning to get myself looking good.

  Makeup, working out, and clothes weren’t my favorite things in the world. But luckily I was blessed with a thin frame and some curves too. I wouldn’t have to work too terribly hard to really show off my body in some tight, curve-hugging outfits.

  When we finished our drinks, I spent almost a complete hour at home trying to pick what outfits I was going to wear for the next week. I definitely needed to go shopping. Most of my clothes were simple white button up blouses and black skirts or pants. If I could just add a little more color to my outfits that would be helpful.

  I finally decided on a navy pencil skirt that I thought was way too tight on me, but it did make my ass look insane. I paired it up with the one pink button up blouse that I had. Instead of wearing a tank top under the blouse I decided to go without one and keep the top button open. The blouse made my cleavage looked large, but it was covered up with just a little showing on the top.

  The outfit was tight and sexy, yet it was 100% professional. To try and save some time I took my shower before I went to bed and then went straight to bed. Surprisingly I was asleep before midnight and that hadn’t happened in a very long time.

  Most nights I spent sitting up and worrying about what I was going to do the next day. It was exhausting to stay up late all the time and then try to get up in the morning. If I was going to start waking up early to do my hair and make-up then I was going to have to learn how to actually fall asleep when I went to bed.


  I felt the confidence rush through my body as I boarded the train into town. The men, as well as the women, watched me as I walked onto the train and took my spot holding one of the poles. I knew I looked good and held my head up high as I rode the train into town.

  I wasn’t the type of girl who typically had people looking at me. Yes, I felt like I was pretty; but confidence seemed to be a big factor on if people noticed you. Confidence wasn’t something that I had in abundance, but the outfit I had on was sure increasing my confidence a lot.

  My confidence continued as I walked down the hall to my office and into the room. Everyone looked at me while I made my way through our tight desk quarters to my little desk at the back of the room.

  “You look fabulous Kayla,” Sarah said. “Did you do something different with your hair?”

  I didn’t do much with my hair, just blew it dry and ran a straightener through it. But I instantly felt like Kim and Anna were right with their advice. No one had really noticed me much since I had started to work in the office, but that morning I felt all their eyes paying attention to me.

  If Matthew invited me to go with him to see another Senator on that day, I knew I would wow them as well. My look was sophisticated, yet I had my curves on display and was trying my best not to feel self conscious.

  Throughout the morning, I had a little extra pep in my step and I knew that spending the extra time to get ready in the morning was going to be well worth it. I was happier, looked better, and felt like I was interacting with everyone in the office better. I couldn’t wait to see what Matthew thought of my new look.

  “When is the Senator going to be here today?” I asked Steven.

  “I’m not sure. I heard he had a really horrible meeting with one of his committees. He’ll probably come back in a horrible mood. I’d just stay away from him when he gets here.”

  “Really? Who was it with?”

  “I think it was the Arms Committee. They asked to meet with him after his meeting with Senator Masson. I’d just steer clear of him today, though.”


  I said ‘ok’ but I really planned on being there to talk with Matthew as soon as it was possible. His effort to get on the Arms Committee had been our main goal of the meeting with Senator Masson, I really did want to know how things went. I couldn’t understand why they would have went so poorly after the good meeting we had with Senator Masson the previous day.

  About an hour after lunch I looked up and saw Matthew and Alex storm into the office and went straight to Matthew’s office. They didn’t seem too upset, more like they were in a hurry or something. The two men closed the door to Matthew’s office and everyone around me went back to work.

  I finished the project I was working on and then made my way over to Matthew’s office and knocked delicately. At the time I didn’t think anything of it. There was no yelling or slamming things around in his office. Matthew and Alex didn’t seem all that upset when they came back into the office. There was nothing to worry about.

  “Yes,” I heard Alex say. “Come in.”

  When I opened the door, I instantly felt like I should not have come in. Matthew’s face was red with anger and Alex appeared like his blood pressure was skyrocketing through the roof. Both men looked at me with an impatient stare as they waited to see what it was that I had to say.

  All I can say is that I should have walked out of the office that very minute. I knew by the look on their faces that neither of them were in the mood to talk, yet I continued on.

  “I’m sorry. I just heard you had a meeting with Senator Masson and the Arms Committee and wanted to see how it went.”

  I saw the look in Alex’s eyes when I talked. He knew something was up between Matthew and I. It was my fault; I shouldn’t have acted so informal around them. I shouldn’t have come in to ask any questions. No new hire would have done something like that. As I talked I wanted to stop myself, but it was too late. The words were already coming out of my mouth.

  “Let me get this straight, you just came to interrupt me because you wanted to know how my meeting was?” Matthew said.

  The anger in his voice was palpable and I just wanted to back out of the room the second I heard him. My heart pounded with embarrassment, but I couldn’t get away fast enough.

  “I’m sorry. I just thought because I had helped set up the original meeting that it was alright if I asked how this one went. I apologize,” I said as I started to back out of the office.

  The way Matthew looked at me he still had a stare like he would have thrown me onto his desk and fucked me right there if Alex had not been in the room. I could tell both Matthew and Alex noticed I looked different, but they were way too caught up in whatever drama was going on to appreciate my changes. I understood.

  “Come with me,” Matthew said as he walked up to me and put his hand on my back.

  His fingers on my back felt like they were calling me to be with him. My body reacted instantly to his touch and I wanted him. I wanted to be naked with him as soon as humanly possible.

  Matthew guided me out to the main office area and stood in front of everyone. I had no idea what he was about to say, but I felt like it was going to be bad.

  “First of all, Steven, you obviously haven’t trained Michaela very well if she thought it was alright to come and interrupt us. Secondly, what does everyone think of Michaela’s outfit today?” He said loud enough that everyone stopped working.

  No one answered him. They apparently had learned something that I didn’t know
yet, keep your mouth shut when Matthew is angry.

  “For all you ladies in the office. This is exactly how you should not dress,” he said as he stepped off to the side of me.

  “You women are better than this. No one needs to show off their assets to get ahead in this office and I expect you all to know this.”

  I looked at Matthew as the anger and embarrassment built up inside of me. Was he really calling me out in front of the whole office because of my outfit? It was totally professional. Sure it hugged my curves in all the right places, but I wasn’t showing a ton of cleavage and my shirt went well past my knees.

  “I hope you all know I value you for your brains and what you bring to my work here in Washington. There is no need to cheapen it by dressing sexy. Michaela, I encourage you to wear more comfortable clothes tomorrow,” Matthew said and then went back into his office.

  He slammed his door behind him and I was mortified as I stood in front of everyone. Steven came up to me and walked me out to the hallway to talk. I was able to hold back my tears until I was away from everyone, but in the hallway they just flowed down like a waterfall.

  “It’s ok. He’s just having a bad day. You look really nice Kayla,” Steven said nicely.

  He tried to comfort me by patting my back, but I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. The tears rolled down my face and I knew my makeup was all over the place. I couldn’t remember another time in my life where I had been so embarrassed. I felt beautiful and sexy and strong and Matthew thought I looked like some sort of hussy.

  Steven stayed with me in the hallway for a good fifteen minutes as I tried to pull myself together. But there was no use. I couldn’t believe how Matthew had talked to me right in front of everyone. Only twenty-four hours before we had been fucking in his office. I didn’t want to be around a man like that. He wasn’t at all who I thought he was.

  “Maybe I should just quit. I hear Senator Edwards has an opening, maybe I could go over there?”

  “Kayla, he’s just a jerk sometimes. This is the right place for you, but you have to stay away from him and just do your job. Senator Storm wants to get into the White House someday and he’s not about to care what little people like us do.”


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