SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 43

by Lynn Faye

  “It was worth a try.”

  We all sat down and took a few minutes to order our lunch and get some obligatory small talk out of the way. I hated to do the small talk thing, but I had learned quickly that everyone required it before we could get down to business.

  “George, I’d like to help you with your bid for the Speaker of the House position, what do you need from me?” I asked as we started to eat our meals.

  Kayla sat next to me and I felt her hand move over to my leg and it started to creep up my thigh. I wasn’t exactly sure what she was up to, but I certainly wasn’t going to stop her.

  “Matthew, I don’t know if I want to take my career in that direction.”

  He was such a fucker. Senator Masson had always wanted to be Speaker, the only reason he backed off from his bid was because he had gotten older and didn’t think he would win the fight.

  I was just about to talk when Kayla’s hand unzipped my pants. I started to choke on my salad which I thought was exactly what Kayla’s plan was. She continued to play with my cock while she looked at George like she was waiting for him to continue on.

  “Where do you want your career to go?” Kayla asked him. All the while she continued to stroke my cock under the table.

  “I’m pretty happy being a Senator, moving up to that position will add a lot of notoriety to my life. I’m not sure that is something I want.”

  “Totally understandable. Not everyone is interested in being that powerful of a man.”

  Wow, I couldn’t believe Kayla had just said that to George. It was a huge dig to his ego and certainly not something I could have said to him. But somehow when Kayla said it, the comment seemed compassionate.

  “It is a really powerful position,” George said while he continued to look straight into Kayla’s gaze.

  What really started to piss me off was that Kayla was looking at George Masson while her hand was stroking my cock. I felt like we were in the middle of a really weird threesome. Now I wasn’t against a fun night of sex with an extra partner, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to be George Masson in bed with us if we did something like that.

  “George, this is your chance. I can help swing some votes and we can get you into that position,” I added.

  “Matthew, I appreciate you trying to help. But just like the Senate Arms Committee, I wouldn’t be able to help you much while I was in the position.”

  “George, I’m not asking for anything from you. Please know this. I genuinely think you are the right guy for the job.”

  By this time Kayla was stroking me hard and fast and I started to worry she wasn’t going to stop until I came. I wasn’t about to jizz all over myself in the middle of a restaurant.

  I put my hand over Kayla’s and stopped her from stroking me. It made her upset, and she pulled her hand away.

  “George, I still didn’t get that dress from you,” Kayla said. “Would you mind if I walked back to your office with you to grab it?”

  Kayla sure knew how to hit below the belt. She knew I hated the idea of her being alone with George and it was made even worse when I knew she was pissed off. I didn’t want her to make a poor decision and fuck George, all because she was angry at me.

  “Of course Kayla, should we go now?” George said with a smug grin on his face.

  “Senator Storm, I’ll just be a few minutes and I’ll meet you back at the office.”

  “Sure thing,” I said in the calmest voice I could muster.

  Oh, Kayla was going to pay big time when I got her alone later. She purposely got me worked up and then planned to run off with Senator Masson. It was some dirty playing and I wasn’t about to let her win.

  She had no idea the power I had and she needed to know that I wouldn’t be played like some stupid college boy.


  “Are you finally going to let me slide my cock into that beautiful little pussy of yours?” George Masson said as we walked to his office.

  I was repulsed by the idea of his shriveled up cock coming anywhere near me, but I knew I could show that. I couldn’t let on at all that I wasn’t interest in him. In fact, I had thought a lot about it and was pretty sure I was going to have to sleep with Senator Masson sooner or later. I just didn’t see how I would be able to string him along much longer.

  It had been weeks since our run in at the tennis club and I knew he was growing frustrated. If I didn’t give him something soon, he was going to get angry. I had to tease him just enough to keep him coming back for more. Enough tease that he stayed interested in what I had to say.

  As we walked into his office, I noticed that Marge was nowhere to be found. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get out of there without giving in at least a little bit to George. My brain swirled with all the thoughts of what I was doing. I hadn’t planned things very well and felt sure I was about to make some sort of giant mistake.

  “Thank you for getting my dress cleaned,” I said softly as we walked into his main office.

  I heard him lock the door behind him and instantly got nervous. I really didn’t want to sleep with him; in fact he repulsed me quite a bit.

  George grabbed my dress and brought it over to the door and hung it on the hook attached to the back. Then he grabbed me and pulled me over to the couch. Gently he pressed me back onto the couch and before I knew what was going on he had his hand up my skirt and pulled my panties down.

  “Oh, George,” I said sweetly as I tried to play coy.

  “I need you, Kayla. You can’t keep teasing me and not letting me have you.”

  His lips moved quickly up my thigh and he pressed my shirt up so he could look at me. I felt more exposed than I ever had. Maybe it was because I didn’t really want to sleep with him. Maybe it was because I felt like I was in over my head, but for whatever reason; I didn’t want to be there with my pussy exposed to Senator George Masson.

  I desperately hoped that Matthew would come to the door and start banging on it. I wanted him to rescue me from the situation I had gotten myself into, but I knew very well that he wouldn’t be doing such a thing for me.

  George stared at my nakedness and signed a breath of relief as he moved in and let his tongue start in on me. I quickly became pleasantly surprised at the skills the old fucker had. His tongue moved expertly around my clit and I felt myself start to let go and actually enjoy the moment.

  He sucked and flicked and licked his way through me until I felt my hand grab onto his hair in an effort to keep him right there between my legs. I liked it. To my great surprise, I really like having George’s tongue on my pussy.

  In fact, I loved the hell out of it.

  It was wrong. Everything about that moment was utterly wrong, but my body didn’t give a fuck! My body loved what was happening and I couldn’t stop myself. I didn’t want to stop myself at that point.

  His tongue was experienced. George knew just the right pressure to make me moan and he knew just when to pull back and make me beg for more. I felt the warmed of orgasm build up from his touch and I was surprised at how quickly he had me worked up.

  My pelvis pressed against his tongue in an urgent attempt for more. I wanted more of him. I wanted to feel myself explode with pleasure.


  George stopped and jumped up and I quickly pulled my skirt back down. Could it be Matthew? Perhaps he had sensed I needed him? Maybe he was just so jealous that he couldn’t stand thinking about me being in the room alone with George Masson.

  “George, are you back from your lunch?” I heard Marge say.

  George looked at me and made sure I was dressed again and then handed me my dry cleaning and quickly opened the door. I didn’t care who it was, I was just happy to have a reason to leave the office.

  He had gotten a taste of me and that would be enough to subdue him for a little longer. It had to be enough, I couldn’t stand the thought of doing anything more with the man. My poorly laid plan had not worked out how I had intended it to and I needed some time
to rethink my strategy.

  “Hi Marge,” I said as I hugged her. “I just stopped by to finally get my dry cleaning.”

  “Oh, Kayla it is so nice to see you.”

  “Senator Masson, you make sure you take care of this lady. She is my absolute favorite,” I said as I left the office.

  I moved quickly down the hall just in case George decided he wanted to come after me and talk some more. I really wasn’t in the mood for much of anything else. I just wanted to get back to my office and get my work done so I could head home. Preferably, I just wanted to go get drunk and forget all about what I had just done.

  Home, as in the new apartment that Matthew had purchased for me. Matthew actually hadn’t been over to my place since that first night there. I had decorated it very well since then and enjoyed inviting my friends over after work. I obviously had the best apartment out of everyone now and I needed to find a good excuse to explain it away.

  Since everyone knew I wasn’t very close with my family, I simply told them I had an uncle I didn’t really know who had died and given me money. My friends were surprisingly susceptible to whatever I told them and they believed me without questioning it at all. It didn’t hurt that I bought them all a round of drinks and pizza when I explained my new apartment to them.

  I decided not to go back to work and instead called Steven to tell him I wasn’t going to be back. I faked a stomach ache after lunch and told him I would call in the morning if I wasn’t feeling better. Truly I did have a stomach ache, but it was from the events of the afternoon with Matthew and George. I didn’t know if I was cut out for the world of Washington D.C. sexual politics; it was much more difficult than I had expected.

  I did go home but then felt even worse as I sat in the apartment that had been purchased for me by Matthew. Being a kept woman had never been on my agenda for things to do while I was in Washington. I knew I couldn’t turn Matthew down when he offered the apartment, but I also didn’t like the feeling that I had to do whatever he wanted me to.

  Then, while I had tried to lighten the mood at our business lunch, he had totally blown me off. I hoped he was worried that I left with Senator Masson. I really hoped that he could see he wasn’t in control of me and I had the freedom to do whatever, or whomever I wanted. Although, I really didn’t want to do anything more with Senator George Masson, I had had just about enough of that man.

  “Hi Kim, it’s Kayla. Want to have a drink?” I said as I dialed up one of my few friends outside of Matthew’s office.

  “Hey, Girl! Yeah, Anna and I were just heading down to Sloan’s. Why don’t you meet us there?”

  “Yes, that’s perfect. I really need to dance and blow off some steam.”

  “Perfect. Catch you in a few minutes.”

  Within five minutes, I had thrown on a dress and pulled my hair up and was out the door on my way to meet Kim and Anna. It was a relief just to be out of the apartment and I couldn’t wait to put back a few drinks.

  I had never been a heavy drinker, but the politics of Washington sure made me thirsty. I could see why so many Senators and others developed addiction issues. There was a never ending emotional roller coaster in government and I certainly wasn’t prepared for it.


  Drunk dancing was by far my favorite kind of dancing. It felt so good to have a buzz going and not have to worry at all about people judging you. When you were drunk, you just didn’t care at all if people stared or laughed.

  The fun part of drinking and dancing at Sloan’s was that Kim, Anna and I could do it and most of the guys would just leave us alone. Sloan’s was a hangout for the young crowd in D.C. and almost all of the people that came there were purely interested in blowing off steam from their incredibly stressful political jobs. Sometimes there were hook-ups, but most often it was just friends drinking and dancing until the stress of the day was gone.

  “What time is it?” I yelled at Anna as we danced.

  “One o’clock.”

  “Shit, I should get going home. I’ve got work tomorrow.”

  “Kayla, there’s no way you’re making it to work. Stay and dance for a little longer. We can drop you off at your place on our way home.”

  It didn’t take much convincing and I was downing another drink and back on the dance floor shaking my ass. I needed the stress relief; I needed to clear my head from all the plotting and planning that was going on around me.

  Back home I had gone out with my friends a couple times a week and I always felt like the babysitter. Only when I finally finished school and was about to ship off to Washington D.C., did I finally let myself have fun.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t like having fun, I liked fun very much. But I had a future in mind and I didn’t want to do a thing that could jeopardize what I wanted for myself.

  When I arrived in Washington though I just couldn’t believe the level of stress I was under all the time. Going with Matthew to his meetings was incredibly exhausting. I felt like I always had to be “on” - there wasn’t time to relax. There wasn’t time to just be a normal young adult.

  As we continued to dance our hearts out, I suddenly realized I had left my phone at home. Not that I needed it while I was dancing, but it was a strange feeling to be without it for the evening. I hoped that no nothing too important was going on in the world that I was missing.

  Being unplugged from your cell phone was actually a pretty freeing experience. At first it provoked anxiety, but then I realized there was nothing I could do about it until I got home; so I decided to just relax and enjoy the rest of my evening.

  The evening ended up going way later than I could have imagined. We danced until almost two o’clock and then stopped at a local diner to have some late night/early morning breakfast with some other friends that we had run into at the club.

  “You ladies looked like you were blowing off some serious steam tonight. What’s up at your offices?” Gene, an intern from another office, said.

  “You know, regular Washington bullshit,” Kim said.

  We all laughed much harder and longer than we probably would have if we had not been drinking. But her statement seemed really true. I had only been in Washington for a short time, but it seemed that the same shit just went around and around year after year. Senior Senators worked the newer Senators to get their way…New Senators tried to play the older Senators. It was like a constant game of cat and mouse between everyone.

  My goal was to figure out how I could control both the cat and the mice in my favor. That was a balance that I knew would take special care and I was ready to do whatever was necessary. Matthew wasn’t the only one who could control people, if I played my cards right, I could get everything I ever wanted out of my career in Washington D.C.

  The problem was, I wanted more than just a great career. I also wanted the guy. I couldn’t stop thinking about Matthew and that first night together. Things had gotten so twisted and confused since then, if only we could go back to that night, to those emotions.

  I felt like Matthew was constantly fighting with his feeling for me. Some moments he seemed sweet and totally into me; other times it seemed like he was purposely being a total jerk. I still hadn’t figured out the reason for his differing attitudes, but I always felt like I was on egg shells around him.

  Going out with the girls had cleared my head quite a bit and I felt rejuvenated to focus more on my future. I needed to sit down and make a strategic plan that could help guide me in the relationships I was growing and which ones I needed to put more effort into.

  I couldn’t throw all my eggs into Matthew Storms basket. He was a rocket ship and it was totally possible he could explode at any moment. I didn’t want his errors to take me down with him, yet I wanted to be there with him if he took off toward the White House. It was an extremely difficult balance.

  As we finished our meals, five of us loaded into a Taxi and started the process of dropping everyone off. It was fun to be out with all my new friends. I felt halfway nor
mal again and I really needed that feeling.

  Working with Matthew and listening to his constant plotting and theorizing drove me crazy sometimes. It was like he couldn’t just enjoy being a Senator; he already had his plans for the next step in his career.

  “Let’s drop Anna and Michael off first, then Kim,” Gene said as we drove away from the café and toward the first drop off location.

  “What about you and me?” I asked.

  “I live in the same apartment complex as you. Anna said you’re in the tall building across from the Capital, right?”

  “Yes, oh that’s perfect. What floor are you on?”

  “The third floor, I couldn’t afford anything higher. How about you?”

  I hated to answer the question. I knew how real estate worked and the higher up in the building that you were, the more your apartment cost. I really didn’t want everyone to know how much my apartment was each month and Gene had the ability to tell everyone if he knew which floor I lived on. I was on the 17th floor, but it wasn’t anyone’s business just how much I paid for it. Or rather, how much Senator Matthew Storm paid for it.

  “I’m up a little higher,” I said vaguely.

  After we had dropped everyone off Gene and I got dropped off at our apartments. I tried to stall at the mailboxes so he would just go upstairs, but the good guy in him had Gene waiting on me before we continued to the elevator. Inevitably I had to push my floor number.

  I waited for him to say something, but as the elevator door opened on his floor, Gene didn’t say a word. He also didn’t move a muscle and the doors opened and closed again with him right there with me.

  “You’re not going to get off?” I asked.

  “Nope, I think a gentleman would at least make sure you got home alright.”

  “It’s okay, I’m sure I can manage.”

  “I’ll just walk you there and leave you. I promise to behave.”

  I hadn’t even looked at Gene in any other way than a friend up until that very moment. The look in his eye told me that he wanted me to invite him in. He wanted me to tell him it was alright not to behave himself. But I had my plate full enough and I wasn’t interested in adding additional drama to that plate of things at the moment.


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