SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 59

by Lynn Faye

  Storm Hypnotizes

  The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah Brooks


  “Please take a bow,” the President said as he looked over at Kayla and I.

  There was no doubt in my mind that Kayla was going to be angry that the President knew I had proposed to her. She was also going to be upset that I hadn’t corrected him when he congratulated us on our upcoming wedding. But I couldn’t tell him that Kayla had actually said no, it was embarrassing and I was pretty sure Kayla was going to change her mind much sooner than three months.

  I raised Kayla’s hand up into the air and made sure that the press could get a good picture of her ring. It was exciting that she hadn’t actually taken the ring off; I couldn’t have planned it any better.

  I let the moment linger and fed myself and Kayla to the press. They loved it, the controversy, the excitement, it was all going to get them more viewers and sell them newspapers. That was what was important to the press. They no longer cared about a dead Vice President, that wasn’t going to sell their papers. The story about the new one was exactly what they wanted.

  My story wasn’t anything too spectacular, but it was interesting enough to get their attention. Of course, I expected that they were going to bring up some aspects of my past, there was nothing I could do about that. I had to hope that the new public relations team that I was hiring would be able to keep my public spin looking positive.

  The truth was I had not been convicted of any crimes, ever. The past investigation into the disappearance of my intern should play no real role in my press coverage. I was never even considered a prime suspect. But I knew how the world worked and I knew her time in my office and the circumstances surrounding her death were bound to be important to some news stations.

  I could deal with that negativity, though, I could deal with it rather easy because it was in the past. The past was a tricky ally in a politician’s life. Once something had been reported as a story once, and cycled through the system; it was easier to dismiss the story in the future. I could simply make a statement saying, “I complied with all investigations and was horribly saddened by the loss of a young brilliant life.” Or I would say whatever else my public relations team decided was appropriate.

  The true trouble would come from dealing with the immediate press. I was in fact engaged to my previous employee. If one of the newspapers decided to get a bug in their ear about improper relations, I was going to have to deal with it in the press. Not even the best of public relations firms was going to be able to keep the press away from me if they thought I used my power in my office to gain a sexual relationship with Kayla. I needed her to marry me.

  Our relationship legitimacy could only be established if we were married. Obviously, I hoped that just by being engaged we were establishing some sort of legitimacy, but marriage was the real goal.

  Kayla pulled her hand gently away from me and slid it behind her back as I made my way up to the podium. The crowd wasn’t too large; mainly just white house press staff who had been pre-approved to participate in the press conference. They were press that knew their position was precarious and they had to be respectful. It wasn’t likely I would receive any inappropriate questions from this group because they feared losing their coveted spot on the white house press corp.

  I paused as I pulled out my short speech and then looked back at Kayla for effect. She smiled at me and nodded her head perfectly; she seemed to know right away how she was supposed to act even when she was angry with me.

  As I turned to the press corp to start my speech, I took in the moment and realized it was the last moment I was going to be just a normal guy. From that moment forward I would be known as the Vice President of the United States of America. It was an enormously accomplished feeling.

  “Today, it is with sadness that I have been asked to take over this position. There is no way I can fill the shoes of Vice President Howard. He was a great friend, politician, husband, and father. My only hope is that I will live up to the standards he set and make my leader and my country proud,” I said as I paused for applause.

  There wasn’t anything more that I really needed to add. Although I had written another paragraph for my speech, I decided to step back from the podium and keep my remarks shorter than originally planned. Nothing that I said at that moment was going to matter anyways, the press wouldn’t run my words and were only going to concentrate on my history and my personal life.

  As the press conference concluded, I walked off stage with Kayla and she held my hand until we got behind the stage. I knew, by the way, she looked at me that I needed to get her to a private room very quickly so we could discuss her anger without everyone around us.

  “Just wait, we can talk in a minute,” I said as I held her hand tightly.

  She nodded and then looked away from me. Her anger obvious to me, but I wasn’t sure it was visible to anyone else. As people came up and congratulated me, she was responsive and kind to everyone who wanted to talk to her. She shook their hands and smiled at them. It was at that moment that I knew she would be the perfect wife for me. Sure she was going to be angry with me in private, but she understood the political ramifications of showing herself as an angry woman in public and she held herself back.

  That kind of self-control couldn’t be taught, it was something a woman had to have deep down. Kayla had exactly what I needed and I wasn’t about to let her run away from her destiny with me.


  I wasn’t going to give Matthew the pleasure of seeing me explode in front of everyone. This was not just as much about my future as it was his. But if he thought I was going to be the demure woman who stood by his side and forgot about my own political agenda, he was sorely mistaken. I wasn’t about to give up my job or my career to be the woman who stood by him at press conferences.

  There was, of course, the issue of him lying to the President about the engagement. I clearly had not agreed to marry him and he was way too willing to pretend like that didn’t matter to him or anyone else. But I did not say yes and if he wanted me to say yes at after that press conference; he was going to have to work pretty damn hard.

  I had enough sense not to make a big scene in front of everyone, though. It wouldn’t serve me well at all. I’m sure Matthew thought I was keeping my anger in because it would benefit him; in reality, I didn’t care if it benefited him or not. All I knew was I didn’t want to be seen as some crazy young girl who couldn’t keep her emotions in check. I wanted my own political future and that meant I had to keep my feelings to myself.

  Politics didn’t have room for feelings. Politics was a thinking sport and I was going to think through my options and figure out just how I could come out ahead in the situation I was in.

  The one problem I had and I couldn’t get past was that I actually did care about Matthew. I wasn’t sure that he cared about me like I did him, but I thought underneath all the political agendas that he really did love me. His vision was just easily clouded by his need for power.

  As we talked with the staff and political people behind the stage, I put on my best smile and laughed with my new peers. These were now the people I was going to be seeing often, I needed them to like me. I smiled, shook hands, hugged and laughed with them all. When we had finally made our way out to our vehicle, the secret service detail was right there with us. It was clear that we weren’t going to have any private time soon.

  “We can talk back at your house,” I said with a smile on my face as Matthew opened the back door to the SUV.

  He walked around and climbed
in the other side and the secret service detail drove us home. Matthew reached for my hand and I tried to pull it away, but he wouldn’t allow it. He continued to hold onto my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I decided not to fight him about it. As much as I wanted to be mad at him, I did love holding his hand. I loved him, I couldn’t stop that feeling when he acted like a jerk. But I did need to figure out a way for us to interact with each other without him always needed to trick me to get what he wanted.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he leaned toward me.

  “No need to be sorry,” I said with a smile on my face.

  Matthew seemed surprised by my reaction, but then he leaned back into his seat and looked out the window. I knew he was preparing for my explosion when we returned to his house. But I didn’t want to be that woman. I knew deep down I was going to say yes to Matthew eventually. There was no way I could give up what we had and no way I was going to breath up with the Vice President of the United States.

  Somehow on the drive back to his place I needed to figure out how I could move forward from what just happened. I was angry that I had been forced to agree to the engagement, but I wasn’t as angry as I thought I would be. So I needed to reconcile my feelings on the short drive to his house so I could have a decent conversation with him without yelling.

  Not only was I going to avoid being that angry woman in public, I didn’t want to be her in private either. I wanted to be better than that. Grace and self-restraint had never been something I was good at, yet it was something I admired in all successful women. I needed to learn those traits quickly if I was going to be a woman that others looked up to.

  The secret service detail was in full force at Matthew’s house as they were going through his security system and the grounds of his house. Luckily, they had apparently been there most of the day and had things almost finished by the time we arrived.

  “Mr. Storm, we have everything set up. We will have a detail that works out of your basement if that is alright with you,” Clint, the head of security, said.

  “Yes, will you be there all the time?”

  “Yes, sir, but we will use the back entrance and you shouldn’t be bothered by us. If you need anything, we will be there. We have camera’s around the parameter as well as the downstairs of the home. At least one agent will be with you at all times.”

  I felt my stomach sink at the idea of the secret service knowing everything about us. It was much more intrusive than I had imagined it was going to be. For some reason, I had assumed that the Vice President didn’t have to have security around at all times.

  “Can I ask a question?” I said as I looked from Matthew to Clint.

  “Sure,” Clint answered.

  “If the secret service has to be with the Vice President at all times, how did Vice President Howard get killed?”

  “Kayla!” Matthew said as he pulled me back toward him.

  The words had left my mouth before I could filter them. I instantly regretted asking such a rude questions. It wasn’t meant to be as rude as it sounded, it was just a thought I had when the secret service officer had said he would have someone with us at all times. It seemed a reasonable question when it first crossed my mind.

  “No, Mr. Storm, it is quite all right. Ms. Wilson, this is a new protocol for us after that incident. Previously we did allow unattended time. Because of that incident, the President has asked that a secret service member is on staff at all times.”

  “Thank you Mr. Bomber,” Matthew said as he shook his hand. “I appreciate you all keeping me and my loved ones safe.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m going to retreat to the basement, let us know if you need anything.”

  “Thank you again, sir.”

  Matthew and the secret service officer shook hands one last time and then Clint made his way down to the basement. I didn’t understand how Matthew was going to be alright with having someone follow him at all times. He seemed to like to do a lot of things in private like pay people to commit crimes or sell stories; I still wasn’t exactly sure what he had done before.

  As Clint made his way downstairs, Matthew grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs to his bedroom. I still had no idea how I was going to deal with everything that was going on. All I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to be that kind of woman who flew off the handle when things didn’t go my way. Instead, I wanted Matthew to understand that it was better to involve me in decisions if he really wanted to get his way.

  Matthew closed the door behind us and I walked right over to the bed and started to take my clothes off.

  “Get on the bed,” I said firmly.

  I could tell he was shocked by my reaction, but at that point, I didn’t really care. I was going to be in charge and that was all there was to it. Matthew needed to understand just how much control I had. I wasn’t just in charge of our relationship, I had more power than he wanted to believe in regards to his political career. I knew for a fact that it would look bad if I left Matthew at that point. There would be a huge controversy about him dating someone who worked for him; Matthew needed me to stay there with him.

  “Kayla, I’m sorry for not correcting the President,” Matthew said as he walked over to me.

  “We aren’t talking right now,” I said to him as I started to take off his tie.

  I saw the look of desire building up in Matthew and he could hardly contain himself when he realized I wanted to have sex. Men were such simple creatures. They really didn’t care about much else besides sex and power. The more I had come to understand this, the easier life was getting for me.

  As I finally got Matthew out of his clothes, I pressed him down onto the bed and quickly climbed on top of him. I didn’t play with him, I didn’t kiss him. Instead, I quickly slid on top of his hard body and felt the relief of the angry that was inside of me.

  My body moved quickly against Matthew and I felt myself trying to get rid of the anger as I move harder and harder against him. Matthew didn’t squelch his duties and he quickly decided he wanted to feel the relief as well and he flipped me over so I was on the bed and he was on top of me.

  His thrust were hard and firm inside of me and I held onto his torso firmly with each thrust. I couldn’t help but feel the pleasure of the moment as I dug my nails into his back and urged him to thrust harder and harder.

  My legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him tightly toward me as he continued to move inside of me. We were both enjoying our angry sex more than I could have imagined we would. Matthew had a lot of pent up emotions and so did I.

  Sweat poured off of him as he let loose a final thrust and exploded into me. But I wasn’t done yet and I certainly wasn’t about to let him have a victory at this point in our day. I dug my nails in deeper and pressed my pelvis against him as I urged him to continue his thrusts until I finish. He obliged me and continued to thrust, even though it was like torture to his body after he had just released his orgasm; Matthew continued so I could be happy.

  That was what I needed from him outside of the bedroom. I needed him to do things that would make me happy. No matter what else was going on, I needed to know that Matthew was going to do whatever was necessary to ensure I was happy. If I could trust that he was going to do that, then I could continue on with our relationship. If I couldn’t trust that he really had my best interest in his thoughts, then what use was it to be with the man?

  As our bodies finally collapsed in exhaustion, I didn’t stay and rest with Matthew; instead I went straight to the shower and locked the door as I went in. My legs were shaky from exhaustion but I didn’t want Matthew to know he had delivered that kind of pleasure to me. Instead, I made it to the bathroom and started the shower as I slid down onto the bathtub and tried to calm my shaky legs.

  “Kayla, are you alright?” Matthew said at the door as he tried to come in. “Why did you lock the door?”

  “I’m taking a shower, be out in a minute,” I said.

  I just needed some time to
myself without Matthew, without the secret service. I had to have some time to think. As I sat on the bathtub and let the shower run, I felt more powerful than I had before. Matthew was going to be the Vice President and if I followed along that meant I was going to be in a position I had never even fathomed before. Not in a million years had I thought I would be with a man who was so powerful. It seemed like things were happening quickly and I wasn’t prepared for it. Maybe my original plans for politics weren’t as useful as I had once thought. My position at that moment wasn’t something I had ventured to dream of this early in my political career, yet there I was. I had just fucked the Vice President of the United States of America.

  My vision for my future as a congresswoman, and even the President someday, was all based on years and years of work. But somehow I was closer than ever to the White House and I hadn’t planned a single moment of it. Perhaps it was time for me to stop planning and just go along for the ride for a little bit? It would, at least, give me time to think about what I really wanted and make some plans.

  One thing was for sure, I had to say yes to Matthew. I couldn’t let this man slip away from me. We were a good team and despite his deceit around the engagement, I did believe that he and I were meant to be. The future for us was something that would forever be intertwined and that meant I needed to get on board with the engagement.

  I took my time showering and enjoyed the time to myself to think. The warm water gave me the perfect sense of relaxation and as I finally finished up and crawled into bed with Matthew, I felt more powerful than I had only one day before.

  “Is everything alright?” Matthew asked as his arm pulled me in close to him.

  “Yes, I think we should get married,” I said as my head snuggled up to his chest.

  “I’m sorry about the President. Please don’t feel like we need to rush things. You can still have your three months to think about things. They don’t need to know that.”

  I was grateful that Matthew had acknowledged my initial trepidation and his offer to wait three months like I had requested made me feel very confident in our relationship. Any anger I had toward him had melted away with that one simple sentence.


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