SEAL of Approval

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SEAL of Approval Page 61

by Lynn Faye

  “Oh, God, Ok girls I’m going to get going now,” I said as pure embarrassment flushed through my face.

  “It was nice to meet you, ladies,” Allan said as I gave the girls each a hug and started to make my way out of the restaurant.

  Allan was quickly right behind me, I didn’t look back to see if he had taken the napkin from Ana or not. I really didn’t want to know. It was so embarrassing to have one of my friends practically throwing herself at my new secret service security detail.

  “I’m sorry,” I said again as I loaded myself into the SUV.

  “It’s alright. I can handle a little flirting from your friends.”

  “I know, but it wasn’t professional. I’m sorry.”

  “I once had a client who vomited all over me, I think I’d rather have a cute girl flirting with me,” Allan said as we made our way out of the parking lot. “Do you want to swing by your place before we go home?”

  It was weird to consider Matthew’s house as my home, up until the day before I was living in my own apartment and feeling extremely independent.

  Allan didn’t ask me any questions and simply drove me straight to my apartment. He came upstairs with me and even carried some bags for me as I loaded him up with all my suitcases full of things. It had turned out to be rather helpful that he was there.

  On our way back to Matthew’s house, I felt my phone vibrating and reached into my purse to grab it. It was odd to have Allan driving me around and I noticed a weird feeling of uncertainty as I answered my phone.

  “Hey Matthew, how was your first day?” I said.

  “It was good. Let’s have some dinner, when will you and Allan be home?”

  It surprised me that Matthew knew I was out with Allan.

  “Soon, see you in fifteen minutes.”

  As we hung up, I looked over at Allan. Even though he was trying to pretend like he wasn’t listening to my conversation, it was impossible for him not to have heard me.

  “Why does Matthew know I’m with you?”

  “Ma’am, there’s no secrets in the secret service; we communicate where you both are at all times.”

  I broke out in uncontrollable laughter. I wasn’t sure if it was just the whole of all the events that had occurred over that last few days. But I felt like I had just released an explosion of laughter that I couldn’t control at all. It was fun to get to release some laughter and not have to worry at all about being politically correct. I really liked Allan and hoped that he would get to be my security detail most of the time.

  “There’re no secrets in the secret service,” I said through my tears of laughter. “That sounded like the corniest line in the world.”

  Luckily Allan also thought it was funny by that point and we were both doubled over in laughter as we continued the drive home. It was fun and I felt a huge sense of release that I really needed.

  As we walked into the house, Allan and I were still smiling and laughing. He opened the door for me and as I walked in I saw Matthew just staring at me with a stern look. He didn’t look amused at all by the laughter that was going on between Allan and I.

  “Well, it looks like you two had a fun day,” Matthew said as he sat at the kitchen table.

  “Yes, sir,” Allan said. “Have a good night, Miss Wilson. You too, Mr. Storm,” Allan said as he walked straight downstairs.

  “Did you enjoy your secret service detail?” Matthew said as he looked angrily at me.

  I really didn’t know what he was so angry about. I hadn’t done anything that would make him angry. We had only been laughing together. But it was extremely clear that Matthew didn’t like what was going on at all. He behaved appropriated with Allan, but I feared that I was going to hear some backlash about how I was behaving. Even though I didn’t feel like I had done anything wrong, I did try to explain.

  “Yes, it was funny. I had drinks with my friends and one of them was flirting with him. Then on the way home he said ‘there are no secrets in the secret service,’ it was so funny,” I said as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed Matthew.

  Was he actually jealous of the secret service agent? I wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t anything to be jealous about.

  “That sounds funny,” Matthew said as he kept a straight face.

  He obviously didn’t think anything I had said sounded all that funny. But I was buzzed from the alcohol and I wasn’t in any mood to deal with him having attitude.

  “I’m sorry baby,” I said as I leaned over and kissed him back.

  “Fuck me,” he said as he pulled me into his lap.

  “Matthew, there’s camera’s down here. We can’t do it here. Let’s eat dinner and go upstairs.”

  Matthew didn’t answer me at all. Instead, he pushed the meal off of the table and lifted me up in front of him. He quickly pulled my pants off and spread my legs as his mouth dove down to devour me. It was obvious he wanted to prove a point to all the secret service officers that I wasn’t allowed to have fun with any of them. I was Matthew’s, not theirs.

  Storm GROWS

  The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah Brooks


  I wasn’t jealous. It was just a matter of making sure the people that worked for me respected me. I had no intention of being friends with any of the secret service workers and I needed them to understand where they stood in regards to Kayla.

  Sure, Kayla was much younger than I was and I knew the secret service guys were going to like her much more than they liked me. She was funny and sweet and probably even flirted with them a little. But under no circumstances were any of them going to get it in their head that they could have a go at her. If that meant I needed to fuck her on my kitchen table every night for a month; then I was going to do that.

  Being the second most powerful man in the world had its benefits, that was for sure. One of them was Kayla. She had helped me get to where I was and I appreciated everything she had done. Kayla also understood what it took to be successful in Washington. She had stuck by my side through a lot, so I didn’t want to let her slide away from me as I approached my intended finish line.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked Kayla as we both started to stir awake after our evening of kitchen table love making.

  “Mmmm, yes I slept so good.”

  Kayla rolled over and cuddled up next to me. I did really enjoy having her tucked in with me like she was. There was a peace about her lately. I felt like she was happier than she had been before. Certainly deciding to get married would typically make a woman happy. But Kayla seemed happy in a much different way.

  I couldn’t tell if the power of the position was enticing to her or not. But it had to be. Any woman would kill to be getting ready to marry the Vice President of the United States. I was only one small step from the White House. There was only one little accident away from me taking over the country as the most powerful man.

  “Did you decide what you’d like to do with yourself since I fired you?” I asked her.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I thought I might get into pot and marijuana. Maybe start shooting heroin or something like that.”

  “Seems like a reasonable way to spend your workday.”

  “Seriously, though, I have no idea what I want to do. It’s overwhelming to have the world in the palm of your hands.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at how much anxiety Kayla seemed to have over finding something to do with herself all day. Certainly she had wanted to do something else besides politics.

  “What was your end game?” I asked her as I pulled her with me to the bathroom.

p; She looked at me like I was crazy for a minute while she pondered what she was going to answer. I loved to look at her while she walked around naked, it was one of my favorite things to see. I took a seat at the edge of the tub and watched as Kayla paced back and forth in the large master suite. Her naked body oblivious to my eyes on her.

  “You know, I don’t really have any idea. I wanted to work my way up to managing a Senators office. That was what I wanted.”

  “Well, you did that. What was next?”

  Kayla stopped right in front of me as she stared at me with a blank expression on her face. It was obvious that she had not planned her life out well. Any good plan would have included some wide-eyed possibilities for her future.


  “Kayla! You have to dream big. You can’t just dream of working for someone else. What is it that you want to do? When you die, what do you want people to remember you by?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well then we found something for you to do with your week. Find out what you want to be remembered for.”

  Kayla didn’t seem all that thrilled about my plan for the week for her. But she had to figure things out on her own. Most women I knew would kill to have the life she was going to have. Kayla didn’t have to work anymore. She could attend to other things she wanted to do with her life. I really hoped she would find her passion or at least something that was entertaining to her.

  “What if I want to sit around and eat bonbons and be remembered for that?” Kayla said as a smile flashed across her face.

  “Then I’ll go buy you a freezer full of them,” I said as I pulled her toward me. “I’m serious when I say you can do whatever you want. This is a great opportunity for you. Take your time and decide what you’d like to try. If it doesn’t work out, you could always sit around here and we could make babies.”

  I saw the blood drain out of Kayla’s face at the mention of babies. I really had not meant it as a real statement. I knew she wasn’t anywhere near making that decision for her life yet. It was just a joke.

  “I can hardly take care of myself. Let’s leave babies out of this,” Kayla said.

  As we stood in the warm shower and continued our morning conversation, I couldn’t help but think I was really damn lucky to have her in my life. There were a lot of women that couldn’t have dealt with me the way she did. It was a great match up and I couldn’t wait to see what our future would bring us.

  I had one more major step on my plans for the future. If everything went as planned, I would reach my ultimate goal very soon. It was a numbers game at that point, day by day; just waiting for the right day to come along so I could rise to the powerful level I had always dreamed of.


  Babies? I absolutely didn’t want babies. I knew that Matthew was older than me and he probably did want to start a family fairly quickly, but I just wasn’t ready for something like that. Luckily he quickly backed off from the topic and we were able to slip into the shower and move the conversation forward.

  I wasn’t mad at Matthew over the dinner table incident, but I really did not like what he had done. It was embarrassing to know that the secret service agents had seen me naked and watched us make love. I really didn’t know if I would be able to look any of them in the eyes ever again.

  Perhaps that was why Matthew did it. At first, I thought he had wanted me out of jealousy, but that really wasn’t Matthew’s style. I had decided he was more interested in showing the secret service members how he owned me or controlled me. It would have made me angry before, but my views on our situation were changing and I felt much stronger in my own beliefs than I had before.

  Our relationship was a partnership of sorts. Of course, I still had very strong feelings for Matthew; but he needed a wife if he was going to make it up the social ladder of Washington D.C. and I was just the person for the job. He knew me well, he knew that I wouldn’t fight him when he wanted to do things that were less than ethical. Matthew had a strategic advantage with me and he wasn’t going to let it go.

  For my end of things, I also got a pretty damn good deal. I had been in Washington D.C. for less than a year and I was set to be the Vice President’s wife very soon. It certainly wasn’t something I had ever thought I wanted to be. A wife of someone who had so much power was also saddled down with power of her own.

  If I married Matthew, there would be no more messing up for me. I would have to think through each and every decision before I acted. I could see how Matthew got bogged down with his plans and future; you had to plan when there were so many eyes on you.

  Matthew did make a really good point though, when he asked what I would want to be remembered for. It was a question I had never considered asking myself. Of course, I wanted to change the world. I wanted my life to matter in a way that made a real difference for people each and every day. Unfortunately, I hadn’t found what that passion was going to be yet.

  As much as I wanted to sit around and think about my future dead self and how people would remember me. I had thought of something much better to do with my time while Matthew got acquainted with his new job.

  “What if I started planning our wedding?” I asked Matthew as he was getting dressed and ready to leave for the office.

  “Are you ready for that?”

  “Sure, I think we have already decided we’re doing it. Why not just get it done. We can fly out to Chicago for a weekend and have a small service. What do you think?”

  Matthew quickly picked me up and wrapped me in his arms. He twirled me around the bedroom like we were in some sort of musical comedy on Broadway. It was very clear that my idea had excited him a lot.

  “Yes. I love it!” Matthew said as he held onto me.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as I held on for dear life. He was moving around the room so fast, I was sure that I was going to get thrown off and fall onto the floor at some point.

  “How about next month? I mean I’ll have to find a venue and check some basic things, but I think we could make it happen.”

  “Yes, yes, yes. This is the best idea you have ever had.”

  “Well it’s settled then. We are getting married,” I said as I tried to pry myself away from him.

  Matthew held onto me though and he wouldn’t let go. He walked out to the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs looking down.

  “Oh no you don’t. We aren’t going down the stairs like this. Let me down,” I said as I tried to get my legs free.

  “Hang on,” Matthew said as he sat down on the handrail and we slid down the stairs to the bottom.

  I screamed out in terror as we slid down. I actually thought I saw my life flash before my eyes. My whole body trembled as two secret service officers ran into the room to see what was going on.

  “Matthew!” I screamed at him. “You could have killed us.”

  “Naw, that was the most fun I’ve had in years!”

  “Is everything alright?” One of the officers asked.

  “It sure is. We are getting married,” Matthew said as he finally put me down and shook the hands of each of the secret services officers.

  “Congratulations sir,” they both said.

  “Okay, I’m late for work. Will one of you drive me?” Matthew said as he leaned in and kissed me. “You start making plans. Let me know when you have a date finalized and I’ll clear it in my calendar.”

  Matthew looked like he was practically jumping up and down as he left the house to head into work. I really didn’t know why he had been so excited by the prospect of getting married earlier than we had thought we would do it. But it was fun to see some actual joy coming from Matthew. He had spent way too much time being serious and planning his takeover of the political world.


  I made use of that day and all the days over the next few weeks. I wasn’t bored at all as I tried to plan a small wedding back in Chicago. It was much harder than I had imagined it would be to
plan a wedding when you weren’t even located in the town you wanted to have the event in. I had to use my mother for most of the planning and I tried to be the go-between to make sure everything was organized just as I wanted it.

  My mother had a tendency to want a grand wedding where she could invite all of her friends, and even a few of her enemies. It was a big deal that I was getting married; it was an even bigger deal that I was going to be marrying the Vice President of the United States.

  The thing about Matthew’s new title was that it didn’t seem real to me yet. I still clearly remembered the handsome business man that I had gone home with after almost being assaulted on the street of Chicago. I didn’t know who he was. I didn’t care what he did for his job. My feelings toward him were solely based on how he had protected me and the electricity I felt between us.

  Even as the past few months had gone by, I didn’t look at Matthew as some sort of mythical Senator who had powers beyond that of the normal human. No, I looked at him like a man. A normal, flawed man, that I liked to be around.

  So it was difficult for me to wrap my brain around it when my friends from back home would call me screaming and freaking out when they heard the news. Many of them didn’t follow politics and hadn’t even heard I was dating the Senator. The shock of hearing that the new Vice President had a fiancé, and she happened to be someone they knew; well that shock was very hard for them to control.

  When my best friend from college, Rebecca, called me and started screaming into the phone; I instantly knew what she was screaming about.

  “You fucking cock sucking whore. I’m seriously going to have an a heart attack! Youuuu arrreee marrying the Senator. I mean the Vice President! Oh my God!” Rebecca screamed.

  “Wow, that was a lot of profanity for one pretty girl.”

  “I could just kill you. You don’t call for months. I have no idea what you’re up to, then fucking bam! I see you on television with the God damn fucking Vice President and a rock the size of Hawaii on your finger.”

  The thing about Rebecca was she liked her profanity. It was her signature conversational piece. I had tried for years to break her of the habit, but it just wasn’t going to happen. Instead, I had done what everyone else did around Rebecca; I learned to tune out the four letters words.


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