Writing with Mike Shepherd

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Writing with Mike Shepherd Page 7

by Mike Shepherd

They’ve won their first battle, but they know there is more to come. Some of the farmers walk after the soldiers. Some refuse to consider killing, even to protect themselves. Most of the farmers just wish the horse raiders would go away.

  It is among these that Launa and Jack must find enough soldiers to stand between the lances of the raiders and the farms and herds of these people. But is just winning the battle enough?

  Is the changes they must bring to harden muscles, harden weapons, and harden hearts something that may destroy from within the very lives they were sent to save?

  Ride with Launa and Jack as they seek to start a Second Fire that will burn out the poison from the steppe without burning up the way of life that may be humanity’s only hope.

  First Dawn’s first draft went long. As it turned out, the Battle at the Tree and the return to Tall Oaks made for a good ending. Finding a beginning to Second Fire was harder than I thought. I ended up writing the first two chapters and then cutting them apart and shuffling them to get things started right.

  Again, one thing led to another and I just went along for the ride.

  Lost Days

  Lost Days

  The Lost Millennium Trilogy Book #3

  Publisher: KL & MM Books

  Date: July 1, 2013

  How do you win a war lost 6,000 years before you were born?

  Worse, what if you've won that war, and the word you've made isn't quite what you expected?

  Problem is, now you're 6,000 years away from the on-going fight -- again!

  Here's the exciting conclusion of the Lost Millennium Trilogy as Launa and Jack set out to do it all over again!

  Lost Days was an interesting challenge. I had one year to write the book. For the first time in my life, I was on a deadline. Talk about being terrified!

  Worse, Launa and Jack refused to cooperate. There's a scene uptime where they're talking to Judith and Brent and push back from the table, deciding that they don't want to go back down time and start changing things. Unfortunately for me, that was exactly what I wanted.

  Here I was on deadline, and suddenly my characters are heading off in their own direction and I couldn't control them. Clearly, Launa and Jack had spent too much time with my wife Ellen and I in the hot tub!

  I was both relieved and delighted when my characters cobbled their own ending together. It was a whole lot better than the one I planned.

  Oh, one more thing. People have commented that I've got a Jack here and Jack with Kris. You have to understand, Jack Montoya was supposed to be just a walk-on character. Tommy was supposed to be Kris's boyfriend. However, in Mutineer, he got totally lost in Kris's shadow. Jack did not. Next thing I know, Jack Montoya is elbowing his way to Kris's side and suddenly, I've got a Jack in both of my books!

  And yes, by now you've likely guessed my failing. I can't control my characters. Still, I think they make for a lot of fun. I heard that one of the thing we do as writers is throw rocks at our characters until we drive them up a tree. I'm kind of good at that.

  However, my characters have developed a tendency to pick coconut trees. That way they can throw coconuts at me.

  I have been asked if the three Launa books fit anywhere into the Kris universe. Nope, these are their own little world. There are several books I considered adding to her story, including the trip to China that was set up at the end of Lost Days. However, it's going to be a while before a can get around to them. They require a lot of research.

  The Lost Millennium Anthology

  The Lost Millennium Anthology

  The Lost Millennium Trilogy Book #4

  Publisher: KL & MM Books

  Date: April 8, 2020

  This is an anthology of the Lost Millennium Trilogy, including the prequel Lost Dawns.

  This descriptor of First Dawn, the first books, sets the scene for the adventures in this anthology:

  How do you win a war lost 6,000 years before you were born? Those are the orders waiting Launa O'Brian, fresh out of West Point. They want her to help peaceful farmers win a war they're about to lose and beat back the Horse Raiders that destroyed them.

  The Army has a time machine. They even tested it once. It didn't work, but trust them, they fixed it. With the whole army to chose from, they've assigned her Captain Jack Walking Bear as a partner. As a captain, he outranks her. As a guy, he's got a lot of different ideas about how to run this show. But the President put Launa in charge, because his old anthropology professor says women spoke first back then and guys paid attention.

  So how come the first thing they see is a war band of horsemen who want to hit them over the head and steal everything they brought? Did the time machine blow it? Were the anthropologists overly optimistic?

  In April of 2020, as a response to the Stay at Home Order from COVID-19, I had my assistant create an anthology of the Lost Millennium Trilogy, including the prequel, Lost Dawns. It went up for immediate sale, just in time for weekend reading. All of the adventures of in one ‘cover’ for readers to blow through in one sitting. I’m so glad you enjoy it.

  Part IX

  Short Story Collections

  These short stories have been moved into collections and were some of Mike Shepherd’s early work. They were first published under my real name of Mike Moscoe and published in various science fiction magazines. Some were nominated for the Nebula.

  A Day’s Work on the Moon

  A Day’s Work on the Moon

  Short Story Collection #1

  Publisher: KL & MM Books

  Date: February 26, 2011

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  The cover story features Nikki who always wanted to work on the moon. Now she's got her first job ... working on the moon! Bummer that it's just delivering pizza, but, hey, she's still in high school and working on the moon! Another story shares the adventures of Dave who needs a far-out science project to get a scholarship to a decent high school. So he and his 13 year old buddies decide to be the first middle school to put a satellite in orbit. Of course, they can't tell their teachers.

  Finally, Stacy grew up Program with Dad gone to Mars or wherever, and Mom doing PR. She swore she'd never go to space and leave her kids behind. But life doesn't always give you want you want. It's more like what you can survive.

  This collection of stories includes the following: A Day’s Work on the Moon, Touch a Star, The Star Trader’s Daughter, Summer Hopes – Winter Dreams, Take My Word For It – Bad Idea, Slow Time at Buchenwald, and Keeping Up Royal Appearances

  A Day's Work on the Moon was my first story to make the final Nebula ballot. I'm told it also just missed the Hugo ballot by one vote. When I wrote it in 1999, there was a lot of hope that we'd be going back to the moon real soon. My daughter's first job was delivering pizza. Why couldn't my unborn granddaughter deliver pizza on the moon?

  Most of the stories in this collection are space-oriented.

  The Job Interview

  The Job Interview

  Short Story Collection #2

  Publisher: KL & MM Books

  Date: January 29, 2012

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  This is a collection of Nebula Nominated Science Fiction Short Stories. At age 80, Cassie needs a job. The interviewer is out of this world. The health benefits may include the Fountain of Youth, but is the price too high. The fate of nations may hang on the edge of a blade forged long ago for an assassin. Or not. If you had the chance to do it over, could you swallow your pride and ask for help?

  This collection of stories includes the following: The Job Interview, A Sharp Twist to Destiny, One Picture is Worth, Friday Night is Date Night, To Lasso a Divine Wind, A Long Stay in the Trenches, Too Smart Weapons, An End to Nightmares, and What Will You Give Me for a Used . . .

  The Job Interview made the preliminary Nebula ballot for Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Most of these stories have a taste of war in them, some as science fiction, others as echoes.

  The Strange Redemption of Sister MaryAnn

  The Str
ange Redemption of Sister MaryAnn

  Short Story Collection #3

  Publisher: KL & MM Books

  Date: January 29, 2012

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  Nebula award nominated Science Fiction short stories of galactic war and faith. Of death that comes not to one alone, but gets rather crowded. Of trying to earn money for Friday night's date, and maybe selling your soul. Of standing between incoming missiles and American, and maybe the very gates of hell. For lighter stuff, there's the magic of a kid's road trip and two ghosts alone in the world ... except they’re not.

  This collection of stories includes the following: The Strange Redemption of Sister MaryAnn, What Wise Men Seek, Faith to Move Mole Hills, A Bad Day All Around, Danny’s Very Long Trip, One Upgrade Too Many, and Two Ghosts and a Camel.

  The Strange Redemption of Sister Mary Ann took me over ten years to write. I'd try, look at the results, and hit delete. At the time, I just didn't have the writing skills. Finally, I was able to put my feelings about our repeated miscarriages down on paper with a bit of speculative theological fiction. To my surprise, Stan bought it for Analog. It made the final Nebula ballot and my wife Ellen and I made a trip to Chicago.

  Most of the stories here have a touch of faith somewhere in them.

  An interesting thing about all three of the stories that made the final Nebula ballot. I wrote them during a two-week writing course on the Oregon Coast. In all cases I had only two or three days to write them. I did some rewriting later, but it was only polish. This was where I learned I could write fast and write well.

  Part X

  Foreign Language Publications

  Approximately ten years ago, my Japanese publisher Hyagawa approached my agent with Ace, and I have had seven books published now in Japan; several of them best sellers in the Japanese/ English market.

  There is a annual book fair in Frankfurt, Germany. My books were presented there and both a German and a Polish publisher asked to pick them up.

  A Spanish publisher approached me and I passed them along to my agent, and that’s how the two Spanish books came to be – Mutineer and Deserter.



  There is a annual book fair in Frankfurt, Germany. My books were presented there and both a German and a Polish publisher asked to pick them up. I’ve given you the English title, then the German one below it. I really am intrigued by how they think Kris looks.

  Kris Longknife: Mutineer

  Publisher: Bastei Entertainment

  Date: May 27, 2013

  Kris Longknife: Die Rebellin

  Kris Longknife ist in die Navy eingetreten, um aus dem Schatten ihrer mächtigen Familie zu treten. Ihre ersten Missionen sind nicht besonders aufregend. Obwohl sie alles tut, um einen guten Ensign abzugeben, hält eine Eigenschaft sie davon ab: ihre Neigung, vorzupreschen und Fakten zu schaffen, ganz gleich, wie gefährlich das sein mag.

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  Kris Longknife: Deserter

  Publisher: Bastei Entertainment

  Date: February 14, 2014

  Kris Longknife: Unter Quarantane

  Kris Longknife ist Offizierin an Bord eines Raumkreuzers der Navy. Als das Schiff für einige Wochen zur Reparatur ins Dock muss, will sie die Zeit nutzen, um ihre adelige Familie zu besuchen, vor der sie eigentlich zum Militär geflohen ist. Doch dann erhält sie die Nachricht, dass ihr bester Freund Tommy auf den Planeten Turanic entführt wurde. Unverzüglich eilt Kris ihm zu Hilfe. Ohne zu ahnen, dass der Planet wegen einer tödlichen Seuche unter Quarantäne steht ...

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  Kris Longknife: Defiant

  Publisher: Bastei Entertainment

  Date: July 18, 2014

  Die Invasion

  Nachdem Kris Longknife an einer Verschwörung beteiligt war, nehmen ihre Vorgesetzten ihr jegliche Befehlsgewalt über die Kriegsflotte. Doch dann startet eine außerirdische Spezies völlig unerwartet eine Invasion.

  Kris tut, was sie tun muss: Sie widersetzt sich sowohl der Regierung als auch dem Militär. Und zieht mit ihrer angeschlagenen Flotte in die Schlacht ...

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  Kris Longknife Resolute

  Publisher: Bastei Entertainment

  Date: February 12, 2015

  Das Kommando

  Für Kris Longknife wird ein Traum wahr: Sie erhält ihr erstes Kommando über eine Raumstation. Dazu wird sie allerdings in das entlegene Sternensystem Chance versetzt, eine Beförderung, die zugleich einem Exil gleicht.

  Doch Kris ist nicht untätig, und bald kommt sie einer Organisation auf die Spur. Die verbirgt auf einem einsamen Planeten höchst fortschrittliche Alien-Technologie, die in ihren Händen eine extreme Gefahr darstellt ...



  A Spanish publisher approached me and I passed the info along to my agent, and that’s how the two Spanish books came to be – Mutineer and Deserter.

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  Sinopsis: Kris Longknife es una privilegiada: su padre es el primer ministro de su planeta natal, su madre es la esposa perfecta. Su educación giró en torno a ser hermosa y dar con un buen marido. Pero el linaje de los militaristas Longknife corre por la sangre de Kris... y, pese a la oposición de sus padres, se alista en los marines. Así, deberá demostrar su valía en el prolongado conflicto entre su poderosa familia, el muy defensivo (y también ofensivo) planeta Tierra y los centenares de colonias en guerra. Una serie de ataques mal planteados lleva la guerra muy cerca de su hogar y pone la vida de Kris en juego. Ahora tiene que elegir entre una muerte segura en el frente, en los confines del espacio, o rebelarse.

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  Japanese – Kris Longknife Books # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Approximately ten years ago, my Japanese publisher Hyagawa approached my agent with Ace and I have had seven books published now in Japan; several of them best sellers in the Japanese/ English market. I’ve attached the pics of the Japanese books here – you might notice that Kris looks a little different. She’s usually tall and skinny, with a barely noticeable bust line….well…she’s portrayed a bit differently in Japan.

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  Kris Longknife Mutineer:

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  Kris Longknife Deserter

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  Kris Longknife Defiant

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  Kris Longknife Resolute

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  Kris Longknife Audacious


  Polish – In Polish, I was lucky enough to publish First Dawn and Second Fire. They also wanted Kris Longknife Mutineer and Deserter. For some reason, I only ever received a copy of First Dawn, so that is the pic you see here.

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  About the Author

  Mike Shepherd is the National best-selling author of the Kris Longknife saga. Mike Moscoe is the award-nominated short story writer who has also written several novels, most of which were, until recently, out of print. Though the two have never been seen in the same room at the same time, they are reported to be good friends.

  Mike Shepherd grew up Navy. It taught him early about change and the chain of command. He's worked as a bart
ender and cab driver, personnel advisor and labor negotiator. Now retired from building databases about the endangered critters of the Northwest, he looks forward to some fun reading and writing.

  Mike lives in Vancouver, Washington, with his wife Ellen, and not too far from his daughter and grandkids. He enjoys reading, writing, dreaming, watching grandchildren for story ideas, and upgrading his computer – all are never ending.

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