Jaded: Luke

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Jaded: Luke Page 8

by Hildie McQueen

  Allison laughed. “I knew they wouldn’t, just wanted to see how they’d react.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  She tracked the men who walked to the bar and talked to the guy behind it who handed them both a bottle of beer. Moments later beers in hand, they went to the pool tables.

  Taylor had said Tobias was gone to his parents for the night. Interesting that Luke had not joined his brother, but what the hell did she know. Although they’d been intimate, she didn’t know crap about Luke Hamilton.

  “What was the deal with you two?” Allison watched her. “There was something there between you and Luke.”

  “Dislike? Annoyance? Or could it be the fact he antagonizes me constantly?”

  “Nope,” Allison replied, looking to where Luke and Taylor now played pool. “He’s very interested in you. If I didn’t know better, I’d guess you two had totally been naked together.”

  “You don’t know better. And yeah, so not happening.”

  Thankfully Allison dropped the subject when a pair of women walked in. Although it was much too cool for it, one wore shorts and the other a short sundress. Both wore cowboy boots and from the tossing of hair came for more than just food and drinks. The duo made a beeline for the pool table where Luke and Taylor played.

  After some interaction, mostly with Taylor, the guys continued to play with a rapt audience of two.

  The loud oohs and laughter grated every one of Leah’s nerves. “She has the most annoying laugh.” Leah slid a look toward the pool tables. “I can hear her over the music.”

  Allison nodded. “The guys are about to get lucky. They don’t even have to try hard. In the mean time, me and you may strike out.”

  “I don’t want to get lucky,” Leah said tapping the table for emphasis. “You however can, there’s a good-looking guy over at the bar.”

  After a quick look over her shoulder, Allison shook her head. “Nah, I think he’s drowning his sorrows and will be sloppy drunk by the time he leaves.”

  Four guys walked in. From their dusty boots and dirty clothes, they’d just left work. One of them looked to where the foursome at the pool tables talked and stopped walking midstride.

  “Oh-oh,” Allison whispered. “Something’s up.”

  The guy was a large man, not as muscular as Taylor or Luke, but he made up for it in burliness. He stormed over to the pool table area with the other three forming some sort of guard behind him.

  “What the fuck you doing here Donna?”

  “Shit we should go.” Leah started to slide out only to be stopped by Allison grabbing her arm.

  “Are you crazy. This is going to be fun. I can’t wait to see who throws the first punch.” Her friend clapped with glee earning a glare from an older pair of women who signaled for the waiter to bring their checks.

  Meanwhile, Donna, the girl in the shorts, held up a middle finger and huffed. “None of your business. What I do is none of your concern Bobbie. We’re done.”

  Bobbie wasn’t having it. He clenched his hands into fists. “Get the fuck away from those assholes.”

  “Make me!” Donna screamed and laughed. She looked to her friend who didn’t seem to find any humor in the situation.

  The sundress girl tugged at Donna’s arm. “Lets get out of here.”

  “Fuck no!” Donna said to no one in particular.

  The husky guy spat on the floor and rolled his neck. “Come on Donna. We’re going home.”

  Taylor stepped forward. “I don’t think the lady wants to go with you. Leave her be.”

  “I don’t have a beef with you Taylor, so you best just step aside. Donna, I’m telling you one more time...”

  Donna rushed forward and slapped the guy so hard, the sound seemed to echo. The older ladies screamed and rushed out and Leah looked to Allison. “Great.”

  The husky guy backhanded Donna so hard, the woman flew back into Taylor who in turn stumbled backwards.

  Until that point, Luke had remained in the background. With a growl, he rushed forward, his arms out from his body, eyes locked to the husky man. Something about his demeanor sent the guy’s three buddies to take steps backward.

  He slammed his fist into the guy’s jaw so hard, the burly guy’s head slanted down to his shoulder.

  “No Luke!” Taylor yelled and tried to push his cousin aside while waving at the guys. “Get out of here now!”

  Too late. The second punch made the husky guy bend forward with a loud wooshing sound from deep in his lungs. It was followed by a third and fourth hit, which were so fast, Leah could not keep up.

  “Get him the fuck out of here now!” Taylor yelled and tried to grab Luke’s arm. However Luke was beyond stopping, pounding bloody fists into the guy’s face and then hitting any of the others who tried to intervene.

  Finally Taylor took a running start and tackled Luke sending him several feet crashing into tables and chairs. A pair of guys who’d been playing at another table watched silently from against the wall.

  “Holy shit,” Allison said, her eyes wide. She and Leah were now standing on top of the booth seats, doing their best to blend into the wall behind them.

  Leah could not tear her eyes away from the raging beast Luke had become. He swung at Taylor who was quick enough to get out of the way. Outside, sirens sounded and Leah hoped the police would get there before anyone else got hurt.

  Luke stalked toward Taylor who now held his hands up ready to defend himself.

  “Both of you, get the fuck out of here.” The bartender held up a bat, not moving from behind the bar.

  The young guy who’d been Leah and Allison’s server stood next to the bar watching, seeming more entertained than afraid.

  Face contorted with rage, Luke faced the doors just as two police officers entered with guns drawn.

  “Get down on the floor you two,” one of the police officers called out. “Now!”

  His moves mechanical, Luke complied while Taylor looked to one of the officers. “Don’t handcuff him. Call Eric.”

  Why all the instructions? Why did it seem as if Taylor feared what his cousin was capable of while at the same time protecting him?

  “Hands behind your back,” the officer replied.

  “Please,” Taylor said following instructions and keeping his gaze on Luke. “He has PTSD and can’t control his rage. Do as I say, he could hurt you.”

  A third police officer rushed to Luke. Bad idea, just as a loud growl sounded Luke swung sending the guy realing back into his partner. Both men fell backwards cursing loudly.

  Luke stood his chest heaving with each breath and shoulders hunched forward prepared for anything.

  “Get on the floor now!” One of the officers yelled the ear splitting sound of a gun being fired followed the command.

  This time, both Leah and Allison screamed.


  Red. Everything was red and all he could hear was blood rushing. There was the tunnel, the short bridge. “Stop! Pull back! Pull back!”

  Luke’s throat was raw from screaming and yet they kept moving forward, the oppressive heat surrounded and pressed down on him like a furnace. The scorching temperature not abating until he thought he’d pass out from it. “I said pull back!” The command came out a hoarse whisper, not the loud bark he normally used to order the troops with. What was wrong with him?

  He grabbed at the man next to him only to come up empty. His hands flailing through emptiness. The next explosion was not like other times, deafening until his ears bled. This time it was like an echo, the sound vibrating through him sending him through the air until he landed so hard the wind was knocked out of him.

  As hard as he struggled to get up, to go and help the others, he couldn’t move. Every limb was locked in place arms stuck to his sides and he fought and fought until the saltiness of his tears and sweat covered his face.

  Darkness fell, it always did.

  “No!” He had to help them, had to save them.

  “Luke. Honey wak
e up.” His mother’s soft voice penetrated through the thick fog that enveloped. Luke tried to talk, but his tongue was thick and heavy.

  “Here.” A straw was pushed past his cracked lips and he sucked greedily loving the feel of cold liquid that flowed down his throat. Still he could barely pry his eyes to more than slits.

  He was in a hospital that much he could tell. The fluorescent lights overhead were so blinding, he squeezed he eyes shut.

  “I’ll lower the lights,” his mother said and the room was immediately dimmed, only sunlight coming through the one large window.

  He tried to sit up, but couldn’t move.

  “You’re restrained. Don’t try to move, you’ll hurt yourself more.”


  There wasn’t any pain, as far as he could tell anyway. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, he recalled a fight. He’d tried to intervene in a domestic dispute.

  “Damn it.” His raspy voice was countered by a need to clear his throat. “What happened? Did I...”

  “You got into a fight. Lost control. They had to Taser you. As hard as the doctors tried, they couldn’t bring you out of the rage, so they had to use sedatives after they brought you here.”


  “Luke?” His father leaned over him. “It’s time for this to stop. You’re staying here, and if I have my way, strapped down until you listen to reason.”

  “Really John? Do you have to do this now?” His mother tried to stop his dad, but they both knew it was useless. One thing about the Hamilton’s, they were strong and stubborn as hell.

  His dad frowned. “You hear me boy. That’s it. I’ve had enough of trying to give you time. The only thing that’s going to accomplish is you killing someone.”

  The door opened and Luke groaned. Who was it now? He felt like a damn zoo animal on display. The rare raving maniac species. Yet he didn’t dare say anything. He wouldn’t cuss in front of his mother and the words on the tip of his tongue were not for her ears.

  “I see he’s awake.” A doctor neared and took the top off a syringe. “This will keep you calm for a bit. Until the physiologist gets here tomorrow, we’ll keep you sedated Mr. Hamilton.”


  “You lost your choice in the matter I’m afraid.” The doctor looked to his parents. “Police got a judgment. You’re under arrest and considered dangerous unless sedated.”

  He pounded his head back on the pillow, immediately regretting it when the urge to throw up caused him to cough and gag.

  “Leave the room for a bit,” the doctor instructed and motioned a nurse forward. Pushing the bed’s buttons, they lifted him to sitting. Just in time a trashcan was placed against his chest as he threw up.

  The doctor stood by the door. “You may want to stay steady. You can have water, but that’s it for the time being.”

  How the fuck was he supposed to drink? Luke was glad when the nurse helped him take water from a glass and rinse out his mouth. Afterwards he pushed his head back against the pillows and glared at the blank television.

  The nurse adjusted his bed back a bit. “Its best you stay a bit upright until the nausea passes. You okay for now?” She had kind eyes.

  Luke nodded. “Yeah I’m good. Thank you.”

  Later that night, he watched a game as Tobias snored in the chair next to the bed. He’d tried to kick his brother out, but the guy insisted on staying. One good thing about it was he didn’t have to get a nurse to help him pee. On the other hand, Tobias made fun of him the entire time.

  What an ass.

  “Toby,” he said in a loud voice.

  Tobias’ head snapped up and unfocused eyes searched his face. “Yeah...what? You okay?”

  “Untie me. I have to go to the bathroom.”

  His brother rolled his neck and looked to the door. “Nah. You’ll make a break for it.”

  “I’m not fucking around man. I have to take a crap.”


  “Untie me. I won’t go anywhere.”

  One thing both prided themselves on was never breaking a promise. So his brother loomed over him. “Promise, you’ll come right back to bed. I don’t want to have to kick your ass.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I don’t need anymore trouble. Rather be here than at the jailhouse. I promise.”

  Once he went, Luke walked back and stared down at his hospital gown. Ass hanging out the back and black socks didn’t exactly make good escape attire. “Where’s my clothes?”

  “Mom took them.” Toby stood with his back to the door, arms crossed. “Get back in bed.”

  Feeling lightheaded, he did as his brother instructed and lifted the back to sitting. “Like I said, I’m not going anywhere. Who pressed charges? Where’s Taylor?”

  “They arrested you both, or Taylor anyway for public endangerment and drunk and disorderly. Taylor spent the night in jail. Mom and Dad refused to go get him.”

  “We weren’t drunk. Taylor didn’t do anything.”

  “Yeah he did. He tackled the cop that was going to handcuff you.”

  How much longer would other people pay for his problem? The issue was his own and Luke didn’t have a problem with that, but when his family got hurt or involved, the game changed. And didn’t that just make him feel like shit.

  “I thought I heard a shot. Anyone get hurt?”

  Tobias sat down, with his elbows resting on the bed next to Luke’s leg. He looked him straight in the eye. “Not this time. Eric came in and shot at the ceiling to get everyone’s attention. He might be in trouble too. Man you have to do something. I get it. I know why you intervened. The problem is you can’t stop.”

  He couldn’t. No matter how many times he repeated to himself the flashbacks were under control, once he saw red, all control was lost.

  “They died. I didn’t. Sometimes I think they are the lucky bastards. I’m left with shit I can’t control. Every day I have to walk the tightrope keeping my balance and praying nothing sets me off. What kind of life is that? Why do I even keep hanging on?”

  “You didn’t die. Who knows why.” Tobias straightened. “I know where you’re coming from. There are times I’m back in Iraq, times when the shakes get me so hard my teeth rattle. Thank God no one died on my watch, so I have no idea about that. But I will tell you this brother... you have to do something. And I don’t mean put a gun to that block head of yours.”

  “Your head is just as huge.”

  Tobias let out a huff and looked up to the ceiling. “Being your twin sucks. I mean it.” He looked to the door. “Our cuz is actually going to the judge tomorrow to see about dropping charges for you. He wants to say you’re getting counseling.”

  Luke bit back the “hell naw,” and instead clenched his jaw. How many times would he sit in a damn circle and listen to others whine about how shitty their lives were? How the hell was that going to help? He could go back to taking the drugs. Walk around in a stupor. Who gave a shit anyway?

  “Yeah fine. But this time, I am not going to one of those support groups. I’m going to find a doctor myself. And you’re going too.”

  Toby’s mouth fell open. “Since when is this about me?”

  “Stop lying Tobias. You know damn well, you didn’t go to Iraq, patrolled the fucking streets of Fallujah, and never lost one person. Someone fuckin’ died and you well know it. Stop painting it like you went camping or some shit.”

  His twin’s jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. “You don’t know shit. I’m not the one losing it every other day. I don't go around beating the shit out of every damn body.”

  “The nurses asked me to come and see what was going on.” A large man stood at the door. Scrubs didn’t hide the guy’s muscular body. Obviously he was the night shift nurse/bodyguard. “Keep it down.” The male’s eyes went to Luke’s wrists.

  “Why aren’t you restrained? The nurses won’t come in here if you’re not tied up.” He neared the bed slowly and pulled Luke’s arm to the side. “I’ll keep them loose.”

  Luke lowered his gaze and focused on the foot of the bed. He could feel Toby watching. Even angry, his brother would ensure he kept his cool.

  “I let him get up to go to the bathroom. He’ll be fine without restraints for now.” Toby tried to convince the nurse, but within moments, he was once again restrained.

  The guy looked Luke over, his eyes flat. “Once the psychologists gives the order, we can go from there. For now, you have to remain restrained.” He looked to Tobias. “Please don’t do it again or we’ll have to not allow visitors.”

  After the nurse left, Luke tugged at the restraints, more out of habit than anything else as he was sure they were pretty secure.

  “Ever been tied up in bed?” He looked to his twin. “I haven’t.”

  Tobias gave him a droll look. “If I have, you’re the last person I’d admit it to.”

  “So the answer is yes. Kinky bastard.”

  “You’re an idiot.” Tobias settled down into the chair and lifted his feet up to Luke’s bed. “Go to sleep.

  “We will start with cognitive behavioral therapy combined with antidepressants, ” the psychiatrist said, his gaze moving from Luke to his brother. “Since you prefer not to talk in a group setting, then we will avoid it for now. I am also going to ask that you stay out of places where groups gather and for the time being stick to familiar places that won’t trigger any strong emotions. Home, work, and maybe a once a week trip to town, but only to a small business or such. As soon as you feel a trigger, you leave.”

  He liked the guy. Unlike the quacks back in Texas, this guy was older and from the direct way he spoke, wouldn’t take any shit from him. Something about the doctor put Luke at ease.

  Although he felt like a loser for not being able to control himself, the doctor didn’t back down nor did he try to talk Luke out of the belief a lot of what happened was his fault.

  They’d not talked other than general stuff, so his perceptions could still change. Sometimes these people had a way of coming across one way until you started talking more and then the demands would come.


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