The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series)

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The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series) Page 25

by Christine Asher

  Nevertheless, I only required his assistance in the fight against Tsedaka. I didn't need his bank card or stock portfolio. And, regardless of whether or not some stupid prophecy said we were to be mates, I refused to let him trap me. Seriously, Michel's absurd foretellings of our future relationship were screwed up, worse than a freaking prearranged marriage.

  Shaking my head in frustration, I rapidly came to the conclusion that I couldn't accept any more of Adrian's charity, not a single shining penny. No online shopping, no vineyard in California, and definitely no blood slaves. I mean, his coddling and sheltering weren't necessary. In my opinion, bank robbery was a perfectly reasonable profession for a vampire. A whole heck of a lot better than dry humping guys' laps for twenty dollars a song. And if the other vamps disapproved, well, piss on 'em. I didn't ask for this life.

  Sucking in a yawning breath, I released it slowly and desperately tried to dismiss the tension from my mind. I still had important stuff to do. Namely, I needed to check on my protector. "Lucien, can you hear me?" I asked, propelling my words in his direction with force.

  "Hey, girlie," he replied a few moments later. "I'll be up to my quarters shortly."

  "Up? What do you mean by up? We're underground."

  "True. However, the facility goes down four floors. The infirmary is on the level directly beneath you."

  "Uh-huh," I thought sleepily, my brain gradually digesting the new information. "So, um, are the doctors done with you? Is your face gonna be okay?"

  "The healer gave me a special salve for my skin and my mother donated blood. After I fed, I began feeling much stronger..." He faltered, the tiniest hint of hesitation leaking across our bond. "A good night's sleep and I'll be fit as a fiddle. No worries."

  "I'm merely thankful you're alive; I don't know what I'd do without you," I admitted earnestly. In the back of my mind, though, I sensed that he was glossing over the severity of his condition. Even so, I decided not to press the issue. Undue stress from me might hinder his recovery. "I'm proud of you for utilizing donations rather than taking on new slaves. Adrian keeps trying to push 'em on me and it totally sceeves me out."

  "I'm afraid I have to agree with him, girlie. You should pick up at least one, possibly two. As for myself, well, I'll stick with donated blood from now on. Clearly, we're in this mess because of me and Dawn, on account of our bond." And with that, a heavy knot of his emotions invaded my subconscious. Sadness. Despair. Regret.

  "That's not true," I objected, unwilling to let him shoulder the blame. "Tsedaka and his henchmen are the ones at fault. You and Dawn had nothing to do with it."

  "We were talking of moving on prior to her arrival. If she hadn't come to our hotel and distracted us, we probably would've left before the king's guards got there."

  "Lucien, you can't change the past and neither can I. I wish there was a way, believe me. And, frankly, feeding from her was a roll of the dice; she could've bonded to me just as easily."

  "It's nice to hear you say that, but my heart's still heavy. Amelia was very much a sister to me; my mother raised us. You see, Amelia's parents were sold off to a vampire coven in California when she was a only toddler. Since we're cousins, it became my mother's responsibility to care for her."

  "Has anyone told her family, um, of her death?"

  "Yep, my mother spoke with them. Despite their grief, they aren't holding us responsible. They understand that things such as this happen and send their condolences."

  Promptly, my eyes moistened and tears started seeping steadily onto my pillow. "I miss her, Lucien."

  "I miss her too, girlie."

  "And that's why we're not creating more bonds," I thought to him, fervently wiping at my cheeks. "It's too hard to lose 'em."

  "The part of my soul that continues to mourn Dawn's passing sees your logic. Regardless, you must agree to another slave at some point. It's for your safety."

  "Whatever, I guess we'll cross that bridge once it gets here," I grumped, eager to pull a quick subject change. "So, um, when do you think the doctors will release you?"

  "Within the hour. After which, I'll come up to my quarters and sleep. Lord Adrian's guards' can keep you safe while I recuperate; I'm confident of their abilities. All the same, wake me if there's an emergency."

  "For real, there's four of 'em outside my door and they seem to have the situation under control. So, snag a bit of shuteye and don't worry about me, 'kay? I'll be fine."

  "Nonetheless, call if you need me." Along with his words he sent a surge of loving energy, tenderly ending our conversation.

  In turn, I snuggled into the covers and relaxed, the satin sheets reminding me of the many dreams I'd enjoyed back in my own bed at home. My lucidity fading, I briefly thought of my mom's little house in Lyndon and everything else I'd left behind. My old life as a dancer, my virtually infinite debt, and even my ridiculous dreams of becoming a broadway star. It felt obscurely surreal, like different life. And, honestly, it truly was different life. The human one that I'd never have the opportunity to finish.

  Chapter 29

  I awoke to a quiet room, stretching and taking a mental inventory of my body. Everything had healed, no more pain or shakiness. Likewise, my energy levels were back to normal. I felt so good, in fact, that I probably could've stopped time. And the scars from Tsedaka's whipping, well, there weren't any. My skin was as soft as a baby's bottom. Vamp regeneration powers, freaking amazing.

  Still, something seemed wrong, off about the situation. I detected a sourness in the pit of my stomach and, within moments, goosebumps had completely covered my arms. I couldn't quite put my finger on the source of my angst, but I knew one thing for certain. It was bad.

  I sat up in bed, adrenaline surging, and followed my first instinct by calling to Lucien through our connection. When he was unresponsive, I told myself not to worry. I mean, his injuries were way worse than mine. It only stood to reason that he'd require a longer stint of sleep. Regardless, all the sound logic in the world didn't pacify my feelings of impending doom.

  I skittishly glanced at the door to the foyer, wondering whether I should go talk to Adrian's guards. They'd assuredly have answers, yet my mind continued to race. What if the old man was attacking us? Or Lucien and Adrian were hurt and needed my help? What if...

  Oh god, bad shit really might be going down. Over the past few minutes, I'd thought of Adrian's name several times and he hadn't invaded my head. Come to think about it, I'd done the same thing last night and he never paid me a visit then either. Did the battle begin already? What if they'd died while I slept?

  Racked with dread, I leaped toward my closet, hastily changing into a baggy pair of blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Although, inexplicably, I wavered at the final second. Was charging into the foyer like a crazy woman truly the best idea? Seeing that they could just be asleep?

  I inhaled deeply, struggling to clear my panicked psyche. If that was the case, I didn't wanna go into the foyer at all. Seriously, the guards and anyone else who happened to be hanging around would jump at the opportunity to grovel, grovel, grovel. Not looking forward to that. Plus, once they sensed my unease, they'd wake everybody up. If my guys were actually getting a bit of well-deserved rest, I'd have disturbed them for no rational purpose.

  So, after much deliberation, I ultimately decided to peek in on Adrian. It appeared to be the prudent choice, considering my intuition was, in all likelihood, nothing more than paranoia. Doubtlessly, enduring dear old daddy's torture-fest had made me a little spastic. The sick bastard.

  Therefore, as noiselessly as possible, I tiptoed into our bathroom. I passed my discarded pile of blood soaked clothes, untouched on the floor where I'd left them. Then I came to Adrian's closed door, which he must've shut during the night, well, or day. Truthfully, I didn't even know the time. Whatever, unimportant.

  Turning the knob, I eased the door open cautiously and employed my stealthiest efforts. Nonetheless, he greeted me briskly. "Morning, darling, you sleep well?"
r />   "Um, yeah," I mumbled, shuffling into the room as I admired him with my eyes. He lay there, sprawled out on the bed in his half-naked, sexiest man alive, blonde curly haired glory. I bit my lip.

  Exuding his standard air of confidence, he patted the empty space next to him. "Would joining me please you?"

  "No," I grunted, waving my hands vigorously. "I only came in here on account of a bad vibe. I realize it sounds kinda stupid but I called for Lucien and received no response. And, well, when I thought of you and you didn't pop in on me, I got sorta edgy. I figured you guys might've started the fight without me."

  He chuckled. "No, my love. Lucien's immersed in his healing sleep which will probably carry on for several more hours. As for my absence, I merely stuck to my word, remember? I told you that if you stayed with me I'd quit pushing into your mind."

  I did remember him saying that, however not until now. Thankfully, I'd decided against screaming bloody murder in the foyer. That would've been totally embarrassing.

  "Perhaps you're feeling unsettled because you woke up alone." Pausing, he ran his fingertips across his bare chest and flashed me a seductive smile. "Come here, I'll make it all better."

  "Uh, maybe another time," I sputtered, fidgeting nervously. "In place of that, um, we should discuss the trust fund you arranged for me. And, don't be mistaken, I really appreciate it. But I can't accept..."

  "Wouldn't it be better to debate your finances later?" he chortled playfully. "Once you've had a few days to mull it over?" Then, in a single fluid motion, he poofed in front of me and grabbed a fistful of my hair. He moved faster than light, leaving me no chance to object, as he turned my face up to him and claimed my lips like they'd been his for years.

  A wave of passion slammed into my soul, instantaneously transporting me to my prison cell and our first kiss. Only on this day, my hubby-to-be didn't slam on the brakes. He seized me with the eagerness of a man who'd pined for me his whole life.

  All thoughts of the trust fund, our impending battle, and Lucien were wiped clean away. I lost every last semblance of control and my world narrowed down to Adrian. His soft lips, his hot breath on my skin, and my desperate need for more.

  Distantly, I felt his arms as they encircled my waist and lifted me off the floor. I understood he was carrying me to the bed, yet I didn't complain. I simply wrapped my legs firmly around his hips and prayed he'd never let go. Never, ever, ever.

  Purring a tender, "I love you," he broke the kiss and flopped me onto the cushiony mattress. After which, he hovered above me, pressing his hard length into the crotch of my jeans.

  "More," I moaned. "Don't stop." At that moment, I was unconcerned with what might transpire in the future. And I could've cared less whether or not his vamp powers were the source of my freakishly impulsive arousal. I wanted him. Screw everything else.

  "Patient, be patient," his alluring blue eyes pleaded while he unbuttoned my shirt and began to kiss a path toward my breasts. Unable to restrain my desire, I leaned into his mouth and, as I did, tingling sensations stimulated us both. I say both because, with each caress, our minds merged together more and more.

  I ran my hands through his silky hair and proceeded to explore the supple muscles of his shoulders. Then, somewhere in the midst of it all, time seemed to suspend. I wasn't sure if I'd inadvertently used my power or if it was merely the heady feeling of our make-out session.

  Regardless, seconds later, I got my answer when Adrian's glittery purple dust oozed into the room. It looked very similar to the shield he'd manifested at high court and my eyes flitted around in astonishment.

  "What's all this?" I eventually asked, nearly speechless at the sight.

  Grinning knowingly, he started working at my zipper. "I believe our powers are merging. Many of the first-generation experienced this type of phenomenon."

  A fleeting hint of anxiety entered forefront of my awareness, swiftly followed by a pervading sense of apprehension. For real, should I be doing this? Granted, he turned me on. Really, really on. Still, what did powers merging actually mean? Would it create a deeper connection? If so, I definitely wasn't up for it. I just wanted a quickie, no strings attached.

  "Don't worry," he soothed, pushing my jeans down past my knees. "The merging will bring us closer during the act. That said, it won't affect any permanent changes. Nothing commensurate with a blood slave bond or the attachment to a vampire you've sired."

  "And having sex doesn't imply that we're..."

  Eyes twinkling, he interrupted me by kissing the tip of my nose sweetly. "There's no need to finish, darling, I already heard you loud and clear. I won't develop expectations, nor will I become controlling. I swear."

  My heart fluttered as his soul embraced mine with the purest love and adoration. Breathless. Extreme craving. Reading my frenzy, his lips met my nipple in an affectionate bite, causing icy fire to erupt from my head all the way to my toes. Oddly enough, it kinda reminded me of being on ecstasy. Well, except that in this instance my mind hadn't joined with every vamp's in the country, only Adrian's.

  Irrevocably linked, I drifted within the vast layers of his consciousness, absorbing the very definition of his essence. And, after awhile, I partially returned to myself to discover that we were both completely naked. He remained positioned atop me, yet he no longer played with my nipple. Instead, he gazed solidly into my eyes.

  We didn't need words to communicate. So, when my prophesied mate eased himself inside me, he knew it was what I wanted. Our pleasure intertwined in a sacred dance unlike anything either of us had ever fathomed. It was awe-inspiringly intimate and, as his eight inches filled me, we cried out simultaneously in utter bliss.

  He adopted a slow rhythm, rocking back and forth, before moving down to kiss the delicate skin near my collarbone. I ached for a climax. Wet. Enthralled. Mirroring my emotions, his erection throbbed deep within me. Then, suddenly and to my sheer horror, my fangs extended.

  "It's okay, love," he thought. "It can be enjoyable, go ahead." And with that, he opened his neck to me and pumped harder, faster.

  I screamed my satisfaction, purple mist everywhere, while he fervently increased the intensity. And, of course, he kept his neck blatantly pushed into my face. Hunger. Yearning. A couple minutes of this and my bloodlust trampled the meager resolve over which I'd fiercely been clinging. Bite him. Bite him now!

  As I acquiesced, our tangled souls luxuriated in the rightness of it. I looked beyond his horrid taste, rapidly perceiving a heightened level of pleasure, a force rippling infinitely throughout his entire being. And it was truly amazing. No wonder humans got so much enjoyment from feedings.

  Shifting me slightly in his arms, he ensured that I stayed securely attached to his neck while he went back to his place at mine. This time, however, instead of simply kissing and gently suckling, he nipped at me provocatively. In turn, each pump of his unyielding length was foreshadowed by a stronger bite. Teasing, tantalizing.

  "Please," I begged telepathically. "Do it. Please!"

  Unsurprisingly, he did as I asked. In short order, his teeth pierced me and his mouth drank in my sanguine fluid. Soon after, we both reached orgasm. From Adrian's knowledge, I comprehended that we'd participated in the most sacred of mating rituals, a synchronous explosion of hot seed and shared blood.

  With a sheen of sweat glistening on our bodies, we panted and stared quietly into each other's eyes. I was astounded, absolutely taken aback at what had just occurred. And he'd been correct. No new bond or preternatural creepiness. Still, as the purple mist began to dissipate and time seemed to restart, I found it easier to accept my feelings regarding our relationship. I loved him, genuinely loved him.

  Knock-knock! Knock-knock-knock!

  "Sire!" a man shouted urgently, evidently standing in the foyer right outside our closed bedroom door. "Sire! I'm sorry to intrude."

  Knock-knock! Knock-knock! "Sire!"

  "Damn," Adrian muttered, an apologetic expression sliding across his face. "He wouldn't h
ave interrupted us if it wasn't important..."

  "Sire! We weren't able to reach you mind to mind." Knock! Knock-knock-knock! "The king has arrived. He's at the edge of the property. You must come at once! Sire!"

  Immediately, my eyes grew large, fear effortlessly truncating my post sex euphoria. "Well, that explains my bad vibe from earlier," I groaned. "What are we gonna do?"

  He abruptly twisted his head to the left, obviously sending a message to his guards, before retraining his attention on me. "You wait here, love. I'll wake Lucien on my way to the main hall so he can be at your side, ensuring your safety. I'll also send reinforcements to fortify our quarters. No one will reach you, I promise."

  "But I wanna come with you," I whined, hoping to be included in the fight. "I've regained my strength and stopping time might..."

  "No, it'll be safer with you here," he assured, refusing to budge on his decision as he pecked me on the cheek and unexpectedly poofed out of my embrace.

  A few moments later, Adrian hurried from his closet sporting black leather body armor. I saw that the areas surrounding his chest and neck, the two points most vulnerable for killing a vampire, were layered with metal. Additionally, his three circled symbol was sewn into the sleeves.

  "I love you," he murmured, approaching me to meet my gaze one last time. Then, like normal, he disappeared without giving me an opportunity to respond.

  In a flash, jittery energy surged through me. Eerily alone. Thoughts scattered. And I recognized that I had to get moving or I'd go crazy. So, with my body on autopilot, I clambered back into my clothes and sprinted to my bedroom. Within seconds, I'd thrown on a pair of Nike's from my closet and combed my tussled hair.

  Shortly thereafter, Lucien joined me. He wore a beautiful white cloak with the hood secured tightly over his head. As I visually inspected him, my curiosity was piqued by the silver embroidery decorating the material. The letters and symbols were strikingly similar to the writing that'd been engraved into the chalice. Foreign, yet familiar.


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