Book Read Free

Safe Haven

Page 11

by Red Phoenix

  As stated in an earlier email, you will begin the course immediately. The first class begins Monday at 7:00 PM. You must be prompt and prepared to learn.

  A school uniform has been provided for you.

  This is a six-week course designed to increase your knowledge of the unique dynamics behind a D/s relationship and to challenge your growth as a submissive beyond what you know now. We expect much from you, but we promise the expert training you receive will expand your horizons significantly.

  Yours Truly,

  Headmaster Coen

  I feel goosebumps as I read the letter. It feels as if Headmaster Coen has written it specifically to me.

  Liege tears open the box and starts pulling out the contents. My school uniform consists of a purple satin corset, black miniskirt, a red thong, a pair of impossibly tall heels, and crotchless pantyhose with sexy seams up the back. Also included are a black trench coat and an elaborate makeup kit with instructions.

  He insists I put my uniform on, including the makeup. Once I’m all done up, he stares at me with a critical eye and complains, “But you’re nothing like her.”

  I peek at myself in the mirror and think, Maybe someday I will be…

  Dear John


  I return to service a new man, charged up after an extremely productive leave. I’m determined to stay in constant communication with Ellen through letters and phone calls, so we don’t lose the connection we have with each other.

  I have to say, seeing that first letter waiting for me seriously makes my day.

  Dearest Charles,

  You have only been gone a little more than a week, and yet it feels like forever to me. I miss you so much!

  I wanted to make you proud, so I enrolled in my class as soon as your money came. Wish me luck! It starts next month, and I’m a little nervous about it, but excited too.

  I have to pinch myself to believe all this is real.

  You are truly my knight in shining armor.

  Since you’re paying for my class, the next time I see you, I promise to paint your portrait as my way of saying thank you. Then, when I become a famous artist, you can sell it for big bucks and I’ll have paid you back! Ha-ha.

  Seriously, I can’t thank you enough.

  Oh, you’ll be happy to hear I gave your mom the letter to Jacob. We bumped into each other at the grocery store, so it worked out perfectly. She seemed interested in hearing how you were doing but was surprised when I told her we’re engaged.

  By the way, I’m loving this new apartment, Charles! It’s so nice that I invited a few friends over for a house warming party and they couldn’t stop going on about how lucky I am. And I agree, I am lucky! I feel like my whole life has changed because of you.

  By the way, did I tell you I miss you?

  Confession time. I stare at your picture at night, but it drives me crazy. Oh, how I miss that sexy body, soldier!

  Love you, Charles.

  My man.

  My everything.

  Hugs, kisses, and naughty bits,


  The end of her letter has me grinning. That girl is the perfect combination of sexy and sweet.

  I actually tear up as I reread the part about Ellen’s encounter with my mother. There’s so little about her or what was said between them. I would have preferred Ellen giving the letter directly to my little brother, but my mother is the next best choice. At least now my family knows of my plans to marry.

  I fold the letter up and slip it back in its envelope. I suspect this forced separation will be difficult for Ellen. However, I am equally confident that the sacrifice will be worth it.

  I had no idea what I was missing until now. What a fool I was not to come home sooner…

  My expertise in searching out and destroying enemy reserves has garnered the attention of senior officers, and I have been entrusted with training several new men slotted for advancement.

  One of them is a man of small stature at only five-six, but this kid’s a real gun bunny. In the heat of battle this cannoneer’s enthusiasm and accuracy hitting targets stands out, as does his willingness to help the other crews.

  I see Gallant’s strength and potential, but my platoon only sees his height, and that is beginning to affect his performance and theirs, so I take him aside.

  “Gallant, I need to speak with you.”

  “Of course, Lieutenant Walker.”

  He stops what he is doing and catches up with me as I walk away from the others. “This may be uncomfortable for you to hear,” I begin.

  “Yes, Lieutenant Walker,” he answers, looking at me with concern.

  “You’re an excellent cannoneer. One of the best I’ve seen. However, I’m starting to notice a change.”

  He furrows his brow. “How so?”

  “The other men aren’t treating you with the respect your skill and experience demands.”

  He looks toward the ground, nodding thoughtfully. “It is becoming a problem.”

  I appreciate that he recognizes the issue rather than denying it. “What do you plan to do?”

  “I’ve been contemplating it for weeks now—obviously without success. I get that I’m short, but that has no bearing on my abilities in the field.”

  “Exactly,” I agree.

  He stops walking and turns to face me. “Do you have any suggestions, Lieutenant?”

  “You have the talent and drive as a leader, but you lack one vital component.”

  He lowers his eyes for a moment but returns his gaze to mine, wanting to face the truth. “What is it, Lieutenant?”


  Gallant frowns. “But I know I’m capable. I’ve never doubted that—not for a second.”

  “You are capable,” I agree, “but you think like a lesser man.”

  Gallant takes in a long breath, struggling not to respond.

  I continue, undeterred. “There are men who have the skills, but lack confidence on the battlefield. The only thing that can break that is time and experience. You, however, have the ability to overcome your issue now.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “Change your thinking.”

  “In what way?” he asks, clearly interested.

  We continue walking as I explain, “You know your strengths and what you bring to your team, but you’re allowing the men to define you.”

  He nods his head.

  “Only you have the power to change that.”


  “Forget your stature, rather than trying to compensate for it. It’s a mistake many men make. Humans respond to confidence because it equates to strength and leadership. If my men believe in you, looks won’t have any impact. Be confident in what you bring to the table, Gallant,” I say, putting my hand on his shoulder, “and they will respond instinctively. Understand, it’s not something that you work at. It’s something you believe without question.”

  Gallant nods as he takes in my words. After a few moments, he meets my gaze again. I can already see a change in him. I turn around to head back. “It’s an honor to have you on my team, Private First Class.”

  “The honor is mine, Lieutenant Walker.”

  Gallant isn’t the only notable addition. My old Battle Buddy has also joined the team.

  “Never thought we’d meet like this, Warrant Officer Bell.”

  Grapes gives me a salute, then shakes my hand. “Look at you, going all First Lieutenant on me, Walker.”

  “Excuse me. That’s First Lieutenant Walker to you.”

  “Yes, sir!” he replies overenthusiastically.

  I answer in my best impression of our old Drill Sergeant “Did I give you permission to call me sir?” We both chuckle, remembering our basic training days.

  “How close are you to becoming Captain?” he asks.

  “Give me a couple of years.”

  “Pretty impressive considering you started right out of high school.”

  “It’s called fortitude an
d perseverance.”

  He rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Mixed with a little insanity.”

  I chuckle. “How about you? Are you planning to head up the ranks?”

  “I’m still debating. As Warrant Officer, I get to do what I love, and I don’t have to take a pay cut as a Second Lieutenant.”

  I nod. “I can respect your reasoning.”

  “So, you get any letters from home these days?” he asks in a teasing tone.

  “I do, in fact.” I pull out my wallet and show him a picture of Ellen. “This is my fiancé. We’re set to marry in two years.”

  “How did an ugly cuss like you score a hot chick?”

  “I’m a lucky bastard. What can I say?”

  He looks at her picture more closely and tsks. “She’s a looker, but I’d rather bang more pussy than commit to a single woman.”

  “It’s all about the quality, not the quantity.”

  “Oh, it’s quality snatch we’re talking here, buddy. Nothing but the best for this dick.”

  “Dick is right,” I agree, laughing at him. “What about you? Any letters from home?”

  “Nah,” he snarls. “Nothing’s changed on that front, and I’ll never go back home until I’m in a body bag.”

  I find it difficult to laugh at that. “Sorry to hear it, man.”

  “What about your father? Still gunning for the Ass of the Year award?”

  I chuckle, trying to hide my resentment. “Yeah, some things never change.”

  “Hey, what about your little brother? You still write the kid?”

  “Every damn Tuesday. I was hoping to see him when I went home, but my father called the police. I have a college fund waiting for him, if he decides he doesn’t want to go to the Air Force Academy.”

  Grapes looks at me thoughtfully. “You’re a good guy, BS.”

  I slap him on the back and laugh. “Ah, go fuck yourself.”

  “No, that’s you, Mr. Commitment. Me? I’ll take a wet pussy over a hand job any day.”

  Yeah, it’s good to have the prick back in my life.

  Our unit has been deployed overseas to assist in the training of foreign troops as part of the Camp David Peace Accord. It’s far from home and makes the separation from Ellen more pronounced as I wait to hear from her. Her letters have been coming less frequently ever since I left on this mission.

  When I see I’ve finally gotten one, I feel a sense of relief. Ellen doesn’t realize it, but her letters hold even more importance to me now that I’m far from home.

  I keep it tucked in my chest pocket and don’t pull it out until I am alone that night. I rip open the envelope and pull out a letter that’s three pages long. At least she’s making up for lost time.

  Dear Charles,

  I know it’s been so long since I have written.

  But I wanted to let you know I’ve enrolled in several more art classes at the studio. Diego tells me that my work is unique and additional classes will help me truly unleash my passion on the canvas.

  He also says that talent like mine is rare and needs to be channeled. Diego is a genius, Charles, a true genius. The fact he feels that way about my work really means something.

  I’ve learned so much from him, not only about art, but also about myself. That is the reason I am writing you this letter.

  Please know, I never meant for this to happen…

  I put the letter down, knowing what this is.

  I walk away, grabbing a cigarette—a habit I’ve picked up since coming down here. Taking a couple of drags, I stare at the letter.

  She’s fucking the art teacher.

  I laugh out loud, knowing I paid for the class so we would have a future together and now she is fucking the asshole.

  I put out the butt and field strip the cigarette, stuffing the filter in my pocket before grabbing another cigarette and lighting up.

  Picking up the letter again, I skim through the rest of it. After a lengthy explanation, detailing how Diego had a run of bad luck and needed a place to stay, and peppering her letter with assurances that she still loves me as a friend, Ellen finally cuts to the chase by breaking off the engagement, but asking if she can keep the ring.

  I scribble down my response on a piece of paper.


  Return my ring.

  I stick it in an envelope and address it, seething with anger. What the hell happened to loyalty?

  It’s one thing for Ellen to have fallen for another guy, but to ask him to live with her while still wearing my ring and accepting my financial support…

  I immediately fill out the paperwork to suspend further payments to her.

  There is a feeling of justice knowing she will struggle without my money, but I am also overwhelmed by a profound sense of loss. I take out my photo and stare at her smiling face. I thought I had found the one.

  My future.

  Knowing I was wrong hurts like fucking hell.

  It seems I will never know the love of family or a good woman. The only people I can trust are my own men—they are my family now.

  When the ring finally shows up, weeks later, I give it to a private. Rumor has it he’s in love with a girl back home and is saving up for a ring so he can propose to her.

  I hope to hell that the kid has better luck than I.

  With my life in shambles, I return to my relentless quest to become Captain of a battery. Nothing is going to stand in the way of me realizing that dream.



  Liege can’t wait for me to begin my first day of training and drives me there a half hour before class starts. He’s chomping at the bit once we arrive and tells me, “I want you to show me everything you learn tonight as soon as we get home.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  His excitement suddenly dissolves, and he stares at me with a troubled expression. “These Dominants aren’t going to be forgiving like I am, so you damn well better do everything they say. Don’t you dare disappoint them. You hear me? If you get kicked out of this program…” He shakes his head.

  I blurt out, “I will do everything they say, Master.”

  “And in case you have any ideas about leaving me…” He pulls out one of the tapes. “I won’t hesitate to share your sex tapes with the world, starting with good ol’ Mom and Dad.”

  I burn with shame and lower my head, mumbling. “I won’t say anything.”

  “See that you don’t, or I promise there’s going to be hell to pay.” Liege grabs my black trench coat from the back of the car and orders me to put it on.

  I stare down at the gorgeous corset I’m wearing and feel a surge of confidence. I love my school uniform and can’t wait to see what real Doms are like. I expect they will be intimidating, but I will do whatever it takes to stay in their good graces. The fact that I can be free of Liege every evening is worth whatever I’m asked to do.

  Liege grasps my arm in a possessive hold and heads into the building which, surprisingly, looks like a business college. He goes directly to the reception desk and explains who he is to the woman, adding, “This is my submissive, she has class tonight.”

  The woman graces me with a warm smile. “Ah, yes, Miss Cox. The Training Center is one floor down. Just take the elevator to your right.”

  Liege starts to lead me there, but she stops him. “I’m sorry, but only students are allowed on the lower level.”

  He turns to face her, frowning.

  She responds with a pleasant smile. “Class ends promptly at twelve. You can return to pick her up then.”

  “I want to meet the trainers,” Liege demands.

  She hands him a piece of paper. “Please write down your request and I will make sure the Headmaster sees it.”

  “Are you telling me I can’t meet them now?”

  “That’s correct. They are busy preparing for the first session. However, I promise to give this to Headmaster Coen before class ends tonight.”

  Liege growls. “I don’t like handing my sub
over to people I don’t know.”

  “Your concern is understandable, but I assure you that the staff at the Submissive Training Center are the best of the best, which is why admission to the course is so difficult to get.”

  “I don’t like this,” he huffs, looking at me.

  I am suddenly afraid he will change his mind and take me back to his apartment.

  “I suggest you note that on your request,” the receptionist replies. “We are always seeking to improve the school for our clients.”

  Liege scribbles his complaint and folds it in half before handing it back to her.

  “Thank you, Mr…?” She looks at him, waiting for an answer.

  He gives her a smirk and replies, “You can call me Master.”

  “I’m sorry. I cannot,” she responds without blinking.

  Liege shrugs. “It was worth a shot. You’re a little old for me, but I like your rack.”

  The receptionist ignores him and turns to face me, handing me a business card. “My name is Rachael and this is my business card. If you have any questions after class tonight, please call. I’m always happy to help.”

  Liege snatches it from me and slips it into his own pocket, looking at her suggestively. “I’ll keep that in mind, Rachael.”

  To my relief, Liege turns and walks out the door, not even bothering to look back.

  “Miss Cox, please proceed to class,” Rachael encourages me. “Enjoy your first day.”

  I head toward the elevator doors, smiling to myself. The artful way she handled Liege means I get to stay. I press the button with an inner sigh of relief.

  While I wait for the elevator, a man comes up and stands beside me. When I walk into it, I give him a sideways glance. He’s taller than me, with a slim build and pale skin. The man seems to feel my stare and turns his head. His dark eyes instantly capture my attention and I find I can’t look away.

  “Your name?” he asks in a smooth voice.

  “Candy. Candy Cox.”

  “Ah, Miss Cox.” He holds out his hand. “You are the recipient of our scholarship. It is a pleasure to meet you in person. I’m Marquis Gray.”


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