by Red Phoenix
“It’s been taken care of. Baron said so himself.”
I’m resolute about confronting the man who did this to her, and she can read it on my face.
“There’s no need to get involved. Liege is a part of my past I don’t want to ever think about him again.”
Liege is his name…
I’m already planning to contact Baron tomorrow and will find out everything he knows. I need to meet up with this man and personally express how I feel about what he has done.
But I can see Candy is distressed, so I let it go for the moment. Holding up my glass, I toast her. “To your future, Miss Cox. May you be free of wannabe Doms from this day forward.”
She clinks my glass, relief showing on her face.
I may appear calm, but inside I am boiling with rage as I stare at that scar on her shoulder.
Liege betrayed the trust of an innocent. There is no greater wrong, and I will be the man to teach him the error of his ways.
Several days later, I finally have the chance to meet up with Baron and get the information I need.
But he warns me, “The man is a tool. I wouldn’t want you doing something that might get you in jail. He isn’t worth it.”
“Don’t worry, Baron. As a former Captain in the Army, I would never let my actions dishonor my country.”
“I assumed as much but needed to give you that friendly warning. While I am certain I got the message across, I have no issues with you checking in on him.”
“I want to thank you for helping Miss Cox. It’s upsetting to think of someone young and innocent being treated in such an unconscionable manner. It makes my blood boil.”
Baron agrees, telling me, “I feel the same, which is why I’ve made it my mission to go to clubs on the weekends looking for men like him. Assholes who are trying to take advantage of inexperienced submissives. I feel it is my duty to rid the BDSM community of any abusive impostors I see.”
“It is a worthy endeavor, Baron.” I feel nothing but respect for this Dom. As I get up to leave, I give him a firm handshake. “It’s an honor to know there are people like you protecting this community.”
“I feel a debt of gratitude, myself. You’ve sacrificed so much protecting our country. Thank you, Captain.” The look of admiration in Baron’s eyes makes me highly uncomfortable.
I nod curtly. “I wish I could have done more.”
With the address in my hand, I drive directly to Liege’s apartment, having been informed that the man never leaves it. My mind is already conjuring visions of what that man did to Candy, and I have to control the fury raging inside me.
I walk up seven flights of stairs after finding out the elevator is broken. Each step only increases my rage as I pass old trash, broken bottles and discarded needles on the staircase.
The thought that Candy was forced to live in these conditions infuriates me.
When I finally reach the apartment, I take a moment to put on gloves before I pound on the door. When I get no answer, I pound even harder. Eventually, I hear the lock being slid back, then the door partially opens. As soon as I see the scrawny, long-haired bastard, I push hard against the door and let myself in.
“What the hell?” he cries. “Get the fuck out of my apartment, dude.”
I survey the small apartment and am horrified to see a young woman cowering in the corner next to a metal-framed bed.
“Miss, gather your things. You’re coming with me.”
She glances at the boy in fear.
“She’s not going anywhere with you!” Liege shouts.
I ignore him and tell her, “I will ensure your safety.” In a reassuring tone, I repeat, “Now, go get your things.”
I turn my attention back on Liege. “I’m here on behalf of Miss Cox. You remember her, don’t you? An innocent girl who made the mistake of trusting you.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
I wrap my hand around his throat and push him against the wall. “The hell you don’t. She wasn’t looking to get involved with BDSM, but you found her online and manipulated her into thinking you were a Dom. Am I right?”
“Let…go of…me,” he chokes out, his eyes bulging with fear.
“You lied to her, telling her things you knew nothing about in the hopes she would believe you—and she did. Do you know why?” I get right up in his face. “She was an innocent, and you betrayed that innocence.” I start squeezing his throat, watching him struggle helplessly. I may be an old man, but he’s no match for me.
His face turns bright red as he starts making gurgling sounds. I release my hold just enough to let the air flow back in, but I keep my grip tight on the bastard’s throat.
“You are nothing but a sniveling coward, physically abusing women claiming it’s BDSM. By lying about who you are, you’ve pissed off the wrong people. We don’t look kindly on abuse.” I look toward the girl, who now holds a small bag in her hands. “Even worse, this is the second girl you’ve held against her will.”
“She came of her own free will!” Liege looks at the girl and demands, “Isn’t that right?”
She nods her head fearfully.
“Are you delusional? This girl did not give you consent. I suspect you purposely misrepresented who you were, then threatened her into staying here—just like Miss Cox. You are the lowest of the low.”
His eyes widen as I squeeze his throat harder. I suddenly let go and push Liege to the floor, turning him onto his stomach. I pull a rope out of my pocket and have him hogtied before he even knows what’s happening.
He lies there gasping for breath, stunned.
I turn to the young lady again. “Miss, a Dominant’s level of care reflects his level of experience. As you can see…” I look down at Liege struggling on the floor. “…this sniveling bastard is not a Dominant in any sense of the word. You have been lied to and owe no allegiance to him.”
I glare at the boy grunting like a pig as he squirms in his bonds. “And he won’t be deceiving anyone else.”
I go to his computer and insert my flash drive. I set the program to work collecting data. By the time I’m done analyzing the information I’ve gathered here today, I will know everything about the man. It will give me the means to ensure he never attempts this with anyone else.
While I wait, Liege curses me, but the hogtie ensures he can’t take in enough air to expend any energy, so he’s soon back to grunting like a pig—an appropriate sound for the bastard.
After I have all the data, I take out the flash drive and look down at him. “I’ll be watching your every move no matter where you are. One misstep, and I won’t hesitate to exact my own brand of justice—it won’t be pretty.” I toss a dull table knife on the floor just out of his reach. With some diligence, he should be able to cut himself free before the night is through.
I glance at the girl and notice she is staring at Liege in fear, even in this helpless state. It concerns me, so I walk over to remove the cheap dog collar from her neck and throw it to the floor in disgust.
“You’re free. He can’t hurt you again.”
The girl stares at me with the look of a frightened rabbit. I know my appearance is terrifying, so I explain, “Old war wounds. I’m going to make sure you make it back home.” I hold out my hand to take her bag from her.
“Don’t do it, cumwhore,” Liege warns from the floor.
I give him a swift kick to the side, not breaking eye contact with the girl. She holds out her small bag to me with a trembling hand.
“There’s nothing to be scare of,” I assure her. “I may be ugly, but I would fight to the death to make sure you make it home safely.”
She nods and takes my other hand like a little child. I grasp it firmly, grateful for her trust. I guide her out of the apartment to the sound of Liege gasping out profanities.
As I’m shutting the door, I look back and tell him in a voice loaded with malice, “Never again.”
Heading down the long flight of stairs, I ask he
r, “What’s your name?”
She automatically mumbles under her breath, “Cumwhore.”
I stop and turn to face her, growling, “No, that is not your name.”
Tears fill her eyes as she backs away, wrapping her hands around herself. She is scared. It is critical I not let the rage I feel toward Liege show in my tone or expression.
I start again, asking in a gentler tone, “What is your real name?”
She replies quietly, as if afraid to speak it. “Anna Lynne.”
Holding out my hand to shake hers, I give her a warm smile. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lynne. People call me Captain.”
She hesitantly shakes my hand, still clearly frightened of me.
“I have a feeling you have family worried about you.”
She nods as tears start streaming down her cheeks.
“Where do you live?”
“Kansas,” she chokes out.
I’m shocked to hear she is so far from home, having assumed she was living in the area. “Why don’t you call them while I drive you to the airport?”
For the first time, I see hope in her eyes. “You’re buying me a ticket home?”
“Yes. You’ll be seeing your family soon.”
She looks at me in disbelief, then takes my hand again, ready to leave this nightmare behind. Once we are out of the apartment building, I walk her over to my vehicle and hand her my cell phone.
However, she seems reluctant to take it from me. “My parents are going to be mad at me.”
“You know how relieved they’ll be, hearing your voice? It will override any other emotion.”
She stares at the phone sadly. “But I don’t want them to know what happened.”
“Miss Lynne, you can tell them whatever you’re comfortable with. This first phone call is simply to let them know you are safe and will be coming home today.”
She looks at me in surprise. “It took two weeks hitchhiking for me to get here.”
I shudder to think what could have happened to such a young girl on her way here and feel the overwhelming need to get her back home as quickly as possible. “I’ll get you on the first flight back,” I promise.
She glances up at the apartment building.
I see the lingering fear in Anna’s eyes and reassure her, “That boy won’t ever contact you again. I’ll be closely monitoring him, and I vow to do whatever it takes to keep him from hurting you or anyone else.”
She looks up at my scarred face and, in a trembling voice, she says, “I trust you.”
“Good, then let me help you into the car so you can make that call while I drive us to the airport.”
She sits in the seat, a fresh bruise visible on her throat.
I’m seething inside, knowing that Candy, as well as this girl, was abused by this man under the guise of BDSM. I start the car and head out, listening to her emotional phone call to her parents.
It’s enough to tear at a man’s soul. Knowing that Candy and her parents suffered the same thing only hurts me that much more.
After Anna hangs up, she seems despondent.
“Miss Lynne, I know you said you’re reluctant to speak with your parents about what happened, but I trust in time you will. But, if you find you can’t, I strongly advise you to speak to a professional. Someone you can be completely open with. Keeping this inside will only hurt you, and we don’t want that.”
Anna begins sobbing uncontrollably as all the bottled-up emotions caused by what she’s endured erupt at once. I can’t stomach the painful cries of another innocent. It eats me up inside. The only comfort I have is knowing that she is safe and headed home.
Two hours later, with her plane ticket in hand, I watch as Anna goes through security and disappears into the crowd.
A life restored.
I walk back to my car, taking solace in knowing Anna will be reunited with her family, but I still feel sick, aware that there are countless other women giving their trust and submission to abusers like this man.
I call Baron and relate what I’ve done.
“I can’t believe Liege took another submissive,” Baron says, his voice strained with guilt.
“Don’t blame yourself. There are some men who don’t learn, but I can guarantee it won’t happen again.”
I head home, having no intentions of telling Candy about my actions today. This came purely from my driving need to protect.
Now, Candy can move on with her life, truly free from that bastard’s influence.
Collar Me
I can’t believe it.
Six weeks at the Submissive Training Center have flown by and, today, I’m facing graduation, but I’m not ready to leave this place—I’m having too much fun here!
When I think of the scared, confused girl I was when I came here, compared to who I am now, I’m in shock at the difference. Under the thoughtful care and guidance of my trainers, I’ve become confident in who I am and what I want in life.
Gone is the girl seeking escape. I am ready to live my life to the fullest and I know, without a doubt, Ethan would be proud.
Headmaster Coen has informed us that Dominants from all over the world will be attending the ceremony tonight. For those of us interested, we can offer our collar to the Dom of our choice after the graduation ceremony has ended.
I get giddy thinking about it, because we get three private interviews with prospective Doms to determine whom we feel is our perfect match. We submissives get to decide!
However, there’s always the chance the Dominant we choose will decline the offer, like what happened to Brie Bennett at her Collaring Ceremony.
The thing I admire most about Brie is the courage it took for her to put her heart on the line like that—and look at her now. She’s a famous film director, collared to the man of her dreams.
And I want to be just like Brie.
I have ever since we met on the commuter train when she handed me the business card that literally changed the course of my life.
In preparation for the evening, I spend the afternoon primping myself as if I am preparing for my own wedding. Because a formal Collaring Ceremony is a lot like that. It’s done in front of the BDSM community, so everyone can share in the moment. Wearing a collar is a physical representation of your commitment to your Dominant—and his commitment to you.
It’s a beautiful thing.
After spending the afternoon at the hair stylist and getting a manicure and a pedicure, I put on the outfit I have chosen for the big occasion.
I tighten the laces of the amethyst corset that not only complements my blonde hair, but also gives my small breasts a nice boost. I then slip on a flirty ruffled skirt that shows off my bare legs. I’m choosing not to wear garters and hose tonight because the sexy purple pumps contrast well with my naked skin.
For jewelry, I put on only one item, the jeweled cat ears that Captain gave me. I glance at the mirror, pleased with my look. It’s flirtatious and fun.
The only thing missing is a pretty collar around my neck…
Headmaster Coen gathers us for a last-minute talk.
“Tonight, we will begin with the Graduation Ceremony. Afterward, you will spend your evening socializing with the D/s community at large. Feel free to speak with whomever you wish. Everyone here has come to celebrate your accomplishment. Then, at the allotted time, you will begin your interviews with the Dominants.”
I smile at my other classmates, wondering how many of us will be offering our collars before the night is through.
Master Anderson has been assigned to watch over me during the night’s events. I’m excited to be paired with the sexy Dom, especially after finding out he has quite the sense of humor, once you get to know him.
I have worked hard these last six weeks and, in the process, I have become comfortable in who I am and what my future holds.
Feeling a surge of deep pride, I walk up to the stage when I hear my name called. I am amazed at how they’ve transf
ormed the commons with gold and black tapestries lining the walls—the place now looks regal and elegant.
I stand beside Headmaster Coen, proud of my achievement. I’ve discovered strengths I never knew existed and, through the challenges presented in the school’s curriculum, I have harnessed an inner power that has made me stronger as a person.
Headmaster Coen tells the assembly, “Of all the students here, Miss Cox has shown the most growth and is being presented with the Pursuit of Excellence Award.”
I look at him in surprise, never expecting such an honor. The commons erupts in applause, but the only person I notice in the large crowd is Captain.
He smiles and nods at me.
After the applause dies down, Headmaster Coen turns to me and gives me a handshake. “Congratulations, Miss Cox. Job well done.”
“Thank you, Headmaster.”
I walk over to Mr. Gallant next, and he hands me the award. “You make us all proud, Miss Cox.”
I tear up when I confess, “I’ve heard through the grapevine that you were my scholarship sponsor. I don’t know how I can ever thank you.”
The distinguished Dom’s cheeks actually blush. “I can say with all honesty that seeing your growth has been a true gift and eclipses anything I may have contributed.”
Hearing the next graduate’s name called, I leave the stage and Master Anderson holds out his arm to me, stating, “Tonight is the time to be selfish, Miss Cox. You need to be discerning about whom you spend your time with. I suggest you concentrate on those you are most interested in interviewing.”
“That is sound advice,” I reply, grateful for his insight.
He smiles down at me. “With that in mind, if you need me to steer anyone away, just snap your fingers and I’ll be on them like a bee to honey.”
“But I would hate to be so rude,” I protest.
“Not rude at all,” he assures me. “All the Dominants understand the protocol for this evening. As you can see, there is a dance floor, should you wish to utilize it tonight with any of the Dominants. I have only one stipulation—the last dance is mine.”