Bear Necessities

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Bear Necessities Page 11

by Dana Marie Bell

  Glory was trying to hide her smile behind her hand. “Hey, Bunny.”

  “Hi, Glory.” He wondered what the half guilty, half amused look on her face was all about. “Hey, what happened here today? Julian told me he and Ryan were here this morning and for some reason when Ryan came back he smacked me.”

  Tabby choked.

  Glory’s face took on an innocent expression that didn’t fool him for a moment. “I have no idea. We were talking about the ocean and boats when he showed up. Does he get seasick?”

  Tabby snickered.

  Okay, something’s going on here. Ryan had practically bitten his head off more than once today. “Please tell me you didn’t do something that’s going to make my cousin try to kick my ass.”

  Glory shrugged. “I have no idea what has him upset. Did you say something to him, Tabby?”

  Tabby shook her finger at Glory. “Keep me out of this, your pixieness.”

  He growled down at Glory, careful to keep the sound human. “What happened? If I’m going to die, I deserve to know why.”

  “Glory decided to, um… And Ryan walked in while she was…heh.” Was Tabby blushing? “You know what? You’re better off not knowing.”

  Now he was intrigued. “Glory?”

  She sighed. “Fine.” She tossed her head back. “Oh, Bunny,” she moaned. Tabby leapt toward the counter, but Glory evaded her easily. “Bunny, Bunny,” she chanted, each one becoming more breathless, until “Bunny!”

  Now it was Bunny’s turn to blush. “Yeah, that will do it.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to figure out how to explain to the little pixie that moaning another man’s name was a surefire way to get her mate to lose his damn mind. “Do yourself a favor and don’t do that again, okay? Not unless you want to find out exactly what Ryan’s capable of where you’re concerned.” Knowing his cousin, Glory would find herself marked and claimed before she could blink. “You ready to go, baby?”

  “Yup. Let me grab my purse and we’re out of here.” She glared at Glory. “Behave, your pixieness.”

  Glory laughed. “Enjoy your boat ride, Tabs.”

  Tabby’s blush deepened.

  “Again, do I want to know?”

  Tabby clamped her lips shut and practically ran out the front door. By this time, even the tips of her ears were red.

  Bunny’s lips twitched. Hell, with these three around, at least his life would never be boring.

  “Tabby,” a voice drawled out of the darkness. “Where are you off to, Outcast?”

  She stepped back before she could stop herself. “Gary.” She let her eyes bleed into her Wolf’s, checking around the darkened street for Gary and his goons.

  “I asked you a question, bitch.”

  She turned so rapidly she almost lost her balance. There, just stepping out of the alleyway next to the store, were Gary and his buddies. “Leave me alone, asshole.” She had to get away before these guys went after Alex or worse, Glory and Cyn. Hell, Mrs. H. was still inside. She didn’t know if they’d go after a harmless old woman, but Mrs. H. wouldn’t stand by and let someone she liked get hurt. She’d try to save Tabby and wind up getting savaged.

  An arm slipped around her waist, her mate’s scent filling her senses. “Is there a problem here?”

  Oh fuck. Alex. She felt herself tense, ready to defend her mate. “No, no problem.” Please go back inside. A Bear could hold off one Wolf, but a Wolf Pack? He’d be mangled. She wouldn’t allow Gary to lay a hand on Alex. She’d never forgive herself if anything happened to her mate.

  “No, no problem,” Gary echoed. He smiled slowly. “Your voice sounds familiar.”

  “So does yours.” Alex’s arm tightened around her waist. “You’re Gary, right?” Alex’s voice sounded soft and menacing. Shit. He sounded just like he had at Noah’s that night. The muscles in his arm were tight with tension.

  “That’s right. And you are?”

  “Tabby’s mate.” She could feel his claws against her waist, but didn’t dare look down. She’d seen Julian’s nails turn black, the tips become deadly sharp. She didn’t need to see them to know Alex’s were the same way.

  Gary did look. His eyes widened briefly. “Oh.”

  One of Alex’s claws began rhythmically tapping against her stomach. She held perfectly still, knowing he would never intentionally hurt her. “That’s right. We’re not going to have any trouble, are we, boys?”

  Gary’s eyes gleamed in the light of the streetlamp. “You’re not Wolf, so allow me to explain a few things to you.” Those tapping claws stopped, scraped across her skin. She twitched when one scratched her belly. “You’re right. I’m not Wolf. I’m Bear.”

  Gary laughed. “Wait. You mated a Bear?” His three goons laughed along with him. “A fucking Bear? You’re kidding me, right?”

  Tabby clamped her lips shut. Whatever the hell Alex was up to, there was no way she could stop it now.

  “Listen, Bear. Tabby is Outcast. That makes her fair game to any Wolf who wants a piece, got it?”

  For some strange reason, Alex relaxed behind her. “Is that so? Well, let me tell you something, Wolf. Tabby is no longer a Wolf problem. She’s mine.”

  Gary laughed again. He wiped away an imaginary tear. “Oh, that’s good. A Bear.” He shook his hand at Tabby and Alex. “Run along. I’ll deal with you both later.”

  Gary turned his back on them and motioned for his Pack. They grinned at Tabby and Bunny before turning and following Gary down the street, the small Pack still laughing.

  “What. The. Fuck?” Tabby turned in Alex’s arms, heedless of the claws scraping along her flesh. The scratches would heal quickly enough. “What the hell was that all about?” And why hadn’t Gary attacked them?

  Alex shrugged, but his narrowed eyes were glued to Gary’s retreating form. “I have no idea.” His hands absently stroked her flesh, healing the scratches he’d made.

  “I would guess that he didn’t want his ass in jail.”

  They both turned to find Gabe standing behind them. “I thought maybe I should update you on the prints we found on the stink bomb.” He gestured toward the door of Living Art. “Mind if we go in, get it all over with at once?”

  “Sure, no problem.” Alex steered her back inside. She was still a little dazed at how easily Gary had backed down. Then again a Puma, a Wolf and a Bear could easily defeat his small Pack. And when one of those shifters was not only a Marshall’s Second but a Hunter?

  Yeah. One order of Gary’s ass on toast, coming up.

  They went back into the store. “Cyn! Glory! I found a sheriff on the front step. Can I keep him?” She winked at Glory, who giggled behind her hand. She ignored Alex’s low growl and Gabe’s chuckle.

  Cyn stepped out of the back room. “Hey, Sheriff. Any news on the vandalism?”

  “That’s why I’m here.” He took off his hat and ran his hands through his black hair. “The prints we lifted aren’t on file, either with us or with the national database.”

  “Damn it.” Cyn collapsed into one of the chairs lining the walls. “That means we’ll never get him.”

  “Not unless he gets arrested, no.” Gabe looked around. “Is anyone else in the store with you?”

  “Nope. Mrs. H. left the back way. Said she’d left her Harley back there.”

  “Fine.” Gabe eyed the two humans thoughtfully. “Know that the only reason I’m telling you this is because you know about and accepted Tabby.” Cyn frowned, Glory looked puzzled. “I’m running the prints through…other channels as well, just to make sure we’re not dealing with a shifter problem.”

  “Shit.” Cyn tugged her hair. “Like Gary isn’t enough of a problem. Any way we can fingerprint him?” When Gabe shook his head, she took a deep breath and blew it out, straightened in her seat and did her best to stare a hole through Gabe. “You tell us what we need to do and we’ll do it.”

  Gabe smiled. “Let us deal with it if it turns out to be shifters. I’ll let you know if anything shows up. At tha
t point, it’s out of your hands and I’ll have to call in some backup.” He knelt down in front of Cyn. “I’m obligated to make this offer.”

  She eyed him warily.

  “I or one of my other Pride members could change you.” He turned his head to share a look with Glory. “Either of you, or both of you. You know about us already, so it wouldn’t be too much of a hardship for either of you.”

  Tabby blinked, then bit back a possessive growl. If anyone was changing her girls, it was going to be her.

  “What would I be if you did?”

  “A Puma.”

  “Really?” Glory stepped forward. “I’d be a shape-shifting kitty?”

  Gabe dropped his head. “Ah. Not exactly.”

  “That would be a really bad idea, Anderson.” Alex pointed with his chin. “At least for Glory.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “And why is that?”

  Tabby nodded. Alex was right. “Because Ryan would pitch a fit.”

  “Who cares what Ryan thinks? I like kitties. What if I want to be a kitty?”

  “Ryan Williams, as in Chloe’s brother?” Gabe stood up and studied Glory. “Right. I’ll talk to him.” He turned back to Cyn, ignoring Glory’s gasp of outrage. “What about you?”

  Tabby doubted she was the only one who heard Gabe’s unspoken question. Do you have a mate too?

  Cyn smiled, her expression wicked. “I think I’d make a fine-looking cat.”

  No. Bad idea. Very bad. “Uh, Gabe?” Tabby grinned weakly. “Not a good idea.”

  His brows rose. “Both of them?”

  She nodded.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Why the fuck are they unclaimed?”

  “Uh, excuse me? Unclaimed? Like my ass is in some ratty lost-and-found bin?”

  “Glory,” Tabby groaned.

  “I have a mate?” Cyn stood, her entire body quivering. “He’s going to fucking claim me?”

  Oh hell. “Cyn, calm down.”

  “Fuck no! Who is it?”

  Tabby pinched her lips together. No way was she getting in the middle of this.

  Cyn’s eyes narrowed. “I know where you hide your shoes.”

  Tabby’s shoulders shrugged. “So not fair, Cyn.”

  “Including your favorite fuck-me pumps. They’re history.”

  “Oh, hell, not my black patent leather pumps. You bitch!”

  “Hello, Wolfgirl, that’s kind of the pot calling the kettle black. Like those pumps—”

  “Okay, okay, it’s Julian.”

  Glory growled. “No need to ask who thinks he owns my ass.” She began pacing, her skirts swirling in a crazy Technicolor display.

  That was way better than the controlled ice Cyn was showing. “Julian thinks he can just claim me whether I like it or not?”

  “No! Why do you think he’s waited, Cyn? He knows you’re not ready yet!”

  Cyn’s glare turned deadly. “Does he, now?” She smiled at Gabe. “Turn me.”

  “Uh… Yeah. Maybe not.” Gabe backed off, holding his hands up.

  “If Julian thinks he’s going to wait to claim me until he decides I’m ready, I’ll be fucking old and gray. Put me on equal footing. Let me decide.”

  Gabe’s jaw clenched. “You know this is irreversible, right? If I do this, you’ll be answerable to Max Cannon, our Alpha, and his Curana, Emma. You’ll bow before them whether you want to or not. Can you handle that?”

  Cyn frowned. Some of the ice surrounding her thawed. “Emma’s cool. I’ve met her once or twice at the coffee shop. I don’t know Max.”

  “There’s more than one type of shifter, Cyn.” Tabby took hold of her arm. “If you really want to do this, I could make you Wolf. Hell, I’d love to make you Wolf.” She’d have the Pack she’d always wanted, one that loved her.

  “Or I could make you Bear.” Alex shrugged when Tabby turned and growled at him. “It’s an option, but I think she needs to know exactly who and what Julian is before she makes that decision. Being the mate of a Kermode is considered an honor among my people.”

  Cyn blinked. “The mate of a what?”

  Alex sighed. “The Kermode Bears are also known as Spirit Bears. They live exclusively in Canada, somewhere near British Columbia. They have powers beyond what a normal Bear has, but there are so few of them, it’s rare to meet one. It’s unheard of to find one outside of Canada.

  “I don’t know much about them other than they’re so reclusive my grandfather thought they were a myth until Jamie Howard came home from Canada. He told us some stories about the ones he’d met.” Gabe sighed. “If your mate is Kermode, he’s the closest thing we shifters have to a mystical priest.”

  “So you’re telling me he has magic powers?” Cyn’s expression turned cynical.

  “Not quite. Hell, I’d try to explain it, but I don’t understand it myself. Bunny?”

  Alex shook his head. “Sorry, we know a little more, but not much. The Kermode are…” He got a far-away look in his eyes. “They’re treasured. Respected. They have powers other Bears only dream of. It’s said Bear Himself walks with them and guides their dreams.”

  “Then why is he here?” They all turned to Glory, who shrugged. “Seriously? Why is he here if they never leave Canada?”

  Gabe looked thoughtfully at Cyn. “Good question. Has anyone ever asked him?”

  “We’re getting off topic.” Tabby sat in Cyn’s abandoned seat. Her feet were killing her. “I’d really suggest letting your mates claim you. If they scent another man on you, they’ll freak the fuck out.”

  “Maybe that would be a good thing.” Cyn began to pace around the room. “Besides, I’d like the ability to protect myself from Gary and the Gutless Wonders.”

  Glory giggled. “I agree. And don’t try to tell me I need some big strapping man to do it, either.”

  Alex closed his mouth. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  The three women stared at him until his cheeks began to turn red.

  “So now it’s a matter of deciding what we’d like to be.” Cyn locked eyes with Glory. The mischief in them was daunting.

  “It’s like picking out a new dress that will never go out of style.”

  “Oh lord.” Tabby put her head in her hands. It was going to be a long night.

  Alex took the keys to Tabby’s Jeep out of her hands. “Your friends are insane.”

  “Yup. Total Queens of Denial.”

  Alex shook his head. At least the sign over the curtained-off area now made sense. He opened the passenger door and waited for Tabby to climb in. “What do you think they’ll decide?”

  “Knowing them both?” She scooted in without protest and waited until he was settled behind the wheel before continuing. “Glory will jump the first shifter she sees and beg for a bite. Cyn will think about it and eventually go with her first instinct. I expect she’ll call Gabe before the end of the week.”

  “I’m not sure that’s fair to either Ryan or Julian.” He started the Jeep and took off, leaving the Harley behind. It had begun to rain while they were in the shop and he had no desire to get soaked on the way back to the hotel. “They should be the ones to change their mates.”

  Tabby shrugged. “Here.” She reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “Call Ryan. Tell him what Glory’s pondering and see what happens.”

  He stared at her. She grinned back. “That’s evil.”

  She nodded once. “Yup.”

  “You have Julian’s number?”

  Her grin turned into a snarl. “I did until someone crunched my phone.”

  He began dialing his cousin’s number. “Right. First stop, the Sprint store.”

  “Damn skippy.”

  “Hey, Ryan. There’s something you need to know.”

  “Shoot.” His cousin sounded like absolute shit.

  “Is Chloe okay?” He could be at the hospital in fifteen minutes if he needed to.

  “No change. Mom’s…yeah.”

  Bunny sighed. “

  “Yeah.” Ryan sighed. “So what’s up?”

  “Anderson came by Living Art and filled the girls in on some stuff he’s checking out. He offered to change both Cyn and Glory so they can protect themselves if Tabby’s attacker turns out to be a shifter.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Ryan’s inhuman growl filled his ear. “Where is Glory?”

  “We just left her at Living Art.”

  The phone clicked when Ryan hung up on him.

  Tabby took the phone he handed over and dialed, then put it back in his hands. He frowned but put it back up to his ear.


  Julian didn’t sound any better than he had an hour ago. “Julian, you sound like shit.”

  He could hear the rustling of cloth, possibly sheets. “Yeah, well I feel like shit. What’s up?”

  “Anderson came by Living Art. He offered to change both Cyn and Glory so they can take care of themselves if Tabby’s attacker turns out to be a shifter and goes after either of them.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment. “And this concerns me how?”

  Bunny pulled the phone away from his ear. “Cyn. Not a Bear.” Still nothing. “Someone else’s mark on her body.”

  That got a reaction. “Shit.” The man sounded more awake now. “What did Tabby tell her?”

  Bunny frowned. Wasn’t Cyn’s reaction more important? “She said it was a bad idea, but she gave Cyn the impression that the reason you hadn’t changed her was because you were waiting for something. Cyn didn’t handle that too well.”

  “Goddamn mother fucking son of a bitch.” Julian sighed. “Let me see which way the woman’s planning on jumping and if I need to stop her.”

  “Aren’t you going to claim her?”

  “It’s not time yet!”

  Bunny winced and pulled the phone away from his ear. Damn, Julian could yell. He checked the driver’s side window to see if his brains were currently sliding down the glass. “Dude, I hate to say it, but your time might be up.”

  “Shit. Fuck!” He could hear more rustling cloth. “Who the hell told Tabby she could say anything?”

  “I think my mate was trying to prevent your mate from making a mistake.”


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