The Dark Side of Success

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The Dark Side of Success Page 2

by V B Huf

  Scott laughed before answering. ''It is, but the most abominating thing is that the person that killed her husband that night is right here sipping coffee while she's thinking about how she'll spend her life in jail.'' He raised his eyebrows at him, and the friendliness that was in the air before evaporated.

  ''Scott, did you just say I killed Adams?'' he dropped his cup of coffee on the table.

  ''Yes, I did, and I want to know why,'' he asked stonily.

  ''Look, this is why you are a failed lawyer. You don't know, but you think you know; you sit two feet away from me here, and accuse me of killing a man when the world knows that his wife killed him,'' Johnson stood up and turned to his bookshelf. ''I'm glad you want to make a comeback and resurrect your career, but Scott, if you continue like this,'' he turned around to face him, ''Your career won't resurrect; you’re going down'' he continued.

  ''Thank you for having me, Mr. Johnson. '' Scott finished his coffee and stood up to walk out.

  ''Kingsley, the mistake you made is choosing law as a career. You are welcome. Goodbye.'' He watched him as he walked out. When he left his office, he picked his phone and put through a call to Lilian.

  ''Did you?'' he questioned.

  ''I did,'' she replied.


  Charles waited outside and watched Kingsley as he walked out of Johnson's office; their eyes met, but he did not say a word to him. He sighed heavily as he watched him stroll outside. As he was about to walk out, Ella walked in. They ran into each other as she entered.

  ''Good day, old friend,'' she smiled at Scott. ''It's been a long time,'' she stretched her hand towards him for a handshake, but he didn't accept it. So, she took her hand back and laughed.

  ''We are not friends,'' Kingsley told her sternly, before walking away. She smiled to herself and shook her head as she walked inside the firm. She was returning from a meeting with one of her clients. She looked up, and her eyes saw Charles. She eye-signalled him to meet her in her office. He understood what the eye signal meant; as she walked inside, he followed her. She pulled off her jacket and hung it on the hanger beside her table.

  ''How's the day going?'' she asked him with a smile.

  ''Beautiful,'' he smiled back, ''Yours?''

  ''Mm. Hectic and,'' she paused. ''I missed you.'' she completed her statement. Charles knew what was next. They'd grown close to each other, and they had more than a business relationship between them now. He lifted her and placed her on the table gently. She smiled at him as he bent forward to kiss her. It wasn't their first time having sex in her office, and she wanted it at that moment too. They got deep into the kiss, and Charles was about to unhook her bra when she noticed a fresh scar on the back of his hand. She was sure it was new because she didn't see it there yesterday when he walked her home, and their hands were entwined.

  ''Charles,'' she called him slowly before touching his hand. ''What happened?'' she asked, concerned. ''It wasn't there yesterday. Are you okay?'' Ella placed her hand on his face.

  ''I'm fine. It's just…'' he paused to look at the scar ''… when I was making coffee this afternoon, I spilled hot water on myself. That's all. I'm fine.'' he chuckled lightly. Ella stood up and walked to her shelf to bring down her first aid box.

  ''Sit here. Let me apply some antiseptic on that,'' she led him to sit on her chair.

  ''I'm really fine, Ella,'' he chuckled again, but Ella had already begun to apply the medicine on the scar.

  ''Thank you.'' he smiled, and she smiled back.


  When Kingsley got home, sadness mixed with confusion and hit him right in the face. He sat down and rested his chin on his hand. He didn’t trust Johnson, and it was now obvious to him that Johnson wanted Valerie in jail, but he couldn’t understand why. His phone beeped in his pocket, and he rushed to open it. He unlocked it, and it was a message from the unknown number again.

  ''Next time when you visit Johnson if he offers you coffee, decline.''

  Kingsley's face broke into confusion after reading the text. “How in the hell does this person know I visited Johnson?” was the question that crossed his mind first. He decided to text the person back.

  ''Was my coffee poisoned?'' sending, sent.

  He waited for the anonymous person to confirm it because that had been his plan. He knew Johnson was going to poison it, and he wanted to know what poison it was. He wanted to compare it with the poison that was used that night to kill Lincoln Adams. He didn't care if it was going to cost him his life. Kingsley was ready to do it for the person he loved. He knew losing the case would mean the total end of his career. He didn't want to live a life outside of being a lawyer. So, he made up his mind that, while it might mean giving his life, then he was ready to give it.

  ''Yes, it was, but you got lucky today. Next time don't let your guard down.''

  Kingsley read the message out loud, but he didn't understand everything it entailed. He knew Johnson had poisoned the coffee. He saw the small eye-signal he gave to his secretary, almost unnoticed, and if it weren't for his sharp eyes and Johnson’s body language, he wouldn't have seen it. Well, Johnson underrated his skills to think he wouldn't spot the conversation he had with his secretary with his eyes. Got lucky? He decided to text the anonymous person again.

  ''What do you mean by I got lucky?'' he asked, sending the text. He waited for a response. One hour went by, then two, three, and four. There was still nothing from the anonymous person. And when he tried to call the number, it didn't go through. He texted him again.

  ''Please, I need to know what kind of poison he put in my coffee. Can you help me with that?'' sending, sent.

  And in thirty seconds, the anonymous person replied,


  Scott’s jaw gaped. It was the same one used to poison Valerie's husband that night. He has been able to unravel a mystery, but there was a bigger one in front of him. Why did Johnson kill her husband?


  ''Valerie, I know Jonathan Johnson killed your husband, but do you know why?'' he was sitting in front of Valerie Adams again. He’d set up another meeting with her, and this time, he was ready to do everything to make her speak.

  ''Look, Val, I want to help you. I want to. Please let me help you. Tell me everything that you know.'' he pleaded with her.

  ''This is about your career and not me, Scott. I told you I want to plead guilty. I do not want to put anybody's life on the line. I appreciate your effort, but I don't need it.'' she told him sternly, and he raked his hands through his hair before sighing heavily.

  ''This is about taking a bad man down. I know what poison he killed your husband with.'' When Valerie heard that, she blinked spontaneously.

  ''You do?'' she questioned him, and he nodded.

  ''Yes, so tell me what else you know; please, Valerie,'' he begged her.

  ''My late husband and Jonathan's wife were business partners, but they had a fight. My husband was not a cultured person. He was morally deficient, and he was not on good terms with virtually everyone that was around him. He and Johnson's wife fought over a position, and they gave the promotion to my husband. Three days after he got promoted, he was dead. And after he died, they gave the promotion to Jonathan's wife, Tessa.'' she explained, and Kingsley noted down some points.

  ''So, he killed your husband to better his wife's position?'' he queried, and she nodded. ''Then why did he frame you to be your husband's killer?'' he asked again, and there was a long silence between them.

  ''He did that because…''

  ''Time's up.'' The prison guard cut her mid-sentence and walked inside to take her back to her cell. Scott heaved a deep sigh. He was glad he was getting to the root of the story, and making progress; at least he s got Valerie to talk.


  Everyone wanted to have the city’s most influential lawyer on their TV talk show. Ella received an invitation from the Movers and Shakers TV show, a show where they highlight the most influential people from
the business world. They ask them to tell the world how they became successful and advise youth on what and what not to do if they want to be successful. It's a TV show that has tens of thousands of viewers. She saw no reason to turn down the invitation. She was willing to share her success story with the world. Well, maybe not all of it.

  She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly before walking outside. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. When she walked in, the people in the room applauded her, and she smiled and waved at them as she walked the seat set out for her.

  ''Daniella Garbi, we're happy to have you on our show this morning. Thank you.'' The host gave her a small hug.

  ''The pleasure's all mine,'' she responded with another broad smile. They started with the introduction section, then moved on to the question and answer segment.

  ''So, was it easy to get to the top of your game?'' the TV host asked her, and she smiled before opening her mouth to speak.

  ''It was not easy…'' she started, and they listened to her attentively as Ella explained what she went through before she got to where she was now in her career. She told them about how she had to break up with her to-be husband, how her parents never supported her, and the opposition Ella got from work partners; she told them about it all.

  ''Hm, sounds pretty tough. Now to the next section,'' Shannon, the host, turned to face Ella. ''Are you ready to answer some of the questions your fans have for you?'' she asked, and Ella nodded. ''Okay, Baron asked, Ella, how did you cope after your break up? How were you able to focus on your career? And are you in a relationship now?'' she read the question out loud before laughing. ''This must be one of those fans that are thrilled by your beauty.'' she giggled.

  ''Well, it was tough, but I was able to get over it. And I was able to focus on my career because I'm a business-minded person. And the last question, ha-ha,'' she laughed, ''Well, I do have somebody I love.'' she concluded with a smile.

  ''The next question, this one is from Debby, Ella, how does it feel like to be the most successful lawyer in the whole city?'' Shannon read the question before turning to face Ella, ''I also want to know too, what does it feel like?'', as they both laughed.

  ''Well, it feels normal. I guess I'm already so used to the feeling that I don't know how to describe it anymore,'' she answered with a smile.

  ''Okay, next question from Desmond. Oh, this one is not a question. He says he just wants to say he appreciates Ella's honesty and good deeds. Keep up the good work. You are my role model.'' she finished reading the question, ''Okay, that was so sweet.'' Shannon touched her heart dramatically.

  ''Thank you so much, Desmond.'' Ella smiled.

  ''Okay, this is going to be the last one on this show for today, err, this one is from…'' she scrolled the tab she was holding left-right, ''Anonymous?'' she squinted her eyes gently. ''Oh yeah, anonymous, and it says, Ella, have you at any time told a lie to bring success to your career? A big destructive lie that destroyed the life of the family you lied about but brought you into the limelight?'' Shannon looked up. ''What a question!'' she said before turning to face Ella.

  ''A question indeed.'' she scoffed. ''Well, I have never done such a thing. I have been an honest person since the beginning of my career, and I'm never going to change that,'' she responded sharply.

  ''We have come to the end of our thirty minutes with an influential woman. Thanks for honoring our invitation, Daniella Rose Garbi,'' Shannon stood up to hug her.

  ''The pleasure's all mine,'' she hugged her back.


  ''How could you send that message while I was on that show?'' Ella challenged Johnson angrily. He crossed his left leg against the right one and watched her as she yelled.

  ''I'm not a coward, and if I’d send a message to a show like that, I’d put my name to it.'' He stood up to adjust the curtain in his office. ''I'm disappointed in you. What do you take me for? To think I’d send that to you under an anonymous name,'' he walked back to meet her and stroked her hair with his finger. ''Garbi, you must think I'm scared of you.'' She shifted her head away from his touch.

  ''I don't trust you,'' she yanked his hand away before walking to sit. ''I don't.''

  ''And I am not asking you to. You don't have to,'' he smiled as Ella's eyes hit his. Ella was sure he was the one behind the question. She felt that was his first step to destroying her. She knew he had an axe to grind.

  ''Look, let me make something clear here,'' she pointed a finger at him, ''If you intend on taking me down, I can't stop you. But just know, I go down, you go down with me. I'm never going down alone. Never!'' she told him sternly before standing up to walk away.

  ''Happy going down, Garbi!'' Johnson yelled at her before laughing.


  ''Hey, what's wrong?'' Charles asked Ella with concern in his tone, ''I watched your show, and you were awesome there.'' He smiled and raised his thumb at her.

  ''Aww, you did? Thanks, babe.'' She made a move to kiss him but stopped when Thomas Anderson cleared his throat behind them, before walking away.

  ''When are you going home?'' Charles asked while rubbing her neck.

  ''4:00 pm,'' she replied with a smile and quickly pressed her lips against Charles'.


  Something hit Ella's sight as she got out of her car. There was a letter lying on her doorstep. She squinted before picking it. ''What is this?'' she ripped the envelope open.

  ''Tell the world what you did!'' was all the letter said. She scoffed before ripping the letter into shreds, throwing it in the trash can. She knew it was Johnson that was behind the whole stunt. And she was never going to take on the case he asked her to. Never. Hungry, she walked back to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. After eating, she decided to get some nap time before looking into the things she had on her plate to complete before Friday. When she walked into her room, her eyes widened in surprise. She rushed to her bed to be sure that what she was seeing wasn't just a trick of the light. She picked one of the shreds up, and it was the same one she had torn outside earlier. It was arranged neatly on her bed to form “tell the world what you did.” Her breath caught in her throat. She pulled her drawer open and brought out the gun she kept there. She checked every corner and pulled every curtain to see if the person who did this was hiding. She exhaled deeply before collapsing on her bed. There was nobody there. She reached for her bag and pulled out her cell phone to dial Charles.

  ''Charles, please can you come over?'' she pleaded.

  ''Is everything okay, Ella?'' he asked.

  ''No, please come over,'' she begged him, and in thirty minutes, he arrived at her apartment. She ran to hug him. He asked her what was wrong, but she couldn't explain in detail, because there were things no one must know about. They were things she couldn't talk about, even to the man she loved.


  ''He did that because he knew my husband and I was not on good terms. He saw that framing me was the only thing that would be accepted by the world,'' Valerie told Kingsley the rest of her story.

  ''But with all that control, why would he frame you and not just let you go ahead with the self-defense plea? We know he could manipulate the witnesses, and maybe even the jury? Why didn't he make you go to jail back then?'' everything confused Kingsley.

  ''I admitted that I killed him back then. Maybe once that was on the record, he saw there was no reason to send me to jail. So, he decided to do his thing and bail me out with the hung jury.'' Valerie sighed heavily as she waited for Kingsley's next question.

  ''Why did you admit it when you didn't?'' Kingsley closed his eyes to keep his calm.

  ''I did because every day with him, I killed him in my mind. So, I was glad when he died. And that left me nothing to live for…'' she paused, ''I wanted to go to jail.'' she concluded before drooping her eyelids sadly. Kingsley sighed.

  ''Look, let me just plead guilty now; we cannot win this case,'' Valerie told him, but he shook his head.

  ''We will win the case,''
he assured her.


  Kingsley walked inside the late Lincoln Adams’ office building. He already knew where he was going, and it was the chief executive's office. As he entered, he saw a familiar face inside the office –Johnson's wife. The two seemed very close. Maybe he was right to have thought that they were.

  ''Good morning,'' when he greeted them, they turned around to look at him. And he could tell from the look Tessa cast him that she and her husband had talked about him, not once, not twice, but quite often

  ''May I sit down?'' he asked.

  ''Sure,'' Mr. Cornwell told him.

  ''Thank you,'' he said before sitting down. Cornwell told Tessa to excuse them, and she did. She gave Kingsley a last stare before walking out.

  When Tessa walked out, she rushed to a corner to call her husband. She told him that the lawyer named Kingsley was in her boss' office. Jonathan knew why he was there, but he didn't understand why he wasn’t dead yet. His poison had never failed him.

  ''I thought you said you ended him?'' she asked her husband in a low tone.

  ''Tessa, find out why he's there,'' he told her sharply before hanging up.


  Thomas Anderson agreed to take the case of Valerie Adams. And he was glad to know his opponent was Scott Kingsley. He knew history was about to repeat itself. Johnson has agreed to bring him to the limelight. It was in his hands; Johnson could bring whoever he wanted to the spotlight and also take them out of it. Ella had crossed him, and Johnson was ready to replace her, but there was a problem. Kingsley was going far from where he was supposed to. He was taking different steps from the ones he took during that last case, years ago.


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