Spark (MacKenny Brothers Series Book 1)

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Spark (MacKenny Brothers Series Book 1) Page 12

by Kathleen Kelly

  Once inside, his hands are everywhere. The man is like an octopus.

  “A drink. I think we need a drink,” I shriek playfully at him.

  “Sure, babe, what’s your poison?” Lamond asks as he trails kisses down my neck.

  “Bubbles. How about you get us both a glass?”

  Lamond lightly kisses my lips, then disappears further into the house. I’m in a lounge room that is large enough to fit my whole home into. When he returns, he’s carrying two glasses.

  “Cristal… only the best for you.”

  I smile at Lamond and take the glass from him. He leans in and kisses me again, and I playfully push him away.

  “I don’t suppose you have any strawberries to go with this?” I ask, holding up my glass.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” Lamond winks at me, places his glass on the coffee table, and goes back where he came from.

  As soon as the door closes, I open my purse and tip the vial Angus gave me into his drink and quickly place it back into my clutch.

  “I hope you can hear me, boys. The operation is a go,” I whisper into my hidden mic.

  The door swings open, and Lamond is there with my strawberries in a crystal bowl.

  I saunter toward him, picking up his glass as I do and smile seductively. “Here’s to a perfect evening.”

  He takes the glass, and I put mine to my lips swallowing its contents in one gulp. Lamond leers and copies me.

  I take his glass off him and seductively walk him to the couch. He sits, and I take the bowl out of his hands, placing it on the coffee table. Lamond grabs me, pulls me to him, and then passes out cold.

  “Thank God, the stuff worked as quick as you said it would. I’m on my way to the front door.”

  I walk back through his home and find Angus and Sean waiting for me as I open the door.

  “Did you have to kiss him?” asks Sean angrily.

  “He thought he was going to get lucky. You think I wanted his hands on me, let alone his mouth?” I shoot back.

  Sean glares at me and pushes his way into the house. Angus shrugs at his brother and follows him.

  “How long will he be out for?” I ask.

  “An hour maybe a little longer,” replies Angus.

  The two of them go from room to room, putting bugs in all the phones and go through his home computer.

  Angus is sitting in front of Lamond’s laptop when he gets excited.

  “What’s up?” I ask, moving in to look over his shoulder.

  “I need a pen.”

  Opening my evening bag, I give Angus a pen. He rips off a sheet of notepaper from the pad on the desk and writes something down.

  “What is it?” I ask impatiently.

  “It’s a list of his contacts overseas who he’s selling parts to.”

  “Why don’t you copy the data?”

  “I have, but this name here is in DC. I want to do a drive-by on the way home.” Angus is smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

  “Okay, can we go now?” I ask impatiently.

  “I’m with Cherie, can we roll?” chimes in Sean.

  “Yeah, we’ve planted all the bugs, and I have a treasure trove to sift through,” answers Angus as he holds up a flash drive.

  Both Sean and I grin at him, and we head out of the house.

  “Will he remember anything?” I ask.

  “Nah, he’ll have no memory after the drink. It’s why Sean stripped him and put him to bed.” Angus winks at me. “He’ll think you were amazing.”

  I giggle as we walk down the sidewalk toward Angus’ car. Sean’s bike is parked behind it.

  “You know you could ride with me?” Sean makes it a question, and I know if I get on, it’ll mean so much more than a ride home.

  “Not in this dress, I can’t…” I pause and look him in the eye, “… and I don’t think Maddock would like it very much.”

  Sean nods, quirks an eyebrow at me, and climbs on. “If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.”

  I smile at him and get into the car.


  It’s been a week since Cherie and my brothers pulled their stunt and bugged Lamond’s house. The pain in my shoulders and legs has decreased, and I can slowly move around. Cherie has been by my side the entire time, proving what a good woman she is.

  Today she’s sitting with the club whores, laughing as one of them tells her something in a hushed voice. I can’t hear what’s being said, but Cherie’s face is one of amusement and shock. She catches me watching her, smiles at the ladies, and makes her way toward me.

  “Hey, handsome, how are you feeling?”

  “Better. What was so funny?”

  Cherie’s face goes bright red. “Maybe another time. What did you want to do today?”

  I raise my eyebrows at her seductively, and her blush deepens. The only time we’ve been intimate was at my cabin back in Breckenridge, and try as I might, apart from kissing, she’s been unwilling to go any further for fear of hurting me.

  I give her my best lazy smile. “Hmmm, I could think of a few things… but how about we ring your granddaddy?”

  Cherie smiles back at me, kisses me on the lips, and whispers, “That sounds good.”


  “You have no idea. Come on, which phone can I use?”

  I hand her the prepaid cellphone Angus gave me and move away to let her have some privacy.

  Kyle catches my eye, and I hobble toward him out the front of the clubhouse. “Good to see you up and moving, brother.”

  “Getting stronger every day. How’s Angus doing with the surveillance?”

  “I don’t understand half of what he says, but the gist of it is, he’s compiled enough evidence to put Lamond away for a long time.”

  “Good.” I look down at my feet. Conversations with my brothers have been stilted. Not on their part, but mine. The guilt within me is all-consuming.

  “We don’t blame you, you know.” I look into his eyes. “Heather is on Lamond. You did what you thought was right. It’s all Da would have wanted. Heather wouldn’t want you blaming yourself. She’d want you back with us. I’ve missed you, Mad.”

  “I’ve missed you all, too. It’s been hell not being able to see all of you and knowing you all thought I was dead.”

  “Angus never believed it. He’s waged his own personal war with the feds, trying to find you. You know he has mad skills, yeah?”

  I grin. “Yeah, they recently showed me some photos of you all. In fact, one of them had you hooked up with a Lola?”

  “Did they now?” Kyle shakes his head. “She’s a hell of a woman, a real ball-breaker. The only woman who comes in here who won’t let me get away with my bullshit. You’ll like her, Lola’s a straight shooter.”

  “So where is she?” I ask.

  “Her mother is sick. She went home to take care of her. It’s a long story, Mad, but that woman is lucky to have Lola, only she doesn’t know it.”

  “Family can be complicated,” I state.

  “Doesn’t have to be. Like I said, no one blames you.” Kyle lightly punches me in the arm, which causes me to grimace. “Pussy.”

  “How about I stab you, then punch you in the arm and see how you like it?”

  “Pussy.” Kyle chuckles. “What are you going to do when this is all over?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t allowed myself to think too far into the future.”

  “Well, brother, now you have a future.”

  He’s right, I do. I seek out Cherie, knowing she is part of it. Her face is a mask of seriousness. She’s nodding her head vigorously while talking on the phone. When her eyes meet mine, I know something is wrong. I walk toward her, placing an arm around her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Granddaddy is being discharged, but he can’t take care of the farm on his own. I need to go home.” Her beautiful face is sad and anxious at the same time.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “No, you won’t,” stat
es Kyle from behind me.

  I turn and scowl at him. “I wasn’t asking for permission.”

  “Tough. Lamond knows where you were living. You can’t go back.”

  Cherie places a hand on my arm. “Kyle’s right, and do you really want to have to sit on a plane or a bus for hours? I’ll be fine.”

  At the same time, Kyle and I say, “Bus?”

  “I’m not sure I have enough money to fly back, so yes, bus,” responds Cherie.

  Kyle laughs and slaps my back. “Fuck! She doesn’t know about you, does she? This one’s a keeper.”

  Kyle walks away shaking his head and laughing. I glance at Cherie, and all she looks is confused.

  “What don’t I know now?”

  “I have money, lots of it. I’ll fly you back home.”

  “Like fuck you will,” states Cherie.

  “Babe, it’s not a big deal.”

  “Ahh, yes, it is! I’m no one’s whore.”

  Her language takes me by surprise.

  I hold up both hands and take a step back. “Cherie, you are no one’s whore. We got you here, and I’m going to get you home. I will tell you what you are.” I reach up and touch her face. “You’re beautiful, headstrong, and mine.”

  Cherie’s face goes all soft, and she puts her arms around my waist, resting her head on my chest. “Okay,” she whispers.

  “Okay?” I ask.

  Cherie leans back and looks up at me. “Yeah, okay.”

  “You’re letting me off easy. Why?”

  “Because you’re right. Your family did get me here, I’m headstrong, and I am yours.” Now, it’s my turn to feel a rush of emotion. I tilt her head up and kiss her lips softly. Cherie breaks away. “But you are staying here.”

  I shake my head slightly.

  “Your woman is right,” chides Sean.

  When I turn to look at him, he’s staring at Cherie.

  “How so?”

  “You’re in no fit state to travel, and it’s too dangerous. One of the MC could go with her, or I could go.” Sean’s eyes come back to me.

  “Not you,” I reply.

  Sean grins and nods. “What about a prospect?”

  “That I can live with.”

  “Hello! I’m in the room. You know I can take care of myself, right? Like who didn’t get kidnapped? Hmmm? Oh, that would be me.” With one had on her hip and the other one pointing at herself, she’s as cute as hell.

  I hold up my hands and take another step back which causes Sean to laugh. I shoot him a disapproving look then glance back at Cherie.

  “Good point. But I am paying for your flight back. No arguments.”

  Cherie smiles and nods. “Deal.”


  “Mad, come on, it’s time to go,” orders Loch.

  “Her plane hasn’t left yet.”

  Loch sighs. “Dude, she can’t see you. Come on. Besides, I want to buy you breakfast, and you can tell me about Boringridge.”



  I know he’s right, and I’m behaving like a lovesick teenager. I nod, take one last look at her plane, and walk to the exit.

  Loch is driving, and I take no notice of where we are headed until he stops the car. We’re parked out front of our grandfather’s favorite diner.

  “I haven’t been here in years.”

  Loch smiles and gets out, then leans on the roof of the car. “Neither have I. The others are waiting inside at Da’s booth.”

  I don’t wait for Loch to catch up as I stroll inside. Sitting in a booth in the back of the

  restaurant are my brothers, and they all have a plate of food in front of them.

  “You lot couldn’t wait for us to get here?” I ask.

  “We did wait. What took you so fucking long?” asks Kyle as he pours more maple syrup over his pancakes.

  “Loverboy here had to wait till her plane left before he could leave,” teases Loch.

  I shake my head at them and sit down next to Jamie. “What’s good here?”

  “Everything,” they all reply in unison.

  The waitress comes over. She must be in her nineties, still spritely and all business.

  “What can I get you, young man?”

  “Pancakes with a side of bacon,” I reply.

  She looks at Loch over her glasses. “And you?”

  “The same, please.”


  “Yes,” I reply, and Loch nods.

  She turns to go, stops, and turns back around. “Sure is nice to have the MacKenny men back in here.” She points to a photograph on the wall. “I miss Kyle.” Then she looks back at us and winks. “He was a good tipper.”

  I look around the table, and we are all grinning at her. Loch walks over to the picture, pulls it off the wall, and brings it back to us. It’s a photograph of Da sitting in this booth smiling at the camera.

  When the waitress comes back with coffee, I ask, “How come you have our Da up on the wall?”

  “That man came in here every Sunday for breakfast and then again for lunch after church. When my Harry died, he’d call on me from time to time to make sure I was okay. Your granddaddy was good people. I miss him.” She pats Kyle’s shoulder. “And don’t be late on Sunday.”

  I wait until she walks away, then ask, “What was that about?”

  Kyle squirms in his seat and looks embarrassed. “Da had a soft spot for Annie. Near the end, he made me promise I’d look out for her, so, every week one of the boys or I take her to church. We pick her up from home, ask if she needs anything fixed while we’re there, go to church with her, then bring her here. It’s on a roster system. She was important to him, so she’s important to the club.”

  “Damn, Kyle, why didn’t you ever say anything?” asks Jamie.

  Kyle shrugs. “I don’t know. It felt like it was personal. Da didn’t want anyone to know he’d been seeing Annie for a while. I think he felt like he was betraying Gran or rather we’d think that.” Kyle shrugs again. “Da was sweet on her.”

  Annie comes back with our food. Loch gets up and takes it off her. “Annie, please sit down with us.”

  “I have work to do, son.”

  “Only for a minute,” I interject.

  Annie smiles at us, her blue eyes sparkling. “My break isn’t for another hour. I’m no slacker. You boys will be back, so we can chat another time.”

  “How long has she worked here?” asks Loch as she walks away.

  “Annie owns the place. She’s only missed two days’ work in her life,” says a woman near the door. It’s obvious she’s related, same sparkling blue eyes. She walks over and holds out her hand to Loch.

  “I’m Annette, Annie’s my grandmother.”

  Loch rises and takes her hand. “Lochlan MacKenny, and this unruly bunch are my brothers.”

  Annette laughs. “I know who you are. Your Da showed me pictures, never seen you all together, though.” She looks at Kyle. “Don’t be late on Sunday.”

  Loch leans into her. “Actually, I’m taking her on Sunday.”

  “Well, don’t be late. Enjoy your breakfasts.” Annette smiles at us and moves away.

  “You are going to take Annie to church? When was the last time you were in a church?” asks Jamie.

  “You’ll probably burst into flames as soon as you cross the threshold,” teases Angus.

  “Don’t fuck with Annette,” orders Kyle.

  “Trust me when I tell you, brother, Annette isn’t a woman you fuck with,” says Sean.

  Loch raises an eyebrow. “So you’ve tried, and she shut you down?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Enough! Eat your food. And Loch, leave Annette alone. You don’t need another notch on your bedpost. If Da were alive, he’d tan your hide for even thinking about her that way. She is Annie’s granddaughter,” says Kyle.

  “Jesus! Leave Loch alone. All he’s doing is taking Annie to church. Don�
�t overreact,” I say defensively.

  Sean begins to laugh, and Kyle is grinning and shaking his head.

  “What?” I demand.

  “You haven’t changed. Still sticking up for your little brother who, by the way, can look after himself,” jokes Angus.

  I pick up my knife and fork and cut into my breakfast. “Whatever.”

  This causes all of them, including Loch, to laugh at me.

  It’s good to be with family.


  It’s early, and light is starting to trickle in from behind the curtains. My body is sore but healing. Cherie has been gone for three days. I spoke to her yesterday morning, and her grandfather is out of the hospital but not well. I’ve decided I’m going to hire someone to help look after his farm if Cherie and Mr. Lake will let me.

  Slowly, I roll onto my side and sit up. I test the muscles in my arms and legs to see how they are feeling. Not as sore as yesterday, and the doctor is happy with the rate I’m progressing, but if you ask me, it’s all taking too long.

  Angus has enough information on Lamond to bury him, and he managed to record a conversation between him and an FBI agent. Special Agent Stephen Jamieson is as dirty as they come, which is good for us. If we don’t turn him over, Kyle can use him to find out what they have on the club and hopefully get him to work for them.

  I’m stretching my arms above my head when the door to my room bursts open.

  “We’ve got a problem,” states Angus, fear etched all over his face.

  “Who?” I ask.


  My whole world spins out of control. I stand up and feel like I’m about to throw up or worse.

  I frown at him. “She’s back home, she’s safe,” I state.

  “No. Lamond called last night. He has her.”

  “Last fucking night? And you didn’t wake me? How?” I demand to know.

  “We didn’t know.”

  “But you’re sure she’s been taken?”

  “Yeah, as I said, Lamond called. He put her on the phone.” Angus looks stricken with fear and anger.

  “What are the demands?” I ask quietly as my anger begins to rage inside of me.

  “You, and the evidence you have on Lamond.”

  I look down at the floor, concentrating on slowly breathing in and out. I can’t let Lamond win, but I can’t let him hurt another person I love.


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