To Take and Hold(Omegaverse Shifter Romance) (shifter fever Book 2)

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To Take and Hold(Omegaverse Shifter Romance) (shifter fever Book 2) Page 6

by Cashmire Hart

  "It's okay," he murmured.

  The minutes passed slowly, drawn out by Reed's ragged breath. Crixen realized he'd fallen asleep, his lashes pressed tightly to his cheeks. Biting his lip, he looked around the barn. He could carry him back to the mansion, but he figured Reed would want privacy and--I like caring for him.

  He scooped Reed into his arms, the male's weight nice and settled in the bed of hay Reed had created with his hack and slash. As soon as he laid against the stack, Reed cuddled against him, his head resting on Crixen's shoulder. The omega held him close, his fingers digging into his shirt. In all his life, the killing had filled something deep within. Now that emptiness was being filled by Reed.

  Crixen dared to stroke his hair, the locks mingled with little bits of straw. They were so silky, softer than he'd imagined. As the sun set and the party got going outside, a peace settled into Crixen. It was strange but welcomed. He never thought he could feel such happiness from holding someone. And as the evening wound down, he thought he could do this all night.

  His gaze drifted to his scimitars strewn on the floor. He'd never shown such disrespect to his blades, but in this moment, he didn't care. All that mattered was Reed's comfort, and that the omega knew he wasn't alone.

  Reed had done something to him, flipped a switch he supposed had always been there. The question was what was he going to do about it.

  Chapter 13

  Reed had never before been so warm. The heat soaked into his body and penetrated his core, spreading through him with every pump of his heart. He was comfortable too, something silky and hard holding him steady. And the scent in his nose... perfect. If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up because along with the comfort, came a feeling of safety he'd not known for a very long time. He was sure that if anything rose up to threaten him, it would be dealt with swiftly.

  "Happy puppies and tiny guppies... Playful kittens with fluffy mittens," he muttered to himself.

  As sleep left him, he became aware of Crixen. The alpha was the source of his comfort and the memories of last night came back to him. The destruction of the haystack, his attack on the male, Crixen's soft, reassuring words. After Reed's bluster had blown away, he was left with a welcomed calm. So much that he'd fallen asleep.

  He had fully expected Crixen to dump him in his bedroom. Opening his crusty eyes, he looked up the warrior's body to his serene face. They were still in the barn, sleeping on a bed of straw, Crixen holding him close. The alpha was handsome in this moment. His lips were slightly parted, and Reed found himself wanting to kiss them. He'd never been kissed before. He was sure it would be amazing, especially now that he wanted to do it.

  Swallowing a lump, he moved up Crixen's body so that they were face to face. He took in every inch of the alpha's features, from his widow's peak, to his finely-chiseled chin. He had a faint scar on his lip. He was willing to bet there were quite a few on his body and Reed wanted to know how he'd gotten each and every one.

  He grazed his fingertips along Crixen's lips, surprised by the softness. He was sure they would be chapped, but all he felt was silk. They'd feel so good against mine. The alpha's throat shifted as he swallowed, and Reed took his hand back.

  "Don't stop," Crixen murmured, his eyes shut tight.

  Reed's heart pounded. He wanted to, but fear stilled him. This need for comfort and intimacy was all new to him.


  Reed didn't think the warrior asked for anything. He was more likely to take and command, but here he was, asking for touch. With a shaky hand, Reed traced the thin line of the scar on Crixen's lip.

  "Headbutting a vampire," Crixen said, his mouth moving against Reed's fingertips. "His fang caught me. Vampire venom is a bitch."

  Moving across his stubbled jaw, Reed touched a faint, circular scar.

  Crixen's lips pulled up. "Squabble with a fae."

  "Fae are real?" Reed gasped.

  The alpha's lashes fluttered open and his pupils widened as they settled on Reed. "Very much so. They prefer the remote and wild places of the world. And they're nothing like the fairy tales humans cooked up. They're vicious and dangerous."

  Reed lost himself in those steel-gray eyes, barely hearing his words. He'd learned to not make eye contact or challenge alphas in any way. But Crixen did nothing but stare back at him, his gaze devoid of anger. Sliding his eyes back to Crixen's lips, he wondered if the warrior would kiss him. It seemed like whatever was blooming between them was headed in that direction, but he was afraid of being wrong.

  Crixen reached out and touched his cheek gently, his palm warm and calloused. The last time anyone had touched his cheek, it had been a fist to his jaw. He closed his eyes, never wanting the moment to end and terrified it would.

  "We need to talk about what happened," Crixen said.

  Shaking his head, Reed cuddled against him and buried his face in the alpha's chest. Crixen wrapped his arm around him and held him close, his warmth like liquid heat.

  "This is important. I understand that rage and I wish I'd recognized the signs earlier." His hand skimmed up and down Reed's bicep, his touch remarkably gentle. "I know what it's like to be angry and to bottle it up until it explodes."

  Reed knitted his brows. Is that what happened? Honestly, last night was a blur. He recalled taking the scimitars and hacking the haystack then trying to hurt Crixen, but he'd had no idea why. He'd never been a violent person.

  Crixen wiggled out of Reed's grasp and sat up. "Look at me. I want to know you're paying attention."

  "I'm sleepy. I want to go back to bed," he countered.

  The alpha actually smirked. "Yeah, I don't believe that for a second."

  Sighing, Reed perked up and dragged his attention to him.

  "I'm going to tell you a story, one that only a few know. I trust you not to repeat it to anyone." His words were stern, but gentle.

  "I swear," he said honestly.

  Crixen pushed his hand through his hair and blew out a big breath. "When I was eight, my pack was attacked by a vampire coven. They drank everyone dry, but my parents hid my brother and I under the floorboards. Through a knothole, I watched the vampires slaughter them until the blood rained down on us. It was only a matter of time before the coven would discover us, but the Ro'an arrived and took them out. They brought us into their organization where they raised us and taught me to kill those that threatened our people."

  "I'm sorry," Reed murmured, thankful he didn't know what it was like to lose a parent, or a pack. For him, he'd been the one taken and imagined those that had loved him and mourned his loss.

  "My brother was a natural magic-user and they taught him spellwork and the like. But me, I needed to hit things. The Ro'an in charge of my training recognized my anger right away and always used it against me to teach me a lesson. For endless months, that rage simmered, getting me no further to my goals. It infected my balance, my resolve and my thinking." He tapped his noggin. "But the training master was smart. He showed me how to control it, to channel it so that it did not control me. I regained my balance and excelled in combat. I was fourteen when I killed my first vamp."

  Reed was totally entranced by Crixen's story. He could see this dangerous, skilled alpha making quick work of vampires, his blades flashing as they cut through flesh. It was sexy. Crixen's gaze grew distant as if he were reliving his memories.

  "I'm telling you this because if you let that anger simmer and don't give it an out, it will destroy you. My out was training all day and every day."

  "How do I do that?" He asked quickly, needing Crixen's guidance.

  "First, you need to identify the source of your anger. For me, it was the murder of my pack and parents. My anger will always be here no matter how many of those bloodsuckers I murder. But I use it to do good. Killing those that deserve it is like a Band-Aid. That's the second part--finding your Band-Aid."

  "And how do I do that?"

  "Only you can answer that," he said, glancing to his scimitars lying on the f
loor. He got up and sheathed the loose blade. He set the scabbard against a beam and touched the pommel gently as if it were precious to him. "These are merely an extension of who I am, and a channel for my anger. The Magistrate had them made for me with witchcraft using my very own blood."

  "I'm sorry I took them."

  "I know." Crixen returned to the haystack. He laid back down, his weight pulling Reed closer. "Do you understand what I am telling you?"

  "I think so," Reed croaked. He'd never imagined himself trying to stab someone before. "I know the source of my anger."

  Crixen was quiet, giving Reed the time he needed.

  "Is he dead?" Reed bit out, not wanting to say Raze's name out loud.

  The warrior sighed. "Not yet. He is a prisoner of the Magistrate. His time isn't long on this earth, however."

  "He's still alive?" He rasped. All this time, he'd thought Raze was dead. His heart pounded and raced, his breath suddenly hard to come by.

  "Hey, look at me," Crixen commanded. "You're safe. I swear it. No one gets in or out of the Magistrate's Keep without his knowledge. And I'll rip out the throat of anyone that threatens you, do you understand?"

  Reed snapped his attention to Crixen, his words a growl. His eyes were lit with that rage he'd talked about and Reed could see he'd meant every word. The warrior moved and took Reed by his shoulder, his hot palm strong. Reed moved to straddle Crixen and leaned in. The moment their lips met, a jolt of electricity zinged through him.

  He realized that this was what he'd wanted since the moment Crixen had captured him. An alpha to protect him, an alpha he wanted. A real alpha that could love him.

  Chapter 14

  Excitement shot through Crixen as Reed straddled him, his legs settling around his hips. He stayed where he was as Reed leaned in and pressed his lips to his. On some level, he knew they'd end up here, but he wanted Reed to come to him willingly.

  The omega's lips were soft, his kiss chaste and unsure. He smelled good, his natural alluring scent mingled with hay and laced with need.

  "Keep going," Crixen whispered.

  A blushed crept up Reed's neck and he leaned in again. This time, Crixen responded, kissing him back and drawing a little gasp from the omega. He liked that but he kept his nature in check, not wanting to do anything to startle Reed. The male's kisses grew bolder, more desperate, his tongue rising to meet Crixen's own.

  He grabbed Reed's ass out of reflex, desperate to explore him. Thankfully, the omega made a sound of approval and deepened the kiss.

  "I've been wanting to do this for a while now," Reed croaked.

  "I know," he muttered.

  "Is that your answer to everything? Or are you just a Mr. Know it all?"

  Growling, Crixen claimed his lips and Reed laughed. He moved against him, his hips stroking his cock as they made out. Crixen was content to stay like this, giving Reed the control he needed. He found that he didn't mind one bit. With every sweep of the omega's tongue, he seemed to grow more comfortable and confident.

  Crixen tightened his grip on Reed's ass, urging him to move more. Reed pressed his palm against Crixen's neck, his eyes tracking as he move his hand down his chest.

  "I want to feel you," Reed murmured.

  Fuck, but it was a great thing to be wanted. Feeling playful, he said, "You better undress me then."

  Reed grinned and helped the long sleeve shirt over Crixen's head. The omega's eyes widened, and his lip went between his teeth as he ran his palm over Crixen's pecs. He fingered a raised scar and leaned in to kiss it, drawing a gasp from Crixen. He'd never had anyone appreciate his scars before.

  "Sparring accident," he managed, his throat suddenly dry.

  "You spar with dangerous weapons?" Reed inquired, his breath sliding across Crixen's body like a silken touch.

  He nodded. "Only way to spar. Your enemy won't hesitate to kill you... Shouldn't practice like you'll get a break."

  "My tough warrior," Reed teased, his hands moving lower. Crixen jerked and wiggled. "Is Mr. Big, Bad Warrior ticklish?"

  Crixen growled in warning, refusing to confirm or deny anything, because if he said no, he knew he'd be lying. Reed was totally amused and returned to his lips. Crixen welcomed him openly. It's where he belongs. He could kiss him for hours.

  Their kisses grew hotter, more desperate and deeper. Their tongues danced while Reed ran his hands all over Crixen's body. His cock was throbbing in his pants and he prayed Reed would free it.

  "Can I see more?" Reed asked with a little whimper.

  His throat dry, he nodded. Reed seemed pleased, his cheeks plumping with a smile. He popped the button to Crixen's jeans. He followed the omega's movements, watching with fascination as Reed reached in and pulled out his weeping prick. He nearly howled at the sensation of having another's hand on his dick. The head was sticky with pre-cum and he'd likely creamed his pants.

  "There is a joke here about your sword, but I can't quite think of it," Reed muttered as he thumbed the glans, spreading the honey around.

  "Shut up," Crixen growled. "You talk too much."

  He pulled Reed back to his lips and took over the kiss, leading the omega this time. As much as he had enjoyed Reed exploring him, his animal demanded that he declare his dominance. Reed gripped his cock tight as Crixen claimed his mouth, loving the little moans he made.

  Slowly, he maneuvered Reed onto his back. Judging by the way Reed wrapped his legs around Crixen's hips, he was totally fine with it. He pushed the omega's shirt up and over his head. It was his turn now to do a little exploring. He went right to Reed's neck and left little marks as he kissed and nipped. His skin was warm and inviting, the saltiness welcomed. He kissed his way along Reed's collarbone and to his shoulder. He thumbed a faded scar, his anger rising. He was willing to bet he was going to find quite a few more. No alpha should ever hurt an omega.

  "I don't want to go back there. Can we stay here, please?" Reed croaked.

  The omega's words pulled Crixen back and he pecked his lips tenderly. He'd deal with the asshole that had hurt this wonderful omega later. He moved south and took a nipple into his mouth. Reed bowed his spine and dug his fingers into Crixen's hair. He rolled the bud around his tongue until it hardened.

  "Do you like that?" he whispered.

  "Obviously," Reed said, his eyes hooded.

  "You're a smart ass, aren't you?" Crixen said darkly. "You've taunted and heckled me for weeks. Tempted the beast. Did you think there wouldn't be consequences?"

  Reed's eyes widened and his lips moved like a fish. Crixen threw him a look of promise and slowly lowered his mouth over Reed's nipple. He sucked the pebble into his lips and circled it with his tongue until the omega was wiggling and gasping. Then he did the same to the other. He didn't need to ask, because he already knew the answer. No one had ever pleasured Reed in such a way and the idea that he was the first, lit up his alpha nature like nothing before.

  Daring to go a little further, Crixen scraped his teeth carefully against the tender flesh. Reed made the most beautiful sound and Crixen smiled like a motherfucker.

  "This is just the beginning," he promised. "I've got plenty of payback to go."

  Reed said something unintelligible as Crixen pulled Reed's pants down his legs, his cock bobbing in the air. He discarded the jeans off to the side and took a moment to appreciate the male before him. He'd filled out a bit from that day in the Montana wilds, muscles developing under his clean skin. Light hairs dusted his body, concentrating just under his navel like a trail to his cock. The few scars that he did have stood out to Crixen if only because he was angry how they'd come to be.

  The omega swallowed hard and Crixen covered his body with his own. He sought his lips, kissing him softly until Reed moaned with need.

  No one will ever hurt him again. It was more than a promise, but an oath. He was good at killing and anyone that dare thought about laying a hand on his omega would pay the ultimate price.


  Chapter 15

/>   Reed looked to Crixen for guidance as the alpha ran his eyes all over his body. What if he doesn't like what he sees? His time in captivity had left him marred, but he didn't think a warrior like Crixen would mind very much. More than that, he needed this to be okay. He trusted the warrior, but a little voice deep inside whispered... What if? What if he hurts me like Raze did?

  Crixen laid on top of him, the weight of his big body nice. He went right to Reed's lips, the kiss tender as if he truly cherished him. He gasped into the alpha's mouth as Crixen thumbed his already sensitive nipple. It was a promise of what he'd said. He did indeed plan to pay back Reed for all the teasing he'd done. He was absolutely looking forward to it.

  Moving to lay on his side, Crixen pulled him with. The warrior pushed his fingers into Reed's hair, stroking him gently. Their legs tangled and Reed couldn't look away from him. He was beautiful and strong and rough and yet compassionate. He'd make a good mate. The thought had come out of nowhere. Did he really want to take this alpha to mate?

  "What are you thinking about?" Crixen inquired, his tone dark and curling.

  Heat rushed to Reed's cheeks. He couldn't blurt out that he wanted to bond with him. He wasn't sure he was ready to go there just yet. His only experiences with sex had been at Raze's cruel hands and he knew instinctually that that wasn't how it was supposed to be. He remembered his omega-father giving him the talk and about how deep and wonderful a mating bond was.

  "Just wondering how we got here," he said, settling for half-truths.

  "You and me both," Crixen said with a little chuckle.

  "I like when you laugh. It makes you seem like less of a tight-ass," he teased.

  The alpha grumbled. "You're such a disrespectful omega. I see I'll have to correct that."

  The light in Crixen's eyes let Reed know his intentions came from a good place. "We can enact a little teacher, student fantasy. Sounds hot."

  "I think you need a gag," Crixen said and reached down to his cock.


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