The Ascended (The Saving Angels book 3)

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The Ascended (The Saving Angels book 3) Page 8

by Tiffany King

  I wonder why no one woke me up for my watch shift. I thought to myself, curiously. I grabbed my hoodie out from behind my head where I had been using it as a makeshift pillow. The heat from my head had kept it relatively warm and I sighed with pleasure as some of the morning chill dissipated when I slipped it on. I pulled my cheapo mittens out of the front pocket of my hoodie and stuck my icy fingers into them.

  My rustling around and chattering teeth woke Sam who was lying closest to me. "You okay?" She asked.

  "Yeah, just freezing my butt off," I grumbled. "Where are the guys?"

  "I know right. It's flipping freezing. They took watch themselves. Shawn said we looked like we needed a good night's sleep."

  "Oh, that was nice of them. I guess you didn't put up much of a fight, huh?" I added teasingly.

  She grinned mischievously at me. "Heck no, it's warmer in here."

  "I'm surprised they haven't been in here yet to wake us up though," I said.

  "Good morning sleepy heads," Shawn piped in through the unzipped flap of the tent.

  Sam and I giggled together at his words. If I didn't know him better, I would think I somehow influenced him to pipe in at that moment. But no, that was just my brother being a wise guy.

  "Hey, be a good boy and come in here and give me a kiss," Sam teased.

  "Good boy? What am I a dog?" He crawled into the tent and kneeled over her, using his tongue to lick her face.

  "Eww gross," She yelped.

  "I'm just giving you a taste of what it would be like to kiss a dog," he teased.

  The goofy expression on his face made Sam and me laugh as he let his tongue lull off to the side of his mouth like a dog would.

  "Sheesh, could you quiet down over there, some of us are still trying to sleep," Lynn mumbled in her usual morning cranky tone of voice.

  Sam and I laughed harder as Shawn nodded his head with his tongue still lulling off to the side.

  "Ugh," Lynn groaned, throwing her small travel pillow at us.

  The pillow bounced harmlessly off Shawn's head, but not one to fall out of character, Shawn retaliated by sending a mock growl her way. He grasped the pillow between his teeth, shaking his head.

  Sam shook with laughter as he whipped the pillow back and forth, growling deep in his throat the entire time.

  "Okay stop, my side hurts," she managed to spit out between giggles. She reached up to pluck the pillow out of his mouth, but Shawn growled over his prize like a dog would.

  Lynn, and I, and now Robert, who poked his head in through the opening of the tent, howled with laughter as Shawn and Sam proceeded to have a tugging match over the pillow.

  "Enough," I said holding my own side that ached from my belly laughs. Shawn dropped the pillow and lavished one last slobbery kiss on Sam's upturned face.

  "Fine, come on though, everybody's up," he said, sauntering out of the tent.

  The four of us looked at each other and busted out laughing again. "Wow, I'm so jealous I'm not multi-talented like Shawn," Robert said helping Lynn to her feet.

  "I don't want a dog babe, I prefer the whole angel rock star thing," Lynn said, shooting him a steamy look.

  I looked away uncomfortably at the sudden sexual current that had developed between them. Ugh, picking up that vibe with my new powers was definitely something I could live without, I thought to myself as I grabbed my boots and hastily climbed out of the tent, suddenly anxious to be outside.

  My dream nagged at me as I pulled on my boots outside of our tent. It was wonderful to see Mark again in my dreams, but to have him once again, snatched away in such an extreme manner, hurt. I would have sunk to my knees in agony if not for the fact that I was surrounded by an audience.

  "You okay Krista?" Jenna called out, spotting me by our tent.

  I plastered a smile on my face and headed toward where they were gathered.

  "Yeah, I was just pulling on my boots," I said shivering as a breeze blew through our campsite. "Holy Moley-Cannolie, it's freezing out here," I griped.

  "It's much better by the fire. Come sit over there with us," Jenna said, coming out of her tent with a small throw blanket. "I'll even share my blankie with you."

  "Sounds good," I said as another shiver ran through me, making my scalp tingle. "Wow, those look like some serious snow clouds," I added, observing the ominous clouds that seemed to blanket the entire mountaintop.

  "Yeah, John thinks we'll definitely see some snow today," Kieran said.

  "How is John this morning?" I asked.

  "Fit as a fiddle. Not a mark on him, and he said the ache he felt the majority of the day yesterday is completely gone. I can't thank you enough for getting Haniel there so fast Krista," she said earnestly, grasping my hand between both of hers. "I know you're unhappy with the changes you've had to undergo. I also realize what your biggest fear is, but I will always be grateful that you were there when John needed you the most," she added, giving me a quick hard hug.

  I nodded my head, not trusting myself to answer as unshed tears clogged my throat. I knew she was right, the changes my life had taken had allowed me to save our lives. I had been so focused on my own selfish pain and what I had lost, that I'd forgotten to look at the bigger picture. For months, my one goal was to get to Mark and find out the truth. Everything hinged on that moment alone. I would either have him with me or I would give up and let myself go. All of that had changed now. How could I deny what I had become and how could I put my own selfishness above my friends? I might never again experience a fraction of the love I had shared with Mark, but I was given a role that I could no longer ignore.

  "It's what I'm made to do now," I finally answered Kieran, pulling my mind back to the conversation.

  Kieran looked at me closely, obviously trying to gauge how I was feeling, but I deflected her attempt without an effort. I was not ready for anyone to know the rollercoaster ride my emotions were on as I sorted through my new priorities.

  "Is Haniel around?" I asked, changing the subject before she could pry any further.

  "I haven't seen him this morning. Do you need him for something?"

  "Yeah, I have something I need to run by him. I guess I can always page him," I said, shooting her a smile. My mind sent the message before the words could even leave my lips and within seconds, Haniel was striding through the woods toward our campsite.

  "Did you require my assistance?" He asked, stopping in front of me.

  "I was hoping we could go for a walk and talk," I said, making my point clear. My friends had stopped all their morning rituals at Haniel's appearance and were all studying me intently. It became abundantly clear by their expressions that my nightmare the night before had woken more than just my friends in our tent. By the looks they were shooting my way, it was obvious they were expecting some kind of nervous breakdown from me.

  "I'm fine guys," I said, trying to reassure them. "I just need to iron some stuff out with Haniel."

  My words seemed to ease their stress a little, but I could still feel their stares boring into my backside as Haniel and I left the campsite behind.

  Instead of walking up toward the stream like the previous day, Haniel and I walked down the mountain until we hit another small clearing not too far from camp. The clearing was empty except for a lone boulder that was roughly the size of one of the cute Mini Cooper cars I loved. The boulder was smack-dab in the middle of the clearing and was covered with a soft blanket of moss that begged you to sit down. I scrambled up the side of the boulder and perched myself on the flattest spot I could find. The height of the boulder allowed me to make eye contact with Haniel from where I sat, which I felt was crucial for what I had to say.

  Haniel's face was a blank slate and he watched me without saying a word. His blue eyes turned guarded as I finally turned to him.

  "Sooooo," I said, dragging out the word. "I guess you could say things are starting to look a little clearer for me today. For months now, in the back of my mind, I've held on to the fantasy that Mark al
lowed his father to alter his feelings to protect me. I thought all he would need to do is see me again and I would be able to help him find his way back, but I've come to realize that even if that proved to be true, our relationship will never be the same again." I said in a rush, trying to get all the words out before he could interject. "Because, I'm no longer a Guide, right?" I asked.

  Haniel nodded his head, letting me continue.

  "And Mark is no longer my Protector, right?"

  "That is correct."

  "If Mark can be saved, will his soul link with another Guide?" I asked, ignoring the phantom hand that seemed to grip my heart.

  "Your link was severed when Mark left with his father, eliminating what you were both created for in that instant. Mark is no longer a Protector; therefore, his soul will not link with any other Guide."

  "If I have become some mystical Ascended being, what has Mark become?" I asked, finally getting to the root of my questions.

  "That is yet to be determined. The Dark One has cloaked Victor and Mark well, leaving us unable to know their futures."

  "So, if Mark can be saved, he will be something else like me?" I probed.


  "And that something could be very bad if we are unable to save him, right?"

  "That is correct."

  "So, in order to help the outcome tonight, I have to come with you." Haniel tried to reply, but I held up my hand. "Wait, let me finish. I understand why you and The Light may have felt cautious before. You were concerned that my feelings could jeopardize the lives of all the Links, I get that. But Haniel, this has become more important than just Mark and me. If Victor really has become what you say he is, I can't let my friends risk their lives in that kind of danger without me. I could never live with that, and you can't expect me to. If I have become an Ascended, they need me there," I said, finally laying all my cards out on the table.

  Haniel studied me appraisingly for a moment before answering. "You may accompany us," he said decidedly.

  I thought I misunderstood him at first, ready to pitch a fit if need be. His sudden consent threw me off, I had an entire second part to my speech all prepared about "how I could help save the lives of the Links while he dealt with Victor." I never expected him to cave so easily.

  "I can?" I asked in disbelief.

  "Krista, The Light has just been waiting for you to embrace your new role in this earthly realm. Your acceptance to whom and what you are was something you had to handle on your own. The Light knew if he allowed you to join the battle before you acknowledged who you are, the repercussions would have been disastrous."

  "Why?" I asked.

  "The Light believes that Victor would use your love for Mark against you if you went in there denying what you truly are."

  "Haniel, if Mark wouldn't have gone with his father, would I have still changed into what I am now?"

  "Not in the sense you are asking. You were special, even as a Guide, and your powers exceeded the others, but you would have remained a Guide if Mark hadn't left you," he said, sidestepping what I was truly asking.

  "What I mean is, did The Light make Mark leave me so I could ascend?" I asked.

  "Krista, The Light does not make individuals do anything. Remember when we discussed freewill?"

  I nodded my head.

  "Your freewill gives you the power to choose your destiny. Some things were written centuries ago. I cannot truthfully tell you if this was your destiny all along. I have not sought out the answer from The Light. I do not think knowing the truth will help you. You ascended because you survived where others have not. Always remember, you are not being punished, ascending is the greatest gift The Light could bestow on any soul."

  I pondered his words for a few minutes. For years, Mark's presence in my dreams had given me peace and a sense of rightfulness. When those dreams turned to reality, my feelings increased tenfold. My heartbreak over losing him was crippling, but I wouldn't trade the moments I had with him for anything.

  "So, this may have been our destiny all along?"

  He nodded his head.

  "Okay," I said, climbing off the boulder. "I still want to save him even if he no longer belongs to me. Not to mention the missing Links, taken from our band so long ago," I added.

  Haniel nodded his head and together we worked out a strategy for the upcoming night. An hour later, we had a solid plan in place.

  "We should convene with the others so we can help them prepare," Haniel finally said after we had exhausted every detail possible.

  "Sounds good," I agreed as I brushed the debris off my bottom from my makeshift seat.

  Haniel and I arrived back at the campsite and saw that the guys had been busy taking all the tents down and packing our gear. They had taken the oversized tarp that our tents had sat on and strung it over the fire pit, creating a shelter for all of us. I looked up at the sky and noticed it had become even more ominous while Haniel and I had been chatting.

  "Everything okay Krista?" Lynn asked as I joined her and the others under our temporary shelter.

  "Yeah, Haniel and I were just ironing out the details for tonight. He has agreed to let me come with you guys."

  "What?" Shawn asked, shifting into his big brother role. "I thought we all agreed it would be too dangerous for her to join us," he said, drilling Haniel with a glare as if I wasn't there.

  "Hey, I'm standing right here, Shawn. You can direct your questions to me," I said, using a voice of authority that suddenly seemed second nature to me.

  I could tell by the shifting and sudden change in the emotions around me that my friends could clearly see a difference in me. By accepting the role as an Ascended, I had left the status of Guide behind and changed my Heavenly ranking. I could feel the difference and knew without a shadow of a doubt I had been created to lead the individuals in front of me.

  "Okay then, so what's the new plan?" Shawn asked with all traces of anger gone.

  I glanced at Haniel. He nodded his head, giving me his approval to continue my new leadership role.

  "We'll proceed as originally planned with one exception. Now we'll split off into two groups. Jaime, Paul, Jenna, Keith, Lynn and Robert will go with Haniel. The rest of you will be with me. Haniel and I believe that the majority of the Daemons will be protecting the two Links Victor has kept hostage. Our plan is simple enough. Get in, grab them, and get out. Haniel says the Daemons Victor is using this time are the real deal. They'll no longer be using humans as hosts, so they may be harder to defeat."

  "How do we do that?" Robert interrupted. "Are they like ghosts or something?"

  I turned to Haniel so he could answer Robert's question.

  "No, they will have substance to them; however, they will not resemble anything you have ever seen before. Their outward appearance to an angel is appalling and grotesque. They come in all shapes and sizes, just as humans, but that is their only similarity. Daemons will use any means necessary to bring you down, they will try to gauge out your eyes, bite through your flesh and use their claws to rip through your skin. They will sneak up on you and attack when you least expect it. Your Guides will use their skills to pinpoint the Daemon's locations for you; however, this is far more difficult when there are multiple Daemons in the vicinity."

  The panicked looks on my friends' faces was evident as they digested Haniel's somber words.

  "That's why we're splitting up," I said, trying to reassure them. "My powers will help deflect the worst of the attack towards my group, same goes for those of you that will be going with Haniel. The difference will be that your group will 'destroy and conquer,' while mine will be on more of a 'rescue mission.'

  "How come Victor doesn't need to use human hosts anymore to carry out his dirty deeds?" John asked, standing behind Kieran with his hands on her shoulders.

  "The Light believes that Victor has offered The Dark One something he deeply desires?"

  "And what is that?" Sam asked.

  "A part of a broken link," Haniel
said quietly.

  I kept my face impassive as all of my friends looked at me horrified. "Yes, they believe Mark has also Ascended or I guess you could call it Descended," I said, looking at Haniel for confirmation.

  He nodded his head in agreement.

  "So, you think Victor has promised Mark to The Dark One? Why doesn't he just create his own Descended spawn?" Sam asked, clearly disgusted.

  "Even The Dark One does not have such abilities. The Protector-Guide link, and subsequent Ascension for some, is an ancestral inheritance from one generation of Links to the next, not something that The Dark One can emulate. Control of a Descended soul would be a valuable treasure," Haniel explained.

  "Why doesn't he just use Victor?" Kim asked in her usual soft voice.

  "Victor has his own agenda which is a possible explanation as to why he did not have complete support from The Dark One when he originally kidnapped Krista and Mark. The Dark One demands complete loyalty, without freewill. Had Victor already offered himself as a Descended to the The Dark One, Krista would not be standing here today."

  "I wonder why Victor would do that," Sam mused.

  "Do you not know the answer?" Haniel asked looking at her intensely.

  "Because Victor wants to be his own boss," I answered. "He doesn't want to have to answer to anyone, not The Light or The Dark One. He is selfish and offered up his own flesh and blood so he could continue to prosper."

  "Krista is correct," Haniel said.

  "So, while Krista is leading us in to rescue our missing Links, you will be destroying Victor and his Descended?" Shawn asked, carefully skirting around using Mark's name.

  "That would be correct." Haniel said without hesitation.

  Sam came over to stand next to me. She placed her arm around my shoulder, offering moral support at Haniel's words.

  "I'm okay," I said. I hope he can be saved, even if we aren't Links anymore.

  "What?" Robert asked, clearly confused.

  "Our Link was broken the moment Mark sealed his soul from mine," I said looking at Haniel for confirmation.

  Once again being of little words, he merely nodded his head.


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