Omegas Wish: A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance

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Omegas Wish: A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance Page 6

by Mike Andy

  Chapter 13


  Gregory caught a cab when he got outside. He had arrived with Matthew in the news van, but he didn’t want to wait around for Jackson to find him. How could he show up out of the blue like that? He just assumed that he could pick up the pieces after being gone so long. Gregory wanted to be alone but he didn’t want to go home.

  His eyes stared outside into the night sky. The moon was bright tonight. Such a bright white. It reminded him of snow. The fresh snow that covered the ground when he first met Jackson. He let out a sigh, leaning his head up against the cool glass. His right hand rested atop of his stomach.

  Why did things have to turn out like this? All he wanted was someone that would stick around and not hurt him. He thought for a moment that he found that in Jackson. He turned out to be another fling for the man. He probably didn’t care about him at all.

  The cab took him back to the news station. He would wait here until Matthew returned. The cameraman was good at giving advice as well as an ear to listen to his problems. Gregory paced into his office where he sat down on his office chair. He picked up the other party invites. Of all the parties that Jackson had to attend, it had to be the one that Gregory was covering.

  He leaned back in his chair, staring at the soft glow that came off his monitor. His eyes closed as he thought back to that time with Jackson. They had so much fun at the ski lodge. The peaceful walk outside. The incident by the swimming pool. Gregory had to laugh about that suit. He wondered if Jackson had been able to save it. Then there was the amazing night the two of them shared together in Jackson’s room.

  The first night was out of lust and frustration. If it had been the one time, Gregory might not have felt so bad. But he had returned. Willingly too. The second night with him was magical. He had no words to describe it. He remembered waking up in the night and thinking about the snowflakes. Each one supposed to be individual and unique, but maybe there were two that were out there that were meant to be together. It was only a matter of the wind and chance. A chance that Gregory wish he still had.

  Gregory cleared some of the cluttered paper work from his desk. His eyes landed on the phone. He never used the station phone at all. He preferred to use his cell phone for everything. The red message light blinked on the phone.

  Reaching over, Gregory picked up the receive and pushed the button for the voicemail. “You have sixty-five new messages. First new message.” The automated voice stopped playing and the voice on the other end caused Gregory’s throat to quiver. He dropped the phone onto the desk. The voice on the other end stated. “This is Jackson Barret. I was calling because I never got your contact information and wanted to see you again. Give me a call.” The phone number was read off before the line disconnected and it went to the next message. The second message repeated a similar message.

  Gregory reached his hands up to cover them over his mouth, tears streaming down his eyes. What had he done?

  Chapter 14


  The cameraman was right. Gregory had been through a lot. Given up a lot and it was because Jackson hadn’t tried harder. Realization started to sink in for him. No one else since him. Those words rang in his ears. His hand gripped onto bench to steady himself. He slid down to sit on the bench.

  No one since him. That would mean. His head lifted up to look across the street. There was no one else since him. The baby was his. Jackson smiled to himself but then frowned as he realized what a disaster he had made out of the situation. He was going to be a father but now the person having his baby wanted nothing to do with him. He should have tried harder in the beginning. Maybe he could have made things right if he had put in more effort.

  He stood up from the bench, dusting his hands over his pants. This wasn’t right. There had to be a change. He had to be better than this. He had to do better. There was only one thing that he had left to do. He had to make things right with Gregory. Even if the cute omega wouldn’t take him back, he would at least want to be a good father. He would pay his child support and be there if Gregory needed anything. Or if his child needed anything.

  Where was that damned reporter? He had to find him quickly before he left. He rushed back into the museum and found Matthew still packing up the camera equipment. Taking a few moments to catch his breath, he turned to the man. “Listen, I know you don’t owe me any favors, but I need to make this right. Even if I screw up for the rest of my life after this moment. I am not going to be the reason that Gregory’s child, my child, doesn’t feel loved in this world. I want Gregory to know too. Will you help me?”

  The cameraman zipped up his bag as he listened. He hefted the bag up onto his shoulder. “Listen, my opinions aside on this matter, I will help you this once. If Gregory turns you down again, don’t come back to me asking for favors. Him and me have a good working relationship and even do this one favor for you might put me in jeopardy of that. You get one Jackson. One favor from me. And I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for Gregory. He deserves it. The decision will be up to him. You have to promise me that whatever his answer is, you will respect it.”

  Jackson nodded his head to the demands of Matthew. “Yes, I completely understand. I don’t know if I even deserve the one chance, but I have to try.” He slipped his hands into his pockets. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “Alright, you got my attention. What do you have in mind?” Matthew walked with Jackson out of the museum as Jackson laid out what he wanted to do. It would require a few stops and a few favors from his friends at the station, but Matthew agreed to make it happen. “Meet me at the station in one-hour Jackson. You don’t show up, I’m gone. If you are late, I’m gone. Got it?”

  Jackson nodded in understanding. “One hour. I will be there. I won’t be late. Thank you so much for doing this.” He smiled as he gave Matthew a tremendous hug. He ran off down the street, hailing a taxi.

  There was so much to do. Jackson had to go to three different places to get what he wanted. The last visit was taking the longest of them all. The manager of the store was taking his time about getting things arranged. Jackson became frustrated at the whole situation and just pulled out his money, throwing the whole wad of cash on the glass counter. “Listen, I don’t care about the paper work or the financing. I can afford it. I will take it and let me be on my way.”

  The store manager counted through the money as Jackson picked up the box. “This is too much money sir.” He was trying to hand the money back to Jackson as he rushed out the door.

  “I don’t care! Keep it! I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry. This is very important!” Jackson ran out of the store to the taxi that was waiting for him. He hopped into the cab motioning for the driver to go.

  Jackson checked his watch. It was five minutes past the designated hour. He was already late. Why did it have to take so long? He only hoped that Matthew was still waiting at the station.

  As the cab pulled up, he could see the cameraman waiting in front of the building. The redheaded man looked slightly annoyed, but he picked up his camera anyways. “You’re lucky that I stuck around for you Jackson. You ready to do this? Once it is done, there is no going back.”

  Jackson nodded his head. “Yes, I am ready. I’ve never been more prepared for anything in my entire life.” Jackson clutched the items he had obtained from the stores he visited in his arms. He had a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates in a heart shaped box.

  The cameraman nodded to him. “Alright, we are live in five. Four…” He held up his fingers for three, two and then one and then motioned to Jackson.

  Jackson took one deep breath before he started to speak. “For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Jackson Barrett. I’m coming to you live today on air because I thought I lost something precious to me. Now I realize that I had messed up and I want to make things right. Several months ago, I met a wonderful person. They showed me what it was like to feel love. I always thought that I was too busy with my
life to have a relationship. I was wrong. I got so wrapped up in my work that I lost track of what was really important.”

  Jackson kneeled down onto one knee, putting the box of chocolates and the roses down next to him. He pulled out a box from his jacket pocket. He opened it up to reveal an engagement ring with a diamond setting in it. “I realize that this might be too late. I don’t deserve a second chance, but I would like one. Gregory Sharp. If you are watching this, will you marry me?”

  There was a pause of silence as Jackson waited there. He had no idea where Gregory was, but he prayed that he was watching a television somewhere. He watched the redhead turn the camera away from him and pointed at something behind him. It drew his attention and he turned to see Gregory by the entrance of the studio. He inhaled deeply at the sight of him. His heart beating rapidly in his chest. Gregory had his hand held over his lips. Tears were streaming down his face.

  The blonde ran over to Jackson. The man in the business suit staring up at the handsome pregnant omega before him. “Gregory Sharp. Will you marry me?”

  The hand pulled away from his mouth to reveal a smile. Gregory nodded his head quickly in response to the question. He couldn’t hardly speak because of the joyous emotions that were filling him. He managed to let out a single word though. “Yes!”

  Jackson slipped the ring onto Gregory’s finger and rose up to wrap his arms around his beloved. He hugged him closer, kissing his cheek and then his lips. “I love you Gregory Sharp. I’m never letting go again. I would give you the world if I could.”

  Gregory cried but the tears were tears of joy and happiness. He rested his cheek against Jackson’s broad chest. “I’m glad that you found me. I love you Jackson Barrett.”

  Chapter 15


  Gregory couldn’t believe the extent that Jackson went through for their wedding day. It was hard enough to find a wedding tux that was adjusted for maternity wear. Gregory couldn’t find anything he liked, so Jackson hired a tailor to come and take his measurements to get a custom tux made for their wedding. Gregory’s tux was mostly white with a black tie, black dress shoes and black on the cuffs and around the jacket collar.

  He felt nervous as he waited outside the chapel doors. The wedding march music started to play and he stepped down the aisle with his friends and family watching them. Jackson looked very handsome in his traditional black tux suit. The look of happiness on his face was one that was undeniable. He seemed to have so much love and adoration for Gregory. It made him blush as he stopped at the front of the church and stood next to his handsome groom.

  The priest greeted the congregation and announced why they had gathered in the church. He read off the wedding vows and had Jackson and Gregory repeat after him.

  “Gregory, do you take this man to hold and to cherish. To love in life, in sickness and in health. Till death do you part?” Gregory inhaled sharply. He couldn’t believe this moment was happening for him. He nodded his head several times and spoke out. “Yes, yes I do!”

  “Then by powers vested in me, I pronounce you married. You may kiss the groom” The loving couple embraced before the crowd and kisses passionately. The priest had to clear his throat to remind them that they still had a room full of guests. He turned to the congregation. “May I present to you Mister Jackson Barret and Mister Gregory Barrett!” The crowed stood up from their seats to all clap as they went down the aisle and out of the church.

  The black limo waited for them outside to carry them off to their wedding reception. Gregory smiled as he looked over at Jackson. The handsome bearded man reaching over to take Gregory’s hand into his own. “I can’t believe this day would finally come. I’ve found the one for me.” Jackson leaned over to kiss Gregory on the lips.”

  They had to wait for the other guests to arrive and then entered into the reception area. A loud cheer emerged from the crowd. They shared their first dance together and had a wonderful time socializing with friends and family. Matthew caught the bouquet of roses to signify that he would be the next one to marry. Jackson came up to Gregory to ask him for one more dance before they would call it a night.

  Held close in Jackson’s arms, Gregory smiled at this handsome alpha. He never wanted to let go of him. His eyes sparkling in joy and delight. It was like he was the only one in the room at that moment. Gregory winced though, reaching his hand down to his stomach. “Oh. I. I think that the baby is coming.”

  Jackson looked shocked at first. “Are you sure?” He helped to steady Gregory and brought him over to a chair. Gregory was breathing deeper, inhaling and exhaling rapidly. Jackson held onto his hand. “Someone call an ambulance please!”

  The emergency medical techs arrived and took Gregory out on a stretched to the ambulance. Jackson never left his side. He rode in the back of the ambulance with Gregory to the hospital. He was both worried and excited at the same time.

  At the hospital, Gregory was admitted immediately into the delivery room. Jackson held onto Gregory’s hand as they had their first child. A beautiful baby boy. The doctor let Gregory hold him. The proud parent clutching the baby close and looking down at the bundle of joy.

  Jackson looked overjoyed at having a son. “What are we going to name him?” The proud father reaching his hand down to brush across the top of the baby’s head. He sat down next to Gregory to admire their son.

  Gregory gave it some thought, turning to look at Jackson. “I’ve always liked the name Micah. I think it would suit him just fine.” Gregory turned to Jackson. “Do you want to hold him?”

  The alpha took hold of his son, cradling him in his arms. “This is the most wonderful gift that anyone has ever given to me. I love him just as much as I love you.”

  Chapter 16 - Epilogue

  December of the following year, Jackson held his annual holiday party at the lodge once more. This time the weather was not as bad as it was the first time, he had met Gregory. The couple had a lot of fun meeting guests and letting them meet their new son.

  Jackson and Gregory would take turns holding onto Micah and playing with him. The noise of the party was starting to get to the little guy though. They both decided it was time to retire to their bedroom for the evening and left the guests to the rest of the party.

  Jackson would have normally have stayed around to party more, but he didn’t see a need for it. If Gregory was not with him, he didn’t want to stick around. The two of them retired to their room and Gregory put baby Micah down into his crib to sleep.

  Slipping his jacket on, Gregory walked out onto the balcony to stare up into the night sky. The stars sparkled in the sky, just as bright as the night that he had met Jackson. The handsome alpha came out onto the balcony with him to hold his hand.

  “What are thinking about love?” He wrapped his arm around Gregory to hug him close. Gregory turned into the hug to lay his head against Jackson’s chest.

  “I was just thinking about the time that we first met. The night before we were together, I saw a shooting star. I made a wish. I think it came true.” He leaned up to kiss Jackson on the lips.

  The taller man reached his fingers up to brush through Gregory’s blonde hair. “What did you wish for?” He kissed the top of Gregory’s forehead. Jackson moved his hand down to brush across Gregory’s back.

  Gregory smiled, pushing up onto his top toes. “I wished for the perfect one for me. I definitely think that came true.” He kisses Jackson on the lips, moving his hands behind the man to run through his brown locks of hair.

  Jackson nodded his head. “I think that was a good wish. Come on. Let’s go back inside. It is freezing out here.” Pristine white snow flakes drifted through the air.

  Remembering back to his thoughts on that night, Gregory turned to look at Jackson. He smiled brightly. “Yes, I found my snowflake.” He curled his fingers into Jackson’s hand as they walked back into the room. Micah was still sleeping his crib.

  Gregory smiled as he gazed upon their baby boy. He turned to look back at Ja
ckson. “He is so beautiful. I think that I want to have another one.”

  Jackson beamed brightly at that and hugged Gregory close to him. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.” He kissed Gregory passionately on the lips, pulling him deep into the hug. “You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me Gregory. I love you with all my heart.”

  The End




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