Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York) Page 4

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  Okay, you’re not supposed to be laughing.

  She kissed him deeply. I would give anything, if you were mine.

  I’ve said this before. There’s a young vampire out there looking for you.

  But I thought we were going to Paris together?

  We will. Who knows, he may be there to.

  I never see that in the picture in my head. It’s always you and me holding hands. She bit his lower lip gently. You’re the only one I can really talk to.

  You can talk to your brother.

  Not about this, mon cher. I am an Arnhem Knight, and an Arnhem Knight doesn’t cry in her sleep or scream at someone standing behind her. I should have spun around and ripped off his head. Donovan, what is wrong with me?

  He kissed her with tender nibbles at first which grew passionate. His hands wandered, but when she moaned, he stopped. Each kiss was breathless and divine. You, Sha, are strong and courageous. This thing that is haunting us both will be revealed.

  Noblesse stayed within Donovan’s arms and reveled in his warmth. When she was sure he had fallen asleep again, she examined the wound Mina sewed. The King’s Elixir had nullified the poison, but the seam looked angry and red. Noblesse moved to lick that awful wound. The instant her tongue touched Donovan’s skin, he moaned in his sleep. She smiled. The man really didn’t like being licked. Still she continued licking the ragged edge until it looked less irritated.

  Mina would take the stitches out in the morning. Noblesse figured he’d be healed by then. The guilt over his injury gnawed at her. If he wasn’t in her bedroom, he wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Donovan was her best friend, and she loved him.

  Satisfied that he was rapidly on the mend, she moved back into place under his arm.

  Thank you, Sha, he said to her mind.

  You are supposed to be asleep.

  How could I sleep through that? Normally I hate being licked. But you made it different, even enjoyable.

  His baritone chuckle made her laugh. Then he pulled her close to him and kissed her. His kiss dissolved into slumber.

  The next morning, Donovan sat up and pulled out his IV. The Arnhem Knights seated on chairs by the door, immediately stood up.

  “You can’t do that.”


  “Only the doctor can.”

  Noblesse, still wearing the kaftan dress she fell asleep in, hurried around to the IV side. Searching for bandages, she found them and wrapped them tightly to stop his bleeding.

  Next, he reached for his clothes on the nearby chair. He pulled on his jeans and zipped just as Mina walked through the door.

  “Donovan, what are you doing?”

  “I’m better, Doc.” He pulled on his shirt and socks and shoes. “I’m going out to eat, and Noblesse is going with me.” He grabbed her hand and left the room.

  “Really, Donovan, I must stop by my room and change clothes.”


  When they approached the door to her apartment, it was guarded by Arnhem Knights. “No one is allowed in.”

  Noblesse stared at them. “Well, I’m an Arnhem Knight too. Step aside.”

  Hatcher stood in her way. “Noblesse, I’m sorry, but Dr. Lucente says he’s still testing the place.”

  “Hatcher, they shouldn’t have you pulling double duty.”

  “I don’t mind. I promised Max I’d keep an eye on you.”

  Leaning past Hatcher, she knocked on the door. Syd opened it a smidge. “Noblesse, I’m not done.”

  “I need my purse, please.”

  He closed the door and a moment later handed it out to her through the small opening.

  “Thank—.” The door shut before she managed to get out the second word.

  “What’s the plan, Noble?” Donovan zipped his leather jacket halfway up.

  “First we’re going to go eat, and then I’ll stop by my office. I always keep spare clothes there.”

  Donovan took her hand and they headed for the lobby. Curtis, the doorman, stood in their way.

  “David said not to let anyone in or out.”

  Noblesse frowned.

  “What’s the problem, Curtis?” David walked up to them.

  “Pardon me, sir, but your sister and Donovan Dupre want to leave.”

  David was accompanied by several of the Arnhem Knights. “Noblesse and Donovan, we are still investigating what happened. You are to ease yourselves out without letting anyone in. Got it?”

  Noblesse nodded and, taking Donovan’s hand, they slid out with the door slamming behind them. Three vampires waited on the steps.

  “Please, can you tell me what is happening?” the shorter one asked.

  “Who are you?” Donovan moved in front of Noblesse.

  The shorter one spoke first. “I’m Corey Gill.”

  The tall one with blond hair took a step forward. “I’m Heath Moralias.”

  “I’m Kaz.” The dark haired one with the muscular frame stood behind the others.

  “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but the Arnhem Society will be closed for three days more.” Noblesse used the words that David spoke to her mind. “Return in that time, and remember while in New York, you may not hunt or kill a human.”

  “How are we supposed to eat?” Corey asked.

  She opened her purse and gave her card to each of the men, in addition to a larger postcard. “I’ve given you each a credit line of $500. Do not go over it, and I expect at some point to be repaid in kind. Anyone at these establishments on the card will accept you, just say, “Please, put it on Noblesse Vander Meer’s tab.” These are all restaurants that serve our kind. The last four on the list are hotels that are part of our system and will keep you safe.”

  “You’re a Vander Meer, as in Max Vander Meer?” Kaz moved past the other two.

  “Yes, Max is my father.”

  “I came to see him.”

  Don’t answer that, David warned loudly in her mind.

  “Sorry, Kaz. Good day, gentlemen.”

  Taking Donovan’s hand back in hers, she hurried him toward the waiting limo where Vincent stood holding the door. When they got in and Vincent pulled away from the curb, she looked back.

  The two others had gone. Only Kaz remained sitting on the steps. His fixed gaze on her. A memory stirred she couldn’t grasp. Turning quickly, she said, “Vincent, to my office, please.”

  “I thought we were going to eat first?”

  “You can order us some food, while I change clothes. I want to be in a protected environment. With a snap of my fingers, V Meer Industries will become a fortress.”

  Donovan raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Sha, did one of those men upset you?”

  She didn’t want to tell Donovan that she was massively turned on by Kaz, just by looking at him. Noblesse didn’t understand the attraction. Their eyes met and slam. She slid closer to Donovan to chase her wayward thoughts away. He was human. But he had fought Keres (death spirits) in the past and that was brave beyond even most vampires. Donovan was extraordinary. By repeating his name over and over in her mind, she hoped to dissolve any thought of Kaz.

  Oh, God! What was she going to do when she met him inside the Arnhem Society? Would she be cheating on Donovan?

  “Noble, when you get upset, you forget to shield your thoughts.”


  “Come on. Let’s get that vampire special first.”

  Chapter 5

  Noblesse pulled her hair up into a tight bun. Donovan sighed. In that one motion of hers, he knew they were headed for VMeer Industries.

  “Noble, why do we have to go to your office first?”

  “I figure with the trouble at the Arnhem Society, I should check in and make sure everything is fine the

  “You’re expecting trouble? Vincent, Crolsam’s Pizza, please.”

  “But Donovan.”

  “No. I need to eat, and you need to remove yourself from the entire matter. I’m alive. I want to eat and enjoy being alive and being with you. We’re going to have pizza.”

  “We can always do delivery.”

  He frowned.

  “Ok, I see your point.” She relaxed against him.

  He whispered to her mind. We are going to enjoy ourselves. Your father’s orders remember. He wanted you to take a break from work.

  All right.

  And please, take down the bun, Sha.

  His voice in her mind was like a purr of a jaguar in the jungle after a good mating. She was fortunate to have traveled extensively and knew such things. When he called her Sha, she just melted into a hot puddle of sex. Never had she wanted a man so badly. Noblesse grinned. She had carefully blocked her thoughts, so he would not hear this.

  “Why are you grinning like that, Sha?”

  She bit her lower lip. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  He pulled her close. “I’m hungry.”

  “Oh, yeah, mon cher?”

  “For pizza. Intravenous is not food. I don’t care what Mina says. I am healed and starving.”

  An early evening rain pelted Manhattan, as Vincent opened the door in front of Noblesse’s favorite pizzeria. Donovan got out first and helped Noblesse.

  They went in. Groups of customers were here and there but the place wasn’t packed. Gino, the owner, greeted them.

  “Ah, Ms. Vander Meer, we’re so happy you’re here. I got your message and had the banquet room reserved. Please, follow me.”

  After walking down a hall, they entered an elegant white and gold room and were seated at a table at the farthest end. Gino smiled and for the first time, Donovan realized he was looking at a vampire.

  A waiter arrived with four v-special pizzas, one being mushroom and cheese, another bacon and spinach, one being broccoli and cheese, and the last being hamburger and mushroom. None had garlic. The meal included a bottle of blood wine along with Donovan’s favorite brew from New Orleans, ParaDelicious Beer.

  “Thank you, Gino.” Noblesse smiled, and both waiter and owner knew this was their signal to leave. There would be no need for them to pour.

  Donovan cut the foil from around the cork with his pocketknife. Stabbing the corked, he freed it with one pull.

  Noblesse applauded as he gave her the cork and poured just enough into her glass. She lifted the glass to her lips and tasted. “Perfect,” she declared. Donovan bowed. They both loved ritual.

  “May I have a sip of your beer, mon cher?”

  He opened the generous bottle and poured some into a glass. It was a red beer he’d become fond of down south. He handed her the glass which she delicately sipped.

  “A warm nutty flavor for a beer. Would you like a sip of my blood wine?”

  “No, thank you, Sha.”

  “It’s only some cow blood mixed with wine.” She held up the glass.

  He shook his head no and then the feast began. They fed each other a piece from each pie. It was fun. It was romantic.

  Gino, the chef, and two waiters burst into the room locking the door behind them. “Ms. V, we have to get you and your mate out right now.” They ran across the room and instead of pushing through the back doors, Gino slid his hand over a portion of wall and a panel slid open. “Please, run.”

  “What’s happened?”

  “A vampire, an ancient, is killing everyone.”

  “I can fight.” Donovan stepped toward the door, but Gino barred his way.

  “No, sir. You must protect the Princess.”

  “I’m summoning the Knights now.”

  “We’re running out of time, my lady.”

  They hurried them through the opening.

  “I’m an Arnhem Knight. I can fight,” Noblesse growled.

  “No, my lady. With the king away, we look to you. You must not fight him.”

  “I can try to . . .”

  The opening in the wall sealed shut, before she could finish.

  “I have to get in there.” She tried to pry it open.

  Unearthly screams made them pause.

  Sha, don’t touch the wall. Pulling her away with him, Donovan pushed her into the darkness of the tunnel. Send Vincent far away with the car. Noblesse shook with anger, not at him, but at the unknown ancient that battled the four vampires on the other side of the wall.

  Teleport us to your office.

  Noblesse stared in the direction they’d left.

  Sha, listen to me. Teleport us to your office.

  She hugged him and then they were in her office at VMeer Industries. “Damn it. I could have teleported them out with us.”

  “You can teleport with multiple people?” Donovan asked.

  “I’ve never done it, but I would have tried.”

  He shook his head. “We ran out of time.”

  The phone rang, and it was David.

  After securing the door, she put it on speakerphone. “Noble, what happened? Do you know anything?”

  “Did Gino survive?”

  “No, he and three others were found with their heads ripped off in the back banquet room. Counting staff and patrons, fourteen were murdered. This wasn’t for food. It’s a vampire war.”

  Noblesse sat hard on the floor. “Who would want war with us?”

  “I don’t know. Father made peace with so many factions, and we have so many alliances. Donovan, are you there?”


  “I want the two of you in the Arnhem Society, in Max’s office now.”

  Donovan helped Noblesse off the floor and hugged her. To her mind, he said, I’m ready, ma chérie.

  Donovan always felt a little dazed after teleporting. Noblesse trembled, her mind overwhelmed by the images of the events happening around her, problems she couldn’t solve. Yes, she was a fierce Arnhem Knight, dedicated to protecting humans from death by vampire and sworn to help her fellow supernaturals. But this new danger blindsided her.

  When Donovan’s blurry vision cleared, Noblesse was still in his arms. David stood in front of them.

  “I’m glad to see you two.” David hugged his sister, and Laura hugged her dad.

  Noblesse shook her head. “Gino and the guys gave their lives for us. I should have stayed and fought.”

  “Not this time, Princess.” Sydney walked into Max’s office to join the small gathering. “I’ve analyzed the data and everything centers on you and Donovan. I can’t figure out which one of you this vampire wants.”

  “Since the vampire is an ancient, it might be about Max,” David said.

  “And how do we know this vampire is an ancient?” Sydney typed on his tablet.

  Donovan took Noblesse’s hand. “Gino told us before he pushed us through the escape door and then sealed it.”

  “The three vampires that were waiting to get in were ancients. One of them said he knew Max,” Noblesse said.

  “He’s the one that got you all hot and bothered,” Donovan growled.

  David tilted his head. “Really? What was his name?”

  “It was Kaz,” she said.

  “Sydney, please, ask Lily our librarian to research the name Kaz. I’m going to interview the ones at the door tomorrow—outside. I’ll decide who we’ll admit. In the meantime, every vampire in the city is on lockdown. The word’s been spread.”

  “David, for how long?” Sydney looked down at his tablet.

  “Until we catch him.”

  “Well, I have my tasks to complete, and in my opinion, Max’s suite is the safest place in the Arnhem Society.”r />
  “Thank you, Syd.” Turning to Donovan and Noblesse, David smiled. “We’re moving you two in here, and putting a guard on the door both inside and out.”

  “David, those vampires, those people should not have died because of Donovan and me.”

  “Noblesse, you’re going to have to let this go. From this moment, you are not an Arnhem Knight,” her brother said.

  “What? You can’t do that.”

  “I just have, Princess.” David bowed to her for the first time in his life and took his wife’s hand and together they left.

  Chapter 6

  “I’m an Arnhem Knight. I earned the right.” Noblesse could not stop shaking. She walked past him into the bathroom and vomited.

  Donovan washed her face and carried her out to the very kingly bed with gold and black pillows and comforters. After pulling back the covers and gently placing Noblesse on the cool sheets, he climbed in and hugged her. Then he blocked his thoughts. Donovan didn’t want her to hear what he was going to do next. He usually only used mindtalk with his son-in-law in emergencies, but this could easily grow into one.

  David, you’ve done a bad thing to your sister!

  Donovan, why are you in my head?

  You unknighted Noble.

  It’s only temporary.

  She’s taking it very hard. Noble is a great warrior who has saved Max’s life many times.

  Mine too.

  Then why hurt her like this?

  My sister or you, or both, are the target. We have to do this to protect you. With Max absent, the people look to her as our princess. She has to be protected at all costs. What the hell is really going on between you and Noblesse?

  When I know, I’ll let you know. But now what can we do for her? She’s in agony.

  I will come back.

  A moment later, David knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” Donovan said.

  Noblesse continued to lay on her side with tears of blood sliding down her cheeks and staining Max’s comforter.


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