Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York) Page 6

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  “Donovan, please, I need more.”

  “Yes, Sha.” He moved up her length slowly inch by excruciating inch, until he was in to the hilt. But he didn’t move.

  Noble wiggled. “Donovan, I need . . .”

  “What, Sha?” His laugh teased.

  “Seriously? You know what . . .”

  His mouth covered hers, as he pushed deeper, then almost out again. Three times of that action and an orgasm rushed through her. He continued to move in and out, then slowly shifted her on top of him. When he sat up, Noble felt his shaft push deeper. He held her on his lap and rocked into her. She hugged him with her arms and legs. Wave after wave crashed over her. There was no time to recover before another swept her away. Donovan maintained a slow steady pace.

  “Sha,” she whispered in his ear. “I’m going to pass out from all this passion. Please, hurry.”

  He whispered back, “You’re hurting anywhere?”


  He sped up. Streaks of delicious fire raced through her. Donovan hugged her tighter then was still. He eased them down to mattress again still entwined.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Noble giggled and breathed on his lips. “Besides semi-conscious?”

  He nodded.

  “Blissful. I’m in absolute bliss.” She closed eyes and fell asleep.

  Waking, Donovan stretched. “How about one more time before we go downstairs to eat.”

  “I’ve heard that due to the danger, David is having all our meals brought to us. All we have to do is let him know.”

  Donovan chuckled and moved a lock of hair from her face. “So we are prisoners here.” For a moment, his face grew dark and serious. When he grimaced, she laughed. “We’re prisoners who will bathe and eat and sleep and give each other pleasure until this murderer is caught?”

  “That sums it up nicely.” Noblesse grinned, her fangs fully extended. “Now it’s my turn.” She appeared on top of him, her hand reached beneath the sheets and took a firm grasp.

  “Wait! I’m supposed to do the pleasuring.”

  “It’s my turn now, mon chéri.” She laughed. Inside she swallowed hard, a little scared. The simple change from cher, my dear to chéri, my darling, meant they now had more than a sexual bond. “And I will show no mercy unless of course you beg.”

  “Oh, I’m begging.” He grinned from ear to ear.

  Noblesse kissed him, her body wriggled against his and he moaned.

  A scream tore both of them from their ecstasy. Rushing from the bed, they donned robes and ran out the door with their bodyguards in pursuit.

  Chapter 7

  Noble stood, gripping Donovan’s arm. Coralee lay in blood screaming on the floor. A stake stuck out of her chest, near her heart. All the vampires of the Arnhem Society gathered around her.

  David looked at them. You two should be back in your room under guard.

  Perhaps we weren’t the target after all, my brother. She took Donovan’s hand and pulled him close in case she was wrong.

  Mina broke the circle around Coralee and knelt beside her. First, she had Coralee drink from a small bottle. Noblesse guessed that it was the King’s Elixir. At this rate, Max would have to come home soon to replenish their supply. Then holding a towel against the wound, she pulled out the stake.

  Coralee was still in pain. Noblesse could feel it; it was the connection between all Arnhem Knights. They all knew her torment. “I opened my door and this stake flew at me.” Sydney examined the mechanism. “Coralee, didn’t you go into your room for a stasis sleep two weeks ago?”

  “Yes.” Coralee struggled to answer.

  “So we have no idea how long this mechanism was attached to your door.”

  David shook his head. “Donovan, please, take Noblesse back to your room.”

  Donovan took her hand and was turning to leave, when they ran into a vampire they didn’t know.

  “Oh,” David said, “This is Kaz, one of the three vampires who requested sanctuary.” Now she remembered. He was on the front step of the society when they were in lockdown. He was the one that continued to watch her when she left with Donovan.

  The tall, dark haired and very muscular Kaz smiled and extended his hand. Donovan shook it.

  Turning to Noblesse, Kaz asked, “Is he your pet?”

  She panicked. “No, he’s my friend.” Immediately Noblesse felt Donovan’s hurt. He was everything to her, and it made no sense that she answered that way.

  When Kaz extended his hand, she took it. She got no impressions of what he was thinking, could not read his mind. That meant he was either skilled at blocking others from viewing his thoughts or was an ancient.

  Kaz smiled, gazing into her eyes. “You’re warm.”

  Noble sank to the floor. This can’t be happening.

  “Are you all right?” She reluctantly accepted Kaz’s help up from the floor.

  The vampires around them smiled. Some look surprised. David and Laura frowned, looking at each other.

  Noblesse looked for Donovan. One moment he was in the crowd watching, and the next he was gone. Donovan was letting her go. She didn’t want him to do that.

  “Maybe we could go down to the kitchen and get something to drink and get to know each other?” Kaz suggested.

  Chapter 8

  Donovan couldn’t breathe. Here was her lifemate. He could not force her to choose between them. He loved her too much to do that. Noblesse deserved happiness.

  He went directly to Max’s suite and rummaged around looking for his clothes. Not the ones Max had purchased for him so he would be presentable for the wedding and beyond, but his jeans, T-shirt, and vest. He wanted his boots and bomber jacket too. Where were the keys to his Harley?

  Donovan needed them now more than anything and hurried through closets and drawers until he eventually found them. He changed and put the keys in his jeans pocket.

  “Papa, where are you going?” Laura stood in the doorway to the suite.

  “I just need to get away for a while. Noblesse has found her lifemate, and I don’t want to interfere. Her happiness means everything to me.”

  Donovan went into the healing room and found the star on the wall, that when pressed would open a door. He remembered David saying that one would lead to the garage.

  Laura was right behind him. “So you’re going to leave just like that?”

  “She doesn’t need me anymore.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  “Laura, you don’t have to do that.”

  She followed him through the passageways leading down. “Noblesse said she loved you.”

  “Now you know that doesn’t make any sense. How could she really love me if her lifemate is here now? I’m setting her free to follow her destiny.” He walked around the garage and found something covered about the shape of his Harley. Pulling the tarp off, he climbed on. Laura got on behind him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going with you?”

  “What about David? You have a husband and a life now. I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “David knows we’re going out.”

  Donovan sighed. “Lala, I may not be coming back.”

  “Papa, why don’t we check on Evie’s house in Connecticut? The contractors must be nearly done by now.”

  The Harley roared to life, and they rolled toward the elevator made for cars. A minute later, they were facing the garage door. It opened, and they pulled out onto the small drive before reaching the road. The door silently closed behind them.

  When Donovan saw his opening, he burst into traffic. Checking on the repairs to Evie’s house would be a good distraction. D
eep down he knew it would do no good. He had meant it when he told Noble he loved her. He left rather than confuse her or cause trouble.

  The open road had a kind of peace to it. Thanks to Max, he had the money to sleep in the better hotels rather than the fleabags he was used to. Time would make him older, and he would look back and smile whenever he thought of his eternally young Noble. He really would love her until he died.

  Laura spoke to his mind. Papa, I would love to stop somewhere to eat.

  You don’t eat, Lala.

  I have a small bottle of blood in my purse. No one will notice if I order a cranberry juice.

  Spotting a little diner ahead, he pulled in and parked the Harley. Laura got off first, and he followed. The gray clouds overhead matched how he felt.

  Walking in, they chose an interior booth away from the windows and close to the rest rooms and back door. It was a habit he acquired from going out with Noble. The place was empty.

  A red headed waitress came out of the kitchen and approached their table. “Hi, I’m Dorie. Today’s special is the meatloaf.”

  Laura and Donovan looked at each other and shook their heads almost at the same time.

  “I’m not that hungry, but I’m very thirsty. Do you have cranberry juice?”

  “Sure I do, hon. And for you?” She turned to Donovan.

  “I’ll have a vampire special.”

  “What’s that?”

  Laura laughed. “It’s kind of a joke. A vampire special is a pizza without garlic. My dad’s allergic to garlic.”

  “Oh, well, don’t you worry about it. Man, that’s a no fun allergy to have, but I’m sure we can make one of those for you. Do you want a whole pizza?”

  “Yes, with hamburger, mushrooms, and extra cheese.”

  “You’ve got it. Anything to drink with that?

  “Just a Guinness.”

  The waitress smiled. “I’ll have that right up.”

  Laura and Donovan took a breather.

  So, Dad, you’re running away, she said to his mind.

  You caught me, Lala. Are you going to put some blood in that cranberry juice?

  That’s the plan.

  Are you here to keep an eye on me? I’m not a danger to the Arnhem Society.

  I know that Papa, but there are things that just don’t add up.

  Like what?

  First you and Noblesse are all hot and bothered over each other.

  I thought you were upset with me about that.

  Laura shook her head. Papa, I’m over that. I saw how happy you were together. When you were injured, you called for her. I bet you two can even mindtalk.

  We can.

  Have you tried talking to her since you left?

  Yes. She is not answering me.

  At that moment, Dorie came with the Guinness and a large glass of cranberry juice. “It will be a few more minutes on that “vampire special.”

  “No problem.”

  When the waitress left and disappeared into the kitchen, Laura doctored her juice with blood. Donovan took a sip of his beer and sighed.

  “She has her lifemate now. I don’t want to interfere.”

  Laura fidgeted in her chair. “While we are away, I’ve asked our historian Lily to run a background check on Kaz. I want to know who he is and where he came from.”

  The waitress brought the pizza. “I can pack it up for you if you like. There’s a thunderstorm coming our way.”

  “Good idea. Thanks,” Donovan said.

  In minutes, the pizza was packed and the waitress handed Laura a brown paper bag filled with crackers. “This might help. You’re looking a little peaked.”

  “How much do I owe you?”

  “It’s on me, hon. Feel better soon.”

  “Thank you very much.”

  Just as they climbed onto the Harley, a truck pulled in. Two men wearing black got out and went in the front door.

  What’s happening, Lala?

  I saw their minds when they passed us. Dorie and the cook are in a lot of trouble.

  What’s the plan?

  She chuckled. I’m going around the front to call out for a waitress, and I’ll be ordering a lot to tie her up.

  You go around back and see where the other man has the cook. And take this gun.

  You have a gun on you?

  David insists.

  Donovan took the gun and was about to move, when she stopped him.

  Everything has changed. Both men are with the cook now and forcing Dorie to stand at the front counter. I’m going in to pretend I’m a waitress late for my shift.

  They’re going to recognize you.

  Donovan dropped the pizza box but picked it up quickly, putting the hand with the gun under it. I’ve got an idea, Lala. Are you up on your arcs?

  Yes, Papa. She rubbed her fingers together. The men are going to kill them. We’re running out of time.

  To make this work, we have to be fast. Follow my lead. Donovan led the way back into the diner.

  “What in hell is this in the pizza?” he shouted.

  “Why, sir? What’s the trouble?” Dorie’s face was redder than her hair.

  Donovan opened the box.

  Chapter 9

  The beetle flew out.

  Laura pulled Dorie over the counter to the floor.

  A man from the back came roaring from the kitchen with gun raised.

  Laura threw a bolt of lightning into the man. He collapsed like a sack of wet sand but twitching.

  The other man pushed the cook in front of him. The cook’s head was bleeding. “Now you stay back. We’ve leaving right now, and no one’s going to stop me.”

  He inched his way pushing the cook forward as he went. “You with the gun drop it.”

  “Hell, no,” Donovan said, the forty-five easy in his grip.

  Laura pushed Dorie down behind her, as she watched the last robber through the many shiny surfaces.

  “I said drop your gun, or I’m going to shoot him and you.” The man moved to aim at Donovan. His hand moved off the cook. Laura jumped up and slammed him down with a bolt.

  Dorie shook something terrible. At least she didn’t cry until it was over.

  “Were there only two?” Donovan asked.

  She nodded, tears sliding down her face.

  Laura stood up and with an arc she poked each man. Donovan kicked one. They didn’t move. Laura leaned over them and shook her head. “Dead.”

  “Maury!” Dorie went over to cook. The cut on his head was bleeding over his eye. His breath came out in short rasps.

  “I can help him, if you let me see the wound. Dorie, can you get a clean cloth?”

  “Sure, hon.”

  When Dorie left for the kitchen, Laura quickly licked the cut, enough to get her healing saliva inside him.

  Dorie hurried out and cleaned the wound. “I called 9-1-1. The ambulance and the police are on their way.”

  “That’s our cue to leave,” Donovan said.

  “Oh, dear. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to get you in trouble. You two saved our lives.”

  “It’s ok.” Laura grabbed her father as they ran out of there.

  Donovan climbed onto the Harley with Laura right behind him. As they raced down the road, the storm clouds followed. An ambulance and a police car sped past them. In the remaining light of day, they made it to Evie’s house.

  The workmen were packing. Donovan went over to speak to them about the repairs done and what was still needed. Laura called the security company to explain that Mrs. Beaumont’s father and sister would be staying at the house. After that call, Laura called the supermarket for a delivery. Then she called Marcus Harrot Blend, one of the blood compan
ies she knew that delivered in Connecticut.

  Using her key to open the door, she hurried to the kitchen where the security panel was hidden, opened it, and typed in the code. A few minutes later, Donovan came in. Laura heard the trucks driving away.

  “They are finished for the day. I went around to check,” he said.

  Rain pelted the window. Then two delivery trucks pulled into the drive. The first one delivered groceries, carrying them into the kitchen. The next deliveryman put the large package on the kitchen table too. In minutes, both drivers were gone. Laura walked around the house checking that every window and door was locked. Donovan put everything in cabinets or in the fridge. He was delighted to find a pizza in one of the bags.

  Donovan put a few pizza slices in the microwave. Though he wasn’t hungry enough to eat, Noblesse closing her mind to him bothered him a lot. The microwave beeped and he took out the plate with three pieces. Laura took out a chilled blood bag and poured it carefully into a glass.

  “Do we have another problem?”

  “Like what?” Laura sipped her blood.

  “If they tell the police about us . . .”

  “I took care of that. They won’t remember that we were ever there.”

  “That’s good, I guess. It would be pretty hard to explain that the robbers were electrocuted though,” he said.

  “Dorie had a Taser under the front counter.”

  “She did?” He took a bite out of his pizza.

  “Yep. She did when I left. With her fingerprints on it too. She saved the day.”

  “You had a Taser on you?”

  “A joke gift from David. I remembered I still had it in my purse.” Laura sipped more blood. “You’re thinking about Noblesse.”


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