Taken by Blood

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Taken by Blood Page 3

by Tamara White

  My parents are talking to my dad like no time has passed, and as if my father hadn’t just thrown a punch at him in front of all the supernaturals present.

  I shake my head, letting the smile overtake me. Who am I to question their actions if they all seem to be happy with the situation?

  Arms wrap around me from behind and a head rests on my left shoulder, rubbing his cheek against mine. I sigh, feeling that it’s Nik through the bond. My eyes widen and I spin rapidly in his arms, almost dislocating my shoulder in the process. I stare at him with a mix of hope and cautious optimism while I try to hone in on that feeling again.

  He frowns down at me in confusion. But it’s like it was before. One moment I could feel the bond, and the next it was gone. “You okay, Em?”

  I merely nod, refusing to speak about what I felt for fear of getting his hopes up. I’m sure it was nothing but a fluke, a phantom sensation, like the humans that lose a limb and say they can still feel it. The soul-tie is now nothing more than a lost part of me I can still feel in moments of weakness.

  I rise up on my toes to press my lips to his, soothing away his worry. He responds eagerly, kissing me slowly. I bring my arms up to wrap around his neck and we continue to kiss as we sway to the music produced by the band.

  I have no idea how much time passes before I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Emerald? Can I steal you away for a moment?”

  I break the kiss with Nik and turn to meet Blaine’s worried eyes. His gaze keeps darting around the area, almost fearfully.

  Regretfully, I extract myself from Nik’s hold and let my hands drop to my sides. “Sure. You don’t mind, do you Nik?”

  I’m trying to be respectful of their concerns, but I still want to be able to do my own thing. It’s so fucking hard to toe the line and find a balance, especially when I can’t feel them anymore. If I could at least sense them through the bond, then I’d know how they felt about certain situations, but instead I’m flying blind.

  Surprisingly Nik smiles, waving his hands as if to get rid of me. “Go, I trust him to protect you. Just make sure you don’t leave the force field,” he adds sternly, like he thinks I would do just that if he didn’t warn me. I’m not sure exactly what it does, just that it protects us from something. Surely we should be safe out here, though, especially with so many supernaturals gathered in one place? I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  I give Nik one last quick kiss before Blaine leads me away from the crowded dance floor. Talon and Dev are nowhere to be seen, and I assume they are talking to other people they know.

  Blaine stops near a tree on the far edge of the field, away from the majority of people assembled, but still well within the force field. I watch in fascination as his aura begins to burn brighter than usual, just like his eyes. He holds his hands out for me, his heart in his eyes as he looks into mine. I take them, feeling him inside my mind the moment I touch him. It’s just the magic, I remind myself. Don’t freak out.

  “Sorry, I just don’t want anyone to listen in. But with so many people here, we’re bound to be overheard, even out here. This spell will make it look like we’re having a normal conversation, but if any one tries to focus in on us to listen, I’ll get a warning in my mind. As long as we keep touching, the spell will stay in effect.”

  I nod, understanding his need for privacy, although I have no idea what he wants to discuss. Maybe it’s to do with the oath? “Why did you want to talk in secret? Why not just wait until we’re back at the coven?”

  He shakes his head sadly. “No, It can’t wait. I wish it could, but I’m really worried. I just saw Brittany talking to Malcolm. Now, I don’t know what the guys have told you about him, but he’s not a good guy, Emerald. He’s manipulative and craves power above all else. But the thing that concerns me the most is that Britt fears him just as much as we do. There is no way she would talk to him without one of us present, unless there was something more going on. I think she’s being controlled by him.”

  “What?” I shout, then flinch, worried that someone heard, but no one pays us extra attention.

  He grins at me wickedly. “Don’t worry, no one heard you.”

  I take in a deep breath and think about what he just said—Britt might be spelled by the head witch, Malcolm. It’s not the craziest theory, but it’s not like I could just waltz up to Malcolm and demand he drop his spell.

  But what if she’s actually working with him? No! She wouldn’t do that. She was clearly afraid of him when he approached us that day when we were out for coffee. The more I think about it, the more the pieces start coming together.

  “I think you may be right. What if Malcolm planned this all along? What if he spelled Britt in order to get my bloodied cloth? That way, he could separate my ties and pin the blame on her, because we all knew she was the only one with my blood.” Blaine’s eyes widen at my words, but I continue with my theory. “Britt told me how he was trying to force her to share the four of you, so what if this was part of his plan? You would all start to suspect her and push her away out of fear that she was trying to hurt us. I know my guys are already super suspicious of her, and you guys have started having doubts as well. What if that was his goal all along?”

  “I could kiss you,” he breathes out with awe.

  I lean away from him awkwardly. “Uh, please don’t?”

  He throws his head back in laughter before dropping his gaze back to mine. “I like you, Emerald, but I love my wife. Despite everything, I will try not to cross any boundaries if I can avoid it.”

  “Okay, great.” I breathe out a sigh of relief. Nothing against him, but I just would like to remain as faithful to my guys as I can, especially when I still haven’t told them what happened with Linc when I ran to him after our ties broke. I suspect they have an idea, but they haven’t outright asked me about it yet. It’s possible they aren’t bothered by me running with his wolf, but if they know as much about wolf shifters as I’m sure they do, then they should know that playing with a wolf alone is a very intimate action and the ultimate act of trust. And since I had been ignoring my guys, and willingly went to Linc, I imagine they wouldn’t be too happy to find out how much we had bonded. “So, what do we do about Britt? Can you remove the spell Malcolm put on her?”

  “No, my blood isn’t strong enough to fight his spell. Macy’s might be, but I doubt she would believe us in the first place. She has a bit of a crush on Malcolm and unless we went to her with hard proof, she would just brush us off.”

  “Why do you need blood?” I ask out of curiosity.

  He seems to consider my question for a moment before explaining, “Well, Malcolm is one of the most powerful witches of our time. Any potion that we use to counteract one of his spells needs powerful blood from someone strong enough to rival his magic.”

  I mull over his words and with each second that passes, I feel more confident in my decision. “Use mine then.”

  Before the words have even finished leaving my lips, he’s shaking his head adamantly. “Nope, I will not use your blood. Not after what’s already happened.”

  “Blaine, if Macy won’t use her blood, then I’m the only choice. My beast is more powerful than any of you understand and I bet one drop would do.”

  Blaine stares at me, seeming torn as to what to do, and I can tell I’m wearing him down. “Britt blood oathed you to protect me, right? If I lose my best friend, then you won’t have done your job,” I add, banging the final nail into the coffin, and see a new resolve enter his eyes. He’ll agree to it, because now he knows I’m right. Protecting me means my heart too. If we didn’t try to help Britt and she got hurt, or worse, I’d be beyond crushed.

  “Okay, I’ll use your blood, but no more than three drops. If that doesn’t end up being enough, then we’ll find another way. Now, we just need to figure out where the hell she ran off to. Have you seen her?”

  “Only in passing. She’s been sticking to the edge of the force field, never staying in one place for long.”
  He sighs sadly at my answer. I feel awful knowing my friend is in trouble and we have no idea where she is so we can help her.

  I squeeze his hands comfortingly and meet his worried eyes. “If I find her, I’ll keep her with me and project my thoughts to you, letting you know she’s with me. Until then, you guys should all split up and try to find her.”

  He nods, accepting my request. With that, we begin making our way back, holding hands to keep the conversation between us private. As we walk, I can’t help but focus on the tingles running through me from his touch. My heart rate kicks up a little and I hear his pick up speed too. That’s when I decide this may be the best chance I’ll get to ask him about the oath. After all, this is a rare moment where we can talk privately without being heard.

  “Blaine, how do you feel about this blood oath? I mean, knowing the feelings that are developing between us, and between me and each of the others, does it scare you?”

  I haven’t really had a chance to talk to any of the guys about the blood oath. Well, that’s not really true. In reality, I’ve been trying to distance myself over these past few weeks because I worried that if anyone was with me, they would end up dying. It’s not that I really want to be with Blaine or any of those guys, but the hormones and magic flowing through my veins are telling me a completely different story.

  He pauses and faces me. I can tell from the look in his eyes he feels guilty about whatever he’s about to say.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure at the moment. When I saw you at the ball that first night, I wanted to hate you for being more important to Britt than preserving her magic. She used so much magic in order to make that oath, and there you were, with no idea what she had sacrificed for you. But then, I got a glimpse into your heart and felt just how much you love my wife. She is like a sister to you, and that is ultimately what made us all realize that the oath wasn’t a curse, but a blessing in disguise. We were trusted to protect one of the most important things in our wife’s life. You.”

  He lifts his hand to my cheek and wipes away a stray tear that I didn’t realize had fallen, before continuing, “Then you died, and we felt your loss like we would have if Brittany had died. Then, you being you, tried to trade your life force for her. Meron told each of us about your bravery, and how you let your magic slowly drain into Britt in order to help her feel better. That’s when we all knew our feelings toward you were crossing the boundary from friend of our wife to something more,” he explains, his own eyes glassy with unshed tears.

  I shrug, uncomfortable with the way he’s making it seem like I did all those things for a noble reason, when in reality I just wanted to save my friend.

  “Emerald.” He shakes his head, tightening his grip on my hand. “You were willing to kill yourself if it meant saving her. That was when I knew I would do the same for you if it came down to it. I would die to protect you. As to the feelings, well, that’s another story. I love my wife and I want to save her, not replace her. But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel the oath effecting me.”

  I nod in complete understanding and feel a weight lift from my heart. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear those words. It makes me feel better to understand how he feels about everything. He’s fighting the magic, just like I am, even if it’s hard sometimes. I think I’d hate him if he wanted me to be a replacement for her. I just want my friend to live, no matter what it takes. Even if it means I may have to offer my own life in exchange for hers.


  Plotting Revenge


  Concealed by darkness, I watch as the man I once thought was my father embraces Emerald. How can he not see the risk she poses to our lives? She is an anomaly, something that needs to be extinguished before she ruins things for us all and exposes us to the humans.

  Even I heard about the beast that ran through the streets a while ago. The humans just waved it off, claiming some wolf from a nearby zoo had escaped. But I knew the truth. This is just the start of it. First, she prowls through town acting like the beast she is. But then, she’ll be draining the lives of any being she can get her hands on, whether they be human, wolf, or vampire, just to feed her hunger.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts about the destruction Emerald will bring upon us all that I don’t notice the vampire and her two guards until they are right behind me. I know I don’t stand a chance of defending myself, so I just hope that they don’t know who I am.

  “Excuse me.” A female with a heavy French accent moves to stand beside me. “Why do you not go in?”

  I turn to study her. She’s absolutely beautiful, curved in all the right places, and wearing a form-fitting red dress that makes my dick twitch. My gaze shifts to her mesmerizing blue eyes and I answer honestly. “I’m not welcome anymore. I upset someone important so I’m forced to stand out here, watching, but not part of the meeting.”

  The woman’s eyes narrow in suspicion before turning to the party in question. She stares for a moment, before speaking softly. “You know how one becomes ruler of a vampire coven?”

  She turns to me with a smile, her eyes filled with malice. “I took it. I set my sights on what I wanted and worked to get to where I am today. It may have taken me hundreds of years, but now, I am the one they all cower before. You, too, can achieve this, young wolf. You just need a little guidance.”

  My eyes widen as she reaches a hand in between her breasts and pulls out a business card. Seriously, what kind of woman just keeps business cards between her tits like that?

  She holds it out to me and I take it. Upon closer inspection, I notice it’s just a red card with a number embossed on it. “If you’re ever in Paris and would like some advice, I would be more than happy to assist you.”

  “Why?” I ask, doubt creeping into my tone. No one offers something like this for nothing.

  She grins, like she knows right where my thoughts went. “Oh, I would require a favor in return obviously. But I guarantee you that with my help and connections, your deepest, darkest dreams could be realized in a matter of days.”

  Her two guards haven’t said a word during this entire encounter, but at her words they raise their eyebrows, making me wonder if this is something she doesn’t usually do.

  “Well, thank you for the offer...” I trail off, realizing she never gave me her name.

  The woman smirks, her red lips parting to reveal the tips of her fangs. “My name is Maria, little wolf. Sadly, I must go as I am expected elsewhere, but I look forward to seeing you in the future.” Then, she reaches out and trails her nails down my cheek. “I bet you would taste delicious,” she murmurs wistfully.

  Maria lets her hand drop, and without another word, turns and walks toward the party.

  I stare after her, unsure what just happened and why she offered to help me like that. Vampires are usually dicks to all wolves, believing they are the superior race. But what just happened has me wondering how much of stigma really exists between our kinds, and how much is just exaggerated lies?

  A flash of pale pink among the crowd catches my attention, and I turn to see my sister walking hand-in-hand with a man I don’t recognize from our attack on her. How the fuck is she collecting these men like damn trophies?

  She and the man move to a secluded space by the edge of the shield and I grin eagerly. Oh, sister, you are making this way too easy.

  I make sure to keep to the darkness as I move around the trees, eager to get closer and hear what’s being said. The moment Emerald crosses that barrier, I will kill her and take out the threat to all of our worlds.

  As I continue to wait, though, my hope starts to deflate. I thought she might be stupid enough to step outside it, but looks like tonight isn’t going to be my night.

  I walk back into the trees, disappearing into the night, and make my way to my car, which isn’t parked too far away. Soon, I will get Emerald alone, and then she will be wiped from this earth.


  Introducing the Hybrid

sp; Emerald

  Blaine and I walk for a bit in companionable silence, exploring the party together. We look for Britt among the gathered people and begin to grow concerned when we can’t find her.

  Talon eventually finds me, so Blaine and I part ways. Just as he’s leaving, though, I manage to catch a glimpse of Britt walking through the crowd in a blue dress. I go to follow after her, but Blaine steps into my path, stopping me with a stern glare. “No, I got this. You go spend time with your soul-ties. I’ll find you when I know more.”

  He takes off before I can object, and I realize I have to trust that Britt will be more likely to talk to him than she would me. But if she doesn’t listen to him, I’ll have to try later when we have a chance to be alone, because even with how protective the guys are being, I can still find a way to sneak away and speak with her.

  Talon strolls away, dragging me reluctantly behind him as he asks me about what Blaine and I discussed. I fill him in on our suspicions about Malcolm and Britt while we dance.

  We stop when a vampire couple comes up to us, but after that, we don’t get much of a chance to dance again. Talon guides me around the field, introducing me to many people he knew from his years growing up in the vampire world.

  As the night wears on, I grow more and more tired, but it still isn’t over. Talon starts easing me toward my parents, and I realize the time has come for my introduction. We are only a few feet away when a tall blonde steps into our path.

  Talon stiffens, pulling me closer. I look over this new person with fascination. She is the epitome of what I imagined a vampire looked like when I was younger. Entrancing, with bright blue eyes and high cheekbones framed by full, plump lips, which are painted with a dark red lipstick, the shade matching her dress perfectly.


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