Shameless (Playboys in Love #1)

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Shameless (Playboys in Love #1) Page 6

by Gina L. Maxwell

  That actually doesn’t sound like a half-bad plan. They’re my only table, and all my prep work is done. If Sally comes looking for me, I’ll say I don’t feel well and ask her to cover for me. I can’t really afford to lose this shift, especially after I took the weekend off to celebrate my mom’s birthday with the family, but I’d rather eat Ramen noodles for the next week than go back out there and face Chance.

  Decision made, I turn to go hibernate in one of the stalls when the door to the restroom flies open, scaring me half to death. Chance storms in, a scowl on his face as he grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the stall, and now my pulse is racing for a different reason entirely. He slides the lock home and then traps me between his arms against the metal door.

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re avoiding me, Jane?”

  “Why do you say my name all the time?” I ask, hoping to distract him from his own question. But I’m also genuinely curious. No one has ever said my name like he does.

  “I like your name,” he says, his deep blue eyes penetrating me. “I like the way it sounds, the way it feels when I say it.”

  “Me, too.” Too late, I realize I said that aloud instead of in my head where I’d meant it to stay. Damn it, this man makes me crazy. Crazy mad, crazy turned on, and crazy frustrated. Every time he says my name, it makes my stomach turn inside out and my knees go weak. My parents nicknamed me Janey, and it’s pretty much what everyone calls me, with the exception of my professors and other official-type people.

  But when Chance says it, it sounds anything but professional. He makes it sound like a dirty command, one I want to obey with every cell in my body.

  He smirks at my admission, which only serves to piss me off. “You can’t be in here. You need to leave. In fact, you should leave leave, as in, the restaurant. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I don’t find it amusing in the least.”

  “I’ll leave as soon as you agree to see me again.”

  My jaw drops as I try to process his words… Nope. It’s not working. I must have misheard him. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You heard me. I told you before, I don’t like repeating myself, Jane.”

  Yes, he did tell me before, and the memory of it causes a rush of warmth between my legs. “I don’t understand. You want to date me?”

  “No,” he says, pressing the front of his body to mine so I can feel his erection before he speaks in my ear. “I want to fuck you.”

  For a split second, my gut twists at his immediate dismissal—like he’d never even consider dating me—but then my libido dropkicks my fragile ego and jumps in its place. Yes! Fuck me, fuck me! Wait, no, what am I thinking? This guy is no bueno. Bad Janey. Giving myself a mental smack upside the head, I gather all the bravado I can muster. “And what makes you think I want to fuck you?”

  I draw in a sharp breath when he pulls my apron aside and dips down enough to grind his cock against my clit. “I’ve had your scent in my nose all goddamn weekend. I can smell your arousal, Jane, and I’d bet both of my companies that if I slide my hand into your khakis right now, you’d soak my fingers. Wouldn’t you?”

  Oh God, if he kept this up I’d be humping his leg like a dog. His words are fogging up my brain like the windows of a car at Lookout Point.

  Hold on, what did he say about companies? “You own two companies?”

  “Don’t change the subject.”

  The door to the restroom opens, and we listen as a woman heads to the double vanity. I peek through the crack of the stall door and silently curse. It’s Darla, another of my co-workers coming in for her shift. She’s a single mom, and is always too tired to do her makeup before she takes the baby to daycare, so she does it in the bathroom before work. Darla puts some music on low from her phone and starts taking things out of her cosmetic bag.

  I look at Chance, expecting to see an “oh shit” expression to match mine. Instead, he might as well have horns sprouting from his forehead to complement the devilish glint in his eyes and the wicked curve of his mouth. He wouldn’t dare…

  Oh, yes, he would. My stomach drops when his hand presses between my thighs and moves up to my sex. I push his hand away and shake my head, but he retaliates by pinning my wrists above my head with one large hand and then returns the other to where he’d had it.

  He places his lips next to my ear and whispers so quietly that there’s no way Darla can hear him. “I’m gonna make you come, sweetness. Right here, right now, with that woman only a few feet from us.” Chance’s deft fingers undo the button on my pants and slowly slide the zipper down. My breaths grow shallow. “She could catch us at any minute, peek under the stall to see what’s going on if she hears something strange. So you have to be absolutely silent. Nod if you understand.”

  I shouldn’t. I should wrench myself from his grip, shove him away, and get the hell out of here. I can think of something to tell Darla and everyone later, and hopefully Patrick, my asshole boss, won’t fire me.

  Just when I think I’ve worked up enough resolve to carry out my plan, he slips his hand into my panties. “Nod, Jane.”

  Game over. I nod.

  “Good girl.”

  He pulls back and watches me as his fingers slip between the folds of my pussy, spreading my wetness from front to back. When his touch glances over my clit, my entire body jerks and my mouth opens, ready to betray me, but I bite my lip at the last damn second. He almost looks disappointed, and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if his goal is to get me to cry out as he finger-fucks me in a bathroom stall at my place of employment.

  Well, I’ll be damned if I’m going to give him that satisfaction. I focus on my body and try to get it back under control. I slow my breathing, taking deeper breaths through my nose to prevent myself from panting, and I force my muscles to relax.

  Chance narrows his eyes at me, my resolve evidently a challenge to him. One he gladly accepts as he pushes two fingers so deep inside me that I rise up on my toes. He releases my wrists and my hands automatically fall to his powerful shoulders, my nails digging in for purchase through the soft cotton of his shirt.

  He starts fucking me with his hand, pumping in and out, and if it weren’t for Darla’s music and my clothes muffling the sounds, she’d be able to hear the wet suction of my channel gripping his thick fingers. The band in my stomach starts to twist, signaling the beginning of my climax. My slow breathing is shot all to hell, and the smug look on his face confirms that he enjoys making me lose control.

  As though proving my point, he does something I’m in no way prepared for and slips a well-lubricated finger into my ass. My eyes grow big in shock, and I forget all about being quiet. But Chance must have been ready for that because he claps his free hand over my mouth before any sound escapes. His wicked smile causes a shiver to race down my spine as he finger-bangs both of my holes while thumbing my clit.

  My orgasm is so close, but just out of reach. I’m nervous that Darla’s going to catch me with my pants down, quite literally, and it edges on panic when she turns off her playlist and starts packing up her things. What little bit of noise we’re making—the air rushing in and out through my nose and the wet sound of my pussy—is too loud without the music to drown it out, so Chance switches tactics. He stops all motion in my pants with the exception of his thumb, but leaves his fingers buried all the way to his last knuckles, and the hand over my mouth moves to wrap around the front of my throat, squeezing on the sides just enough to slow the blood flow.

  As the seconds tick by, my orgasm builds, the rubber band in my belly twisting more and more as the edges of my vision start to blur and my body begins to tremble. He looms over me, his huge frame consuming the tiny space, making me feel powerless and helpless and completely at his mercy…and I love it.

  I crave his dominance and the abject humiliation he gives me, like an addict craves his next hit. Before experiencing sex with Chance, I’d often felt ashamed of what I wanted, of how I wanted to be treated by a partner. But when Chance
has me in hand, I couldn’t care less what’s considered normal. This does it for me. He does it for me.

  My face is damp with sweat. I’m so close, so fucking close. The muscles in his jaw are flexing, and his blue eyes are dark with lust. I can’t breathe or think or feel anything beyond the full body orgasm bearing down on me, and I wonder if I’ll actually pass out before I have it.

  Darla turns the water on in the sink and lets it run. Chance takes advantage of the few precious seconds and fucks me fast and furious as he whispers a harsh command in my ear. “Come for me, Jane. Now.”

  He releases the hold on my throat, and the blood rushes to my head as I finally come with an explosive orgasm like I’ve never felt. He grabs the back of my head and pulls me into him, so I bite down on the thick cord in his neck to help stifle the scream that wants to escape. My entire body seizes and shakes at the same time, my pussy and ass convulsing over and over again, squeezing his fingers like a vise.

  Darla turns the water off and dries her hands while Chance slowly pumps inside me, helping me ride out the last of my climax. When the restroom door squeals shut, I sag back against the stall and let my head drop back as I try to catch my breath. I whimper as he starts to pull out of me.

  “Shhhhhh,” he says with his cheek pressed at my temple, and his warm breath ruffles wisps of my hair. “You did so well, Jane. You were perfect.” I swell with pride. His approval and compliments fill up a part of me untouched by anyone else.

  Finally, he pulls back, leaving me feeling empty after he’s no longer inside me. I hate it. Why does this man who’s practically a stranger to me affect me so strongly on so many levels? Will I ever experience these things with someone else, or is he ruining me for—?

  All thoughts grind to a halt as I watch him lick the two fingers he’d had buried in my sex with an expression of pure satisfaction on his handsome face. Just when I think he can’t be any sexier…

  As soon as he’s done, it’s like a switch goes off and he turns from Hot Sex Chance to All Business Chance. He zips and buttons my pants, straightens my apron, and then reaches around to grab my phone from my back pocket. I’m too dazed to ask him what he’s doing, but after a few seconds, his phone starts to ring. He gets it out and shows me the screen lit up with my number.

  “I added myself to your contacts, and now I can add you to mine,” he says, replacing my phone in my pocket. “I’ll give you a call, and we can do this again sometime.”

  The reminder of his earlier proposition finally snaps me out of my orgasmic brain fog. “Why me?” I demand coolly. “Did the other nine in your Top Ten list get sick of your assholish post-coitus comments?”

  Chance winces the slightest bit and runs a hand over the back of his neck. Color me surprised—it appears he might actually feel guilty. But he doesn’t let it show for more than a few seconds before regaining his unapologetic confidence.

  “Okay, I deserve that,” he concedes. “I’m sorry I acted like an asshole. To be honest, I don’t have any kind of list, but sex with you the other night was…good.”

  I arch a brow at him because was he even in the same room as me the other night? That’s the lamest adjective I can think of to describe what we did.

  A hint of a smile ticks up one side of his mouth. “Fine, it was really good.” Smartass. “Point is, I think we’ve got an opportunity here. Not everyone gets off on the things we do, but you and me, we’re a match in the bedroom, Jane. Why not take advantage of it?”

  Dear God, I want to say yes. Especially since I’m still coming down from the incredible orgasm he just gave me. His offer is so tempting…but not perfect. “I wouldn’t mind having a casual, sex-only thing, but I’m not interested in being one in a flock of women you fuck, Chance. Call me old-fashioned, but I like to be at least semi-exclusive with my no-strings-sex.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, Jane.” He narrows his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “All right, I’ll agree that while we’re fucking, I won’t fuck anyone else. But then I have a concession of my own.”

  This is me, the cat, sniffing around the box clearly marked Curiosity. “Such as?”

  “I want you bare.”

  Boom. Box explodes. “Bare,” I repeat, swallowing thickly. “As in…”

  “As in no condoms.”

  Briefly, I fantasize about how it would feel to have his thick length inside of me without a barrier, but I regain my senses before agreeing to anything stupid. “I’m sure that’s not a problem for other women you entertain, but I’m not nearly as careless with my body.”

  Bracing a hand on the door above me, he leans in, making my bravado shrink along with the space separating us. “I’m not careless with anything. I always wear a rubber and get tested regularly. But if we’re going to be exclusive for this, I don’t see why we shouldn’t take advantage of the situation. Are you on birth control?”

  “Yes,” I say slowly, a little ashamed of my rude assumption about his character.

  “Good. Then we can trade test results and be done with it,” he says, dipping his head to graze the side of my neck with his teeth. My breath shudders past my lips, and I have to lock my knees to keep myself standing. “I’ll be able to take you whenever I want, with nothing in my way. Do we have a deal?”

  Let’s see, a safe, exclusive, no-strings arrangement with the sexiest man in the city who indulges my darkest fantasies? Sign. Me. Up. And yet, I don’t immediately ask him to hand me a pen and point to the dotted line. This man is too cocky for his own good (no pun intended). It won’t kill him if I make him sweat a little.

  He pulls back to hear my answer. I cant my head, narrow my eyes a bit, and chew thoughtfully on the inside of my cheek. With each passing second, I see him getting more and more irritated. He’s probably never had a girl contemplate—fake or not—anything involving him and sex. Poor thing. Guess I should put him out of his misery. “Deal.”

  He holds out his hand, and for a few seconds, I can only stare at it. The formal gesture makes me realize that we’ve never kissed. I wonder if he’s against it a la Pretty Woman, because that would be a damn shame. Hoping that isn’t the case, I put it in the back of my mind and shake his hand.

  Chance grips me harder and pulls me in, his other hand smoothing over my ass and cupping my still swollen sex from behind, causing me to shudder with latent aftershocks. “Fair warning, baby. My sexual appetite is vast, and now you’re all I have to stave off my hunger.” He crushes his lips to mine, simultaneously banishing all worries of an anti-kissing agenda and revving me up for another round, consequences be damned. Sucking my bottom lip into his mouth, he gives it a sharp nip, then soothes it with his tongue.

  Leaving me reeling, he pulls away and rakes his gaze over me like he’s debating on whether to fuck me properly or walk away. In the end, he chooses the latter.

  When the restroom door closes, I unlock my knees and let them buckle. Crouched down with my head in my hands, I take some deep breaths and try to slow my racing pulse as I debate whether I’ve lost my sanity completely or only in the presence of one Chance Danvers.

  My phone dings. I anxiously dig it out from my pocket to find a new text message that kicks up the butterflies in my belly all over again.

  Welcome to my menu, Jane.

  Chapter Ten


  “I can’t believe you’re withholding information out of spite,” Addison pouts. “You should be thanking me for sending you a Thor look-alike sex god, not punishing me.”

  “Careful, Addie. You’ll get frown wrinkles.” I glance over at where she’s running on the treadmill next to me and chuckle as her scowl deepens at the thought. It’s not like a few wrinkles would mar her natural good looks. Even dotted with sweat, blond hair in a ponytail, and no makeup, my best friend is gorgeous. In her powder-blue sports bra and black spandex capris, she looks like she’s in a commercial for NordicTrack.

  However, the reflection staring back at me in the wall of windows is a bit more of a hot mess.
Damp sections of my hair have escaped my elastic and are now plastered to the sides of my face and neck. I’m wearing identical pants in a heather gray, but I prefer to wear loose, non-tummy baring tank tops and mine is already soaked through after only ten minutes of jogging. I won’t be getting asked to sell gym equipment anytime soon.

  “Come on, Janey, you can’t tell me he basically staked out your IHOP until you showed up for work and then leave it at that.”

  I still couldn’t believe Chance had shown up to the restaurant several times just to see me, but Sally doesn’t make a habit of lying. I try to hide my smile by wiping my face with the small towel and say, “Sure I can.”

  “Fine. Then maybe I’ll order up a Handyman Special of my own and ask him to tell me what’s going on.”

  A flash of jealousy surges to the front of my brain, taking me by surprise before I can shut it down. Whoa. Apparently I get a little territorial at the thought of other women sticking their hands in my cookie jar. Or on my man candy. Good thing this is only a temporary and casual arrangement. Hear that, Brain? Temporary and casual! Still, that doesn’t mean I want to share him with Addison.

  I turn my head to see a smarmy grin on her face. She’s just crazy enough to do it, so I give in. Besides, it’s not like I actually planned to keep anything from her. She might be obnoxious at times, but she’s still my best friend, and porn addiction aside, we don’t keep secrets from each other. However, that doesn’t mean she needs to know every dirty little detail, either.

  After making sure that no one is within earshot—we’re the only two killing ourselves with cardio on our lunch hour, and the gym rats are all weightlifting on the other side of the room behind us—I discreetly tell her the story of how Chance followed me into the restroom, along with a few highpoints.

  “Oh my God,” she practically shouts. “He gave you an orgasm in a public bathroom?”

  I whip my head around to shush her, so fast that I lose my footing. A strangled scream escapes me as I go down, the belt shooting me off the back of the treadmill like a human torpedo to land in a heap at the feet of Kyle, the gym’s biggest bodybuilder and token male chauvinist.


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