Strassler, M., 212
Strawderman, W., 391
Student’ s t, 141 , 345 , 378
suddenly smitten, 131 , 137 , 388
sufficient statistic, 147 – 148 , 200 , 298 , 385 – 386 , 303n1 , 383 complete, 385 – 386
Sugden, R., 21
Suppes, P., 86
tacking paradox, see irrelevant conjunctions, paradox of
Talbott, W., 416
Taleb, N., 78 , 267
Tentori, K., 72
testing, proving (in the biblical sense), 302
Texas marksman (sharpshooter), 19 , 31 , 158 , 276
Thaler, R., 101
thalidomide, 282
Thalos, M., 415
The Significance Test Controversy (Morrison and Henkel), 239 , 274 , 280
Tonelli, G., 210
tradeoffs and benchmarks, 328 – 329
Translation Guide (severe tester’ s), 52 , 170 , 204 , 335
transparency, 3 , 237
TSA screening, 363
Tuerlinckx, F., 105
Tversky, A., 422
two measuring instruments of different precisions (Cox 1958), 170 – 172 , 180 , 199 ; see also weak conditionality principle
Type 1, Type 2 error probabilities, 9 , 137 – 140 ; see also error probabilities
Type II rationality, 418
underdetermination, 376 weak severity blocks, 108
unifications (reconciliations), see Bayesian vs. frequentist
uniformity of nature, 62
uniformly most powerful (UMP) test, 35 , 136 , 139 , 139n4 , 141 , 262 UMP unbiased, examples, 141 – 142
and uniformly most accurate CIs, 191
Fisher on, 386 , 390
uninformative priors, do not exist, 231 , 400
universal Bayesianism, 417
unobservables, 297
Urbach, P., 48 , 240 , 242 , 289 , 379
van Belle, G., 364
Vanpaemel, W, 105
Vasudevan, A., 419
Venn, J., 387
Vigen, T., 317
von Mises, R., 113
Wagenmakers, E.-J., 253 , 269 , 283 , 284
Wald, A., 139 – 140 , 146 – 147 , 386 , 390
Waller, N., 95
Wang, J., 6 , 18
Wasserman, L., 24 , 204 , 287 , 289 , 392 , 400 , 411n6 , 429 , 433
Wasserstein, R., 17 , 215 – 216 , 395
warranted inference see inductive inference
water plant accident, 142 – 145 , 153 , 186 , 249 – 251 , 259 , 306 – 307 , 348 , 353 – 354 , 359 – 360
weak conditionality principle (WCP), 172 – 173 claim it leads to LP, 172 – 173 ; see also Likelihood Principle
Weak Law of Large Numbers, 408
weak repeated sampling principle, 45 , 303 , 396
Wellek, S., 162n11
Wertheimer, N., 158
Westfall, P., 279 , 281n7
Wilks, S., 134 , 139
Will, C., 124 , 160 – 161
Williamson, J., 416 – 417
Wilson, R., 21
Wolpert, R., 49 , 199 , 430 – 431
Woodward, J., 121 , 235
Worrall, J., 91 , 92n3 , 290
Wright, F., 59
Xie, M., 391
Xu, F., 79
Yates, F., 390
Young, S., 279 , 281n7 , 293
Zabell, S., 390
Zidek, J., 413
Ziliak, S., 229 – 230 , 272n2 , 330 – 331
Statistical Inference as Severe Testing Page 70