Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set Page 8

by Ainsley Cole

  “Well, then let me leave you two to finish what was started in the Safe-house,” Abe looked down at Marley, kissing her softly on the lips. “I know you love me. But for now, I want you to love him.”


  The click of the door closing had Marley's stomach twisting in knots and she turned her gaze to Rhayden, his eyes silver, a feral, lustful look on his features. But there was also confusion and it showed with the softness of his voice. “You’re in love with me?”

  Marley nodded, dropping her gaze to the floor.

  Rhayden stepped forward, crooking his finger under her chin, lifting her head, “Mars.”

  Her gaze met his silver one again and she dropped it to the floor, not being able to hold the intensity of it much longer. He lifted her chin again, his face coming closer to hers, his breath whispering over her lips.

  “Mars, please. Tell me.”

  Her eyes watered as she whispered, lifting her gaze to meet his again. “I’m in love with you.”

  Rhayden gripped her face with his hands, mouth smashing down onto hers’. He held her to him, tongue darting into her mouth. She gripped his hips with her hands, fingernails digging into hard flesh, earning a growl.

  Gripping the hem of his shirt, breaking the kiss only long enough for him to lift it over his head, she tossed it to the side, letting him kiss her again.

  Rhayden's hands gripped the collar of her blouse, tearing it from her and Marley’s knees went weak.

  This vampire wanted her so bad, he was willing to ruin her clothes to get to her.

  His fingers scrambled at her jeans buttons, popping them open. His hand slipped into the front, fingers pushing against the lace of her thong, his other hand, sliding to her breast. Marley moaned the pressing of Rhayden's fingers against her almost too much, igniting pleasure hidden for far too long.

  The vampire's fingers moved from of her jeans and Marley found herself being picked up, her legs wrapping around his waist.

  Her mouth was hard against his, tongues and teeth clashing. Small drops of blood hit her tongue, heightening the frenzy of Rhayden’s movements.

  He laid her on the bed, his body covering hers, her legs still around him. Pulling his mouth from hers he kissed her chin, her neck, travelling towards her ear. His teeth nipped at her bluntly as he whispered huskily in her ear, “I love you Mars…”

  Marley moaned as he nipped at her neck, small stings replaced with the raking of his tongue as he sealed the wounds, “I love you too Rhayden. Now do something about it.”

  He nipped at her neck again and smiled as she felt his grip tighten on her. Rhayden growled and lifted himself, looking down at her, slipping his clawed finger in the front of her bra and sliced the material open, peeling back the cups. He leant in, kissing the soft flesh of her breast, his other hand gripping the other, rolling her nipple between thumb and finger as he suckled.

  Marley moaned, lifting her hips to his hard stomach, rubbing her pelvis against him; he moved to the other nipple, raising it to a peak, almost painfully stiff.

  She clawed at his shoulders, digging her fingers into his flesh. The vampire growled and Marley’s heart beat faster in her chest.

  Absinthe didn't growl like Rhayden. The brothers were so different, and it was what made her want them both so much.

  They were her yin and yang; her two polar opposites.

  Rhayden lifted himself completely, and reached down, slipping her jeans from her; grabbing her hips, dragging her towards him. He lifted her to her feet, staring down at her.

  “Tell me this is what you want. I need to make sure you are going to be fine with this arrangement.” Rhayden's eyes showed the worry he had for the relationship, in which the three of them were about to enter.

  How was she going to be able to cope with having two vampires as her lovers? She could barely cope with just the one. But right now, she didn’t care. She would just go with it and hope for the best.

  “I want his Rhayden. I love Absinthe and I love you. I can't choose either one of you, so I choose both of you.” She smiled at him, tiptoeing to kiss him.

  He moaned, his hands going to her body. He gripped her buttocks, squeezing them tightly, before his hand slipped to the front of her again, moving between her lips, sliding over her clit.

  He groaned as wetness met his fingers and Marley tilted her head back slightly, her eyes closing with pleasure.

  Rhayden’s mouth went to her neck, fangs breaking through her skin and her head tipped back further as he drew on her blood. He sealed the wound, coming back to her mouth with his and she could taste the tang of her own blood, “Your blood is so sweet. Now I know why Abe is addicted.”

  Marley’s hands moved across the planes of Rhayden’s chest. He wasn’t a muscled as his brother, lither and wirier, but his skin was the same; alabaster white and smooth.

  Her hands went to his jeans, popping the button. Gripping the sides, he slipped them down, stepping out of them and they stood together, naked. Her hands moved to his cock. Soft, hard, thick, and strong she stroked it, earning a moaned growl from the vampire as he closed his eyes.

  His hips pushed forward, making her hand move against him quicker, harder and he dropped his head to her throat again, taking another draw of her blood as his fingers worked her sex.

  She could feel his body start to shudder and she moaned, knowing he was close to losing his composure. But before she allowed him, she needed to feel him inside her.

  Marley gripped him by the arms, turning him, she put her hands to his chest, and pushed him back down onto the bed. Straddling Rhayden, she took his shaft and guided it into her, sinking down onto it, all the way to the hilt. Tipping her head back with pleasure, her finger tips digging into his serratus muscles.

  “Sweet fucking hell.” Rhayden groaned, his hands going to her hips, sliding up her body until they found her breasts. He pinched her nipples, making her moan as she moved her hips, back and forth. Her hands moved over his cold ones, up to her hair, piling it above her head as she rocked.

  Rhayden slid his hands down to her hips again, helping her rock harder against him. His moans kept her rhythm and Marley started to join his chorus.

  The vampire sat up, wrapping his arms around her, holding her to him as she rocked. His lips found her breast, nipping and suckling her nipple.

  Marley moaned and dropped her hands, gripping the back of his head, holding him to her.

  Their movements became more frenzied, Rhayden's abs pressed against her clit, rubbing against it hard, building pressure. She lifted his head, kissing him hard, his fangs slicing her tongue, blood flowing into their mouths.

  His hands slipped to her buttocks, lifting them slightly, before sliding them back down again hard, slamming her down onto his shaft. She released his mouth and tipped her head back, moaning as she felt her orgasm start to slip over her. Rhayden's hands gripped her painfully hard, but she didn't care, this was what they both needed.

  Finally, she felt Rhayden's shaft harden inside her and she knew this was it. She looked down at him, seeing the silver of his lust. Her orgasm washed her mind clear and she screamed out in pleasure.

  Rhayden growled, slamming her down harder onto him, as he felt her body contract around him. A sting to her breast and he was drawing on her blood again. He tipped his head back, roaring as he orgasmed, his body shuddering as he finally climaxed.

  His head rested against her chest, his hands still moving her hips and she sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck. Rhayden lifted his head, sealing the puncture wounds on her breast and Marley slowed, collapsing against him. Turning and laying her gently on the bed, Rhayden slid from her and gathered her into his arms.

  “Was it as good as you hoped?” She whispered to him, her arm going over his chest, her head on his shoulder. She traced her finger over his pale flesh, not caring there was no rise and fall of breathing. She’d become used to the sight of her lovers being undead.

  “Much, much more.” he replied, leaning dow
n, kissing the top of her head. His cheek rested against her hair. Marley smiled, snuggling into him as he hugged her tighter.

  She knew this wouldn't be seen as a natural relationship, by anyone. Sharing two brothers was beyond normal, but those brothers were not normal as it was.

  Vampires were not supposed to exist, but she had two of them as lovers and she couldn't have been happier.

  She was content with Absinthe Raynes and now his little brother Rhayden. And the thought of finding Johann and making him pay for Linda's death, for now, drifted to the back of her mind.

  He could wait.


  Immortal Cravings

  Book 2

  Ainsley Cole

  Copyright © 2019 Ainsley Cole

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent of the author, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.


  The Alfa’s engine screamed, sending her hurtling along the highway. Knuckles white on the steering wheel, her mind raced. It couldn’t be happening again, could it?

  They’d killed the vampire who had been killing the Mated Pairs. Absinthe Raynes had put a bullet through Vince’s brain.

  So, the message she had received only an hour before had to be wrong.

  The loud ringing of the car’s phone jolted her out of her daze. Marely pressed the button on the steering wheel, knowing it would be one of two males in her life.

  “Marlene Brennan.”

  “Mars, where’s my car?”

  Smirking at the sound of Rhayden’s voice she moved the car out of the lane she was in, speeding past the slower vehicle. The engine purred along as she replied, “Which piece Rhayden?”

  The line fell silent, causing her to grin, knowing the man on the other end of the line would be reigning in either his temper or his lust.

  His voice came through the line, a barely spoken soft growl, “If it’s damaged, I may just have to spank you.”


  Her stomach lurched at the sound of his voice.


  Resonating through her, straight to her libido. She licked her lips, trying to calm her heart-rate.

  He was such a wanton creature, full of emotion. She knew he’d be hard for her right now. It was almost a constant state for him when he was around her, “And if I crashed it? Then what would you do to me?”

  He groaned down the line and her heart raced with the sound. Marley would have to fight him off with a stick when she got back to the mansion.

  Their deal was, Absinthe had her first, Rhayden would have to wait. Though she didn’t know how long that would last. Since she’d been gone for close to three weeks.

  “Do you really want to know? Or shall we leave it as a surprise?”

  Marley inhaled sharply.

  The words this man spoke to her set her blood on fire, her stomach flipping in a million different directions. Exhaling slowly, wanting to keep calm, Marley’s hands shook on the wheel. She lifted her foot from the peddle, allowing the car to slow, before she ended up in a ditch.

  Frowning, she swerved around another car, “Why have you only just noticed it gone?”

  The man chuckled, “I have been in London since I saw you last, only just got back.”

  London? What the hell did Rhayden have to do there? “London? How did that go?”


  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?” she asked, frustrated.

  “I’m sorry Mars, I can’t. Secret vampire business.”

  She could hear the annoyance in his voice. He hated keeping secrets from her, whereas his brother did nothing but keep secrets and she vowed to keep onto him about Johann.

  It had been two years since she had seen him last. Two years since he had admitted to killing her sister Linda. She had to keep trudging through, making sure Johann was at the forefront of not only hers, but the Raynes’ brothers minds. She would find him and make him pay.

  Sighing, she nodded, “I understand.”

  “So, when you get back…”

  Marley grimaced with hope in his voice, “I don’t know Rhayden…”

  “Why does it have to be such a hard decision for you? It’s simple. Choose.” Anger now seeded his voice and she could understand his frustration.

  They had only been lovers for no more than a month, but their passions ran hot. He knew she would naturally go to Absinthe first. Their relationship was older and cemented. He just didn’t understand. She couldn’t choose between them, to save her life.

  “Rhayden,” The phone line clicked, and she blinked, pressing the button on the wheel. “Rhayden?”

  The ass of a vampire had hung up on her. Frowning, she turned off the highway toward the mansion, not knowing if she was going to like the outcome when she got there.


  Rhayden was waiting in the garage when she got back, eyes bright as the Alfa’s lights flared over him. Dressed in black slacks and a dark plum shirt, his almost white hair cascaded over his shoulders.

  Marlene’s heart hammered, with the sight of the beautiful man. He was just a younger, paler version of his brother.

  Pulling the car to a halt, she switched off the engine as he came to the side, opening the door for her, “Mars.”

  “Rhayden.” She climbed from the car, the scent of him washing over her as she did.

  Lifting her gaze, she met is paling one.

  Silver with lust, his hand lifted, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. His fingers were cool on her skin as he traced down her cheek to her chin. Gripping it gently, he tilted her head, kissing her, mouth moving against hers gently. Closing her eyes, his tongue slowly pushed into her mouth as his hand slipped to the back of her head. Slowly pulling away, he kissed the tip of her nose, “I missed you.”

  “And I missed you,” She murmured, opening her eyes. “Where is Abe?”

  In the blink of his silver eyes, they changed back to electric blue as he sucked his tongue over his teeth, hissing his answer, “In the Library.”

  He turned to the elevators and she sighed, following him. His long, graceful fingers pushed the button and they waited in silence as the elevator descended to the garage.

  Rhayden stepped into the cramped space, raising an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes, following him. The tension was palpable and her whole body twitched.

  She hated it when either of the brothers were upset with her.

  Sliding her arm around the vampire’s waist, he resisted for only a moment, before he gave in. His muscular arm wrapped itself around her shoulders, holding her against him and she rested her head against his shoulder.

  The elevator slowly chugged up the four floors, clanking and whirring with old age, “So, where are you staying tonight?”

  Marley grimaced with Rhayden’s question, “I don't know yet.”

  “With me?”

  Marley looked up at him, seeing the desire flare again in his eyes and she sighed, “You know Abe gets first dibs Rhayden. I haven’t even been back for ten minutes yet.”

  His eyes faded back to blue and he removed his arm from her shoulders, folding them over his chest.


  Marley stepped back, ready to say something to him, but the doors pinged and opened.

  Absinthe was standing in the doorway, waiting.

  His gaze lifted to the pair, flicking from Rhayden to Marley, eyebrow rising with the distance between them.

  Marley looked to Rhayden. His jaw clenched and he swept out of the elevator, shoving past his brother, heading toward the library.

  Marley sighed and stepped forward, tilting her head as Absinthe leaned down and kissed her.

  Just as sweet
as his brother’s.

  “Are you rested from you break?” he asked, looping her arm through his. They left the corridor, slowly walking towards the library.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I was relaxing. Sunlight, beach. It was beautiful.”

  “Hmm, it has been so long since I was at the beach. Wasn’t very relaxing though,” Abe mused, and Marley looked at him. She smiled with the way he’d lost himself in the memory. Blinking, he looked down at her and smiled. “I'm glad you're back.”

  “Yes, so am I. And I guess Rhayden is too.”

  Abe lifted his gaze to the library door, before looking back to her, “Doesn't seem to be.”

  Marley snorted, “He is just pissed he won't be the first one to have me now I'm back.”

  “Ah, right. Well, he will have his chance. He just has to be patient.”

  “Rhayden is anything but patient.” Marley retorted as they entered the room filled to the brim with ancient tomes and modern-day marvels.

  Rhayden was nowhere in sight and threw a curious glance to the vampire by her side.

  Absinthe rolled his eyes and pointed to the roof.

  Marley tilted her head back, seeing Rhayden laying on the chandelier, his leg dangling over the edge. The gold fixture swung under his weight, the crystal droplets clashing together softly, “His favorite place. Ever since he was a child. Still don’t know how he gets up there.”

  She blinked, taking her arm from Absinthe’s, perching her hands on her hips, “What the hell are you doing up there?! Get down before you fall!”

  “Like you care.” Rhayden spat back.

  Marley’s anger boiled. “Fuck you Rhayden you spoiled little prick! Just because you can't fuck me first!”

  Her fists balled at her sides as Rhayden flipped the bird at her. He wouldn’t even give her the courtesy of a look.

  Absinthe shrugged his shoulders, walking to the table and sat down.

  Marley, still angry, joined him, sliding the chair closer to Abe. If Rhayden wanted jealousy, she would give it to him. She stared up to where he was laying and scowled—he was being a baby.

  Absinthe cleared his throat and she looked back to him, sensing the urgency in his tone.


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