Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2) Page 27

by Sandra Bischoff

  Lance’s sword came down, slicing through his cheek and forearm. Zephyr’s blade slipped from his blood-coated fingertips sticking in the ground at an odd angle. The vampire clutched his bleeding arm and fell to his knees.

  Alex gasped. “Stop!” She tried to run forward, but her feet wouldn’t obey.

  Still caught in his delusion, Lance raised the sword over his head prepared to end what he thought was Rimmon’s life. As he began the downward swing, he froze. “No! Rim has to die. After everything this bastard has taken from me, give me this.”

  Semiramis appeared between Lance and Zephyr. She touched his forehead and the delusion he lived evaporated. Lance’s sword fell into the grass. He gazed into the stormy grey depths of Sam’s eyes.

  “Send me back,” he pleaded. “Please Sam, I have to save her.”

  “No, Christian, it’s over. I’m so sorry.” She cast him a sympathetic look. “For everything.”

  Sam placed a hand on Zephyr’s head, his wounds knit shut. The blood on his skin and clothes vanished. Semiramis nodded to the vampire. “Your work is done, Zephyr. Rise and take your daughter inside. She should be in bed.”

  Zephyr stood. “Don’t be too hard on him, Semiramis. He’s lost way too much in the last few hours.”

  “And what he did to you now? Should that go unpunished?” She tilted her head to the side. Her dark curls fell over one shoulder.

  The vampire nodded. “Yes, I think it should. It was my brother he thought he fought, not me.” Zephyr looked over at Lance, who now sat on the grass his face buried in his hands. “The wolf suffered enough. Let him be.” He cut the Goddess a curt bow, strolling over to Alex and leading her back in the house.

  Semiramis shook her head as she stood over Lance. “My poor wolf, what am I going to do with you?”

  “If you won’t send me back, then put me out of my misery.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do either. Jared, Alex, and the baby need you.” She smoothed his shoulder-length hair.

  “Fuck that. I need Beth. Without her . . .” His voice drifted off. “No.”

  Lance jumped to his feet and ran for the house. He slammed open the sliders and didn’t pause to close them. Jared tried to stop him, but he just plowed past the guy. He was so intent to find the answer he craved, no one would get in his way.

  Skidding to a halt in Jared’s study, he scanned the shelves for the one book he knew would tell him the truth. Every book he pulled ended up piled in the middle of the floor. After clearing four shelves, he finally held the book of Camelot’s history. Not the storybook version. This was the history he and his family actually lived. Lance held it to his chest like a newborn and leaned against the wall. His legs gave out and he slid down to sit on the floor.

  The household gathered at the door. Five sets of eyes waited to see what he so desperately searched for. Lance opened the book and slowly flipped through the yellowed pages. The musty smell from a tale older than most of the people living there, enveloped the room. His fingers barely touched the pages. His gaze devoured every word. When he reached the paragraph he had been dreading, he threw the book.

  “No! It can’t be true.” Lance’s heart felt like it was torn from his chest. He sought out Zephyr. “You, you swore to me you’d protect her. You swore!”

  Zephyr pushed through the doorway blocking the others. “I did. Pup, you know I did.”

  Lance shot to his feet pacing like a caged animal. “Then why does it say she died during the rescue? Why does it say that bastard killed her?”

  “Because, she did. He did. Lance please listen--” Zephyr reached out to him.

  “Keep your God damn hands off me.” Lance shoved a finger in the vampire’s face. “You broke your vow to me. As of this moment, blood sucker, you are dead. Fuck you and this whole family.” He shifted into the wolf and crashed through the plate glass window on the other side of the room.

  Zephyr picked up the book on Camelot. He walked over to the broken window, watching Lance disappear into the night.

  Alex stepped up behind him. “He didn’t mean what he said.” She rested her cheek on his shoulder.

  “Shaking his head, Zephyr continued to stare out into the night. “Yes he did, draguta, and with just cause. I let his mate die that night. It’s the reason I left Camelot and never returned.”

  Thirty Seven

  For almost a month Lance stayed away, existing only as a wolf. Periodically he would venture close to the house. On those occasions he found a package of food and other supplies left on the patio wall. He had half a mind to leave them there, but his growling stomach got the better of him. He grabbed the package in his teeth and ran for the forest surrounding the house.

  Living in the woods made him feel closer to Elizabeth somehow. Maybe it was the fact they had spent most of their time together in the forest surrounding Camelot. He didn’t know, but what he did know was every day the feeling she survived grew inside him.

  At night he would jog down to the river and lay there staring out over the water. He hadn’t switched back over to human form since he jumped out of Jared’s office window. As a wolf he was able to handle the pain from losing his mate easier. The sad long howl which echoed through the Hudson Valley every night was a testament to his mourning, though even as he mourned, he couldn’t bring himself to forgive.

  The vampire had failed him. What did he expect anyway? Zephyr made no promises the first time they met in Merlin’s domain. In fact, on more than one occasion the vamp made sure to let Galahad and himself know there was only one person he cared about--himself.

  Apparently he didn’t lie.

  A gentle breeze washed over him. Lance’s ears twitched, listening to the dry grass crunching under someone’s feet. He wasn’t alarmed and didn’t move. He recognized Alex’s uneven waddle as she tried to sneak up behind him. He snorted, letting her know he knew she was there.

  Alex laughed. “No need for me to wear a bell around you, huh?” She tried to lower to the ground, but lost her balance. Before she hit the grass, Lance was there breaking her fall. She grabbed a handful of his fur and used him as leverage to finally take her seat. “Thank you.”

  Lance nudged her with his snout, whining.

  “I know, I shouldn’t be out here. But I needed the fresh air and you looked like you needed company.” She scratched him between the ears.

  He lay back down at her side, head resting on his paws.

  They sat in silence for a while watching chunks of ice drift by on the river in the moonlight. A deep sigh escaped Lance.

  “The snow will be here soon. Why don’t you come back home? I’d really feel safer with you there.”

  What about Echelon?

  “She’s nice and I like talking to her, but it’s not the same. I miss you.”

  Lance raised his head. I miss you, too. I can’t yet. It hurts too much.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I know it does. But you can’t stay out here all winter.”

  I’ll be fine, don’t worry.

  “See, that’s the thing. I do worry, Lance. You’re part of our family. When you hurt, I hurt.”

  He snorted.

  “Don’t give me that crap. You know it’s true. Brr.” She rubbed her hands together. “I don’t know how you can stand it out here in the first place. Aren’t you cold?”

  You get used to it.

  “Yeah, well you don’t have to. Promise me you’ll come up to the house before the next snow fall at least.” She pushed herself up with Lance’s help. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

  I promise. Alex started walking back to the house. Alex?

  She paused and faced him. “Yes?”

  Thanks for the supplies.

  “You’re welcome, but that wasn’t from me.”

  The wolf sat back on its haunches and tilted his head to the side. It wasn’t? Then who?

  “My father. He couldn’t let you live out here with nothing. It wasn’t that he didn’t try to save her. He was to
o late. I hope someday you’ll see it kills him as much as it does you. You and Jared are the only true family and friends he has ever had.”

  If I could only believe that.

  “You can. You have to want to.” She turned away and left him sitting on the edge of the river to contemplate what she said.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Before midnight, Lance lay in the same spot Alex had left him. His eyes were closed, but he didn’t sleep. Sleep was still elusive. It always teased him from the edge of his psyche, but never actually gifted him with its presence. Not that he wanted sleep to take him. That would bring the nightmares and those where something he could live without.

  Having to relive being in that hellish pit one more time might actually drive him over the edge.

  Lance inhaled deeply, raising his head as time stopped for him. The scent of wild heather drifted over the hill and down to the water’s edge. His heart raced. Jumping to his feet, he nearly flew up the hill toward the house, devouring the unique scent of his mate the whole way.

  As he reached the top, Lance stopped short. He blinked, not wanting to believe his eyes. Sitting on the low wall surrounding the patio was a woman with red hair braided and worn draped over her right shoulder. She wore a thick wool cloak pulled tight. Her back was to him, but the heather in the air told him exactly who it was.

  God help me if this is one of my hallucinations or worse, a sadistic dream.

  The sliding door opened and Jared stepped out. He brought the woman a steaming mug. As she reached for it, Lance heard Jared mumble something to her. She merely nodded and waited for him to retreat back into the house before taking a sip.

  “Spying on someone is not one of your knightly virtues, you know.” She called over her shoulder. “Do you not think it would be better to join me? Mayhap then you can settle your curiosity.”

  The woman placed the mug down and pivoted on the wall. Her emerald green eyes smiled in his direction. Lance’s stomach dropped. Slowly, he inched toward the patio. Keeping his guard up. Waiting for someone or something to jump out and attack him. He stopped a few feet away and sat. His eyes narrowed.

  She smiled at him and extended her hand. “You are truly a handsome beastie. Did you know that?” When he didn’t come closer, she made an unlady like snort. “’Tis a fine way to greet your wife. I had a warmer welcome from everyone inside. Mayhap I should leave again.”

  Her threat of leaving finally got through to him. Lance shifted back to human form, clothes appearing to cover his body. He rushed forward and pulled her to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck. His lips devoured hers. He was afraid to let go.

  “It’s really you. The book, Zephyr, everything said you were dead.” He framed her face with his hands as they sat on the wall. “What happened to you?”

  “A lie Merlin and all the others in Camelot came up with. ‘Twas the only way they could get Rimmon to finally leave them alone. Without me, there was no betrothal to pursue. Whatever deal he made with my uncle was as dead as the demon believed me to be.”

  Lance kissed her again, unable to help himself. “But Zephyr, he thought you were dead as well. I was told he left because he thought it was his fault.”

  “I know, and I regret that. I wanted him to know the truth, but since the demon was his brother your father thought it best not to tell him. ‘Twas better to let him believe the lie than his brother torture him and locate me.”

  Lance could see the logic, but still, Zephyr spent all of those years alone. At least if the vampire had known he wouldn’t have beaten himself up about it. Then I go and open the wound again dumping a shitload of salt in it. Go me!

  “How did you survive?”

  “Merlin. I thought I would break my neck when I fell over the wall. But a strange thing happened. That powder you told me to put on started to glow. My fall slowed down until my feet were placed gently on the ground. As if I was taking a stroll around the castle, nothing more. Merlin stepped out of the trees and beckoned me to follow him. I did. When we reached the clearing where your camp had been, Beatrix was there waiting for me. Merlin and two of my uncle’s men got us back to the castle and to my aunt’s solar quickly. Apparently a decoy body was placed in the spot where I fell and that is what Zephyr found.”

  “I can’t believe their plan worked. That you’re actually here.” Lance lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “Aye, me too.”

  “Ahem.” Semiramis cleared her throat. “Am I welcome here?”

  They nodded in unison. But it was Lance who turned to face her first. “Sam, I owe you an apology.”

  “No, Christian, it’s I who owe you one. Zephyr told me what you endured in Camelot.. I should have been there for you.” She stood on the opposite side of the patio. Her hands buried in the pockets of her puffy winter coat.

  “Sam, I don’t think you could have stopped him. I’m fine now.”

  “Have you slept?”

  “Um, no.” Lance gazed into Elizabeth’s eyes. “But I will now.”

  Sam nodded and turned her attention to Elizabeth. “Have you told Christian your news yet?”

  Her mouth formed a small ‘O’ “In the excitement I forgot.” She took his hand in hers and slipped it inside her cloak. She placed it over her slightly rounded belly. “Christian Du Lac, you are going to be a father in a few months.”

  Lance’s mouth fell open. “No way. How?”

  “I think you know how.” She laughed.

  “But it was only once.” He stared at her in wonder.

  Sam came closer and withdrew a long black velvet box from her pocket. She handed it to Elizabeth. “My gift to you, Lady Elizabeth Payne, as a welcome to the family. I only warn you not to wear it until after the babe is born.”

  Elizabeth opened the box and withdrew a locket shaped like a wolf head. She was about to open it when Sam trapped Elizabeth’s hands with her own. “Don’t open it until then, either.”

  “Why, what’s in the locket, Sam?” Lance took it from his mate inspecting it.

  “The powers your mother gave up so she could remain with your father. They are our gift for your wife. We always knew your mate would be human. It was done to ensure you wouldn’t have to make the same choice your mother had to.”

  “Thank you.” Elizabeth’s eyes welled up with tears. “I could not ask for a better wedding gift.”

  Semiramis bowed her head to them and smiled. “Good-night, both of you.” She turned and drifted back into the house.

  Lance placed the locket back in the box. “This is going someplace safe.”

  “I agree.” She wrapped her arm around his and snuggled closer to him, shivering. “How do you stand this cold?”

  He laughed, remembering Alex had asked him the same thing a few hours ago. “Come on, I think it’s time I introduced you to the family.” Lance stood and guided her toward the house.

  Elizabeth pulled him to a stop when his hand touched the sliding door. “How do you know they will like me?”

  “Oh, they won’t.”

  A frightened look flared across her face. “What?”

  “They won’t like you, they will love you.” He glanced inside to see Elaine, Lancelot, and Galahad. They were exchanging stories, most of which probably wouldn’t bode well for him. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure my family already warmed them up for you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Absolutely.”

  “’Tis there a way we can avoid them instead and make it to your chamber?”

  Lance chuckled. “You have a wicked little mind.”

  “Aye, I do. Forgive me for it, though. I have been reunited with my true love and wish to ravish him for the next few hours.” She kissed him soundly on the lips.

  “Oh, love, if only I could let you. But I promise as soon as the sun comes up, the rest of them will be dead to the world. Then I will give you the welcome home you’re craving.”


vow to serve my Lady.” Letting go of her, Lance bowed as he opened the slider.

  As she passed by him, her hand brushed across the fly of his jeans. “And I will hold you to that vow, My Lord.”


  Under the cloak of darkness and tents, they came together to wish the newlyweds well. To outsiders it appeared to be an eccentric Renaissance-themed wedding. But to those in attendance, they knew better.

  What started as a small family wedding turned into a circus. Every branch of hierarchy from Camelot was present. Every time Merlin opened the portal on the back lawn, another couple arrived bearing gifts.

  When word spread around England Elizabeth had not only survived her ordeal but was now marrying into two royal houses, everyone demanded to be present. Lords and Ladies from the far reaches of Camelot and beyond sent missives asking for an invitation.

  Not to be out done, the members of the Dark Order also emailed, called and texted looking for their own invites. Hell, it wasn’t every day you could meet King Arthur and his knights. For the love of the Goddess, that shit was legendary.

  After the first thousand or so guests, Jared finally put his foot down. His home wasn’t big enough to accommodate everyone.

  Lance laughed it off. “Don’t worry, they aren’t moving in. That special invitation is reserved for a select few.”

  “Keep it up and yours will be revoked.” Jared’s temper simmered.

  “Ouch, really?” Lance placed a hand over his heart. “You’d really throw your best friend and his pregnant wife out into the cold streets. You’re a heartless bastard.”

  Jared shook his head. “Oh, Beth can stay. You on the other hand . . .”

  “Wow. Just wow.” A wolfish grin curled his lip. “Maybe I need to remind you Alex doesn’t know about your Mardi Gras bead collection. I recall having a video.” Lance held up his cellphone and wiggled it.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Tit for tat, bro.”

  “You are evil.”

  Lance’s mood sobered. “No, Jared. I’ve seen evil. An evil that makes your sister look like a declawed kitten.”


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