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45th Infantry Division Museum, Oklahoma City, personal narratives: William Russell Criss; Harry W. Dobbyn; John Embry; George A. Fisher; Robert Barry Hutchins; Allen Jaynes; William H. Whitman; Kenneth D. Williamson
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.: Anna Roosevelt Boettiger Papers; Stephen T. Early Papers; Harry L. Hopkins Papers; Verne Newton Collection; Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers; Henry A. Wallace diary, on microfilm
George C. Marshall Foundation Research Library, Lexington, Va.: George C. Marshall Papers; Katherine Tupper Marshall Papers; Frank McCarthy Collection; Lucian K. Truscott, Jr., Papers; Reginald Winn Collection
Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.: Robert H. Adleman Papers; Norman Lee Baldwin Papers; Robert D. Burhans Papers; Don E. Carleton Papers; Ernest J. Dawley Papers; Robert T. Frederick Papers; George F. Hall Papers; John P. McKnight Papers; Walter J. Muller Papers; Robert D. Murphy Papers; Chester G. Starr Papers; Fred L. Walker Papers
Imperial War Museum, London: Gilbert Allnutt, “A Fusilier Remembers Italy” D.R.E.R. Bateman Papers; A.A.C.W. Brown, “364 Days Service” O. Carpenter, diary; Nev Coates, “From the London Blitz to the Champs Elysses” R. H. Day, “We Landed at Nightfall” C. R. Eke, “A Game of Soldiers” C. T. Framp, “The Littlest Victory” Charles Gairdner, diary; Adrian Clements Gore, “This Was the Way It Was” I. G. Greenlees, “Memoirs of an Anglo-Italian” Hans Paul Joachim Liebschner, “Iron Cross Roads” Bernard L. Montgomery Papers; K. G. Oakley, “Sicily, 1943” Lavinia Orde, “Better Late Than Never” J. H. Parker-Jones, “My War” J. E. Porter Papers; R. Priestly, “Volunteers” G.B.B. Richey Papers; P. Royle, narrative; B. Smith, “Waltonia” K. Shirley Smith diary; L. Stevenson, diary; H.A.J. Stiebel, “Over the Next Hill” R. C. Taylor, “Seven Sunrays” G. E. Thurbon, “Capture of Pantelleria” J.B. Tomlinson, “Under the Banner of the Battleaxe” J. K. Windeatt, “Very Ordinary Soldier”
Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C.: Wallace Carroll Papers; H. Kent Hewitt Papers; Curtis LeMay Papers; George S. Patton Papers; Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Papers; Carl A. Spaatz Papers
Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King’s College, London: William Ernest Victor Abraham, “Time Off for War” Lord Alanbrooke Papers; C. W. Allfrey Collection; Ernest Henry Clarke, “Reminiscences” R. Close-Brooks, “Anzio Beach-head” James Scott Elliott Papers; H. M. Gale war diary; John Howson, memoir; B. H. Liddell Hart Collection; Sidney Chevalier Kirkman Papers; John Alec McKee Papers; John Nelson, “Always a Grenadier” William R. C. Penney Papers; Digby Raeburn, “Some Recollections of a Scots Guardsman” Dudley Russell Papers; Aidan Mark Sprot, memoir; Philip L. E. Wood Papers
McCormick Research Center, First Division Museum, Cantigny, Ill.: Clift Andrus, notes on A Soldier’s Story; Joseph T. Dawson Collection; John P. Downing, “No Promotion” Stanhope Brasfield Mason, “Reminiscences and Anecdotes of World War II”
Miscellany: Loyd J. Biss, materials on U.S.S. Samuel Chase provided to author; John M. Brooks, letter to author, Oct. 19, 2003; Paul W. Brown, letters to author, Oct. 4, 2003, and Jan. 19, 2004; Harold Burson, letter to author, Jan. 2, 2003; Robert E. Coffin, memoir, author’s possession; Jerry Countess, memoir, author’s possession; J. W. Crawford, Jr., letter to author, Jan. 29, 2003; Warren Davis, letter to author, March 3, 2004; Clifford W. Dorman, “Too Soon for Heroes,” author’s possession; Christopher Dunphie, letter to author, Jan. 29, 2004; Graham Erdwurm, letters to author, 2003–04; R.L.V. ffrench Blake, letter to author, July 27, 2003; G. L. Hanssen, The Hanssens of Eastern Iowa, author’s possession; Donald V. Helgeson, letter to author, July 25 and Oct. 8, 2003; William Russell Hinckley, diary, author’s possession; Fred Howard, letter to author, Oct. 2003; Geoffrey Keyes, diary, author’s possession; James E. Lalley, letter to author, May 15, 2003; D. H. Leatham, letter to author, Jan. 30, 2003; Sanford H. Margalith, letter to author, Apr. 22, 2005; Joseph Edgar Martin, “Memoir of World War II,” author’s possession; Frank Mills, memoir, “Well Dressed at Cassino,” author’s possession; George Henry Revelle, Jr., letters, author’s possession; Robert A. Riesman, letter to author, Sept. 10, 2002; David Roberts, e-mail to author, May 23, 2003; Heinz Seltmann, letter to author, June 9, 2005; R. C. Taylor, letter to author, Aug. 11, 2003; Joanne Speranza Walker, e-mail to author, Jan. 11, 2003; Aubrey L. Williams, letter to author, June 9, 2004
National Archive, Rew, UK: Harold R.L.G. Alexander Papers; Francis Tuker, letters to C.J.C. Molony; J.F.M. Whiteley, letters to John N. Kennedy
Naval Historical Center, Washington, D.C.: H. Kent Hewitt Papers; Samuel Eliot Morison Papers Combat Narratives: Mitchell Jamieson; John McFadzean; Curtis Shears
Texas Military Forces Museum, Austin, personal narratives: Edie Douglas Adkins; Michael B. Anderson; Nicholas M. Bozic; William D. Broderick; Richard M. Burrage; Russell J. Darkes; R. K. Doughty; James M. Estepp; Edward R. Feagins; Newton H. Fulbright; John D. Goode; Glendower O. Haedge; John Hartman; Harold G. Horning; LeRoy R. Houtson; Armand G. Jones; George Kerrigan; Wayne Kirby; Amil Kohutek; Herbert E. MacCombie; Julian “Dunie” Philips; Hal Reese; Lem Vannatta; Alan Williamson; Jack W. Wilson
U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pa.: Terry de la Mesa Allen Papers, Robert W. Black Papers; Clay and Joan Blair Collection; William S. Biddle Papers; Theodore J. Conway Papers; Raymond H. Croll Papers; Donald E. Currier Papers; Ralph P. Eaton Papers; James M. Gavin Papers; Chester B. Hansen Papers; Ernest N. Harmon Papers; Hamilton H. Howze Papers; David Irving Collection; Kenyon Joyce Papers; Walter T. Kerwin, Jr., Papers; John P. Lucas Papers; Sidney T. Matthews Papers; Malcolm S. McLean Papers; Frank J. McSherry Papers; Arthur S. Nevins Papers; Henry C. Newton Papers; Matthew B. Ridgway Papers; John E. Sloan Papers; Albert C. Wedemeyer Papers; Robert J. Wood Papers
Diaries and personal narratives contained in MHI Army Service Experiences Questionnaire:
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1st Infantry Division (William T. Dillon; William E. Faust; Donald V. Helgeson; Harland W. Hendrick; Clarence B. Kling; George J. Koch; Jarvis Burns Moore; Quinton F. Reams; Kimball Richmond; Henry C. Rowland; Paul L. Skogsberg)
3rd Infantry Division (Jon Clayton; Russell W. Cloer)
36th Infantry Division (Russell Bodeen; Warner Wisian)
45th Infantry Division (Franci Accavallo; Ben C. Garbowski; Wayne M. Harris; Elmer W. Horton; Robert B. Hutchins; F. Eugene Liggett; Norman Maffei; Frederick T. McCue; Robert L. Moses; Louis G. Oberkramer; Richard Pisciotta; Frank E. Tinsch)
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Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abilene, Kans.: Charles L. Bolte; Dwight D. Eisenhower; LeRoy Lutes; Lauris Norstad
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.: Ian Jacob
George C. Marshall Library, Lexington, Va.: Forrest C. Pogue interviews: Field Marshal Viscount Alanbrooke; Mark W. Clark; Jacob L. Devers
Miscellany: Hermann Balck, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, at U.S. Army War College
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National Folklife Center, Veterans’ History Project, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.: Kenneth Apple; Louis Bednar; Jack Brown; Edward George Burns; Richard Dapprich; John Greuling; Boris Guleff; Irvin Hershberger; Roger Howland; Melvin H. McClain; Robert Richstatter
Naval Historical Center, Washington, D.C.: John F. Curtin; Charles William Harwood; H. Kent Hewitt; Samuel A. D. Hunter
Rutgers Oral History Project, New Brunswick, N.J.: Russell Cloer; Franklyn Johnson; Robert King; Maurice Meyers; Charles Mickett; George Mickett; Benjamin Roth; Russell Smalley
U.S. Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Ira Eaker; Uzal G. Ent; Norman E. Fiske; G. P. Gibson; S. C. Godfrey; Malcolm Grow; H. S. Hansell; Leon W. Johnson; John R. Kane; Lauris Norstad; Jacob E. Smart
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The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 (The Liberation Trilogy) Page 116