Clark’s obsession with
coup vs. Mussolini in
DIADEM and Clark’s drive to capture
DIADEM plan and
German occupation of
German retreat from
GIANT II proposed drop in
Ike and
liberation of
as main objective
secret mission to, and Italian surrender
troop morale and
winter campaign and
Rome, ancient
Romine, Micky T.
Rommel, Gen. Erwin
Rommel, Lucie
Roosevelt, Anna
Roosevelt, Eleanor (wife of FDR)
Roosevelt, Eleanor (wife of Ted)
Roosevelt, Col. Elliott
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Anzio and
assessment of Italian campaign and
blacks in armed forces and
Cairo and Teheran conferences and
Casablanca conference and
Churchill and
Four Freedoms speech of
gas warfare and
Ike and OVERLORD and
ill health of
Italian overtures for peace and
liberation of Rome and
Mussolini and
OSS and
Patton and
postwar world envisioned by
Quebec conference and
Rome as objective and
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr.
Roosevelt, Brig. Gen. Theodore, Jr.
Rossini, Gioachino
Rowan, S.S.
Royal Ulsterman
Royle, P.
Rudolph Wurlitzer Company
Ruskin, John
Ryder, Maj. Gen. Charles W. “Doc”
Saar, bombing of
Sahara (film)
St. David (hospital ship)
Salerno. See also AVALANCHE
history of
landings in
Samuel Chase, U.S.S.
Samuel J. Tilden, S.S.
San Carlo Opera Company
Sangro River
San Pietro (documentary)
San Pietro Infine
Santa Maria Infante
Saturday Evening Post
Sauer, Col. Paul
Savannah, U.S.S.
Sayer, Capt. Edwin M.
Schaefer, Lt. Col. William H.
Schaffhausen, Switzerland, bombing of
Scharnhorst (German battleship), sinking of
Schenectady Plan
“Schiller, Father”
Schlegel, Lt. Col. Julius
Schmalz, Gen. Wilhelm
Scholastica, St.
Schweinfurt, battle of
Scipio Africanus
Scott, Sir Walter
SEALION, Operation
SEATRAIN, Operation
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Secret Service
Segan, Lt. William J.
Sele River corridor (BRYAN)
Senger und Etterlin, Fridolin von
Sentinel, U.S.S.
Seraph, H.M.S. (submarine)
Sevareid, Eric
Sevastopol, battle of
SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force)
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare, H.M.S.
Shapiro, Lionel
Shaw, George Bernard
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sherman, Gen. William T.
Sherman tanks
SHINGLE. See also Anzio
Rapido attacks planned to precede
Shit Corner
Shoemaker’s Holiday, The (film)
Shubrick, U.S.S.
Shunstrom, Capt. Charles M.
Sicily. See also HUSKY
Allied occupation of, under Patton
Casablanca and decision to invade
code named HORRIFIED
history and geography of
Hitler-Mussolini meeting on
invasion and capture of
Mussolini deposed during campaign in
Patton’s expectation of death in
plan for aftermath of
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery
Sieckenius, Gen. Rudolf
Sing as We Go (film)
Skorzeny, Capt. Otto
Slessor, Air Marshal Sir John
Smith, Al
Smith, E. D.
Smith, Kate
Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter B. “Beetle”
Smuts, Jan
SNAFU, expansion of
Snakeshead Ridge
Snowden, Frank M.
Sobieski (Polish liner)
Social Life of Monkeys and Apes, The (Zucherman)
Anzio stalemate and
battle fatigue or shell shock
impact of combat on psychology of
lessons of Italian campaign for
morale problems and
Naples I&I and
Pyle on
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., on
“Soldier’s Guide to Sicily, The”
Solomon Islands
Somervell, Gen. Brehon B.
Sousa, Capt. Benjamin Harrison
South African 6th Armoured Division
South African 12th Brigade
South African troops
Southern, George
Soviet Union (Russia)
Spanish Armada
Spencer, Air Commodore
Sprague, John F.
Stalin, Joseph
Stalingrad, battle of
Stalker, H.M.S.
Stark, Carole
Stark, Pvt. Arthur E. “Sticks”
Stars and Stripes
Steady, U.S.S.
Steere, Lt. Comm. Richard C.
Steinbeck, John
Stevens, Lt. Will
Stevenson, Coke
Stewart, Jimmy
Stillwell, Lt. Gen. Joseph W.
Stimson, Henry L.
Stoler, Mark A.
Stone, Phillip H.
Story of G.I. Joe, The (film)
Stovall, Col. Oran C.
Stradling, John S.
Strange Cargo (film)
STRANGLE air campaign
Strathnaver, H.M.S.
Strong, Brig. Kenneth W.E.
Suez Canal
Sulzberger, C. L.
Summersby, Kathleen Helen “Kay”
supplies and logistics
Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean
Sway, U.S.S.
Switzerland, bombing of
Tabacchificio Fioche
Talamba (hospital ship)
Taylor, Brig Gen. Maxwell D.
Téboura, battle of
Tedder, Air Marshal Arthur
Teheran conference
Templer, Maj. Gen. G.W.R.
Testbank (freighter)
This Is the Army (musical)
Thomas, St.
Tidwell, Pvt. Riley
Tillman, U.S.S.
Times (London)
Toffey, Anne
Toffey, Helen
Toffey, John, Jr.
Toffey, John, Sr.
Toffey, Lt. Col, John J. “Jack” III
Toffey, John IV
Tompkins, Peter
Torrente Saraceni (Dead Man’s Gulch)
Tosca (opera)
“total war”
Trafalgar, battle of
askis, Richard
trench foot
Trevelyan, Lt. Raleigh
TRIDENT conference
Truman, Harry S.
Truscott, Maj. Gen. Lucian K., Jr.
aftermath of Italian campaign and
background of
Cisterna and
death of Toffey and
Italian winter campaign and
liberation of Rome and
Memorial Day 1945 speech by
Rapido assault and
replaces Lucas to command VI Corps, at Anzio
succeeds Clark to command Fifth Army
Truscott, Sarah Randolph
Tucker, Col. Reuben H.
Tuker, Maj. Gen. Francis
Tunis, battle of
FDR meets with Ike at
Tunisian campaign
TURTLE, Operation
Uganda, H.M.S.
Ultra intercepts
Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy
Unicorn, H.M.S.
Union Army, Civil War
United Nations
United States
FDR’s vision of role of
postwar world and
war supplies provided to Britain
U.S. 1st Armored Division “Old Ironsides”
U.S. 1st Infantry Division “Big Red One”
U.S. 1st Ranger Battalion
U.S. 1st Special Service Force (SSF)
U.S. II Corps
U.S. 2nd Armored Division
U.S. 2nd Cavalry Division
U.S. 3rd Infantry Division
U.S. Third Army
U.S. IV Corps
U.S. Fifth Army
Anzio and
assessment of Italian campaign and
Cassino and
Clark appointed to command
Clark’s frictions with officers in
liberation of Rome and
Naples I&I and
Operations Instructions No. 24
Rapido and
Truscott replaces Clark as commander of
Winter Line and
U.S. 6th Armored Infantry Regiment
U.S. VI Corps
Field Order No. 20
U.S. Seventh Army
U.S. 7th Infantry Regiment
U.S. Eighth Air Force
U.S. 9th Infantry Division
U.S. 10th Mountain Division
U.S. 12th Weather Squadron
U.S. 13th Field Artillery Brigade
U.S. Fifteenth Air Force
U.S. 15th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 16th Infantry
U.S. 17th Bomber Group
U.S. 17th Field Artillery
U.S. 18th Infantry
U.S. 19th Combat Engineers
U.S. 26th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 34th Infantry Division
U.S. 36th Division
U.S. 39th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 45th Infantry Division (Thunderbirds)
U.S. 60th Infantry
U.S. 81st Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
U.S. 82nd Airborne Division
U.S. 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion
U.S. 85th Division
U.S. 88th Division
U.S. 92nd Infantry Division
U.S. 93rd Infantry Division
U.S. 99th Fighter Squadron (Separate, Tuskeegee airmen)
U.S. 111th Medical Battalion
U.S. 132nd Field Artillery Battalion
U.S. 133rd Infantry Regiment
U.S. 135th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 141st Infantry Regiment
U.S. 142nd Infantry Regiment
U.S. 143rd Infantry Regiment
U.S. 151st Field Artillery
U.S. 157th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 158th Field Artillery Battalion
U.S. 168th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 179th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 180th Infantry Regiment
U.S. 189th Field Artillery Battalion
U.S. 191st Tank Battalion
U.S. 351st Infantry Regiment
U.S. 504th Parachute Infantry
U.S. 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
U.S. 753rd Tank Battalion
U.S. 760th Tank Battalion
U.S. 6615th Ranger Force
U.S. 6681st Signal Pigeon Company
U.S. Army Air Forces
Tuskeegee airmen and
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Medical Forms
U.S. Army Signal Corps
U.S. Congress
U.S. Force X
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
U.S. JOSS Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. National Guard
U.S. Naval Institute
U.S. Navy
U.S. Ranger battalions
urban warfare
Van Doren, Carl
Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford
venereal disease
Vera Cruz, assault of 1857
Verdala Palace
eruption of
Via Anziate
Via Rasella ambush
Vichy French
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy
Vietinghoff, Gen. Heinrich von
Vita, Sgt. John
Vokes, Maj. Gen. Christopher
Volturno River
Vulcan, H.M.S.
Walker, Maj. Gen. Fred L.
Wallace, Henry A.
Walpole, Horace
Walters, Vernon A.
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
War Department
segregation of armed forces and
Warlimont, Gen. Walter
War Manpower Commission
war production
War Production Board
Warspite, H.M.S.
Washington, D.C.
Washington Daily News
Washington Post
Washington Times-Herald
Waskow, Capt. Henry T.
Watson, Pa
Waugh, Evelyn
WEBFOOT exercise
Welker, Robert H.
Welles, Orson
Wellington, Duke of
Wentzell, Maj. Gen. Fritz
West, Sgt. Horace T.
Western Front, WW I
Western Front, WW II
Westmoreland, Lt. Col. William C.
Westphal, Gen. Siegfried
What to Do Aboard the Transport
Whitehead, Don
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Wilbur, Brig. Gen. William H.
Wilbur, Richard
Wild Palms, The (Faulkner)
Wilhelm, John M.
Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany
Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands
William D. Porter, U.S.S.
William the Bad
William the Good
Wilson, Field Marshal Henry Maitland “Jumbo”
Winter Line
Wolfe, Gen. James
Women’s Home Companion
Woodpecker (German army code)
World War I
World War II. See also specific campaigns, operations, and places
blacks in U.S. Army and
brutality of total war grows
end of, foreseen by Churchill in Carthage
lessons of
maps of campaigns, and job and time needed to win
Wright, John G.
; Wyatt, Lt. Col. Aaron A., Jr.
Yamamoto, Adm. Isokoru
Yellow Line
Zetland, H.M.S.
Zuckerman, Solly
Zuehlke, Mark
RICK ATKINSON was a staff writer and senior editor at The Washington Post for more than twenty years. He is the best-selling author of An Army at Dawn, The Long Gray Line, In the Company of Soldiers, and Crusade. His many awards include Pulitzer Prizes for journalism and history. He lives in Washington, D.C.
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Copyright © 2007 by Rick Atkinson
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Distributed in Canada by H. B. Fenn and Company Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Atkinson, Rick.
The day of battle: the war in Sicily and Italy, 1943–1944 / Rick Atkinson.—1st ed.
p. cm.—(The liberation trilogy; v. 2)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 978-0-8050-6289-2
1. World War, 1939–1945—Campaigns—Italy. 2. Italy—History, Military—1914–1945.
I. Title.
D763.I8A85 2007
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Maps by Gene Thorp
The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 (The Liberation Trilogy) Page 121