Straying in the Woods: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Straying in the Woods: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  Bryce looked at the spot where Dan disappeared for a moment and shrugged. "Suit yourself."

  "Why are you building a fire anyways? Won't that scare away the monster?" Sarah asked.

  "Oh no. A nice big fire? The Beast won't be able to resist that," Bryce replied.

  "You are so full of it," I said.

  Bryce turned those eyes on me and I tried to ignore the heat that poured through every part of my body as his gaze started at my face and ran down for just the barest of moments.

  "The people that got killed up here wouldn't think I'm full of it," Bryce said. "Teenagers who came up here to camp out and throw a party and the Beast attacked them in the middle of the night. Supposedly they could hear the screams all the way back in town. Not that you'll get someone who was around back then to talk about it."

  "Yeah?" I said. "If a bunch of teenagers died up here then why aren't there any news articles about it? The only thing I've ever seen are stupid Internet videos from out of towners eating up secondhand stories from townies trying to sell stuff."

  I was getting riled up. I was starting to see the cocky asshole and not the muscular stud for a change, and a part of me was relieved even as I was disappointed. Why should I be disappointed that I was getting mad enough that I didn’t find myself attracted to him anymore?

  Bryce shrugged. "People taking advantage of a story doesn't make it any less true."

  I opened my mouth to respond but movement caught out of the corner of my eye stopped me. A twig snapped. I turned towards the sound as something hairy burst out of the other side of the clearing yelling. Bryce yelled and Sarah screamed. I caught a glimpse of hairy paws rushing towards the beginnings of a fire before the creature tripped on a root or something sticking out of the ground fell flat on its face.

  I walked over to the "Beast" and gave it a nudge with my foot.

  "Very funny Dan," I said.

  The "Beast" turned to look up at me through a rubber werewolf mask. Dan pulled it off and grinned, though he did rub his nose a bit. I arched an eyebrow. He hadn’t mentioned this. He glanced over to Bryce who grinned.

  "We couldn't resist," Dan said.

  "We?" I turned and arched an eyebrow at Bryce who smiled and shrugged. They were working together? That made me wonder. I’d never seen Dan talk to Bryce outside of class, but if they were conspiring together with this ridiculous monkey suit then they could easily have talked about other things. Like what our plans were for Bryce. I looked between the two of them for some sign, some indication that Dan told Bryce about our fantasy, but of course there was nothing there.

  I wanted to be mad at Dan, but it was hard when he sat there with that stupid grin on his face looking happy and carefree.

  "Admit it," Dan said. "For a minute you were terrified the Beast was coming for you."

  I pointed up. "No full moon yet. Nothing to worry about." I pointed down. "And the ferocious beast is sitting right in the middle of a Poison Ivy patch."

  Dan yelled and scrambled away from the plants. I didn't actually see any Poison Ivy down there, but I had to get back at him somehow. I glanced at Bryce and other ways of getting back at Dan ran through my mind. Methods of payback that were akin to using a bazooka to hit somebody who just smacked you with a peashooter, but that didn’t stop those forbidden thoughts from running through my mind on repeat. Only now I was also wondering how much Bryce knew, if anything.

  "Are you guys done with the antics?" I asked.

  "I guess we are," Dan said.

  "You guys are jerks," Sarah muttered.

  "Look on the bright side Sarah," I said. "At least you got a little scare. I have a feeling that's the last monster we'll see tonight."

  Dan grinned and sat twirling his camera around. Sarah pulled out her phone and started tapping away. Apparently even in the middle of nowhere you got cell reception. Bryce poked at the small fire that was sputtering to life, a small smile on his face as he stared into the flames. A smile that sent a shiver running through me, wondering just what would happen before the night was over.

  5: Straying

  The moon glowed overhead when the woods around us went quiet. I was half asleep and barely noticed until Dan shook me awake.

  "What?" I said.

  "I think something's out there."

  Dan flicked on his flashlight and waved the light through the trees, but they were too thick for the light to penetrate. He looked back at me and smiled a small smile. What was he up to?

  “Bryce disappeared into the woods about ten minutes ago when he thought we were all asleep,” he whispered.

  A snap sounded in the distance.

  I smiled and nodded. I had a pretty good idea of where Bryce was.

  Sarah sat up and looked around wide-eyed. She'd finally made a concession to the reality of spending an evening in the woods and put some longer pants on.

  Another snap. Followed by what sounded like a growl.

  “What the hell is that?” Sarah asked.

  Dan leaned in close again. “Play along.”

  I nodded and then raised my voice. "Oh yeah, this is hilarious Dan!"

  "What are you talking about?" Sarah sat forward pulling closer to the dying fire.

  "Who isn't here with us?" I asked.

  Sarah looked around and it dawned on her. She turned to Dan. "This crap isn't funny Dan!"

  "What are you two talking about?"

  "Where's Bryce?" I asked.

  "I don't know. I fell asleep and woke up when I heard something moving around out there," Dan said.

  "Are we really supposed to believe that? Or is he out there putting on that ridiculous monkeysuit?" I asked.

  "Monkeysuit? That's in my pack!"

  A tree rustled in the distance and silence descended again.

  "Uh-huh. I suppose this time we're supposed to go out into the woods and wait for Bryce to chase us down one by one in the dark?"

  "If something's out there then we really should try and find Bryce. Warn him or something," Dan said.

  I rolled my eyes. I had to admit this was kind of fun. Sarah looked like she was on the verge of panic. "No way. I'm staying right here by the fire where it's warm. I'm not playing your game."

  "It's not a game," Dan said. "But if Bryce is still out there with whatever that is then we need to get him."

  I had to admire Dan's performance. The worried glances, the slight tremble in his voice. Maybe he should switch his focus to theater. Not that he could this late in his college career.

  "I'll go with you," Sarah said.

  She was already standing. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. By the eager way she kept glancing to the trees I had no doubt she was hoping to run into Bryce out there in the middle of the dark woods.

  Not me. I was going to stay right by the fire where it was warm and comfortable. Where I hoped to have a visitor after Dan and Sarah did a little disappearing into the woods of their own.

  "Are you sure you aren't coming?" Sarah asked.

  "Nah. You go and have your fun," I said.

  Dan paused for a moment. “You really aren’t coming?”

  “And fall for whatever new joke you’ve worked out with your new buddy?” I said, acid on my tongue. This was so much fun! “No thanks Dan.”

  "Suit yourself," Sarah said, perhaps a bit more cheerfully than was strictly necessary from someone supposedly going out into a dark scary forest where a big scary monster was lurking. I'm sure she didn't mind the lack of competition.

  Dan hesitated for a moment for a quick smile and then they disappeared into the forest and the quiet descended again, broken occasionally by the occasional small lick of flame flaring up from the otherwise cooling embers of the fire. I still heard the occasional crackle out in the wood, and even what might have been Dan calling out Bryce's name, but otherwise silence reigned.

  A scream shattered the night and I sat up straight. That sounded like Sarah. I rolled my eyes and listened to the sudden silence that descended on the forest. Bryce m
ust be doing a hell of a job out there if he got her to scream like that. No birds, no crickets, no nothing but the sound of the fire and my labored breathing.

  The scream sounded again, more distant. Definitely Sarah screaming. Again the scream rang out, this time followed by a yell. I heard something crashing through the forest and then another scream. A muted crack drifted through the trees followed by another yell, far more distant than the others, and then silence.

  Absolute silence. Either they weren’t yelling anymore or Sarah was so far away that I couldn’t hear her anymore.

  I was starting to think Bryce was more about screwing around with Sarah and Dan than coming back around to the clearing when the trees moved. Not just one tree. Lots of trees. As though there was something big out there brushing against them. Something big enough to set the whole forest into motion. I peered into the darkness but couldn't see anything. Whatever he was doing out there it was impressive.

  My eyes darted around the clearing. A twig snapped somewhere in the darkness beyond the first row of trees. The snap reverberated through the clearing, only to be replaced by other snaps and cracks as something moved through the inky darkness just beyond the fire's light.


  The noise continued around the edge of the clearing. No one called back. Not that I really thought it was Sarah or Dan out there. My breath came in ragged gasps as I wondered when he’d make his move.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to control my breathing. Tried to control the heat pouring through my body. The darkness shifted. Trees at the edge of the clearing swayed even though there was no breeze to interrupt the still summer night.

  I leaned back on my sleeping bag and threw it aside revealing what I was wearing underneath. A skintight tank top above and a pair of shorts so short and so tight that they might as well not even be there. The time for subtlety and nuance was over. I’d come this far, and this was happening damn it. I was so turned on that there was no going back. I spread my legs slightly and smiled at the darkness where I heard movement.

  “What are you waiting for Bryce?”

  He stepped into the clearing. I took in a sharp breath.

  Damn was he hot! He wore a tight tank top that molded itself to his muscles. He must’ve put that on after I fell asleep. Down below he was just in a pair of boxer shorts that clearly showed the outline of his cock. It was obvious someone was excited, and it was obvious that he was sporting something massive down there. He smiled as he stepped into the clearing and I smiled back.

  “How’d you know it was me?” he asked.

  “Lucky guess,” I said. “I take it you got rid of the others?”

  “Let’s just say they’re on a wild wolf chase right now. Plenty of time for us,” he said.

  Standing there in the shadows cast by the fire he looked massive. His eyes stared at me with an open hunger. His muscled neck ran down to broad shoulders and powerful arms that looked so delicious. I could see the clear outline of his pecs and a set of well defined abs that were damn impressive, particularly on a hot stud staring at me with unconcealed hunger.

  The sight of him standing there, shoulders heaving, so strong, so powerful, so muscular, with that cock pressing out from his boxers. An ache started in between my legs as blood rushed to my pussy which was already slick with desire. A flush rose through the rest of my body sending my nipples standing on end and heat rising in my face. Those muscles moved with a sleek grace that was hypnotizing to watch.

  “So you have me all to yourself Bryce,” I said. “What are you going to do?”

  The edges of Bryce’s delicious mouth quirked up in a smile. “I think you know Nicole.”

  I licked my lips. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Bryce raised an eyebrow and then he was moving across the clearing and leaning down over me with his hands stretched out on either side of my head. Bryce, with that beautiful powerful body I'd wanted or so long was hovering over me, could do with me whatever he pleased. And I was more turned on by his raw power than I'd ever been before. I glanced to the edge of the clearing wondering if Dan was seeing any of this. I thought I caught a glint as the fire reflected off of something…

  The camera. Dan’s DSLR. That had to be it. Let him think that. It sent a warm feeling running through me knowing that Dan was out there watching. He must’ve doubled back the same as Bryce as soon as he gave Sarah the slip, and now he was using that camera for the real reason he brought it up here. I just hoped he managed to get some good shots.

  I smiled, but Bryce thought it was for him. “I knew you wanted this.”

  “If only you knew Bryce,” I said. Then he was on me.

  His hands, powerful hands I'd dreamed about feeling roaming my body so many times even if I was afraid of admitting it to myself, moved forward and grabbed at my tank top. His hand pressed against my stomach as he pulled my tank top up. The strangely intoxicating smell of his breath mixed with the earthy smell of the forest and sent me into sensory overload.

  Though it didn’t seem like he was quite ready to pull my top up all the way. No, he moved down, hot breath ran against my skin, and I arched my back as he placed a gentle kiss coupled with a tiny lick that felt exquisite, on my stomach just above my belly button. Then another kiss lower. I let out a quiet moan as those firm kisses coupled with the barest hint of a lick moved lower and lower and oh God this teasing was driving me wild as this delectable man I'd wanted and fantasized about for so long was about to...

  My moan turned to a cry of frustration as he lifted up, looked at me, and moved down.

  I sighed as his hot breath make contact with my skin. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Bryce’s tongue flicked out and licked along my thigh sending waves of pleasure running from that spot through to the rest of my body. I couldn’t believe this. Bryce was licking up my thigh and almost to my pussy. I couldn’t stand him and he was moving closer and closer to that hidden spot between my legs that had been Dan’s domain until tonight. I squeezed my eyes shut and gasped. He felt so damn good!

  Bryce moved up, his hot breath scorching my skin and my mind as he made his way up my exposed thighs towards my pussy. I licked my lips in anticipation as he finally reached his goal in between my legs and breathed in deeply. My pussy throbbed and I could feel the neon green bikini panties I wore soaking through to my pajama bottoms as my heat mixed with his breath and I pressed my hips up towards that powerful face begging to feel it pressed against me. Needing to feel his tongue against my pussy lips.

  Bryce looked up at me and we locked eyes. I thought that moment alone would be enough to send me over the edge, but then he really got going. Bryce leaned down and his tongue flicked out again.

  My toes curled and my fingers dug huge furrows in the ground pulling up some of the plants that dotted the clearing. I threw my head back and let out a primal scream as his tongue made contact with my pussy through my soaked pajamas and panties. The heat and the power of that tongue as it started at the bottom of my slit and worked its way up until it teased around my clit through that thin material sent blood rushing to my head and my pussy at the same time as tiny explosions of heat went off throughout my body.

  Oh my God. Oh my God. That felt so goddamned good and oh God that tongue was sticking out again and stars danced in front of my eyes again as it ran the length of my pussy in the most amazing bit of tongue-on-pussy action I'd ever experienced in my life. Knowing this was Bryce, the cocky asshole who always looked at me with barely concealed lust. Feeling the wild lust that was always lurking just beneath the surface and that I was at the mercy of that untamed power made me dizzy with lust.

  I glanced over to the edge of the clearing and thought I could make out a shadow there. I smiled and hoped that Dan was thoroughly enjoying the show I was putting on. I wondered if he was feeling the same wild mix of emotions I was as this fantasy finally became reality by the light of a dying campfire in the middle of the woods.

  A jolt brought my attention back to Bryce who
was acting like a man possessed. He let out a quiet growl that almost sounded like a purr as his hands moved up and wrapped around the waist of my pajama bottoms. He yanked down and I let out a cry and lifted my ass for better access as my bottoms were pulled down and thrown to the side giving Bryce complete and total access to the soaked bikini panties underneath.

  His head moved down to my pussy again.

  I curled my fingers into the hair on top of his head and pulled Bryce closer, urging him to take me as his tongue flicked out teasing around the edge of my pussy lips through my bikini bottoms. I gasped with each thrust of that magnificently talented tongue and screamed every time it pulled the edges of my panties aside and made direct contact with my waiting lips. Damn was he good! Dan did this for me but there was something about the enthusiasm, something about the way Bryce was devouring me with the full force of all the lust and sexual tension building between us over the semester, was driving me wild. I wanted him to tear my panties aside, willed him with every desperate inch of my body that was screaming out for him to dominate me, but no, he seemed content for the moment to tease.

  "Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god so good," I gasped on repeat as Bryce worked his magic with that tongue. I was so lost in the indescribable pleasure coursing through my body that I almost didn't notice when I finally got my wish and he tore at the band of my panties finally exposing my waiting pussy completely. He just ripped them aside like they were nothing, and fuck was it hot!

  I wish I could say I thought of Dan in that moment, but all I could think of was Bryce. Was another man’s tongue on my pussy. How amazing it felt with his head down between my legs. How skilled he was with his tongue.

  That powerful tongue darted out again and tears came to my eyes as I screamed into the night.





  Unimaginable pleasure.

  I almost thought there actually was a werewolf howling somewhere out there until I realized that the howl piercing the woods was coming from my mouth and not from any monster or other creature out there. As Bryce’s tongue flicked over my clit with a practiced expertise and I found my body riding a roller coaster of adrenaline and pleasure I felt something growing inside me. I was so close. So fucking close.


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