The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “He’s not coming back, Deanna.”

  Demon stroked her arms, offering her comfort. She took it. Ever since her mother had passed she’d not gotten any comfort from anyone. She was all alone in the world.

  “I know.”

  He washed her body, paying careful attention to cleaning her long length of hair. The patience he showed with her surprised her. Deanna really thought he’d find some way to punish or hurt her. His gentle touch didn’t help her nerves.

  When the shower was over, she crossed her hands over her breasts to hide herself from his gaze. She was too open, too exposed to his gaze. He looked past her naked body.

  Licking her dry lips, she chanced a glance at his dark eyes. They gave nothing away. Demon was closed off. He didn’t tell her anything.

  Nodding her head, she stepped into the towel he offered her. He dried her body, carrying her through to the bedroom. Demon laid her on the bed and joined her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  She turned onto her side so that she was facing him. The towel gave her a little dignity as she stared at him.

  “Why are you apologizing?”

  “You didn’t have to come and find me. He’d have killed me.”

  Demon stayed silent as she spoke but the moment tears filled her eyes, he started. “Why did you go back to him? He was a dangerous man.”

  “Mom told me to. Your parent isn’t supposed to hurt you.”

  “What did your mom ask you?” He reached out, pushing some of her damp hair off her cheek.

  “She asked me to keep an eye on him. Begged me to never turn my back on him. What kind of a father sells his daughter to pay for a debt?”

  “It’s not that unheard of, baby.”

  “I’ve never heard anything like it.” Her throat felt tight, like something was clogging it. Staring at Demon, she shook her head. “I didn’t want to be sold. I didn’t want to lose my future.”

  “You’re not going to.”

  “I won’t run again. I promise. I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh, baby. You don’t need to worry.”

  “I can’t believe he tried to kill me.” She buried her head against his chest, needing his warmth. There was nowhere else for her to go.

  “You can’t leave.”

  “I know,” she said. For some strange reason, she didn’t know why that comforted her.

  “No more leaving. You’ll do as you’re told.”

  “Yes.” She didn’t have anyone. Her father was dead, good riddance. Her mother was gone but thank God she didn’t have to see him at his lowest point. Closing her eyes, she listened to Demon’s heartbeat. The sound soothed her, comforted her, and made her feel safe. She’d not felt safe in so long.

  “I’m going to take care of you.”

  She murmured her agreement. He was so warm. Within minutes sleep claimed her.

  Chapter 11

  The feeling of hands skimming along her bare flesh had Deanna moaning slightly. The hands were big, warm, and there was a distinct pressure of ownership in the way she was being touched. She could have said she was dreaming, but even after she opened her eyes and stared at the still boarded up window, she knew she wasn’t. Demon was touching her like he owned her, like there wasn’t any part of her that wasn’t his. Maybe Deanna should have stopped him, should have said this was wrong, that she didn’t want it. But the truth was she did want it, desperately. She wanted to feel numbing pleasure that took away everything else, that made her life not matter at the moment. She wanted to feel him fucking her until she couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, hell, couldn’t even move.

  “You’re awake,” Demon said huskily, softly, and continued to touch her. He moved his lips along the same path as his hands: over her shoulder, down her arm, and along her waist. It felt good not to think and just feel.

  She rolled over, lay on her back, but turned her head so she could see him. It was still dark outside, and she knew she hadn’t slept very long. “Be with me, Demon. Make me forget about everything except right here and now.”

  He groaned deeply, and didn’t waste any time in grabbing her chin in a bruising grip, tilting her head to the side, and latching his mouth on her throat. He sucked and licked at her while he continued to move his hand over her stomach, along her hip, and finally touched her pussy. She wore no clothing because she had only worn a towel after the shower. God, she was already wet, and if that wasn’t the sickest thing of it all, because of what she had been through, then she didn’t know what was. But it felt good, and right now that was all that mattered.

  He jerked her head back toward him and claimed her mouth. For several long seconds he didn’t do anything but kiss her, stroked her tongue with his, and rub his fingers through her pussy lips.

  “I couldn’t help but touch you, smell you, memorize every part of you, but I wouldn’t have taken it any farther, Deanna,” Demon groaned against her lips. “I would have never taken something from you that wasn’t freely offered, but I wanted to be able to feel your soft skin, especially after tonight." He slammed his mouth down on hers harder, and shoved a thick finger into her pussy. She arched her back and cried out. She wasn’t a virgin, but she also hadn’t been with a man in a while, and Demon had thick, long fingers. It was surprising the feel of herself being stretched by his fingers alone, but God, did it feel good.

  Everything seemed to go fast and quick, but she was more than ready to put everything else behind her, and just feel Demon. He started kissing her neck, her collarbones, moved along her breasts, and sucked at the stiff peaks. For several long moments that was all he did, pump his finger into her and suck and bite at her nipple. And then before she knew what was happening he was removing his finger from her body. There she was, lying on this hardcore biker’s bed, stark naked, dripping wet with her arousal, and unable to hold in her moan.

  “You want my hands on you, my tongue along your flesh, and my cock deep in your hot little cunt, Deanna?” Demon groaned out, and she couldn’t answer. She just nodded, panted for breath, and gripped the sheets beneath her.

  He moved between her thighs, wedged his broad shoulders between her legs, placed both his hands under her ass, and lifted her to his waiting mouth. Their eyes locked for a heartbeat. The feel of his warm breath skating across her pussy could have made her come right then. He smirked, a hard slash across his mouth that was not one of amusement. He knew the effect he had on her and he was relishing in it.

  And then he started licking her, lapping at her pussy like he was starving and her cream was the only thing that could sate him.

  The feel of his tongue on her exposed flesh had her eyes involuntarily closing. He used that muscle to run up her center, sucking her wetness off and causing more to come. Demon was so incredibly slow with his ministrations that she found herself pressing closer to him, trying to tempt him to give her more. On any other occasion she might have been mortified by her actions, but pressing her pussy harder against his face, trying to have him lick and suck at her harder seemed so logical at the moment. And when she felt her orgasm start to climb, he pulled back, leaving her bereft. She opened her eyes and blinked several times. The arousal still pounded through her bloodstream, crying out for more.

  “Put your arms above your head and keep them there.” His tone brooked no argument, and she knew she had no intentions of denying him. Deanna needed this, needed him to control the situation because right now she felt like her life was out of control.

  She did as he asked because she knew she needed his mouth back on her now. He moved back between her legs and resumed licking her. He moved his tongue up and down her slit, teasing her clit on the upstroke, and pressing minutely into her hole on the down stroke. She was so close to getting off. He was torturously slow, bringing her close to climax but not exerting enough pressure to actually bring her over the edge. Perspiration started to coat Deanna’s flesh.

  “Your cunt tastes so good, and you’re so fucking wet for me, sloppy even, baby.”
  Her fingers hurt from the strain of keeping them together. All she wanted to do was grip his head and shove it more deeply into her pussy. And the erotic, filthy words he said to her had her crying out for more, unashamedly begging him.

  “Please, Demon. Please let me come, give me this, and I’ll be yours.” God, those words came out of her, and she couldn’t have stopped them if she tried. Would he think what she said was her declaration that she really wanted this life? Could she want this life with a biker and his illegal, dangerous and violent club?

  “That’s right, Deanna, you are mine. I’m not letting you go, and I’m not letting anyone have you. This pussy is mine,” he licked her slit from pussy hole to clit. “These tits are mine,” he reached up and grabbed the mounds, massaging them. “You are mine.”

  She opened her mouth on a soundless cry. He had to know she was perilously close.

  “Say it, Deanna. Say you’re mine. Only mine.”

  At this point she would have done anything to feel that crest of pleasure wash over her.

  “Please. Please let me come, Demon.”

  “Say it.” He roared out the words and sucked her clit into his mouth, bringing her right there over the edge and backing away before she went over.

  “I’m yours,” she breathed out. The words left her on a whoosh of air and she locked gazes with him. The look he gave her had her entire body tightening. As if he wanted to prolong her torture, she watched in rapt shock as he held her pussy lips apart with his thumbs and ran his tongue up her center.

  “That’s right. You’re mine.” A dark look crossed his face when she looked at him. He slowly moved his tongue back to her cleft. When he reached her clit he brought the tiny bud into his mouth and sucked hard. Rhythmic motions had her grinding herself against his mouth. He sucked on her clit, bringing the tiny bundle of nerves over his tongue and ever so gently running his teeth along it. The orgasm that moved through her was intense and heady.

  When the tremors started to dissipate, she breathed out. He stayed between her legs, staring at her, the shadows moving across his face.

  “I want you so fucking badly, so if you’re not ready, baby, you need to tell me now. Once I start I don’t know if I can stop, Deanna.” He groaned out the last part, but a controlled expression stayed on his face. She didn’t need him to warn her. She knew what she was getting into, and whether it was a bad idea or not, she would not tell him no.

  Demon leaned back enough to see her slightly spread legs. He moved closer to her again, inhaled deeply, and growled low at the scent of her. Using his hands on her inner thighs, he pushed her legs open even wider until he saw what he ached for. She was swollen and wet for him. Demon went back to eating her out even though she had already come. He had to keep licking her, had to suck the cream from her pussy until he was drunk on it. He pressed his hips into the mattress, hoping to stem off his impending orgasm. Her slit, so ready for him, made his whole body tighten with need. He lifted his gaze to her breasts, those twin mounds that had his cock jerking with need. Her nipples were pink, tight and ready for him. A moan left him as he watched her bite the flesh of her bottom lip.

  Again he pressed his hips into the mattress, feeling the sheets scrape along his throbbing cock, heightening his arousal instead of dimming it. Leaning forward, he let his tongue travel along the inside of her thigh and all the way to her core. A gasp left her and then she was pushing her cunt in his face. Using his thumbs, he spread her labia apart, flattened his tongue, and ran it up her center.

  He sucked and licked her. He wanted her cream coating his mouth, wanted it running down the back of his throat. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he ran his tongue around the bundle of nerves. He started thrusting his hips faster against the mattress, dry humping the fuck out of the sheets. He needed his cock in her cunt, needed the friction and her wetness covering his cock.

  “Fuck, baby. You taste so damn good.” He groaned against her. He renewed his efforts and was rewarded when her back arched. Yeah, he was going to fuck her good and hard until she couldn’t even walk straight.

  Chapter 12

  Deanna couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even concentrate as she tried to get her bearings together after the second orgasm Demon gave her faded. Although Demon was rough in every way, she knew he would stop if she said no. But she had no intentions of stopping.

  He settled his body on top of hers and placed his hand on the back of her neck, bringing her head closer with a fierce move.

  “Everything about you drives me fucking crazy,” he groaned out and looked at her mouth. “I am going to claim you so hard you won’t be able to sit down without thinking of my cock in your body.” Demon kissed her, and she tasted herself on him. He ran his fingers up her arms, and grabbed them around her wrists until a spark of pain filled her. “And your pussy is the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”

  Her pussy became wetter and her arousal slid down her inner thighs. The sheet beneath her had become moist from her arousal, and she knew it would get more pronounced the more she was with Demon.

  He moved his fingers back to her pussy, stroked her like an expert, and said in a low, heated voice, “If not for my self-control I’d be fucking you right now, but I want to savor this.” He moved his mouth to the pulse point at her throat while he continued to run his finger over the opening of her pussy. “You’re so fucking wet for me, Deanna.” He dipped his fingers deeper into her body. “I bet this slick little pussy will be the tightest I’ve ever felt.”

  And more wetness spilled from her at his filthy words.

  “Damn, my whole hand is drenched.”

  She gasped as he twisted his fingers inside of her.

  “Soon my cock is going to replace these.” He emphasized his point by scissoring his fingers deep within her. “And then you’ll truly be owned by me. You’ll be my woman, my fucking property, and no one will dare touch you without answering to me.” He moved the digits faster, harder, and the sound of her flesh sucking at him seemed to fill the room. “I’d kill anyone that touched you, Deanna,” he said in a deadly voice. Demon brought his thumb to her clit and started rubbing it back and forth. All other thoughts or actions ceased. In the next second she came. She cried out and pumped her pussy faster and harder on his fingers, lifting her hips up and down, trying to get him to go deeper. And when her orgasm faded in the background, and a pleasurable hum filled her, Deanna opened her eyes.

  He still had one hand around her wrists, and she wondered if he was the type of man that enjoyed pain and inflicting it on others with his pleasure. The man before her was hard in more ways than one. He pulled back slightly and she stared at his body. His eyes were this cold, hard grey color, or maybe liquid silver would be more correct. His shoulders were wide, his chest defined and rippling with muscle. He had tattoos covering his arms and upper chest, and she could make out a frightening skull tattoo inked on his shoulder.

  His erection strained forward, huge, long and thick, and the fleeting thought came to her that having that cock in her would be painful. But she grew bold, sat up slightly now that he had let go of her wrists, and reached out. She grabbed the root of his dick. Demon hissed when she wrapped her fingers around his length, but he was too thick that she couldn’t fully grasp all of him. Looking up at him, she saw him watching her with half-lidded eyes.

  “Suck my cock good, Deanna. Make me almost fill your mouth with my cum.”

  Even in the darkness she could see how deadly he was, how dominating and demanding Demon was.

  Leaning down, she brought her mouth to the tip of him. She could feel his heat and opened her mouth wider to flick her tongue over the ridge of the tip. No noise came from him but she felt his body tighten. Deanna wanted him to ache for her like she did for him. She ran her tongue over the flared edge and engulfed him. The taste of him exploded in her mouth.

  Salty, sweet, all male.

  Her pussy was drenched and her clit throbbed, even though she had already gotten off twice for
him. She sucked him hard and deep, and he gripped the back of her head and started thrusting into her mouth.

  “I’m going to mouth fuck you until the crown of my cock hits the back of your throat.” His whole body was strung taut and she knew he was going to come very soon. He tightened his fingers in her hair, but before she could taste him he pushed her back. She fell against the mattress hard, her breasts shaking, and her legs falling open. His breathing was haggard and the look he gave her heated and frightened her.

  His gaze dipped between her spread thighs and he let out a gruff sound. “Jesus, Deanna.” He ran a hand over his mouth, and flicked his gaze to her. “Tell me you want my cock in you. Beg me to fuck you.”

  Oh, God.

  His words were like gasoline on a fire. She had never been with someone so incredibly compelling and forceful with their words, with their body, and just with one look. There was no doubt that Demon killed people, reveled in it, too, and here she was giving herself to him.

  She started hollowing out her mouth, taking as much as she could, and when she was gagging from the hard, thick length of him, he pulled her head back with his hand in her hair. He stared at her for a second, and then in the next instant his hard body was blanketing hers, and he kissed her forcefully. “If we do this, we do it my way.” His words brooked no argument.

  Yes, she so wanted to do it his way. A nod was all she could accomplish, but it satisfied him nonetheless. He clasped her wrists in one of his hands and brought them above her head once again. Seemed he liked her restrained. She needed to feel his callused hands scrape over her flesh. He cupped one of her breasts, tweaked her nipples painfully until she gasped out, and then smoothed his palms over her skin. His hands were rough, worn, and all she could think about was how powerful he was when using them.

  The feel of his dick pressing against her pussy had the desire to rub against him rising to the surface. For some reason, she knew that if she was patient and obedient, he would bring her to a place she had never dreamed of.


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