The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 19

by Jenika Snow

  “I hear that and understand,” Demon said.

  “I don’t understand any of that woman and old lady shit. Man, I’ll stay single and fuck all the sweet-ass pussy I can get my dick into.” Shakes said from the backseat, his voice growing a little more animated. Shakes had never made it a secret that he didn’t want an old lady. Hell, the man got more cunt in the clubhouse than most of the members put together. He was a man-whore to the nth degree.

  “A lot of shit has happened in her past, shit that I won’t even go into, but I am not about to turn my back on her or let her go. She’s mine.”

  “Whatever gets you off, man. I don’t have anything to bitch about that because it’s your life. But for me,” Shakes said, “I don’t want any woman to tie my ass down. I’ll be doing the tying down.” Shakes started laughing, and they all knew that the brother liked to get down and dirty with the women he screwed.

  Demon switched on the radio, and rock blasted through the SUV. That was their cue to end their conversation and focus on the task at hand. They drove the rest of the way in silence. When they pulled up to the university that Zeke’s daughter attended, all Joker wanted to do was turn the shit around and get home to his old lady. They pulled to a stop in front of the main building of the university, but he couldn’t see who in the hell they were looking for. Zeke was supposed to have sent a picture to their cells, but of course, the motherfucker hadn’t done that. Zeke had assured them that Daniella knew to be on the lookout for them and would contact him when she was safely with them.

  “She’s probably one of those made-up bitches that has all the luxuries her piece of shit underground father gives her.” Shakes said, but no one responded.

  Joker stared out the passenger side window, watched as the kids came and went out of the main building, before he saw a young woman that was probably the daughter of that piece of shit. She had long blonde hair, tight as fuck clothes that left little to the imagination with several guys hanging around her. She had one of those little designer purses hanging from her arm, a cell pressed to her ear, and even from this distance, he could see how much make-up she had plastered on her face.

  “I bet that’s the bitch right there,” Demon said, and Joker nodded even though neither of the members were looking at him. She pushed her way through the crowd, looked like she had a stick up her ass. Joker knew that whoever was tied to Zeke was probably just as fucked up as he was. The blonde looked at them and started making her way toward the SUV. Before she got to them, a red convertible pulled up, stopped between the SUV and the Harleys, and the blonde climbed in.

  “Okay, so not Zeke’s uppity bitch daughter,” Shakes said, and they all watched as more people filed out of the building. Another five minutes and Joker was getting pissed because all he wanted was to get back home. But then, there amongst the crowd of pierced, tattooed, and preppy punks, was this mousy young woman with nerdy as fuck looks. She was on the shorter side, definitely plump, and not like the other females walking around in skintight clothing. Her looks screamed she either didn’t care, or she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

  Joker took notice of her because she was pulling out her phone, staring at the Harleys and SUV like she was confused as hell, then started dialing a number on her phone.

  “I think that’s her,” Demon said, and pointed to the brunette. After a moment, she closed her phone, looking slightly annoyed, and moved closer to the SUV. The closer she got the clearer her looks became. She had pin straight brown hair, her bangs touched her glasses, and her cardigan looked a size too large. Her long plaid skirt touched her ankles and the black Mary Jane style shoes she wore screamed school-girl-geek.

  “That’s her?” Shakes asked, his confusion clear in his voice.

  Joker glanced at him in the rear view mirror. “She’s coming closer, so I’m gonna say yeah.”

  “Damn, she isn’t anything like I imagined.” Shakes stared out the window. “She’s kind of a hot mess in a fuckable way.”

  Demon and Joker both turned fully in their seats to stare at him. “Man, remember whose kid this is. No fucking her just because you want to stick your dick in any warm pussy.”

  “Unless you want your cock cut off and fed to you by Zeke and his men, I’d say back the fuck away from that idea,” Joker said.

  The sound of someone tapping on the passenger side window had all of them facing Zeke’s daughter.

  “You’re here to pick me up, right?” she asked, her words muffled through the glass.

  Demon rolled down the window, and she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She was a cute girl in a very non-made up way. She was plain Jane for sure, endearing maybe, but she was Zeke’s daughter. Because of that he had this bitter taste in his mouth.

  “You’re Daniella?”

  She nodded.

  “Zeke’s kid?” Shakes asked, and Joker saw him in the rear view mirror move closer to the passenger side window. She scrunched her nose, as if disgusted to hear Shakes say that, and Joker found that confusing.

  “Yeah, I’m related to him,” her voice was distant, slightly soft, but most definitely disgusted.

  Demon turned and glanced at Joker, his dark eyebrow lifted as if he, too, was surprised at hearing her say that. Joker’s phone vibrated, and he grabbed it out to see Zeke had messaged him.

  Zeke: Daniella said you’re there.

  Joker: Yeah. We’re heading out now.

  “That was Zeke; we better head out.” He looked over at the two club members ahead of him, gave them the motion to go, and he gestured for Daniella to climb in the backseat. Shakes opened the door for her from the inside, grabbed her bag when she set it on the seat, and Joker watched her climb in. Once the door was shut, Joker continued to stare at her in the rear view mirror. The way she had reacted when they mentioned Zeke led him to believe she might just hate him as much as they did. Shakes was watching her, too, and Joker wanted to smack him upside the head, because the look on the other man’s face screamed that he didn’t care about anything but getting his dick wet with this young woman.

  “Let’s roll, man,” Demon said, and Joker snapped out of his thought and started the engine. He pulled out of the parking lot and followed the bikes back onto the highway. It would be a long three hours in the car, especially with Daniella looking stiff as fuck, uncomfortable, and trapped in the metal box with three badass bikers.

  Amy stared at Deanna and three women that were known as sweet-ass in the club. She knew, at least she had heard, what being a sweet-butt meant, and it slightly nauseated her. To know that a woman would willingly share her body with men she didn’t really know, and would have no relationship connection with, baffled her. She had never been with anyone sexually—willingly that is—aside from Joker. Her bastard father didn’t count.

  “You have a lot on your mind,” Deanna said, and glanced up from the pot of spaghetti sauce she was stirring. “I can see the thoughts moving across your face as if you’re worked up about something.”

  She stared at the other woman, knew from Joker that she had been given to the club as payment by her father. Her own father. But she also knew that Deanna was a strong woman. Amy and Joker had talked about the shit that had gone down with Deanna, and although Amy knew club business was not her business, she knew Joker had been honest with her. As she stared at Deanna, knowing that her deadbeat father had traded his daughter because of a debt, Amy knew that her life now wasn’t as bad as it could be. Yes, she’d had a shitty past, had lost her mother far too soon, but she was alive and trying to live a healthy life.

  “I know you’re thinking what I thought when I first got here.”

  Amy didn’t answer, but smiled.

  “I was thinking how in the hell could these women essentially whore themselves out? I mean they fuck any and all of them at the snap of a finger, and for what, in hopes of being an old lady or something?”

  Amy nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, but I know that I shouldn’t think and worry about w
hat others do. My life certainly hasn’t been perfect, and I have no right to judge others.”

  “Sweetheart,” Deanna set the spoon down. “We can judge, because we’ve lived a shitty life, know what it means to have to struggle, and because of that, we see things on a different level.”

  Amy knew what Deana was speaking about and understood where she came from. She’d been an introvert her whole life, and she knew it was because of what had happened to her. To give her body willingly to a man in hopes that he’d love her, just seemed… wrong and sad.

  “You’re doing okay here though?”

  Amy thought about Deanna’s question. She had only been here for a few hours, and so far everyone had been nice and accepting. The women that walked around made her a little uncomfortable, because she thought about Joker being here, seeing them, wanting them, and being with them.

  “Hun, he doesn’t want anyone but you,” Deanna said and smiled, and Amy realized she hadn’t thought those words, but rather, said them aloud. “There are all these girls walking around, their bodies on parade, and the raunchy shit they do out on display.” Deanna shook her head. “When one of these men claims a woman as their old lady, there isn’t anyone or anything that will deter them from having them fully.” A smile filtered across Deanna’s face, and Amy knew that the woman, even if she had been here against her will at first, was totally, madly in love with Demon.

  “You’re really happy here?” Amy asked her and Deanna didn’t even hesitate.

  “I am, and I know that if you allow yourself to realize you deserve to be happy, then you’ll be happy here, too.”

  Amy knew that and knew that Joker was the one for her. She just needed to realize and accept that she was worthy of being loved and being happy.

  Chapter 11

  After Amy finished eating Deanna’s spaghetti, they made the trip back to David’s. Before Joker had headed out on this trip, they’d promised they wouldn’t stay too long at the clubhouse alone. She was glad they were heading out. The thought of spending any more time with the women who used their bodies to attract the club members made her uncomfortable. She’d never be like those women.

  “So, you and Joker?” Deanna asked. “Who knew he could be like that?”

  Amy chuckled. “You sound surprised. Joker’s not someone you should underestimate. He’ll surprise you.” Amy smiled thinking about the Reese she had grown up with.

  “He cares about you. Anyone with eyes can see that,” Deanna said, reaching over to touch her hand.

  “How do you handle this? When the men go on jobs?”

  “I don’t handle it. To be honest, I’ve not had a lot of experience with this. Demon and I, we’re very new, really new, actually.”

  “Do you love him? I mean, after everything you’ve been through, do you love him?”

  “Of course; Demon is the only man I’ve ever loved. I know our situation is not normal for most couples but who needs normal? I love being with him. The club isn’t all that bad. You just have to take what you love and leave what you don’t.” Deanna ran fingers through her hair as she weaved her way through traffic.

  “Is that what you did? Take what you liked?”

  “Being Demon’s old lady, I don’t really have a lot of room to choose what I like. He needs me to be strong at his side.” Deanna bit her lip. Amy couldn’t look away. She really wanted to make this work with Joker. “You know Demon’s the President of the Soldiers, right?”

  “Yes, Joker told me.”

  “Then you know it’s going to be different for every woman. Before Demon, I was all alone. My mom had passed away shortly before all this happened, and I didn’t have anyone. Then out of the blue, the shit happened and my father gave me to the Soldiers to pay a debt. I met Demon and even though it was tough, something eventually just clicked between us. Do you ever have that with Joker? Where it doesn’t matter what you’ve been through, you’ve got that connections?”

  Tilting her head to the side, Amy thought about Joker. Her man, the one she could talk to about anything and not be afraid. “Yes, I’ve got that with Joker.”

  “That’s how I can handle the club.”

  “Aren’t you worried he’s going to use those other women when you’re not around?”

  “Honey, I don’t let him get the chance to be with anyone else.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know why men stray, but I’m not going to let my Demon get away from me. I’ll be whatever he wants me to be. He gives me the freedom to be myself, never judging me. I love him with my whole heart and I love sex just as much as he does.”

  Amy thought about Joker and his touch. The way his hands caressed and stroked her.

  “I see you know what I’m talking about.”

  “It’s down at the end of the street, last house on the left,” she said, pointing out the window. Deanna followed her directions.

  “You know you can talk to me, right?” Deanna asked. “I’m not going to run back to Demon and talk about this. It would be totally gross.”

  Amy laughed. “I’m not a very, um, open person.”

  “Neither am I. I like you, Amy. There’s something about you. It could just be the fact I know you’re not going to try to steal my man.” Deanna parked the car. “This is a nice place. My old place was a shit hole.”

  “This is my parents’ house. My mom, she passed away recently. David, my step-dad, Joker’s dad, he lives here. I crash here every now and then.” She climbed out of the car. There was no sign of David’s vehicle. “It’s a nice area though, quiet. Not a lot of kids.”

  “I love kids. I want a ton of them. I just hope Demon can keep up with the supply I want,” Deanna said.

  “You want kids?”

  “Yeah. I’ve always wanted a big family. It was only me and my mom, you see. My father was a deadbeat crack head; I hated him. So, I’ve always wanted a big family.”

  Amy had thought about kids but completely dismissed the idea. Could she be a Mom? Be responsible for kids? Thinking about Joker, she imagined a little boy who looked exactly like him. The very thought touched something deep within her. Would Joker even want kids? And with her?

  No, she was going too fast. They were only just starting out in this relationship. There was no pressure to have kids or get married.

  Entering the house, Amy went straight for the kitchen. “You can make yourself at home,” she said, calling over her shoulder to the woman.


  Amy chuckled. “Is this completely different from the club?”

  “Yes. I didn’t realize how much time I’d spent at the club until now.” She looked toward the sofa. Amy laughed even harder as she sat down, closing her eyes in rapture.

  “Don’t you have furniture at the club? I didn’t see much of the club.”

  “We have a lot. When you watch what happens to that furniture, you don’t trust it. This is like heaven.” Deanna relaxed back, looking completely happy. “Peace.”

  “Why don’t you talk to Demon? He’ll probably get you some furniture.”

  “He probably would, but you see, not at the clubhouse. They’re animals. Let’s not talk about the clubhouse.”

  “I’ll get us some drinks.” Amy went back into the kitchen, happy to have finally found a friend. Deanna was a friend. She liked the other woman and for once, Amy was going to try and make sure everything worked out. Joker was her man, and she’d put in the effort to give him what he needed.

  Joker glanced in the rear view mirror to see Shakes hadn’t turned away from Daniella. The nineteen year old was reading a book. Every now and then she’d push the bridge of her glasses up on her nose. She didn’t try to drag them into a conversation nor did she beg for them to stop for a piss break or food.

  “So, you’re Zeke’s kid?” Shakes asked.

  Daniella turned to look at Shakes. “Yeah, I guess. Last time I checked I was.”

  “Checked?” Joker asked, chuckling, thinking Zeke forced a pa
ternity test.

  “I didn’t want it to be true, so I went to one of those clinics to see if it was real. It’s real.” Daniella closed her book, letting out a sigh. “What do you want to know?” she asked.

  “You paid for a paternity test on Zeke?”

  “Yeah, it cost me over three hundred bucks. God, it was the worst day of my life.”

  “Why would you even want to know if he was your father?”

  “Hello, have you met Zeke?” She slapped her hands on her thighs. “He’s not exactly the nicest man you’re ever going to meet. You’re working for him, right? You’ve seen what an ass he can be, well, why don’t you try being his biological daughter. Believe me, it’s not exactly fun.”

  Demon’s cell phone ringing interrupted her.

  Joker saw her face was bright red and her hands shook a little as they ran through her hair. He thought about Amy. She kind of reminded him a little of her: the vulnerability and the pain, along with the anger. Amy didn’t realize it, but she had a lot of locked up anger, and he was worried about that.

  “Yeah,” Demon said. “Are you sure… No, she shouldn’t be there… Her age… Fuck, fine, whatever.” Demon hung up the phone. “We need to take her to the clubhouse. Zeke’s not finished with business and he’ll come to the club to collect her.”

  “I want to get home to Amy.”

  “I’ve still got to pick Deanna up.”

  Daniella pulled out her cell phone and before anyone could stop her, she was already on the phone.

  “Zeke, what the fuck? You told me I had to be home tonight. If you weren’t ready for me to come home, I’d have stayed at school. I’d prefer to stay at school.”

  Joker kept driving even as the young girl’s voice grew louder.

  He heard Zeke’s raised voice over the line.

  “Whatever,” Daniella said, terminating the conversation. “Sorry, I’ve got to go to your clubhouse. I wish this wasn’t happening.”

  “You’ll be safe there.”

  “I’m not worried about my safety. You see the three cars behind you? That’s my special entourage that goes wherever I go. Dad’s that much of a psycho that I’ve got to have people with me at all times. He also needs you guys to transport me because he knows I try to get out of going to him.” She leaned her head against the window.


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