The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 23

by Jenika Snow

  He had his old lady on the back of his bike, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and her head resting on his back. He was in fucking heaven right now, and couldn’t have asked for a more perfect outcome to some shitty situations in his life. There was nothing better than this feeling of freedom with the woman that he loved and knowing that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. But his nerves were already getting the best of him and twisting his gut uncomfortably; it was not something he was comfortable or used to.

  Another twenty minutes driving up the mountain and Joker finally pulled to a stop in front of a clearing. The trees surrounded them, a creek ran parallel to the small dirt road, and there wasn’t a soul in sight. It was perfect, absolutely-fucking-perfect. He cut the engine and climbed off then helped Amy off the bike, too. For a second he kept his hands on her waist and stared down at her, loving that this woman was his. He’d sampled her, couldn’t get enough of her, and he knew he’d have the rest of his life to spend with her. It took a strong woman to be with a man like him, a member of an outlaw biker club that killed when the time called for it, dealt out violence, and did shady shit. But his Amy was strong as hell, and he loved her even more for it.

  Did she knew what he was about to do, that he had this ring sitting in the inner pocket of his cut and was nervous as fuck? Shit, he hadn’t felt this unsure about anything in his life, but he supposed even the toughest motherfuckers felt skittish when they were about to pop the big question. He grabbed a blanket from one of his saddlebags and led her to the center of the clearing. There was a break in the trees and they could see the city below, the lights starting to brighten as dusk fell over the sky. He laid out a blanket and gestured for her to sit down.

  “You look nervous, Joker, and that makes me nervous.” She smiled, but he could see that it was a little forced.

  Fuck, his hands were even shaking, and he hated the fact that this one thing could make him feel so off kilter. “Dammit.” He sat down beside her.

  “Joker, is everything okay?” she asked, twisting her hands together. She touched his shoulder, and he could see that this was worrying her. He felt like an asshole for not keeping his shit together.

  “Everything’s okay, baby.” He turned and faced her, and before he lost his nerve, he reached inside his cut and pulled out the small velvet box. She looked down at it, and her eyes widened. “I meant to say all this sweet and endearing shit, tell you how important you are to me, that I love you more than anything else, because Amy, all of that is true.” He ran his free hand over his hair and exhaled roughly, needing to say this because he wanted her to know she was his world. “I feel out of my element here and have never felt so nervous in my fucking life.” He chuckled, hoping to ease some of the tension. He hadn’t been good with all the sweet, sappy shit, never had. Hell, he’d never made a woman his like this. It seemed that he was at a loss for those sweet as fuck words that would tell his woman he loved her more than anything else.

  “You’re my old lady, and that means a lot, but I want you as my wife, too, Amy.”

  “Oh God, Joker,” she breathed out. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the box he had yet to open.

  He popped the lid.

  “Oh God,” she said again. “It’s gorgeous.”

  He took the ring out, snagged her left hand, and slid the platinum band with the big circular diamond in the center on her ring finger. “Look at me, baby girl.”

  She lifted her gaze so she was looking at him, and he heard her swallow. Now he swallowed and tried to calm the nerves inside him. He had beaten the shit out of grown men, killed anyone that hurt those he loved, and did illegal shit, but asking his woman to marry him made him feel like a vulnerable bitch. “I love you; I have loved you for a long time. I don’t care that we are considered step-siblings. I don’t care that my past and yours hasn’t been a fairytale. I want you, and I know you want me. I want all of you, Amy, and I am offering my life for you, because that’s what you mean to me… life.”

  She started to become teary eyed, and he hoped he wasn’t screwing this up. She was going to cry, and he didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

  “I want you by my side as my wife, not just as my old lady, baby.” He took her hand in his and lifted it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. “You’ve always been mine, Amy, always. Even when we were younger, I knew you’d be mine. I just didn’t know how to process those emotions.” He stared at her. “Will you marry me Amy?”

  When she didn’t answer right away, Joker felt his heart start to pound fast and hard. Would she say no? The tears were the next thing that came from her, big, fat tears that slid down her cheeks. He moved an inch back, giving her some space, as those beads of wetness slid down her cheeks. She continued to stare at the ring, and with every passing moment he worried that she was ultimately going to say no.


  “Baby, you’re making a man feel pretty fucking worried here, especially when you won’t say anything and are looking like you might say no.” She looked up at him, and he reached out and brushed her tears away. “Baby, will you marry me?” he asked again. He was a man and didn’t know jack shit about women and what it meant when they cried during these situations. Was she happy about this?

  “They’re good tears, Joker,” she chuckled and wiped her tears away. “God, they are really good tears.” She fell into his arms, wrapping her arm around his neck.

  “So, that’s a yes then, baby girl?” He cupped her face and looked into her eyes.

  She grinned wildly. “Yes. Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”

  He kissed her senseless, loving that he was about to make the woman he loved his legally, officially, and forever.

  Chapter 15

  Six months later

  Running her hand over her swollen stomach, Amy stared in the full-length mirror. She wore a white dress that did its best to hide her very pregnant state. Joker had wanted to get married before the baby started to show but she wanted to wait until everything was perfect. It was close to Christmas and throughout the clubhouse everyone was preparing for her to walk downstairs to her man.

  “You look so beautiful,” Deanna said, running her hand down the full skirt.

  “Thank you.”

  The last six months had been beautiful. She’d loved every second of getting close to Joker. He visited with Gregory regularly now, and they were developing as a couple. For the first time in her life, she was stronger than she’d ever been before. Joker helped her to heal. There were times she was still plagued by the demons of her past but they were so few that she didn’t even think about it. He was her rock, and she loved him with all of her heart.

  “Can I come in?” David asked, knocking on the door.


  “I’m going to leave you two alone,” Deanna said, making her way out of the room.

  David closed the door behind him. “You know, I always knew there was some connection between you and Reese.”

  “You know he prefers to be called Joker, right?”

  David chuckled. “I don’t care. He’s my son. My little boy and right now, I’ve never been so proud in all my life. You both deserve happiness and when I look at you two, I know you’re both going to be so happy.”

  “He completes me, David.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Amy, I loved your mother. I always have and I always will. We’re not related, but after this day, you will be my daughter for real. I’ll always be indebted to you for bringing my son some peace.”

  Someone else knocked on the door.

  “It’s time,” Demon said.

  Everyone was knocking on her door today.

  Blowing out a breath, she took David’s arm and together they made their way downstairs. They passed brothers who wore the leather cut of the Soldiers of Wrath. She hadn’t cared what kind of wedding she had so long as she was getting married to the love of her life. Joker, the man who was th
e answer to her dreams, had pulled her out of the pit of fear and despair. Rounding the corner, Amy smiled when she saw Joker standing before the priest. She fell even more in love with him in a tuxedo and not the leather jacket she had been expecting.

  David handed her to Joker. “Take care of her.”

  “With my life.” He took hold of her hand, leading her to the priest.

  “You didn’t have to wear this,” she said, finding him even sexier than ever before.

  “I know. I wanted to wear this. It’s our day and when you look back, I want you to always remember that my heart, my body, and my soul belong to you and only you.”

  Facing the priest, she held Joker’s hand more firmly. He was hers and she was his. At the end of the ceremony, when the priest asked if anyone objected, there was silence all around the clubhouse. No one would dare question their union. Joker slid his ring onto her finger and she did the same with hers. She was his old lady, and he was her old man, and it would be that way until they breathed no longer.

  “It hurts,” Amy said, panting after she tried to push. It had been several months since their marriage and Joker was regretting getting her pregnant. Every part of their life was bliss, filled with happiness and love.

  “I know, baby. One more push. You heard the doctor.”

  “He’s not even crying yet,” Amy said. “Ouch, it hurts.”

  Stroking her head, he whispered words of love and encouragement. Amy was his heart and soul. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. If she asked him to jump, he’d ask her how high. He was devoted to her.

  In the last few months he’d proven to her that she was not broken. For so long she’d truly believed she was a broken woman incapable of love and being loved. He’d showed her something different. His woman wasn’t broken. She might be a little bit bent, but they all were, and he loved her even more because of it.

  She gave another push and then the sound of a squealing baby filled the room.

  The nurses started to clean up the baby and then Joker looked up. Held before them in a blue blanket was a beautiful baby boy: their boy, his and Amy’s first child.

  “I love you, Joker.”

  Staring at the precious gift she’d given him, Joker held her tight, both of them embracing the little life they’d created.

  “What should we name him?” she asked.

  “It’s your choice, baby girl.”

  She smiled and looked down at the baby. “I guess we don’t have to decide right now.” She looked at him then, her eyes full of love, her face covered in sweat and exhaustion. “I want more, Joker. I want a big family so no one will ever feel alone again.”

  They’d both been only children, and he would have given her, would give her, anything she wanted. Pressing a kiss to her head, Joker agreed. “We’re going to have more children. You can count on it.”

  The End

  HARD AS STEEL (The Soldiers of Wrath, 3)

  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  [email protected]

  [email protected]

  Published by Crescent Snow Publishing

  Copyright © April 2015 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Digital Edition

  First E-book Publication: April 2015

  Edited by Editing by Rebecca

  Cover by: Designs by Dana

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  The darkest desires taste the best.

  Eloise has kept her desires in the dark her entire life. Not sure if she should feel ashamed over her need to have a sexual relationship that consists of pain, she focuses on keeping to herself, knowing that she can never have what she really wants.

  Steel is a member of The Soldiers of Wrath MC. He is a man that takes what he wants when he wants it; he is never denied. But he wants Eloise, and her refusal to give herself to him makes Steel want her even more. He’s determined to break the composed and collected exterior that she carries.

  When Hanson, Eloise’s boss, attacks her, it’s Steel that comes and rescues her. Steel feels something for the woman that’s seemed to turn his world upside down in such a short time.

  But Hanson isn’t about to be put in his place, or lay down without a fight. He’ll show Eloise and Steel that he’ll take what he wants regardless of any threat.

  Can Eloise give herself to Steel fully, or will her fear for what she really wants hold her back? Can Steel finally allow himself to commit to a woman and show her that what she wants is exactly what he desires to give her?

  Chapter 1

  Steel leaned against his bike, watching Markam’s store for a sign of Eloise. He was going fucking insane with this bitch, and he needed to get her out of his system. Something needed to fucking give before he went insane. Tipping back the bottle of beer, he glanced around the dark parking lot. It was summer and hot as shit. He wasn’t wearing his leather jacket and had removed his white vest hours ago.

  Night wasn’t any reprieve from the heat either. It was too damned hot and sticky. The boys back at the clubhouse were partying it up, fucking all the pussy they could ever want. What was he doing? Oh, yeah, standing outside a damned supermarket waiting for a bitch who wouldn’t even give him the time of day.

  He was tired of this shit.

  Running fingers through his hair, he growled as the long length fell over his eyes. He hadn’t taken the time to slick it back with gel to keep it out of the way. What he really needed was to get his hair cut. He didn’t trust strangers with his hair. No, that wasn’t true; he didn’t trust anyone close to him with scissors or any kind of weapon.

  Throwing the beer into the trash bin, he watched the final customer walk out of the store. In the next moment, Hanson, the piece of shit boss, started to close up the store. Steel could just make out Eloise at one of the registers. She wore the uniform shirt and a skirt this time. Her long hair was tied on top of her head. She looked tired even from where he stood.

  The way Hanson made his way toward Eloise didn’t sit well with Steel. He recognized the look, the intent, and he knew instantly something was going wrong.

  What if she’s fucking him?

  What if she doesn’t want you?

  What if she wants him?

  He’d tried to get Eloise in bed, ordering her to fuck him, but that hadn’t worked. Women fell for him hook, line, and sinker, yet Eloise wouldn’t give him the time of day. She plagued him every moment of every day with her beauty. When he closed his eyes at night she was the person he saw, and it was the same when he woke up. It didn’t matter if he was balls deep inside a cunt. Her face appeared before him like a vision.

  It was messing with his head, messing with his ability to disconnect with the world. He didn’t like it. She had this power that no other woman had before. What was it about her? She never wore revealing clothes. The only thing he’d seen of her body was her arms and her plain but gorgeous face. She wore clothes that were way too big and not attractive at all.

  She was pissing him off, and he didn’t like it, not one bit.

  What had she actually done to him? Nothing. She served him when he went to her register, nothing else. She didn’t lead him on or make him think something that wasn’t there.

  It’s all in your head.

  He stared at the doors, waiting for them to open or for one of them to come out. Steel frowned as
he took in the front of the shop. Eloise and Hanson were not there anymore. He didn’t like it. His gut clenched as if something was wrong. Moving closer to the supermarket, he stared through the glass but couldn’t see anything. Trying the doors, he found they were locked, not that he expected them to be open.

  Annoyed, he was tempted to leave it at that.

  “Fucking women.” Eloise didn’t want anything to do with him. It was the heat and the fact he’d not had a nice warm pussy in so long that put him in this annoyed state.

  What if something’s wrong?

  Glancing over at her car, he growled in frustration. He couldn’t just walk away. A few months ago he’d found Hanson treating her like shit. What could the bastard possibly want with her now?

  Before he could talk himself out of anything, he started making his way around the back. What would it hurt to check on her?

  “Will you come to my office, Eloise? There’s something I want to discuss with you,” Hanson said.

  Glancing toward the parking lot, Eloise couldn’t make out her car or anyone outside. It was late, she was tired, and just wanted to leave. “Can we take care of this tomorrow?”

  “No, I want to talk with you now!” He shouted the last word, causing her to jump. She hated being yelled at. Taking a deep breath, she nodded.

  “I’ll finish up my register and be back to see you.”

  “Make it quick. I don’t like to be kept waiting.”


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