The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 29

by Jenika Snow

  “Jesus.” Steel’s voice was deep and distorted and, as if he couldn’t help himself, his speed increased and his thrusts intensified. She felt droplets of his sweat drip onto her back, and she found herself lifting her ass onto his dick, needing to be impaled by him more.

  “Damn, baby. Fucking hell, that’s so damn good.” The pressure on her back intensified, and she stilled, letting Steel control her, do whatever the hell he wanted to because that is what she wanted. God…yes. That is so what she wanted. “You are so damn good. So good, that I’m never going to get enough. Never.”

  His words had warmth spreading through her, but she didn’t let the idea that he may want something more from her than one night alter what she knew in her heart. When the night was over, that would be the end of them; she just knew it.

  Faster. Harder. He started fucking her so fiercely that her body was shifting up the bed, and he had to stop twice to pull her back down on his dick. The material beneath her became wet from her juices and she spread her legs wider, trying to rub herself on the material, trying to settle the desperation inside of her.

  “Please, Steel.” Her words were muffled against the sheets.

  “Please what?” Gruff, deep and hard, Steel’s words gave her the strength to tell him what she wanted.

  “I need it. Please, let me come.”

  “Ah, fuck, baby. All you have to do is ask, and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you anything you want.” His fingers slipped between her body and the mattress, and he started flicking her clit back and forth. It only took him three hard presses on her clit and she was coming hard. Her ass tightened around his shaft and he fucked her harder.

  “Yes, Eloise. Squeeze that sweet little fucking ass on my cock. Suck the cum from me.” His hand on her wrists tightened to the point she knew there would be bruises, but she welcomed them. The pain made it better, made the pleasure more carnal. He grunted once and pumped into her hard, so hard that she cried out as an unexpected tremor worked its way through her.

  Even though he wore a condom she could feel the throbbing of his orgasm. It was a heady feeling, and she wished there was nothing between them so that she could feel the force of his desire wash inside of her. Steel collapsed on top of her, their breathing ragged, their skin sweat-slicked. She couldn’t hold her eyes open, couldn’t process the exhaustion that he caused within her.

  Her night with Steel had been a surprise, but there hadn’t been the kinky BDSM acts she thought their one night would entail, the darker pleasures she desperately craved. But he’d appeased her desire for right now, given her more than she could even understand; yet she wanted more. She wanted so much more. He certainly showed her he liked to be in control, but he had also been gentle and caring. She felt the heavy weight of him roll off her, but before she let the comforting blanket of sleep take her away, she felt Steel pull her into a tight embrace. He whispered something into her hair, but she was already drifting away, letting the pleasurable soreness in her body be the last thing she registered.

  Chapter 9

  Steel sat in the confines of church the following day aware of his woman working next door. Eloise didn’t know shit about working at the club, but it had been cute for the last hour to watch her try. Deanna was doing everything she could to help her get settled in. There was no way he was letting her go back to that scumbag of a boss. He wanted to keep an eye on her and had already told the other brothers of the club that she was off limits. Steel didn’t like to share his pussy, and Eloise was certainly his.

  One night with Eloise was never going to be enough for him.

  “So, we’ve got to take Daniella to her father today,” Demon said, bringing him back to the business at hand. Church at the Soldiers of Wrath was a chance for everyone to catch up, but to get business taken care of, too. The club didn’t run itself. Demon was one hell of a Prez and kept them all in line, and for the most part, out of the line of fire.

  “Why are we fucking babysitters again,” Striker asked. The other brother sat in the corner, sporting a black eye from Weasel. “We’ve got better things to do.”

  “You’ve got better things to do?” Demon asked. “Maybe you should think about that fucking patch you’re supporting on your jacket, Striker.”


  “No, you don’t get to fucking ‘Demon’ me. I’m the one who runs this fucking club. I decide what you get to do and not do.”

  Steel stared at his club president, who was looking at everyone.

  “If you’ve got a fucking problem, stand up, and I’ll be happy to deal with whatever shit you’ve got to say,” Demon said.

  None of the brothers could take Demon in a fight. They’d all get pummeled into the floor and be lucky to get out alive. Demon wasn’t known for taking shit, it was why he’d lasted this long as president. He proved his weight in gold to the club. There were fewer deaths, more respect, and a hell of a lot to look forward to in life.

  Before Demon took over the Soldiers, Steel wouldn’t have dared bring a sweet thing like Eloise around the club. Demon got in as president and took all the scum out of the club. There were a lot of men around the table today who owed Demon far more than their lives; they owed him their years of loyalty and servitude. A life doesn’t even begin to cut it in the scheme of things.

  “Zeke’s running us around for his daughter,” Striker said.

  Demon slammed is fist on the table. Something snapped underneath and the men quickly grabbed the table to stop it from falling onto their legs.

  “Zeke is a necessary fucking evil in our lives right now. The Soldiers can take care of one little girl. What’s the problem?”

  “Daniella isn’t a problem,” Shakes said. “You got a problem with her, you take it up with me.”

  The whole table grew silent.

  “No, Shakes. You can fuck any cunt you want, but you leave that one alone. Zeke’s a necessary evil for us. I’m not having that crazy motherfucker coming after us because one of my boys couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  “Prez, Daniella is a grown woman—”

  “I don’t give a fuck if it’s my grandmother, Shakes. Keep your dick in your pants. There are plenty of bitches here who’ll be happy to rub that little itch you’ve got going,” Demon said.

  The stare off between Shakes and Demon didn’t go well. “I haven’t fucked her.”

  “Keep it that way. I’m not going to give Zeke any excuses to come after my men. My priority is this club, keeping you lot alive. We’re just an MC club to this guy. He doesn’t give a shit.”

  “Well, I’ve got some news that’s interesting,” Joker said, speaking up.

  “What?” Steel asked, amused with the way the meeting was going. Every now and then he saw Eloise moving around the bar through the windows. She kept tripping over her own feet; it was so cute. He couldn’t wait to get her alone once again.

  She wasn’t ready to give the guys in the club a show, but when she was, he’d be more than happy to fuck whenever he got the chance. Her pussy was so fucking tight and hot. There was so much he could teach her to enjoy. She was like a blank canvas waiting for an artist, and he was a great artist.

  “Zeke’s put a hit out on his wife.”

  “What?” Shakes asked.

  This was getting interesting or fucking crazy.

  “I got the order last night. He wants her dead by the end of the weekend. It’s why Daniella was here. He didn’t want her near mommy dearest.”

  “For fuck sake.” Demon got to his feet. They all took a step back from the broken table. “Just once I want to do this shit easy.”

  “What are you going to do?” Shakes asked.

  “Kill her. What else can I do? Daniella can’t know.”

  “So, we escort her back home and Joker leaves the group before we’re at Zeke’s,” Demon said. “I’m not interested in pissing Zeke off. I’ve got a woman to worry about and he helps us. His name provides protection as well. Zeke’s far reaching.”
br />   “I agree with Demon,” Joker said. “We’re not suffering for our association with Zeke. Yeah, we transport the drugs but we’ve got no fuckers fighting for our turf anymore. Zeke’s name helps us and I don’t know about you fuckers, but I’m sick of dying for shit like land. We’re not living in the past. This is our MC, our town, and I prefer worrying about other shit than war.”

  “I’m with them,” Steel said. They’d all been in many fights over the years over turf. The Soldiers of Wrath had lost a lot of men for the ground they were living on. He didn’t want to watch another brother being buried because some little upstart thought they could have the club.

  Then men all nodded in agreement at Demon’s assessment.

  Striker held his hands up. “Fine. I’m sorry I spoke out of turn. I don’t want to end up dead for anyone else but this club.”

  “I made a deal with Zeke. You die; it’s because of me. I’m not interested in adding bodies to our scores.”

  Death was part of the MC life, but it didn’t have to be.

  Steel glanced toward the window in time to see Eloise laughing. He wondered what made her smile. She was fast becoming an obsession of his.

  “None of us want to add bodies,” Steel said. “We’re all here trying to make a life for ourselves. I, for one, don’t want to watch another one of us die.” He had blood on his hands from the time he’d spent in this club.

  “Then it’s done. Joker, we’ll ride out now and take Daniella back home. You’ll handle the kill.”

  “Zeke wants her to suffer.”

  “Take Nerd with you. He likes to make people suffer.”

  “It’s a woman,” Joker said. “I’m like Nerd on this one, making a bitch suffer is going to be hard.”

  “Then do what you need to do. If you don’t make her suffer, I don’t give a fuck. The whore hasn’t hurt my woman,” Demon said. “The rest of you, we ride out. We’ll leave the prospects to take care of our women.” Demon looked down at the table that was on the floor. “And I’ll get another table for our next meeting.” He leaned down, slamming the gavel onto the table. “Dismissed.”

  Leaving the room, he saw Eloise talking with Deanna. Several prospects were hanging around the club, talking. He didn’t pay them any attention. Walking up to Eloise, he grabbed her hand, and started walking toward his room.

  “Hey, Steel?”

  He didn’t stop to talk and walked up the stairs. When she stumbled, he made an effort to be slower.

  Opening his bedroom door, he tugged her inside, slamming her against the nearest wall once the door was shut behind them.

  “What the hell?” she asked.

  “Shut up. I need to be with you” He tore at the jeans she wore, knowing next time she was at the clubhouse, he’d make her wear skirts with no panties.

  Once they were out of the way, he tore her offending panties off her pussy. Sliding his fingers through her cunt, he groaned.

  “You’re always so wet for me.”

  “Steel?” She groaned, thrusting herself onto his fingers.

  Pushing two digits inside her, he pushed his thumb against her clit.

  “Ride my fingers, baby. Let me watch you come.”

  She bit her lip, sucking that little plump flesh between her teeth. He groaned, wanting to bite that lip for himself.

  Cupping her face, he tilted her head back.

  “Give me those lips.” He didn’t let up on playing with her pussy. She gave him her lips, moaning as he plundered her mouth with his tongue. Biting down on her bottom lip, he sucked the tender flesh into his mouth.

  “Are you going to come on my fingers or am I going to have to tease you some more?” he asked.

  “Please, Steel.”

  “You’re soaking wet, baby. You need my cock, don’t you?”

  “You know I do.”

  He smiled, running his nose from her cheek down to her neck. Inhaling her sweet scent, he added a third finger into her cunt, relishing the wet sounds coming from her pussy. “You’ll give me this pussy whenever I want it, won’t you.” He didn’t phrase it like a question


  “Submit to me every chance you get, Eloise, and I promise you, you’ll never regret it.”

  She whimpered as he flicked her clit, watching the pleasure wash over her face.

  “Come for me.”

  Eloise shook her head from side to side, crying out as he fucked her harder with his fingers. He didn’t let up, forcing her to take everything he gave her.

  “Come on, Eloise, let go and give me those sweet sounds.”

  She screamed, coming all over his hand. When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he went to his knees before her, licking and sucking her clit into his mouth.

  Her taste exploded on his tongue. Slamming his tongue into her cunt, he drank down her cream, loving her submission.

  Standing up, he opened his jeans, pulling out his cock. He didn’t wait as he lifted Eloise up in his arms and slid her pussy down onto his dick. When the tip was inside, he slammed her down the remaining inches, going so deep within her.

  “I’m going to be leaving town for a couple of days,” he said.

  She was panting in his arms. He watched her open and close her mouth. “Wait, what?”

  “I’m going to arrange for you to be brought here and then taken back to your apartment.”

  “A couple of days?”

  “You’re not to go back to Markam’s. One of the prospects will bring you here and take you home every night. The only person you’re allowed to be with is Deanna. She might take you to see Amy. She’s Joker’s old lady but doesn’t spend all that much time at the clubhouse.”


  “You’re mine now, Eloise. I take care of what is mine, and it means you’ll have to do as you’re told.”

  “Are you even listening to yourself?” she asked.

  He slammed inside her, reminding her who was boss. “Are you fucking listening to me? You’ll do as I tell you or you’ll face punishment. I’m taking care of you.” Pumping inside her, he watched her come apart on his dick. “Do I make myself clear?”


  “Good.” He knew she needed this dominance, this control. He knew she also felt whole when he was in control. She didn’t need to tell him that for him to know. Steel could read her as if he’d known her his whole life. He slammed to the hilt inside her, crying out at the pleasure. It was too much. The tightness of her pussy, having Eloise in his arms, once again sent him over the edge into bliss.

  Steel looked forward to coming home if this is what he was coming home to.

  Steel and Shakes had to canvas the area that Daniella’s mother was living in, had to do this right and fast. Although Steel wasn’t all about hurting women and children, he’d been given the low down on why Zeke wanted Daniella’s mother gone.

  To have a woman that had tormented young Daniella, abused her mentally, forced her to feel like she was less than she really was, pissed Steel off. He also knew it pissed off Shakes and the other men in the club. But for some reason, Shakes was taking this more personally.

  He looked at the other member who sat in the passenger seat of Steel’s SUV. He looked pissed, and the energy and anger came from Shakes like a fucking wrecking ball.

  “What’s going on with you?” Steel asked.

  Shakes didn’t look at him. Instead, he grabbed a cigarette from his cut pocket, put it between his lips, and lit the end with his lighter. He inhaled, held the smoke in for some time, and exhaled slowly.

  “And don’t fucking tell me nothing is going on.”

  Shakes looked at him then. “Nothing is wrong,” he said without emotion in his voice this time.

  Steel wasn’t about to try to weasel information out of Shakes. If the man wanted to be tight lipped then fine. “You’re a fucking liar, but what the hell ever.” Steel leaned back in his seat and watched the house that Daniella’s mother lived in. It was late, the lights were on, but there were a
lot of people walking outside. They were just canvasing right now, seeing what her routine was before they had to do this.

  “I can’t believe a mother would put their kid through the shit that bitch did to Daniella.” Shakes said and took another hit off his cigarette. He rolled down the window just an inch. Flicked the ash out of the open space and finished smoking. “She’s a fucking cunt, and the shit that we’ll do to her will be the vengeance Daniella needs.”

  Steel listened, but didn’t respond, because frankly he didn’t know what to say. This kind of emotion from Shakes was not what he was used to seeing. Shakes liked pussy, fucked a lot of it, and never made anything lasting. He’d been like Shakes, until he met Eloise, felt this all-consuming need whenever he was around her. Was Shakes feeling the same thing for Zeke’s daughter?

  “You want her,” Steel said without question.

  Shakes turned and looked at him, his eyebrow cocked.

  “Not that I give two fucks about who you want to fuck, but Demon’s right.”

  “He’s right? About what exactly?” There was a touch of hostility in Shakes’s voice.

  “Don’t get pissy with me because you want to fuck with Zeke’s girl. I mean she’s beautiful, and I can see why you’d want her, but she Zeke’s daughter, man.”

  “You have a woman, so don’t even fucking try to go after Daniella.” Shakes had turned in his seat now, facing Steel, and looking rightly pissed off.

  “Man, I don’t want Daniella. I have Eloise, and believe me, she’s the one for me. She’s the only one for me.” He rested his head back on the seat, thinking about what he’d just told Shakes. The silence stretched on for a moment, and finally he breathed out.

  “So, she’s the one? You want her as an old lady?”

  Steel looked over at Shakes. He was staring at Daniella’s mother’s house, his jaw tight, his muscles flexing under the stubble covered skin.


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