The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 31

by Jenika Snow

Eloise sat on the edge of Steel’s bed waiting for him to come back to the clubhouse. He was too far over the limit to take her home. She didn’t like driving late at night. He’d spoiled her the past month, driving her everywhere, getting her anything she needed or wanted. She’d never liked driving before and only did it because she had to.

  I’m going to do it. I’m going to be open and honest with him.

  Steel had given her more in the past month than anyone had ever tried throughout the whole of her life. He didn’t leave her feeling like a freak. She’d noticed he was getting harder in his hits to her ass and thighs. The way he held her down was getting tighter, more firm with the right kind of pain.

  She could be honest with him about what she liked, the pain, the need to be consumed by him. They’d gotten close to each other, and he’d opened up about the club. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she finally came to a decision. She wasn’t going to bottle it in like she had done the last couple of times.

  Open up.

  He’d either send her packing or embrace this side of her. She’d tried to bury the need for pain for so long that she’d held everything in, afraid of feeling. That wasn’t going to happen again. She wouldn’t let it.

  The door to his room opened and Steel walked in. “Hey, baby, I’m pleased you waited up for me.”

  Her heart raced. Steel was wearing a belt looped through his jeans. Now was the time to tell him.

  “Steel, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  Chapter 12

  She breathed in and out, stared at Steel, and just told herself to tell him what she wanted. “I want pain when we have sex.” She held her breath, waiting for him to say something.

  “You want me to hurt you, baby?” he said in a low, menacingly aroused voice. He took a step closer.

  She nodded, licked her lips, and stared at him as he stared at her. “I want you to hurt me, because that’s what gets me off, what makes me feel good inside.”

  He didn’t move, but after a second he lifted his hand, gesturing for her to stand. “If we do this we do it my way. You do what I say, when I say it, and I promise you I’ll make you feel so good you’ll be high from it.”

  Her heart thundered from it. She wanted that; God, did she want that.

  “Yes, Steel, that’s what I want.” He hadn’t laughed at her, hadn’t looked disgusted. In fact, Steel looked aroused, his cock was hard, pressing against his pants, and she knew he wanted this.

  “Move to the center of the room,” he said, his voice a deep, guttural sound that had goose bumps popping out along her flesh.

  She moved over to the section of light that was an ever-present square in the center of the room. There she stood, waiting for him to give her the commands. Yes, she’d been dreaming of this her whole life, able to trust someone with this deep, dark secret of hers.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said, and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Eloise got undressed, her hands shaking, her need rising. Then she stood there in nothing at all, seeing this man, this dominant man, about to give her the pleasure she desperately desired.

  “Turn around for me, baby.”

  She did as he said.

  “Spread your legs, bend at the waist, and grab your ankles. I want to see the cunt that belongs to me.”

  Her heart was starting to pound fast now, not because she was scared or embarrassed, but because she was aroused, and this was what she’d always wanted. She closed her eyes, picturing him doing what she wanted. He’d be touching her, spanking her, and giving her his mark. When she was in the position that he’d ordered, she waited for him to respond, or command her to do more.

  “Grab your ass cheeks and pull them apart. I want to see what I’ll be fucking tonight, what I own, Eloise.”

  Her throat constricted, but she didn’t hesitate in complying. God, she’d never disobey him. With her ass and pussy now on display, and the chill in the air moving along her exposed cleft, she forced herself not to shiver.

  “Very pretty and all mine. Stand and face me again,” he said with that bass voice that did something to her insides.

  When she was facing him again, she clenched her hands into tight fists. She took a step forward, but he tsked and she instantly stopped.

  “I take what I want when I want. That’s what you’ve come to me for, right? That’s what you want from me.” His voice was hard and unyielding.

  “Yes, I’m yours.”

  “I don’t practice BDSM, Eloise. I fuck women that like pain with their pleasure because I like to give it to them. It gets me off, makes me hard, and with you I’ve never been harder in my life.” He stood and moved closer to her. “Before you, I’ve never had this bone-deep need to control and dominate a woman.” He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from her cheek. “With you, I only want…you.” He moved away from her and sat back down on the bed. “On your hands and knees, and crawl to me.”

  She was so aroused right now, wet and needy, and she was getting more lust-filled knowing she’d crawl to him. On her hands and knees now, her ass was in the air and her tits hung freely. Eloise took a steadying breath and started to move toward him.

  The hard floor was cold and unforgiving, but she blocked out the discomfort and focused on the man in front of her. Steel was this dark, devilishly handsome man, but not in this classic sense.

  “I like pain with my pleasure, too, Eloise. I like spanking and restraining, and a lot of screaming,” he said. “Does that frighten you, baby?”

  When she was right in front of him, she looked at his face, but saw nothing but icy composure. Her mouth instantly went dry when he went for the belt of his jeans. Once he had his belt undone he pulled his zipper down. It was erotically sick, the way he pulled his erection out through only the flap, not even bothering to undo the button. He started stroking himself up and down slowly, and her mouth watered.

  “Do you feel like a slut right now baby? Do you feel like my slut, Eloise?” he asked, then grinned when she nodded.

  She looked down at his dick, swallowed at the big size, and felt her pussy clench.

  “Stop staring at it and suck my cock.” He was hard and unyielding in his command. “I’ll give the pain you and I both need, but first you’ll give me what I want.”

  He was brutally coarse with his language, but even him calling her a slut for wanting his dick couldn’t turn her off. She glanced down at his large size, at the way he continually stroked himself lazily, as if waiting for her to obey him. Leaning forward, she felt her throat constrict and her mouth water. Yes, she did want him in every way imaginable. He grabbed a chunk of her hair and yanked her forward with enough force that she cried out in pain. Pleasure slammed into her immediately.

  She moaned.

  “That’s it, make noise. Let me know that this hurts.” He leaned forward, and she heard his breath right by her ear. “But even though it hurts, I know your cunt is all nice and juicy right now.”

  A gush of wetness left her pussy and slipped down her thigh.

  “Now. Now suck my fucking cock.” He leaned back and pulled her head forward until the slick tip of his shaft moved along her lips.

  She opened her mouth, sucked on his shaft like she was dying for his cum, and if he didn’t shoot his load down her throat she’d starve to death.

  “Move your tongue around and stroke the underside of my dick.”

  She did as he said, and the salty flavor of his pre-cum covered her taste buds. Flattening her tongue and doing what he said required her to take in more of his length into her mouth. She actually grew even more aroused at the flavor of him. His cum exploded on her tongue, covered the entire interior of her mouth, and she wanted more.

  Eloise wanted the tip of his cock to hit the back of her throat, wanted to swallow his cum until it slipped out of the corner of her mouth and dripped down her chin. God, she really was a slut for Steel, a little whore because she couldn’t get enough.

  Lifting her hands and pla
cing them on his thighs, she felt the rough material of his jeans. But before she could curl her nails into his muscular, hard legs, he had both of her wrists in one of his hands and had them lifted above her head. The whole action had only taken a few seconds.

  Now she stared up at him, his cock no longer in her mouth, and her lips parted in shock. She gasped out when he tightened his hand on her wrists. The pain was immediate, intense, dominating. She loved it all.

  “I didn’t say you could touch me,” he growled. He pulled her forward again, and her face went right into his lap. “Now suck my fucking cock until I come.”

  God, his coarse and hard language did something wickedly naughty to her. Opening her mouth and taking his cock again, she moaned at the salty flavor of his pre-cum. It certainly wasn’t a taste that she thought would ever be appetizing, but coming from Steel made it hot as hell. He had moved her hands behind her back now and growled out for her to keep them there. With her on her knees, her thighs slightly open, she had no friction on her throbbing clit. Letting her mouth do the work, she started sucking him with fervor.

  “That’s it. Suck me until I come, Eloise.” He had his hand in her hair now, pulling at the strands hard enough that she had tears in her eyes.

  Looking up at him while giving him head, she saw his attention was on her mouth.

  “You should see your lips right now, stretched wide around my dick. You’re a good little girl that is hungry for my cock.” He started lifting his hips, thrusting his dick deeper into her mouth, and causing her to gag.

  She panted, breathing out through her nose, and moved past the need to gag every time his dick hit the back of her throat. But she wanted more, so much more.

  “I’m going to have you drinking my cum, forcing you to swallow it until it’s coming out between your lips.” He was so hard and unrelenting as he lifted his hips in time with bringing her head down into his lap.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but allow him to use her as a vessel for his orgasm. He started breathing heavier, tightened his hold on her hair, and cursed continuously. A deep groan left him, and then she felt the hard jets of his cum move down the back of her throat. He kept his hold on her head, forced her mouth to stay on his dick and for her to swallow him. His cum slipped out of her mouth, and he yanked her head back, breathed out roughly, and tried to catch her breath. His semen slipped down her chin and land on her breast.

  He pushed her back so she sat on her heels and stared up at him. Steel stared at her breasts and she knew he was looking at his seed that lined her chest. He reached out and ran his thumb over her nipple, collecting the semen and lifting it to her mouth. There was more of his cum on her chest, but what he collected he made her suck clean from his digit.

  “Go on, eat it, swallow it, and moan because it tastes good.”

  “I do want to suck it clean, Steel. I want it all.”

  “And I’ll give it all to you.”

  She opened her mouth when he pressed his thumb to the seam of her lips. Holding her gaze with his, and suctioning her lips around his finger, she sucked slow and hard. He made a low sound in his throat and then pushed her back with enough force that she fell on her ass. Her legs fell open, and she saw him look between them.

  “I’m going to color your flesh with my belt, my hand, and my teeth.”

  Genuine fear slammed into her when he stood. He was semi-hard still, and she gasped out when he took a step closer.

  “I’m a sadistic bastard, and I’m going to make you my good little masochistic slut.” He stopped an inch from her and used his foot, which was encased in a worn, leathered, shit-kicking boot, and nudged her legs farther apart.

  “Touch your cunt.” He grabbed the base of his shaft, stroking himself lazily while he waited for her to comply.

  Placing her hand between her legs, she felt her slippery flesh and started moving her fingers up and down her slit.

  “Rub that hard little clit, make yourself nearly come, and then I want you to stop.”

  She panted and started rubbing herself harder, faster, and feeling her desire start to move higher. Eloise was already so aroused that as soon as she touched herself she felt on the verge of coming. She watched him remove his belt, feeling her heart rate start to increase.

  “Don’t stop touching yourself no matter what I do.”

  She squeezed her other hand into a fist beside her, rubbed her clit fast and hard as she felt her climax start to rise, and stared at his cock. He was hard again, long and thick, and so tempting that all she could think about was feeling him moving back and forth inside of her.

  Then she saw the flash of his silver belt buckle, felt the sting of it as it touched her flesh, and she cried out. The immense and powerful pain gave way to something warm and pleasurable. He slapped the belt across her other thigh. He did this over and over again, not especially hard, but with enough force that she felt it down to her very bones. He was breathing heavily, as if he couldn’t control himself. Sweat lined his forehead, and then all of a sudden he stopped hitting her with the belt, as if he knew she was about to come.

  “Stop touching yourself.”

  She rested against the floor, panting and staring at the ceiling, knowing that she wouldn’t survive tonight if he kept this up.

  Chapter 13

  Eloise’s thighs had a lovely red tint. The way she sat on the floor restricted his view of her. Steel didn’t want a restricted view.

  “Stand up.”

  He loved the way she did as he commanded without a second thought. This is what he’d been expecting from Eloise. Slowly, over the past couple of weeks he’d been increasing the pain for her, waiting for her to complain. She hadn’t complained and, in fact, did the exact opposite, begging him to make it just a little harder. If she wanted to hurt, then she’d just met her match because he loved giving it.

  “Give me your fingers.”

  She held her fingers up to his face. He inhaled the scent of her cunt before licking her cream off each digit. “That taste is what I want every fucking day.” Reaching out, he slipped his fingers inside her core, pumping two digits inside, stroking her dripping heat. She was so wet that her cream coated the inside of her thighs.

  “This is what you want, isn’t it, baby? You want to be ordered, controlled, fucked, taken over.” With his other hand, he gripped her hair while still holding onto his belt. He tugged on a fistful of hair, watching her eyes grow wide. Her mouth opened as she released a gasp. Leaning down, he ran his tongue around her lips before sliding inside. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and finger fucked her at the same time.

  “Answer me,” he said.

  “Yes, it’s what I want. I want you, Steel.”

  Spreading his fingers wide, he added a second then third digit inside her pussy. He stroked over her clit. Her pussy tightened around his fingers. She was close to orgasm. Steel just wasn’t going to let her orgasm. She was going to need to earn it.

  “Get on the bed,” he said, removing his hands from her pussy and hair.

  She did so shakily this time. If she wanted pain then he was going to test her to see how much she could take. Within seconds, she was kneeling on the bed. He saw her gripping the sheet beneath her as if it could ground her in some way. Nothing was going to ground her. He intended to fuck her into oblivion. By the time the end of the night came, she wasn’t going to even think about ever leaving him.

  Eloise was his old lady. She just didn’t know it yet. He was going to have her all to himself, to spoil and play with for the rest of their days.

  He caressed the back of her legs, her ass, between her thighs, and the lips of her pussy.

  “You’re so wet, Eloise. Is it all for me?”


  “Do you want me to hurt you?”


  “Make it burn?”


  “Then don’t say a word, Eloise. I want to hear you scream, that’s all.”

  He raised the
belt in his hand and brought it down on the rounded flesh of her ass. She jumped a little from the contact, her little whimper the only sound to be heard. He brought his belt up again, bringing it down. Five times he slapped her with the belt across the center of her fleshy ass.

  Steel liked to cause pain, but he also had rules. He’d never use the metal buckle on her, at least not until she was ready for that kind of pain. The last thing he wanted to do was make it unbearable for her right now, or it feel like abuse. This was not abuse. They both wanted it, craved it.

  Against all impossible odds, they’d found each other. He teased his fingers through her flesh, finding her wetter than before. Licking more cream off his fingers, he started working on the base of her back, and down her thighs. He gave her a good working over drawing the leather over her body. Her screams were the most amazing sounds he’d ever heard. She didn’t beg him to stop, only to keep going.

  Her ass soon turned a delightful shade of red. In some spots there would be bruising come the morning.

  Steel wasn’t done.

  “Turn over, lie down on your back.”

  She rolled over, settling down on the bed.

  Throwing the belt into the corner, he wrapped his fingers around his swollen dick as he glided his hand up her body. He started at her leg, going up her hip to circle her stomach, before circling her nipple. The tight puckered bud was just begging for some attention. Caressing her other nipple, he stared at the tight buds, wondering what would be best. He pinched her left nipple, hard until she was arching up into his touch. Leaning down, he sucked her tight bud, moving his fingers out of the way to replace them with his teeth. He cupped her pussy, sliding a finger in and out of her tight heat. Her body writhed under him at each little touch he gave her.


  He slapped her pussy while moving to her other nipple. After each slap to her pussy, he slid a finger deep inside her cunt, bringing her closer to the edge. She was so close to an orgasm that she was panting for it.

  When he was satisfied she was near the point of no return, he pulled away, and started to tug his clothes off. “Your body is fucking beautiful, Eloise. You’re a naked canvas waiting for me to put my mark on you.” Kicking off his boots and jeans, he climbed onto the bed naked. Moving between her thighs, he reached for the back of her neck, drawing her up.


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