The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 42

by Jenika Snow

  He didn’t say anything for the longest time, and finally pulled into a gas station. “I need to get something to drink. You want anything?”

  He sounded hard, closed off even.

  “Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?” She stared at this man that she loved so much, a man that she’d thrown everything away for. School was out for the semester, but leaving had pretty much meant she’d put her old life behind her.

  He didn’t respond for several seconds, and the tension in the car grew. “You weren’t close with your mom,” he said without question.

  “No, I wasn’t. She was horrible while I was growing up, in fact.” What was he getting at here? Why did he want to ask about her mom all of the sudden.

  He turned to face her, this serious, hard expression on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” she felt her eyebrows knit as confusion filled her.

  He didn’t respond for several seconds, but then he exhaled, faced forward again, and tightened his hands on the steering wheel hard enough his knuckles turned white. “Nothing. I’m going to get us something things to drink and eat for the road. I’ll be right back.” He climbed out of the car and she could see him through the front windshield. He scanned their surroundings, clearly making sure they hadn’t been followed or weren’t being watched. He’d taken off his cut when they’d gotten to the hotel, and she knew keeping it on could have meant he’d been spotted a hell of a lot more easily.

  He looked at her for a second, gave a smile, but it was tight, forced. He turned and walked into the gas station, and she leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a moment. Her life moved through her mind in rapid succession. Daniella couldn’t help but think about where her life was headed, and how it would be once they finally did stop running.

  Do you really think you’ll ever be able to stop running?

  Thinking about what she was going to do about work, school, everything, made her feel exhausted. She could start school again at another school, but first they’d have to get settled. And would they even be able to use their real names? It seemed so much more complicated than she’d ever thought this would be, but then again she supposed being with the man she loved meant major sacrifices had to be made. She just hoped she hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of her life.

  Shakes looked through the gas station’s main window, saw Daniella sitting in the passenger seat, her eyes closed, her head resting against the seat. He’d felt the tension fill him when she started talking about her mom. She clearly didn’t know she was dead, taken out by The Soldiers because her father had ordered the hit. Although Shakes felt no regret or emotion over the loss of that woman’s life, not after she’d verbally abused Daniela and made her feel less than she was, he felt bad his woman wished she’d had a better relationship with her mom. It broke his heart, made him feel like a bastard that he’d taken something away from her, even though she’d never had anything meaningful with her mom.

  “Anything else?” The older man working the register asked.

  Shakes looked back at him, shook his head, and threw down a twenty for the items. It was a bunch of junk food and a few bottles of water, but it would do until they got to where he was headed. He hadn’t told her he knew a guy from back in the day that dealt with fraudulent paperwork. They’d need new identities, and he’d been hesitant to tell her about it right away because he hadn’t wanted her to freak. Having her realize that they couldn’t stay who they were and be safe was a very real thing in their lives now.

  He also worried that once she realized that, she’d decide this wasn’t for her. Although he understood that she had every right to feel that way, he would tell her once they were there, and let her know if she really wanted to be with him this is how it would go. Would he keep her with him against her will? God, he really didn’t fucking know. What he did know was that she was his. He owned her, just like she owned him, and Shakes couldn’t just walk away from her.

  He wouldn’t.

  “He cleared out his bank account, and as of right now the trail is cold, but I am working on finding out where he went after the motel.”

  Zeke sat behind his desk, listening to the tracker he’d hired to find that worthless piece of shit Shakes and his daughter. “I want him found, and I want him brought back to me alive,” he said through clenched teeth. “My daughter is not to be harmed, not even touched. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” The tracker said.

  “You find him, because I’m going to make that bastard pay for brainwashing my daughter into thinking he could take care of her, into thinking he fucking loves her.” Fuck, he was so pissed, so on edge and enraged at that piece of shit. He disconnected the call, feeling the need to slam the phone down hard enough that the shit broke He didn’t though, and kept himself collected.

  For several minutes he just sat there in silence, not allowing his anger to make him unstable. Instability meant mistakes were made, and he couldn’t afford any of those.

  “Gregoff,” he yelled out, curled his hands into fists, and breathed out, needing something to take the edge off.

  One of his guards came in, his posture stiff, severe. “Sir?”

  “Bring me Elena.”

  Gregoff nodded, turned, and left. Zeke closed his eyes, needing this to relieve some of his steam. He stood, walked over to the armoire that held his toys, and pulled the doors open. Inside there was an array of whips, chains, belts, and punishment implements. He pulled out the thick leather belt with the holes into it, holes that would make beautiful marks on flesh.

  A few minutes later Elena walked in. her long blonde hair in a braid, twisted around her head, and the skimpy outfit she’d been wearing as she danced on stage showing her assets.

  “Stand in the corner and grab the rail,” he said without emotion. She did as he said, her head downcast in submission. When she was in the corner, her hands gripping the metal pole he’d had installed for these moments, he moved toward her.

  Zeke didn’t wait, didn’t prepare her. Elena was a masochist, a woman that enjoyed the pain that he’d deliver to her. Because he was a sadist, giving her the pleasure she sought from the pain would help relieve his anger and frustration over all of this. This option was better than the other, which was going out and killing someone. He tore away her top, smoothed his hand down her exposed back, along her smooth, creamy flesh, and the tightness in him intensified.

  He brought the belt down on her back, saw her rise on her toes, and heard a gasp of pleasure and pain leaving her. Zeke felt the rush of power fill him, felt the release of striking her flesh consume him, and his rage started to be overshadowed by the pleasure. He whipped her over and over again, and saw the way she released and tightened her hands on the bars.

  This was what he needed, what he’d always need. This was the only thing that could keep him stable; if not for this he’d be even more dangerous then he already was.

  Chapter 10

  “We’re getting new identities?” Daniella all but screeched at Shakes. They’d pulled up outside of a regular looking house. She figured it was one of his friends or something, but no. The guy who lived there was in fact a forger of fake identities.


  “No. You didn’t say anything like this. Is it really necessary?”

  “It is necessary. Your father’s not going to stop looking for us. I don’t want to end up dead. We’ve got no choice,” he said.

  She hated it, glancing up at the house. “It shouldn’t be this way.”

  “I know that and so do you. We both know it shouldn’t be this hard, yet that’s exactly what it is.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “If we’ve not got a choice then let’s go.” She opened her door and climbed out of the car. Her father could be gaining on them as they spoke. She wouldn’t be responsible for Shakes’ death.

  Zeke couldn’t handle her falling in love or leaving, especially with an MC member.

  They made their way up to the front
porch. Shakes knocked, and he placed an arm around her shoulders.

  A thin man with glasses opened the door.

  “Sean, it’s me,” Shakes said.

  “I know. Come on in, the kids and wife are in bed.” Sean opened the door wider, letting them inside.

  Daniella rubbed her arms feeling a slight chill at what she was about to do.

  “I’ve got everything ready. I just need your pictures. I can put the finishing touches then.” Sean led them down a long corridor toward the kitchen. There, he opened a door leading to the basement. It was like any other basement she’d ever seen, filled with lots of crap that no one wanted.

  Sean took them to the back, behind a large steel shelf; he opened another door that was easily disguised.

  “It’s going to cost you,” Sean said.

  “I’ve got the money.” Shakes pulled money out of his pocket. The notes bundled up had her eyes going wide. There was easily over a thousand dollars in his hands.

  “Good. I’ll make sure it’s my best work.”

  “I don’t want any doubt with these identities, Sean.”

  “It must be bad for you to need fake shit,” Sean said.

  She was pulled in front of a camera, and Sean told her to smile like she would for any other driver’s license or identity cards.

  After Shakes went through the same, she blew out a breath, leaning against the wall. Once Sean got to work, Shakes joined her, locking their fingers together.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Are you going to tell me about what happened earlier?” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You do; you’re just keeping it to yourself.” She tried to pull away from him, but Shakes wasn’t letting her go. He held her hand a little tighter.

  “I’ll tell you about it, just not here,” he said, nodding toward Sean.

  She wouldn’t argue with him.

  “You could have told me we’d need these identities.”

  “I didn’t want you to be worried about it.”

  “Why? Springing it on me didn’t exactly help.”

  “I know but you didn’t spend the whole ride scared. I’m not here to scare you, Dani. I want you to feel secure with me, safe.”

  “While Zeke’s running around looking for us, we’re never going to be safe.”

  Shakes cupped her cheek, and she turned toward him, giving him her full attention.

  “And that’s why we need new identities. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She believed him. Daniella wasn’t scared of him. He loved her, and she loved him. What scared her the most was Zeke finding them. They were not smarter than Zeke. He had so many resources at his fingertips. She wasn’t going to let anything happen to Shakes if she could stop it, and so she understood why they needed to do it.

  An hour later, they were back on the road. It was nearing midnight before Shakes pulled into another hotel room. He parked the car and walked into the reception to get them a room. Daniella stayed in the car watching him. Letting out a breath, she sighed, and rubbed her temples. She was so tired, exhausted, and drained. Running away for love was supposed to be fun, only this wasn’t fun. This was turning into a really bad crime movie.

  Shakes came out, and she climbed out of the car. He took her arm, locking the car, and leading her toward the bottom room near the edge of the lot.

  He opened the door, giving her time to get into the room before he flicked the light on.

  “We should be good today. We’re not going to be caught. We’ve got a good couple of hours ahead of them, and they don’t have a clue where we are.”

  Shakes threw their new passports and paperwork onto the bed.

  Daniella picked hers up, and saw she was now called, Leslie Dawson.

  “Leslie Dawson?” she asked, picking up his passport. “You’re name’s Bernie Dawson.”

  “We’re newly married, which is why I’ve also got this.” He pulled out a single diamond ring, taking her hand, and sliding it on her finger. “We’re married, and we lost the marriage certificate in a fire along with all of our belongings.” He pressed a kiss to her fingers, smiling at her.

  “Wow, we’ve got a whole new story to remember.”

  “We can do this, Dani.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared back at him. “Can we?”

  “Yes. People do it all the time.”

  “People run away from their father’s for fear of them killing the man they love? I doubt that. I’ve never heard that one before.”

  “No, people run away and start a life away from all the crap. We can do this together, Dani. I’m more than ready to start this life with you.”

  “Then tell me the truth,” she said. Ever since he’d tensed up earlier, she’d been curious about what he was hiding.

  He went tense once again. “What truth?”

  “Why did you go weird earlier? I don’t know why you did, but there has to be a reason. You wouldn’t talk about it in front of Sean. You can tell me now.”

  One of her tears fell free and he wiped it away.

  “I don’t want to tell you.”

  “You’ve got no choice. You promised, and once you promise something you’ve got to keep it, otherwise how can I trust you?” She turned her gaze to his chest. “Please, don’t lie to me, Shakes. I’ve lived with my father doing it. I can’t handle you doing it, too.”

  He held her hand and took her toward the bed. She sat down, even as he stroked her cheek, and Daniella started to get nervous.

  “Is it something bad?” she asked.

  “It’s about your mother,” he said.

  She groaned. “You slept with her didn’t you?”

  His head snapped back as if she’d struck him. “Why would you think that was the issue?” he asked, shaking his head. But then started talking again before she could respond. “No, I’ve never slept with your mother. I wouldn’t touch that cold hearted bitch with a fucking barge pole.”

  Daniella was so relieved, and she smiled. “Okay, I can handle the rest.”

  Shakes stroked her cheek once again. What was it about Dani that made him so damn nervous? Her mother had been a total bitch, not worth a thought from his woman’s head, yet here he was, talking about her.

  “Zeke put a hit out on your mother. She’s dead, baby.”

  Dani jerked away from him, clearly shocked.

  “She’s dead?”

  He nodded. “She’s dead.”

  “My father ordered her killed?”

  “Yes, and the Soldiers made the hit. He wanted Joker to handle it. Joker did. Your mother is dead and she’s never going to hurt you again.”

  She pulled away from him, gripping the bed on either side of her legs.

  “I can’t believe this right now. I can’t take it all in. My mother is dead, and Amy’s Joker killed him.”


  “Does Amy know what he’s capable of?”

  “It’s what we’re all capable of, baby. But yes.” Shakes touched her shoulder. He was pleased when she didn’t pull away from him. All he wanted to do was comfort her. “I’m really sorry, baby.”

  “I don’t even know why I’m upset. She was a bitch. A first class bitch. She kept me on a diet for years. If I put on any weight, she’d control what I ate until I lost it, sometimes making me go a day without having anything but water.” She paused, shaking her head. “I can’t even believe I’m giving her another thought. It’s not fair.”

  Shakes tugged her back toward him. “I don’t want you thinking about her again. You’re to forget about her.”

  “What do we say about her for this?” she asked, lifting her passport. Shakes took the passport from her fingers, placing it on the floor beside the bed.

  “It’s pretty simple, your mother is dead, and we can only rely on each other. We only have each other now.” He stroked her cheek, wiping away her tears. “You’ve got t
o stop crying, baby. You break my heart each time you cry.”

  “I don’t know why I’m crying. She was a horrible person.”

  “She was still your mother, either way.” He pressed his lips to hers, sliding his tongue along her bottom lip.

  Dani gasped as he plundered her mouth, taking advantage. She reached out, holding his face as she kissed him back. It had been too damn long as far as she was concerned since she’d last kissed him. Pushing her hair off her shoulder, he gripped her shoulder, bringing his fingers to the front of her shirt.

  He started to unbutton her shirt, revealing the pale flesh of her body.

  “I want you, Shakes.”

  “I need you, Dani.”

  They both stood together, tearing at their clothes to get them both naked. His vision became a blur of clothing and flesh. Within minutes, he had her naked and took her to the bed. Sliding down her body, he sucked each of her large nipples into his mouth, moaning as she gripped his head, tightening her fingers into his hair.

  “Yes,” she said, moaning. He didn’t stay at her nipples. Kissing down her body, he opened her thighs, and then opened the tender flesh of her pussy. She was soaking wet already. Taking her clit into his mouth, he sucked the engorged nub into his mouth. Her cream exploded on his tongue, and he moaned even more. She was so precious and all his. No other man had been inside her, and he’d keep it that way.

  Slipping a finger inside her, he worked two digit easily into her cunt, adding a third when she fucked down onto his fingers. He glanced up the bed to see her eyes were closed. She was writhing in pleasure.

  He’d replace the whole of her bad memories with good ones. There wouldn’t be a moment when she remembered something bad without thinking about him.

  “Please, Shakes.”

  “Do you want to come, baby? Do you want my dick inside your pretty pussy?” He asked, flicking her clit.

  She screamed out, arching up off the bed. He controlled her body, and her orgasm. It was up to him if she was allowed to come.


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