The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 63

by Jenika Snow

  Her life before escaping had been sheltered, and despite the dark desires she’d entertained while laying in bed at night, wishing that things could be different, that she didn’t have to live that life, there’d always been this sliver of hope that she’d find a way out. She’d also never allowed herself to be sucked down into the lemming type mentality that had surrounded her family and their cult. And that’s exactly what living behind those walls, with those people, had been like.

  Striker opened the door, but he walked in first, and she knew it was because he was overprotective of her, even in his own MC. He’d said as much before. Elena couldn’t help but feel that warmth of that fill her.

  Right away, first thing she noticed was the women all congregated on one side. One of the women was visibly pregnant, and a few of the other women were smiling and touching her belly. A second later, a massively large man came out from a room in the corner, headed straight for the women, and pulled the pregnant one into an embrace. The women moved away, a few of them moving toward other bikers. She could instantly see the love and protection in their faces as they held the women.

  “That’s the prez, Demon, and his old lady Deanna,” Striker said and gestured toward the Hulk of a man and the pregnant woman. “She’s due in a few months.”

  She nodded, and wiped her now sweaty palms on her thighs. She was so damn nervous.

  “Over there is Joker and his old lady, Amy. They just recently found out she’s pregnant. And there is Steel and his woman, Eloise.”

  Just then the door opened and a tattooed beast came in with a dark haired, glasses wearing woman following behind. She was visibly pregnant, too, and the women in the club immediately went toward her.

  “That’s Shakes and Daniella. As you can see there’s a lot of baby making going on here,” Striker said in his deep voice.

  “He’s a club member, too?” When he didn’t answer, she glanced at Striker. His jaw was set hard, and he shook his head.

  “No, he’s no longer a Patch. But that’s a story for another day. Right now, we need to worry about taking care of those fuckers coming after you.”

  “Hi,” a soft female voice said behind Elena.

  She turned around and saw Deanna standing there, a smile on her face, and her reddish hair up in a messy bun. She had on a formfitting top, her hands on her rounded belly.

  “Hi,” Elena managed to say, not used to such friendliness. She’d never had friends where she was from, and although she spoke to the girls at the diner where she worked, they hadn’t been that friendly at first.

  “I’m Deanna,” the woman said and held out her hand.

  Elena took it, her gaze on the pregnant belly between them.

  “Oh,” Deana said and pulled her hand back, placing it on her belly again.

  “Are you okay?”

  Deanna smiled. “I’m fine. He’s just kicking like crazy today.”

  Elena didn’t know what to say. She’d witnessed plenty of births while with her parents. They didn’t believe in going to the hospital, so the children were all delivered right there in the main house. But even though she’d seen and helped babies being born, she was nervous around Deanna, for some reason. She hated feeling like this.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  Elena looked up, not realizing she’d been staring at Deanna’s belly like a weirdo. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Worry was on Deanna’s face. “You like really pale all of the sudden.”

  Elena swallowed again, feeling cold sweat line her forehead. She thought about her family looking for her, about the threat of them finding out where she was. She couldn’t help thinking about them taking her back, of hurting her for leaving.

  And God, I can’t stop thinking about them going after and hurting all of these people.

  She looked around at the faces, at the women and their men. These people were here to help her, were here because her insane family was coming for her.

  If they get hurt, or God forbid die, this is all on me.

  Her blood rushed in her ears, the room went in and out of focus, and she knew she was going to pass out. She opened her mouth, feeling lightheaded, staring at Deanna. There was even more worry on the woman’s face now.

  “Striker, she’s going down.” Deanna said, but the words seemed distant. The woman reached for her, but it was like Elena was being pulled away. It was weird knowing she was going to pass out and not being able to stop it.

  “Baby,” the sound of Striker’s voice filled her head, but she couldn’t turn around to look at him.

  And then darkness cradled Elena, taking her away.

  Chapter 23

  “I feel so stupid,” Elena said, sitting up. Striker didn’t want her moving, but her cheeks were now flushed, and she looked more embarrassed than anything.

  “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m not used to being around people, and you were all looking at me, and I was thinking about everything going on. I guess I just panicked. Rather silly really.”

  Striker smirked. “Not really, baby. The MC is not exactly known for hearts and flowers. The way you’re feeling, it makes total sense.”

  “I don’t know if I should be relieved or not.”

  “You gave Deanna a bit of a scare.”

  She held her head. “Ouch, why does my head hurt?”

  “I’m afraid none of us caught you in time, and Deanna couldn’t hold you. I wasn’t close enough for when you fell.”

  “I fell to the ground.”

  “Not too hard.” He reached out giving her head a rub. “You’re okay.”

  “Can I see Deanna?” Elena asked.

  “She might be lying down right now, but we can go check.”

  She bit her lip. “I really want to apologize. It wasn’t how I wanted the first meeting to go. You’ve got to believe me.”

  “I do.”


  “Come on then, baby, let’s go and find the happy couple.” He held her hands and helped her up. She tugged on his arms as she paused.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is my room at the clubhouse. No one is allowed here but me.”

  “It’s tidy.”

  He laughed. “It seems to be a kink of mine. I need things to be clean and in order.” Striker shrugged. His need for clean was one of his vices. “Come on.” Leading the way out of his room, he made his way toward the main room of the clubhouse, and saw Deanna and Demon sitting together. Deanna was snuggled up against Demon, rubbing her stomach. The flash of pain crossing her face wasn’t hard to miss. Demon didn’t look too happy about it either.

  Several of the couples were around the room, hugging, chatting, and catching up. Shakes was still there, holding Daniella close to him, and the two looked lost within each other.

  Striker and Elena didn’t stop until they stood in front of Deanna and Demon.

  “Are you okay?” Demon asked, looking at Elena.

  “I wanted to apologize. I’m not used to being around large crowds, and with everyone around, and with everything going on, I got so overwhelmed—”

  “I get it,” Deanna said, forcing a smile. “The MC is a hard crowd, and they’re all dominating and overbearing. It’s a tough world for an old lady, but someone has to do it, and do it we shall.” Demon’s old lady gave them a smile and then gasped. “I think I need to get some water.” She moved out of Demon’s arms, and that’s when Striker saw the blood.

  “Deanna!” He yelled her name as she stood. Deanna screamed, gasping and holding onto her stomach. She suddenly fell to her knees.

  There was a lot of blood. It coated Deanna’s thighs and even marked the seat where she’d been curled up against her man. Demon didn’t allow her to hit the floor. He held her in his arms, and she was out cold.

  Screams, shouts, and orders were thrown around as Demon picked Deanna up. He marched out of the clubhouse, and Joker followed behind him.

  “What’s happening?” Elena asked.r />
  “You’ve got to stay here, okay. I’ve got to go with Demon. He’s going to need his brothers now more than ever.”

  “It’s bad, right? The blood. So much blood.”

  Cupping her face, he forced Elena to stare at him. “I need you to focus for me right now. You’re my old lady, and I need you to be safe. I can’t be thinking about you and worry about my Prez. You get me.”

  “I get you.”

  “Stay here. Go to my room. There’s television, movies, and books. There is also a burner cell on the bedside table. Please, don’t leave, and I’ll call you on that cell, and update you on everything soon.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  He stopped and stared at her. “I love you too, baby.” Slamming his lips down on hers, he claimed a kiss. “I love you so damn much.”

  Pulling away, he gave her hand a squeeze and made his way out toward his bike. Several of the club had already climbed on their bikes and taken off. Striker didn’t need directions to know where Demon was going.

  He rode hard, not caring about the speed as he followed his brothers. When he got to the hospital, several brothers were holding Demon back. His Prez looked almost unrecognizable in his grief and fear.

  Joker and Steel held him back.

  “She’s in the best hands right now,” Joker said.

  “Deanna needs me. She fucking needs me. I’ve got to be there for her.”

  “Demon, you can torture and kill people like a fucking pro. You’re not a doctor, and if you being in the way causes her to die, you’ll never forgive yourself, and you know it.” At the mention of Deanna dying, Demon went crazy. He wrapped his fingers around Joker’s throat, and slammed him up against the wall.

  In a fight, between Demon and Joker, there was still a tough question of who would win, and Striker didn’t want to be part of any of that. Demon and Joker had been friends before the club; this would end ugly.

  “She can’t die. Do you understand me?”

  “I know, Demon.” Joker grabbed Demon’s wrist, applying pressure. “Don’t do this. You’re not acting like yourself.”

  Demon panted, and even as he looked ready to murder the whole club, tears leaked from his eyes. His grief so strong and consuming, it terrified Striker. This is what it means to love, to be so taken over by another person, the thought of anything happening breaks you. This is what he felt for Elena. It wasn’t just some attraction that would fizzle out with time. His feelings for Elena were the kind that people wrote stories about.

  “Think about club business, Demon. We’ve got a new problem. Striker’s old lady has a family hunting for her. Remember, I told you we’d need to take care of that? It’s a club problem.”

  Joker kept on talking, and through the haze, their Prez started to shine through. Sanity started to prevail.

  Slowly, Demon released his hand from Joker’s throat, and he turned toward Striker.

  “She’s your old lady, and she agrees to be your property?”

  “Yes. Elena belongs to me.”

  “You know her family and Uncle are looking for her?”


  “Once I know Deanna is okay, we go, and we deal with them to make sure they’re no threat to us.”

  Elena was getting hungry, and even as she watched the romantic comedy, she couldn’t shake the need to eat. Striker had been gone for over an hour and she was starting to get worried. Pausing the movie, she left Striker’s room, and made her way down to the main kitchen.

  The club was an interesting place. Dark, yet full of love.

  Entering the kitchen, she came to a stop as she saw Shakes holding Daniella as Amy collapsed in a heap on the floor. Eloise covered her mouth, tears spilling from her eyes. Elena looked at each brother, who had bowed his heads.

  “What is it?” Elena asked. “What’s going on?”

  The all turned toward her, and she held her breath, wondering what the hell could have happened.

  “Deanna’s given birth. The baby is premature, and they don’t know if it will survive. Joker just called. Demon’s gone a little crazy, and well, shit, fuck, I don’t know,” Shakes said.

  “They want that baby. They are so excited about it,” Eloise, Steel’s old lady, said.

  “Striker’s on the phone,” Shakes said. “He wants to talk to you.”

  Elena’s whole body was numb. She had just met Deanna, but in the brief visit with each other, she liked her, and had seen how happy she and Demon were together. Elena didn’t have a clue what was going to happen now. She’d never known anyone go through so much loss and pain.

  She took the phone. “Hello,” she said, speaking into the phone.

  “Baby.” Striker sounded raw.

  “Is she okay?” Elena sat down on the closest chair.

  “They had to sedate her to help her rest. Shit is ugly here, and Demon is about ready to destroy everything in his path. I’m not going to be back tonight. I’ve got some things to do.”


  “There’s something we’ve got to do as the club. You’ve got to trust me.”

  “I do trust you.” She gripped the phone tightly, having a feeling this had to do with her family.

  “I love you, baby. Don’t leave the club, and I’ll be with you soon.”

  He hung up, and she placed the phone on the table, not knowing what the hell to do. She didn’t know what to expect or how to react. Who did in this situation?

  Chapter 24

  “Demon, Prez, you don’t have to do this right now,” Striker said, sitting in the driver’s seat of the SUV, and looking at Demon. They were about a mile from the compound where Elena’s family was located. The family was more of a cult, having insane beliefs and punishing anyone that didn’t follow them.

  Demon didn’t look at Striker, just stared ahead into the darkness, his jaw clenched, his body tight.

  It had only been a few hours since the baby had been born, and although Striker had never dealt with pain like that, he empathized with the man he saw as a brother.

  “If you want to be with Deanna—” Nerd said, but Demon, sitting up straighter, cut the other man off.

  “Deanna is knocked out. She needs to rest, not only her body, but her mind, too. She was a wreck before they sedated her,” Demon said, showing no emotion. His voice was low, deep. “Me staying in that fucking hospital room was going to have me breaking shit, and I don’t feel like going to jail tonight.” He looked at Striker then. “I think fucking some assholes up will help me.”

  Striker didn’t respond, just nodded. He grabbed his cell and called the Soldiers that were in the other SUV parked behind them. “You guys ready to roll?” He was talking to every man in the vehicle: Steel, Joker, Weasel, and Tryck. In their SUV, Striker was driving Demon, Nerd, Vengeance, and a couple prospects, Brash and Lucky, were in the back seat.

  Striker started the engine and drove toward the compound. When he was close enough he could see the large stone wall surrounding the entire place, he pulled to a stop and cut the engine and lights. The SUV behind him did the same. There weren’t any guards posted outside the gates, but there were enough security lights on and cameras posted on top of the stone walls, Striker had no doubt they would be seen as soon as they got closer.

  “How are we doing this again?” Nerd asked.

  They’d talked about the plan yesterday, but then shit had gone down with Deanna, and coming out here now, after her having the baby, had been a quick decision on Demon’s part. Striker knew he needed to get his anger out, and it would be in the form of fucking people up and killing anyone that tried to stop him. Hell, Striker wanted a piece of this fucked up cult, too, but he did worry that Demon’s rage, and the pain he was holding in, would make the other man a fucking menace.

  “Demon and I will take the front, have their attention on us. You and the rest of the Patches will go around the sides and check out any back entrances.” Striker turned and faced the back seat. “Anyone tries to stop you in getting
in, fuck them up.”

  All Striker knew was shit was about to get real, and there was probably going to be bodies at their feet when it was all said and done.

  “Let’s get this fucking party started,” Demon said, and then he was out of the SUV and walking toward the front gates like this was something they did everyday.

  “Let’s roll, boys,” Striker said.

  “Striker will have my balls if he knows I took you out of the club,” Skull, one of the prospects said; the big man looked nervous.

  “Don’t worry, I can keep a secret if you can,” Elena said.

  Skull grunted and leaned against the wall by the door Elena was about to enter. She swallowed, feeling her heart beating fast. It had taken a lot to get Skull to take her from the club and to the hospital to see Deanna. Maybe it was the fact she’d been crying, that her sadness over what had happened to the woman that made the big, scary biker, feel some empathy. Either way, he’d agreed, and here she was now, staring at the closed hospital room door and not knowing what she’d say once she saw the other woman

  “Just make it quick, because if Striker finds out, he’ll wear my balls around his neck, and if Demon finds out, he’ll slit my throat.”

  Elena nodded and pushed the room door open. The shades were drawn, but it was late outside. The small overhead light above the bed was on, and as she rounded the corner, she saw Deanna laying there, her eyes closed, her body looking so small curled under the blankets. Elena thought about leaving since she seemed asleep, but Deanna opened her eyes and looked right at Elena.

  “I’m so sorry if I woke you,” Elena said softly, her hands in front of her.

  “You didn’t.” Deanna pushed herself up on the bed and motioned Elena to come closer. “The drugs wore off, and I refused anymore.”

  Elena moved in closer and took the seat across from Deanna’s bed.

  How are you feeling?


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