The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 93

by Jenika Snow

  Tears fell down her cheeks as he stroked her cheek.

  “I didn’t want me for you. But then I saw you with that fucking prick in town. I’ve never known jealousy before but with you, I could fucking taste it. I lost count of the number of times I nearly killed that motherfucker. I saw what he was doing, polluting your mind against the club. Vengeance didn’t know what to do. There were so many times I could have stopped it because you and me both know one thing, don’t we?”

  Again, she was confused.

  The look in his eyes, the tenderness, it was all too much. Could she hope that he at least cared? That it hadn’t just been here with these feelings all along?

  He sighed. “You really don’t have a fucking clue to how I feel, do you?”

  “What are you saying, Weasel? Forgive me for being a little slow on this but just say what you’re talking about.” Her entire body was tense, and she didn’t know what to say or do, what to hope.

  “How about I show you?”

  Before she had chance to complain, he held onto her face, tilted her head back, and slammed his lips down on hers. At first she froze, not sure what to do.

  Weasel was kissing her.

  The man she had wanted all her life was finally kissing her. It was a dream come true, and she didn’t have a clue what to do. She wanted to jump for joy and to scream how happy she was.

  Then she grabbed his arms as he pulled back.

  “You’re not kissing me back,” he said, licking his lips.

  “You kissed me.”

  “I know.”

  “Kiss me again.” She cupped the back of his head, and he slammed his lips down on hers. Nothing else mattered to her anymore. It was just her and Weasel. Vengeance would have a fit if he found out, but she’d worry about that another time.

  Right now, she just wanted his lips, his kiss, and maybe one day, his love.

  Chapter 13

  Renee gasped out against his lips and then opened for him. He stroked her tongue with his, claimed her as if she was his property and he owned every part of her. But he did own every part of her. He always had.

  Before she knew what was happening Weasel had her lifted in his arms. She had no choice but to wrap her legs around him, tangle her arms around his neck, and hold on as he mouth-fucked her … and that was exactly what he did.

  “So fucking good, Renee. I knew you’d taste like this, feel like this.” He walked them toward the wall, and she felt the stiff outline of his cock against her pussy. God, she was wet, and it was all because of this man, because of the emotions she had for Weasel.

  She’d loved him for longer than she cared to admit, but the fear of the unknown and the fact she didn’t know if she could ever have a life with him, made her step back. It made her move on with her life and make a horrible decision.

  But he wanted her now, was taking her, claiming her, and she wouldn’t stop this.

  They crashed against the wall, the kissing continuing, growing stronger, more brutal in its passion.

  He broke away from her and they stared at each other for a moment. Weasel had his arms wrapped around her tightly, his hand cupping her ass keeping her close to him. Renee could feel the length of him, the heat of his dick, seep right through the material of her pants.

  “I should go slow, be gentle.” He lowered his gaze to her lips. “But when it comes to you I can’t help myself.” He stared at her lips for long seconds before lifting his gaze to her eyes.

  Her breath hitched. His expression was fierce, his body big and strong. He made her feel like a woman.

  “Knowing you were with that motherfucker makes me want to kill someone, Renee.”

  “I’ve wanted you for a long time but was afraid of what would happen, of what would not happen.”

  “Fuck, baby,” he said softly. This was a situation she never thought she’d be in with Weasel.

  “What about everything that has happened, and my brother?”

  He shook his head. “I only want to think about you and me.” He moved his face closer to hers and then said in a low, husky voice, “I have wanted you for a long time but told myself that you and I being together wasn’t ever going to happen.” He rested his forehead on hers, closed his eyes, and breathed out.

  God, this is really happening.

  “I want to hear you say you want this, that you want me.”

  Her heart beat fast and hard. She wanted Weasel, had for longer than she had ever admitted to anyone, maybe even herself, and she wasn’t nearly finished now that she was actually having him.

  “I want you. Now.” Renee pulled him closer so she could be the one to claim his mouth. She stroked her tongue along his, moaning out at the flavor of him. He groaned, grabbed a chunk of her hair, and yanked her head back. She gasped at the intensity.

  “She like it this rough baby, this untamed?”

  She could only nod.

  He grabbed her bottom lip with his teeth, tugged and pulled at the sensitive flesh, and then smoothed the sting away with a lick of his tongue. Renee moaned. The sound he made was so wild, so unhinged. He was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

  “I could devour you right now and it wouldn’t be enough.” Weasel sucked and licked at her pulse point right below her ear and ground his cock into her pussy at the same time. “Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you—need you.” She breathed out and closed her eyes.

  He made this gruff noise against her throat, tightened the one hand that was still cupping her ass, and said, “You can’t say shit like that and expect me to keep my control, baby. I’m already about to fucking lose it, come right in my damn pants.”

  She breathed out, his voice like sandpaper along her body. She was wet, needy.

  He slid his hand over her throat to hold her against the wall. It was a gentle yet fierce hold, one that had just enough pressure to make her know that he was in control.

  Renee wanted to give herself to him and not worry about anything else.

  “Yes, Weasel. I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve wanted this.” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  “Christ, baby,” he breathed out harshly against her lips.

  “Tell me this is really happening, Weasel.”

  “Oh, it’s sure as fuck happening, baby.”

  Chapter 14

  Kissing her neck, Weasel didn’t hold back as he kissed her neck. He didn’t stop—couldn’t. Sinking his teeth into her flesh, he heard her gasp, seconds later her head fell back against his shoulder as she tried to move closer to him. She didn’t fight when he ran his hand down her body, cupping first her tit and then down toward her pussy. He loosened the button of her jeans and slid the zipper down. He shoved his fingers inside of her pants and found her slit.

  “You’re so wet, baby,” he said.

  “Please, Weasel. I need you.”

  For the past three years he had been struggling to breathe. Every moment he tried to move on, to forget about this woman had been a total failure. There was no one else he ever wanted. She was it. The woman he could never have. Or so he’d thought.

  Vengeance would kill him the moment he found out. Right now, he couldn’t think about that. Didn’t want to think of the risks he was taking, not just to himself but also to the club. Steel had done the same thing with his old lady.

  Putting all of that out of his mind, he focused on the woman in his arms. She was panting his name, begging for more. He couldn’t deny her. Couldn’t deny what they both needed?

  “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want it. I want you. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.” Sliding his fingers across her clit, he felt her shudder, heard her moaning. He spun her around so she had her back to him now. Pressing his cock against her ass, he sucked on her pulse, needing her more than anything.

  “The moment I do this, you become mine,” he said. “My dick in your pussy, everyone else ceases to exist for you.”

“They already do, Weasel. I want you. You want me. We can’t keep fighting.”

  He slid his fingers down to her opening and plunged two fingers inside. She cried out, pushing herself onto his fingers. Wanting him, needing him. He felt her cunt tighten around him even as another wave of her cream washed over his digits. She was so fucking responsive.

  “We’re not going to fight.” He released her, turned her around again, and pressed his slick fingers into his mouth. “Get undressed.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Her clothes ended up as a pile on the floor. Weasel did the same, removing his leather cut, his shirt, and then his jeans. He all but kicked his boots off. They both stood naked. He wrapped his fingers around his length. The tip already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. He ran his hand down the entire length, coating himself.

  When Renee licked her lips, Weasel struggled to contain his groan. “On your knees,” he said.

  She sank to her knees, and he stepped forward. Sinking his hands into her hair, he wrapped the length around his fist.


  Renee opened her mouth, and he slid the tip of his cock inside. She closed her lips around him along with her eyes. Sinking inside her mouth, he took a second to bask at the feel of her lips finally around him. This was better than anything he’d ever imagined. So many times he’d fantasized about having her mouth wrapped around his dick. The reality was by far better than any fantasy.

  Pumping his hips, he went a little deeper. He didn’t want to scare her and took his time, letting her get accustomed to his length, his width. He wasn’t a tiny man, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Renee belonged to him.

  “Your mouth feels so good,” he said. Using his control on her head, he guided her movements, making her take more of him, going just a little deeper, a little harder until he hit the back of her throat. “I don’t want to finish in your mouth.”

  She released his cock, and he pulled her up, pressing her against the wall. He cupped her face and slammed his lips down on hers. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he deepened the kiss, wanting more than anything to brand her.

  “Are you going to fuck me, Weasel? Or are you going to make me beg for it?” she asked when he broke away from the kiss.

  “Oh, baby, I’m going to make you beg for it. You can guarantee I’m going to make you crawl on your hands and knees to get what you want, but right now, I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you so damn hard you can’t even remember anyone else.” He let go of her face, grabbed her thighs, and lifted her up.

  She circled her legs around his waist, holding on. He reached between them, grabbing his cock and aligning it to her entrance. There was no way that there was going to be a condom between them. He wanted to feel her tight cunt wrapped around his dick with no barriers between them. To feel every single pulse as she came when screaming his name. His name echoing off the walls.

  He was determined to do that.

  Pausing at her entrance, Weasel stared into her eyes. The moment he did this. There really was no turning back. She would belong to him in every single sense of the word. He’d fight Vengeance for her, and his club. He would do whatever it took to make sure she belonged to him.

  Neither of them spoke.

  The only sounds were of their heavy panting. His cock was desperate and so was he.

  He pressed forward so that only an inch of his cock was inside her. That was all it took. Gripping her hips, he slammed to the hilt within her. Renee arched her back, thrusting onto his cock and yelled his name.

  It was done.

  He was inside her, and she now belonged to him. The feel of her pussy was everything he’d been waiting for. They were destined to be together. He’d known it but never acted on it.

  That had been his biggest mistake, and it was one he wasn’t going to repeat.

  There was no turning back.

  Their fates had been sealed.

  Chapter 15

  Renee felt the stretch and burn from the size of Weasel’s dick.

  “It’s so fucking good, baby. You feel so damn good … so mine.” They’d found themselves in the bedroom, her being surrounded by Weasel’s woodsy smelling sheets. He placed a hand on each of her thighs and continued to push deep into her, fucking her, trying to get them both off.

  And then it was like something in him snapped. He started to fuck her in long, hard strokes. Over and over he plowed into her, the sounds of their sex, of their moans, filling the room. They were both sweating, and wetness from his chest dripped onto her body, making her even more aroused.

  She grabbed onto his biceps and dug her nails into his flesh.

  “God, I’m going to fuck you so good and hard.” Weasel flipped her onto her belly, and gave her ass a hard slap, making a high-pitched sound leave her. He pushed her legs apart, and she felt the chilled air move along her heated pussy lips.

  Renee looked over her shoulder to see Weasel stroking his cock, his movements fast, frantic. He used his other hand to slip his finger through her slit and gather her pussy juice. She’d come sooner than later.

  And then she felt him slide that slickened digit over her asshole. She tensed, the heat moving through her swiftly.

  She braced herself for what was to come but also anticipated it. He thrust back into her pussy in a long hard stroke, having her cry out in pleasure.

  Wesel pumped into her fast and hard, fucking her into oblivion.

  “You what I’m doing to you?” His voice was gruff as he asked her the question.

  “God, yes,” she whispered.

  “Beg me for more.”

  “I want more,” she said without hesitation, needing it like she needed to breathe. He pulled out of her pussy before she could protest. He was smoothing a finger through her folds again, gathering her wetness. He moved those digits to her anus and rubbed the arousal she’d made for him along the tightened hole.

  And then he thrust the fingers into her anus until her inner muscle clenched around them.

  “Yes,” he said on a harsh whisper.

  He removed his fingers from her ass, grabbed her cheeks, and spread her bottom wide. He could see her … all of her. She turned her head to watch him. Before she knew what was happening Weasel let saliva drip from the tip of his tongue to her anus, making her wet, soaked for him.

  Oh God. So hot.

  “Tell me you want me to fuck you in the ass. Ask me for it.” He used his finger to spread the spit around her tight hole. “Ask for it.”

  “Fuck me in the ass.” Renee didn’t even care how that sounded, how she’d never actually had someone back there before.

  He moved away from her before she knew what was happening, and a second later he was back on the bed behind her, smearing lube on her asshole. He slipped his finger inside of her ass again until he was deep in her body, making her nice and wet for him. The groan that came from him was long and deep.

  After several seconds, he removed the digit and replaced it with the thick crown of his cock at her back hole.

  Renee was so nervous but also so ready.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “God, yes, Weasel.”

  He started pushing into her. “I’ll be good to you, Renee baby. I’ll be gentle and so fucking good.” He pushed through the tight ring of muscle of her ass and when he was fully in her, they both let out this hoarse sound. She was so stretched, so full.

  “I know you will, Weasel. You’re always good to me.”

  “So. Fucking. Good.” For long minutes, all he did was push into her and pull out slowly, letting her get adjusted. Then he started picking up his speed and fucked her with long, powerful strokes. His balls slapped her pussy, the sound erotic, dirty … good.

  “I own you.” He gripped a chunk of her hair with his other hand and pulled her head back. With her throat arched, bared, she felt vulnerable but in a good way.

  “That’s it. Let go for me, baby.” He tightened his hold on her hair. She cried out as he thrust
harder and faster. “Yeah, that’s so fucking it.” And then he groaned deeply and pulled out of her. She felt the hot jets of his cum cover her ass and lower back. It felt like it burned her, but God was it so good.

  He relaxed atop her for only a second before he was lying beside her, panting. She collapsed, closed her eyes, and just let the post-euphoric haze wash over her. She opened her eyes to see Weasel watching her.

  “That’s how it is to be owned, baby.” He rolled onto his side and pulled her closer to him. “That’s what it’s like to be mine.”

  Yes. Yes, it was.

  Chapter 16

  Four days later

  “What’s wrong with you?” Vengeance asked.

  Renee looked up from her plate and stared at her brother. Constance was just getting another couple of bottles of beer. This dinner had been the last thing she wanted to do but couldn’t find a way out of it. Vengeance was her brother, and she had a lot to make up for. The last thing she wanted to do was insult him. “Nothing’s wrong, why?”

  “You just seem, I don’t know, a little worried.”

  “Not worried.” She ran her fork through the food, her appetite suddenly deserting her. The past four days had been amazing. She loved every single second of it, especially being with Weasel. Being with him was dirty, raw, and highly fucking sexy. A moment hadn’t gone by when she hadn’t craved his brand of sex.

  Weasel could make love just as good as he could fuck, and nothing was closed off to him, nothing. If he wanted her ass, he took it. He even claimed her mouth, her pussy, even her tits. Weasel was inside her head, and her body was owned completely by him. “I’m perfectly fine.”

  Constance came back, and Vengeance took the bottle of beer she handed him, drinking down a large swallow.


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