Deepest Desire_A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel

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Deepest Desire_A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel Page 23

by Weston Parker

  “Put it on,” I said.

  “Here?” she asked, her eyes widening as she looked out through the windows at pedestrians on the sidewalk and other traffic passing us by.

  I nodded. “The windows are blacked out. The driver can’t see back here, either. You think I would risk letting others see you? No way in hell.”

  She smiled. “Okay. Help me into it?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” I grinned, holding out my hand for the dress.

  She draped the fabric over my arm and then undressed. It was a little awkward in the back of a cramped limo, but somehow, Skylar made it look effortless. She leaned back and lifted her legs in the air to pull off her scrub pants. Then she tugged off her shirt and tossed it on the floor. She sat in a black sports bra and black lace panties. I missed the lean lines of her strong body.

  She held out her hand for the dress.

  “You don’t have to put it on right this second,” I teased. “The restaurant is about half an hour from here.”

  Skylar giggled and arched an eyebrow at me. “Are you suggesting I sit back here practically naked for the whole drive?”

  “Well, I definitely wouldn’t complain if you did.”

  Skylar shook her head at me and crossed her arms and legs. “You are such a man, Greyson.”

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  She rolled her eyes and then surprised me by pulling off her sports bra over her head. Her breasts bounced, and she draped herself across the back seat. “You can look but you can’t touch,” she said. “Not until I have that new dress on.”

  I made her sit naked for about five minutes. Then I passed her the dress and helped her into it. It fit her like a glove, as I knew it would. The curve of her spine was elegant in the open-back dress, and her legs looked somehow longer as she put on the strappy black heels I had also purchased for her.

  “There,” she said. “What do you think?”

  “You look stunning,” I breathed.

  “Oh, hang on,” she said, holding up one finger. With her other hand, she pulled the hair tie free from her bun. Her hair uncoiled and fell down over her shoulders in loose black curls. “Okay. Now I’m ready.”

  My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. She was too beautiful for my brain to comprehend. More beautiful than I had remembered even in my dreams.


  The restaurant was a five-star joint with high ceilings boasting numerous crystal light fixtures. The walls were all brick, giving the place a cozy atmosphere. Our table was tucked up against a window, giving us a view of the people passing by on the street outside. A single candle flickered between us beside a thin vase holding a red rose.

  Skylar didn’t know it, but she had the attention of every man in the place. I was aware of them casting longing glances at her and admiring her beauty. I couldn’t fault them for it. A woman like her was rare.

  She sipped on her red wine and then tossed her hair over her shoulder. She leaned toward me and picked at the scallop appetizer I had ordered us. She lifted her green gaze to meet my eyes, and I saw a question lingering in the corner of her mouth.

  “Yes?” I asked, swirling my wine in my glass as I waited for her to speak.

  She pursed her lips, and then her tongue darted out between them. She licked butter off her finger. “What prompted you to come here? To Houston, I mean.”

  “Well, actually, your sister called me.”


  I nodded. “She called me on Friday. She wanted to know how I was feeling about you being gone. I was honest with her. I told her I was miserable. I told her how much I missed you. I admitted that nothing felt the same after you left. Then she told me that she didn’t think you were happy, either.”

  “How presumptuous of her,” Skylar said. Her expression suggested she was not upset by the choice her sister had made to call me.

  “Perhaps, but she rekindled a fire in me. I had to keep fighting for you. If I sat back and let you slip away, I would regret it forever. I’m glad she called me. I needed the extra push. I made sure I had everything in order, and I came here as fast as I could. And now, we’re here.”

  “And now, we’re here,” Skylar said softly. “You’re in Houston. How strange.”

  “Is it?”

  “A little,” she said. “I think I’ve always just thought of this place as my little bubble. But I’m happy that you’re here. It doesn’t feel so isolating.”


  Skylar nodded. “Things at work aren’t as good as I remembered them being. The people there aren’t exactly kind to me. I’ve been on the outside for a while with them. I guess I’m really just noticing it now.”

  I didn’t like hearing that people weren’t treating Skylar well. I especially didn’t like that it was happening at her place of work, a place she had been so eager to return to.

  “Anyway,” she said. “That doesn’t matter. You’re here now. Do you have a place to stay tonight?”

  “I have reservations at—”

  “Cancel them. Stay with me. My apartment is small—quite small compared to what you’re used to—but I want you to see it. I want to show you my home.”

  I smiled. “I would love to.”


  Skylar’s apartment was somehow exactly what I had expected it to be. Once we were through the front door, the hallway opened up into the kitchen. The cabinets were white with light gray countertops. A floral teapot was sitting on the stove. Her fridge was bare except for two photographs. One was of her and her sister when they were children. The other appeared to be her family before she and Renee lost their parents.

  The apartment was open concept. When standing at the kitchen island, you faced the living room. All her furniture was light gray. The hardwood floors were covered in plush white rugs. A TV was mounted above her fireplace, and nearly a dozen candles were scattered on the mantle. They were all burned down to varying heights, telling me she was the kind of woman who appreciated ambiance.

  “Your place is nice,” I said. “And exactly what I thought it would be. Candles. Blankets. Carpets.” I nodded toward all the bookshelves surrounding her fireplace, adorned in colorful spines. “Hundreds of books.”

  Skylar smiled and nodded knowingly. “I like what I like.”

  “It’s good. I like it, too. It’s inviting.”

  Skylar came to stand in front of me. “Thank you for coming to save me again,” she whispered.

  Her lips were slightly parted. She was still wearing the sexy dress I had bought her. I reached out and slipped a finger under one of the straps on her shoulder. I let it fall halfway down her arm. “I will always come to save you.”

  The four inches of space between us were thick with tension. I reached out and pulled down Skylar’s other dress strap. She stood perfectly still, looking up at me as her skin erupted in goosebumps.

  “Are you going to kiss me, or what?” she whispered.

  All the swirling nerves in my gut settled. It was just me and Skylar, as I had dreamed of it being since she set foot on my airplane.

  I held her face in my hands as I went in for the kiss. I started out gentle. I pressed my lips to hers so softly that it was just a feather’s touch. She sighed into the kiss, and I knew she had been yearning for this just as much as I had.

  The taste of her, like cherries, wine, and mint, was familiar and soothing. Her cheeks were warm and soft in my hands. She breathed into our kiss, and it took all the strength I possessed not to fall to my knees in front of her. She was a goddess. I didn’t understand how I was lucky enough to be with her.

  I pushed her hair back and ran my fingers through it as I kissed her. She balanced herself on the balls of her feet as I held her to me. Her breathless sighs turned into excited moans as our bodies crushed up against one another.

  The closeness we shared was electric. The air all around us was humming with intensity as we coiled around one another.

  Her hands clutched the fr
ont of my shirt, and she began popping open the buttons. I eased the straps farther down her arms until the silk dress fell away from her body and settled around her feet like water.

  She stepped out of it and pushed me slowly backward, step by step, down the hallway to where I presumed her bedroom was.

  When the buttons of my shirt were undone, she slipped her hands inside and ran her fingers over my skin. She felt all of me. My ribs and hips and stomach and chest. All the while, she continued urging me backward, her toes grazing mine as her fingers fell on my belt. She pulled it free of the denim loops just as we passed through the open door to her bedroom.

  Chapter 38


  Greyson’s breath on my neck was hot as he nudged my face to the side. He began kissing my neck. His hands were still in my hair as I set to work undoing his jeans. I tugged them down over his hips as my knees hit the end of my bed. I sat down and pulled the jeans the rest of the way down his legs. He stepped out of them and never took his lips away from mine.

  I tore his shirt off his shoulders. I heard something rip, but neither of us cared. Greyson’s hands wandered from my hair, down to the base of my throat. He applied pressure there as he pushed me down on my back on my bed.

  He paused for just a moment to look up at me as he lowered himself down between my legs. I knew he was looking at my room, at my white bed sheets and pale yellow walls, at the white headboard sporting yet more books in its built-in shelves.

  Then he smiled, more to himself than at me, and put his hands under my thighs to push my legs up. He pulled my panties aside and dipped his head low to run his tongue along my slit.

  I was so wet and so ready for him. I didn’t need all of this, but I wasn’t going to tell him no, either. The way he dragged his tongue up and down to taste me was wondrous. His long, slow strokes forced my body to relax, and as he worked, I sank deeper into the mattress. A tension I didn’t realize I had been holding evaporated, and I was able to focus entirely on what Greyson was doing at the sweet spot between my legs.

  His licks became a little less controlled the more excited he got. Soon, he was swirling his tongue over my clit in the way he knew I liked. I sighed contently and grabbed a fistful of his hair. I begged him without words to keep going. What he was doing felt amazing.

  He heard my unspoken plea. His tongue fell low and pushed inside me. I moaned and bit my bottom lip as he gently pushed me open, just at the front, teasing me. Then he drew his tongue upward ever so slowly. I felt him graze every crevice of me as he ascended until he hit my clit. Then, meticulously, he grazed me ever so softly, and a tremor rushed over me. Greyson felt it through his hands on the back of my thighs, so he traced a slow circle around my swollen clit.

  I was about to come.

  Greyson went for another circle, slower this time. When he hit the top of my clit, he brought his tongue down to the bottom of my slit again and continued the routine.

  I thought I might implode with pleasure.

  I lasted one more agonizingly delightful round of Greyson’s game, and then I gave into the orgasm. It tore through me, and in its climax, I cried out Greyson’s name and tightened my grip in his hair.

  He slipped a finger into my pussy.

  The pressure inside me was too much for me to bear. I released his hair to grip my duvet. Something new happened. Something I had never felt before. As I came, I felt a new release of pressure, and with it came a new release of fluid. I gasped and Greyson smiled into my pussy.

  He moved to keep going.

  I grabbed his wrist to stop him as he eased two fingers inside me. His eyes met mine, and he waited for instruction.

  I smiled. “My turn,” I whispered, and I let my body slip off the bed. Greyson stood, and I crouched at his feet.

  He was still wearing his boxers. I pulled them down but left them at his thighs. I needed him too badly to take the time to take them all the way off. His cock sprang free and bounced before coming to rest rigidly, arching toward his belly button.

  I spotted something pinched between two of his fingers. A condom, I assumed. He had come prepared, which for some reason turned me on even more. He had probably been thinking about this all night, just like I had.

  I leaned in and pressed my tongue to the base of his shaft. I licked him upward, following the tight columns at the bottom of his shaft in a line to the tip of him. I traced my tongue around his velvet softness and dipped gently into the pool of saltiness at the point. Then I let my tongue fall back down. I drew one of his testicles into my mouth and suckled gently. I held his gaze the whole time.

  Two could play this game.

  He held my gaze for as long as he could manage, but soon, he let his head fall back to look up at the ceiling. I watched his stomach and chest as he breathed in quick, short breaths; he was hot and heavy, and a ripple of pride ran through me as I reveled in being the one who could make him feel this way.

  Soon, when I knew teasing him any longer would drive him mad, I took all of him between my lips and eased him deep into my throat. His cock pulsed in my mouth, and the excitement in my body shot straight to my pussy. I was so turned on. I lowered my hand between my legs, pulled my panties aside, and started rubbing myself gently.

  Greyson’s hips moved forward, and he began fucking my mouth. I moaned as he filled my throat and glided over my tongue. I couldn’t wait much longer.

  It seemed that Greyson felt the same because seconds later, he pulled me to my feet. His lips crushed against mine for a brief, heart pumping moment, and then he picked me up and perched me on the edge of the bed. He pushed me down on my back and hooked his thumb in my panties. He pulled them down off my ankles and tossed them over his shoulder.

  Then he climbed on top of me, pushing my legs apart with his hips. I let my hands fall to his sides where I could still see some bruising around his ribs. I ran my hand gently over the spot, and his eyes met mine. He dropped his head to kiss me more.

  I arched my spine to press my breasts against his chest. He dropped his hips to rest the tip of his cock against my pussy.

  I reached down, took hold of him, and eased him inside me. At some point, he had managed to put the condom on.

  He moaned into my mouth. I sighed into his. The swell of his cock stretched me to fit him. The week between our last meeting felt like it had been ages ago. It felt almost like our first time. There was a tug of pain as he filled me to the hilt. Then he waited until my muscles relaxed, and I adjusted to the size of him. When that happened, he pulled slowly out of me and then pushed back in.

  I clung to his arms as he moved inside me. He was looking down at me, and I couldn’t look anywhere but him. He captivated me with his blue stare, and I was overcome with an intense desire to cry. I wanted to cry for us, for this moment, and for how happy I was.

  Instead, I closed my eyes and let Greyson make love to me.

  His lips found my neck, and he trailed his kisses up to my ear. He pinched my earlobe between his teeth and blew a soft breath into my ear. The heat of it tickled, and I giggled. He kissed my cheek and my closed eyelids. He kissed my nose and my jaw and then finally, my lips.

  I was breathlessly waiting for him to fill my mouth with his tongue as he filled my pussy with his cock. My hands wove up his arms to his shoulders. I pressed my nails into his skin, and he made a sound in the back of his throat that made me ache with lust. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close as he continued to kiss me while he thrust in and out of me.

  I let go of his neck and held my legs back for him so he could enter me more deeply. The tip of his cock hit something far inside me, and I gasped and cried out with pleasure. Greyson continued his steady pace, and I was unable to hold my legs. I moved my hands above my head, and Greyson pinned them there. He joined my wrists together so he could hold me down with only one hand.

  His other hand cupped my face. He traced my jaw with his fingers and my bottom lip with his thumb. I wrapped my lips around it and sucked it for a
moment. A smile touched the corners of his mouth, and I released his thumb. His hand dropped lower to rub my clit as he went back to kissing me.

  I rotated my hips in small circles as he moved inside me and rubbed my sensitive clit with two fingers. His grip on my wrists tightened. I breathed desperately into our kiss and whimpered as his cock hit that spot deep inside me again.

  He moved more fiercely, and his thighs slapped against my legs. His lips fell away from mine, and I moaned as his fingers applied more pressure to my clit.

  Every thrust brought me closer to coming. I knew Greyson was going to lose control soon, too. I strained against his grip on my wrists as I edged closer and closer. He held me down with more strength and fucked me harder.

  I cried his name. He groaned with pleasure as I came, and my pussy filled with wetness. His cock pulsed and swelled inside me. As it jerked wildly, my orgasm only became more intense. We both rode them together, still grinding against one another as our bodies sang with ecstasy.

  When we were both done, Greyson’s hips fell still. He released my wrists and pressed his lips to them after seeing a red ring around them. Then he kissed my lips, and I closed my eyes as I kissed him back. He was still inside me, and the heat we were sharing was comfortable. His tongue slipped between my teeth, and he kissed me with as much need as he had before we made love.

  I sighed when he pulled away and straightened. I watched him stand up and walk around my bed to go into my bathroom. “I’ve missed that,” he said, his voice deep and husky. He was still out of breath.

  “Me too,” I said, rolling onto my back and stretching like a cat. I knew Greyson was looking at the swell of my breasts and the line of my stomach. He probably liked the curve in my back, too.

  That was why I did it, at least.

  When I looked over at him, I was right. He had been watching me. He was leaning against the open doorframe with a positively dopey expression on his face. He turned away from me, caught in the act, and closed the bathroom door behind him.


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