King's Harlots 1-3

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King's Harlots 1-3 Page 37

by J. M. Walker

  I nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. Maybe he didn’t care about my outburst.

  “And, Meeka? If you blurt out something again, I will bend you over my knee.”

  I swallowed hard.

  Allowing Asher to lead me up the steps, I followed beside him. Not wanting to take any more chances, I kept at his side, careful not to make eye contact with Charles.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to leave her alone with me?” Charles asked, opening the front door. “I could take her off your hands while you make yourself at home.”

  “We’re here for business. Not for your training techniques.” Asher tightened his hold on me. “If I have to remind you again on who she belongs to, I will make it so you have to eat through a tube for the rest of your fucking life.”

  “So damn touchy.” Charles chuckled. “I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, of course.”

  It would be easier if they got along, but how could anyone get along with a monster? We all had our own vices, our own dark and dirty secrets, but when children—young women—were involved, it took things to a whole other level.

  “Are you ready to see the room, pet? Asher saw it. I don’t think he was a fan but, of course, he didn’t say.” Charles pushed through another set of doors, his two large security caging us in.

  Asher didn’t show any emotion as we were blocked in the hall.

  He kept me at his side but that only did so much as we were surrounded.

  “Oh, this will be so much fun.” Charles nodded once.

  In a quick move, his two men grabbed onto Asher, ripping his hand from mine.

  “What the fuck?” he snapped, struggling to break free.

  A shiver of fear gripped my spine when I was suddenly pushed forward. Charles grabbed my arm, holding me steady.

  “It wouldn’t make sense for you to be with us, Ash. It has a bigger effect if your toy is by herself when she sees what could become of her if she doesn’t listen.” Charles raised his hand. “No point arguing. You may be big, but no matter your size, you can’t fight against a gun.” Not waiting for Asher to respond, Charles cupped my nape and pushed me in front of him. “After you, pet.”



  I DIDN’T WANT to leave Asher, but I knew I had no choice. I may have been naïve at times, thinking the good in everyone, but I wasn’t stupid. Charles scared me more and more every time he opened his mouth. I had been through shit in other undercover missions, but this time, it was worse. I had no problems playing the strong female, but when it came to being submissive and complying to the waking demands of men, I had to fight the urge to run.

  When Charles opened the door to a second room, I had no idea what I was in for. But the scent of death hit me in the chest, knocking the breath out of me. It was strong and acidic. Bleach and other chemicals mixed as one making my throat burn. Closing my eyes, I didn’t want to see what laid before me. I didn’t want to see the victims, the females lying about after God knew what was done to them.

  Charles moved behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Open your eyes.”

  Nothing could prepare me for what laid before me. Everything evil was created from. Although the scent of death warned me that what was in the room was beyond anything I had ever seen before, when I opened my eyes, all I could do was stare. The walls were lined with stains of red. Some so dark, they looked black. Small cages filled the room, each holding a body. Even though the cages weren’t empty, the room was silent. It was beyond eerie how quiet everyone was.

  “Do you see?” Charles muttered in my ear.

  All I could do was nod. The image before me would forever be burned into my mind. My darkest nightmares would be filled with what I had just seen. I prayed they were alive, but I was sure they would be better off dead. How could anyone move on? They would forever be broken, addicted to whatever Charles had forced onto them.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” he purred.

  Bile rose to my throat at the husk in his voice.

  He pulled me back against him, wrapping his arm around my waist.

  “Tell me how Asher feels knowing his boss was one of the front runners of the organization.”

  I attempted to pry him off of me, but his hold only tightened.

  “Tell me.”

  “He … he was upset. He still is.” I didn’t want to talk about Asher and his feelings with the man holding me. I didn’t want to reveal anything to him. I could have called his bluff. Would he hurt me if I didn’t talk? Would he hurt Asher? Or worse? Chains clinked together in the large room but I couldn’t make out where the sound was coming from. Relief floated through me knowing at least one was alive. If only I could save her. If only I could save all of them.

  “Eric Vega was nothing. He was a fucking pussy for shooting himself.” Charles pushed me further into the room. “If it were me, I would have had Genevieve begging at my feet, pleading for mercy.” He chuckled. “She’s absolutely beautiful from what I hear. I wonder what Angel would do if she was taken again.”

  “How do you know their names?” I asked, shoving from his grip.

  “I have my sources.” He shrugged. “You shouldn’t be surprised, Meeka. I know everything that goes on in that club house. But the only thing I don’t know is how you are associated with them.”

  I kept my face impassive, not wanting to reveal that I was a member of King’s Harlots. If he didn’t know, that might work to my advantage. “Why are we here?”

  “Because Asher wants to work with me. I can’t deny him that. He clearly has some fucking screws loose if he fights for his country but in his free time, tosses girls around like yesterday’s trash.”

  That made me wince. Even though I knew it wasn’t true, Asher was a good actor. He almost had me convinced. “How do you know all of this?”

  “I have to find out everything I can about the people I work with.”

  “Does he know this?” I knew he did. Angel had made sure to stay one step ahead of Charles.

  “No, and we’re going to keep it that way, aren’t we?” Charles led me into the room until we were standing in the middle of the vast space. “At first, I didn’t think Asher was who he said he was, but when I brought him in here and saw his expression, I knew.”

  I swallowed hard. “What did you know?”

  “That he was fucking perfect for the job.”

  “And … and what job is that?” Even before the question left my mouth, I knew what kind of job Charles would have for him.

  “Why to take the girls, of course.”

  No. It couldn’t be. “He would never. I don’t care what you say.” All of it was a ruse. It had to be. Part of me wondered why Asher agreed to any of it. He said he had no choice but when I spent the morning with him, I felt a different side to him. Maybe it should have made me nervous. But yet, it excited me.

  “Oh, little girl. You clearly know nothing about your Master.”

  My Master. My stomach clenched. I didn’t like that term when Charles used it. To be someone’s slave? I was all for kink but being a willing slave was not something I was into. Asher hadn’t mentioned anything about being my Master.

  “I know enough,” I muttered, trying to avert my gaze from the unmoving bodies lying in the cages.

  “Do you?” Charles walked around me, pacing back and forth from cage to cage. His fingers grazed the bars, his eyes taking on a faraway distance like he was remembering a past memory. What happened to him that he felt the need to take these girls? Was it the stereotypical occurrence where his childhood was full of torture and abuse?

  I was supposed to remain quiet. Only talk when spoken to. Only move when allowed. But I couldn’t resist the words that fell from my lips. “Why them? What did they do to deserve this?”

  “They lived.” Charles met my gaze. “That’s what they did. Women are for pleasure, that’s it. Didn’t you know that? Why do you think your boyfriend has slept with so many females?”

  He was bored. “He�
��s not my boyfriend,” I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

  “Good, girl. Keep your eyes down. You don’t deserve to look at me.”

  My chest panged. I wanted out. I needed to leave before I said something else that would get me into trouble. I couldn’t comply, falling victim to the wrath of Charles Brian. If that was even his real name.

  “But because I’m a nice guy, I’ll answer your question in more detail. These girls were easy. They were taken from a time in their life when they had no one else. Research after research was done on them. They weren’t chosen at random, Meeka. Make sure to tell whomever you speak to that little piece of information. And next time I see you, you better be more submissive. I don’t want a fucking word to leave your mouth or I’ll shut you up myself.” He laughed. “I don’t think Asher would like that too much. Mind you, it would probably please me more having him watch as I fuck your throat.”

  My heart raced, my hands twisting and turning in front of me.

  “But I’ll leave you alone—for now.” He snapped his fingers. “Look at me.”

  My eyes reached his. I bit back a gasp at the look of sheer evil in his dark gaze.

  “I want you to choose a girl.”

  I shook my head. “Excuse me?”

  “That is the last time you speak to me without permission,” he shouted, banging his fist against the cage beside him. “Choose a girl or I’ll throw you in a cage and you’ll never see your precious Asher again. Now!”

  I jumped. How could he expect me to choose? “I …”

  “I’ll give you to the count of ten.”

  “I can’t,” I whimpered.


  “What do you want from me? You have all these girls. Just choose one yourself.” Shut up, Meeka.

  “Two,” he smirked.

  Gripping my hair, I pulled and tugged, the strands coming loose in my fingers. There was no way I could choose a girl and just hand her over like that. He may have had access to all of them, but I didn’t want any part of it.

  “Three.” He took a step forward, forcing me to back up.


  “Four. Come on, Meeka. Time is running out.”

  “No. I won’t play into your games.”

  “Five. You can refuse all you want, but I know you don’t want anything to happen to Asher. I can see it in your eyes, pet. You love him.”

  “He’s like a brother to me.”

  “Come on, Meeka.” Charles stopped a foot away from me. “Unless you’re into incest, we both know that’s not true.”

  Either way, no matter how I felt about Asher, it was none of Charles’ damn business. I wouldn’t admit my feelings to him when I hadn’t even told Asher how I felt. “I’m not telling you shit.”

  “Six.” Charles feigned a yawn. “I’m getting bored. Trust me, we don’t want that to happen. I’ll choose a girl myself and force you to kill her. How about we play that game instead?”

  When he went to turn around, I stopped him. “No! Please. I’ll choose a girl, but please don’t make me hurt them.”

  “Oh, Meeka.” He patted my hand. “No matter what happens, it will be because of you they get hurt or worse. Seven.”

  Tears burned my eyes, my throat closing. “I choose the girl on the left. Fourth cage from the front door.”

  “Good girl. See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Charles opened the door, calling in Asher and his security.

  Falling to my knees, I let out a soft cry. My fault. It was all my fault. The girl would be killed because of me. How could I give in? How could I let Charles control me like that?

  “Meeka.” Asher knelt in front of me, pulling my hands free from my face. “We need to go.”

  “Not yet you don’t,” Charles interjected. “I have to show you my toy, that yours chose for me.” Tugging a small frail girl in front of him, she wavered on her feet. Dark bruises marred her pale naked skin, her hair matted to her head. Her pupils dilated, her eyes glassy with whatever drug had been injected into her body.

  “You got fifty grand out of me before we’ve even set anything up. We are leaving,” Asher told him, his voice firm. Rising to his feet, he pulled me upright.

  “You have no way back.” Charles crossed his arms under his chest, raising an eyebrow.

  “I just gave you fifty thousand dollars without any hesitation. I think I can afford a fucking cab.” Asher moved in front of me, shielding me from whatever was about to take place.

  “You’re lucky I like you.” Charles snapped his fingers again. “Bring her to the showers and have her cleaned. I want her primed before I fuck her.”

  The girl didn’t make a sound as she was guided out of the room. Before she disappeared through the open doors, she looked my way. Our gazes locked. No emotion passed over her face but her eyes glowed, shining with fear.

  Because of me, she was being taken away. To be prepped. Primed. Ready for Charles to do whatever he pleased. She looked no more than twenty but still so young. She would have had her whole life ahead of her but I sent her to her death instead.



  MEEKA DIDN’T TALK. At all. Not when I called the cab. Not when we took it back to my place. Not even when I asked her what had happened. She didn’t tell me what Charles had said to her. She didn’t tell me anything.

  Although I had given Charles fifty thousand fucking dollars, he still made it difficult to leave. I didn’t expect any less from him. The guy was all about making some extra cash and he would go through any means to make sure his addiction was satisfied. I also knew that he was aware of my job. He didn’t know I was undercover. He assumed I had a sick desire. Maybe I did. But not when it came to little girls. That crossed the line. Charles should be shot and fucking pissed on.

  When we reached my place, I paid the cabbie. Meeka didn’t move. My gut twisted. Fuck me, I owed her big time. And I had to make sure she didn’t lose herself. She was strong. Probably the strongest person I knew. I would not let that bastard break her down.

  “Meeka.” I opened her door. “We’re here.”

  She nodded, leaving the vehicle, and walked up the steps.

  I followed behind her, unlocking the front door.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself.

  “Okay.” I watched her slowly make her way up the stairs. Something was off. God, was I so selfish in needing to get everything resolved that I didn’t see past her strength? Fear hid behind her eyes, and because of me, she was taken to the epitome of hell.

  A darkness had settled inside of my house, ruining any chance I had of mentally unwinding.

  My feet moved of their own accord. I needed to make sure she was okay. When I reached the bathroom door, I heard whimpers and soft cries.


  Instead of knocking, I allowed myself in. Meeka was sitting on the floor of the shower, her arms curled around her bent knees. Water streamed over her, cascading warmth throughout the room that she probably didn’t feel at the moment.

  Taking off my clothes, I stepped into the shower and wrapped my arms around her shaking body.

  She cried harder, leaning into me.

  I didn’t say anything as she cried in my arms. What could I say? Would I be able to tell her that it would be okay? That everything would work out in the end? How could she believe me? She watched a girl being taken. She saw others in cages like animals. I was an asshole for forcing her into this mess but as much as she would be mad at me, I wouldn’t change my choice. Meeka was everything that I was not. And I trusted her with my life. She was the strength I needed to get through the job. Even with the missions, I knew I would have to go back to her. It kept me going when so many times I wanted to give up.

  “I chose her,” Meeka sobbed, breaking the silence. “I forced her to her death. Oh, God, Asher, she looked at me. I could see the fear. It’s all my fault.”

  “It is not your fault,” I said the words, but even I knew s
he wouldn’t believe them.

  “It is,” she cried harder, her shoulders shaking with bone-wracking sobs. “There’s no way I can go back there.”

  I held her tight and pinched her chin, forcing her to look up at me. “Yes, you can. But not because I need you to. It’s because you need to go back there. I know you, Meeka. You won’t settle until you find out yourself if the girls are safe and those bastards get caught. It’s how you’re wired.”

  “I’m not strong enough. I thought I was, but I’m really not.”

  “Yes.” I kissed her softly on the forehead. “You are. You may think you can’t handle it, that you can’t go back there, but you can. Yes, it sucks. It sucks more than anything and it’s the hardest job we have both been on. But we’re doing it together. You and I. As a team.”

  She sighed, her shoulders slumping. She wiped the tears from under her eyes even though she was wet from the spray of the shower. It was out of habit but I found myself smiling. She was fucking adorable and beautiful beyond words. Not like I ever had many words to begin with. But with Meeka, I wanted to talk. I wanted to say everything on my mind.

  “We do make a great team,” she stated, rubbing my arm that was around her waist. “Why did you give Charles fifty grand?”

  My jaw clenched. “He was being a dick, and I needed to show him that I meant business.”

  “He knows you’re a Navy SEAL.”

  “I know, but he doesn’t know that Vice-One has been after him for years. He thinks he has power when really, we wanted him to know who we are.”

  “You enjoy playing games with him, don’t you?” She shivered, curling against me.

  “We all do.” I rose to my feet and turned off the shower before reaching out for her hand.

  When she only looked up at me, my heart panged. “We’re going to have a bath so I can wash the filth off of you. So I can erase the past couple of hours and replace those memories with comfort. I’ll at least try.”

  Meeka nodded, her eyes welling. She placed her hand in mine, letting me pull her to her feet. We exited the shower and moved around the bathroom in silence. I drew a hot bath and Meeka brushed her teeth. We were both naked but not ashamed in the least. It made me proud that she was comfortable enough with me that she didn’t need to cover up. We both had scars, flaws, things we weren’t happy with in our bodies but that made us fucking human. I worked out as much as I could and ate a burger when I wanted to.


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