The War Priest

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The War Priest Page 27

by Ann Aguirre

  “You don’t care if I do? Well, fortunately, I have no fascination for conquest. It’s so tedious and exhausting. Draw up the papers, same terms as before. I’ll sign.”

  In just under an hour, Jere had fresh copies of the old Pax Protocols and without fanfare, everyone signed. When Callum handed her the pen, she eyed him with shock. He nudged her and she wrote her name with a flourish, beneath his, representing Burnt Amber.

  There, surely the abbot can’t part us now. It’s written down like a promise.

  As the meeting wound down, Callum couldn’t control his overwhelming fear.

  Once, he’d wanted more than anything for the war to end. Then he could turn Burnt Amber over to Cousin Phelan and go back to his life at the monastery. Now, he was terrified of that happening. Of course, it was a fucking miracle that the whole family had survived, and he was glad, especially because of the children, but—

  “Did you hear me?” Alastor asked.

  “Not even slightly.”

  The Golgoth prince laughed. “Your honesty is refreshing and delightful. I’ll reiterate my promise, then. This won’t truly be over until my brother is dead. And I swear to all of you that I’ll see it done.”

  Seeming sharply alarmed, Sheyla clutched Alastor’s arm. “That means a personal challenge. You can’t—”

  Delicately Alastor set a fingertip on her lips. Joss had bitten him when he did that, though she’d kissed it better afterward.

  Apparently, some responses were common among cats because Sheyla reacted the same way. Alastor let her. Then he said, “Let me worry about that.”

  “Do we need to worry about Tycho regrouping after this loss?” Thalia asked.

  It was a good question, one Callum should’ve been posing. But his head was entirely scrambled. With half-attention, he waited for the answer.

  “He’ll be raging, blaming others. But Golgerra simply doesn’t have more warriors to dedicate to this fruitless effort. It will mean riots and executions in the city, but the external threat is minimal now.”

  “The beast is wounded. Now you must cut off his head,” Thalia said.

  Alastor nodded. “An apt analogy but getting my forces inside will be no small matter. Golgerra is known to be virtually unassailable.”

  Unexpectedly, Joss said, “I have a friend named Renna. She says her family is being held hostage there. Could you look for them?”

  Callum glanced at her in surprise. Somehow, she already knew the people of Burnt Amber better than he did. This is part of why I can’t lose her.

  “My brother has taken those I treasure as well. I will make every effort once I liberate the city,” Alastor promised.

  Abruptly Callum stood, offering a terse nod. “I think we’re done here. Continue chatting if you wish. I’ve urgent matters to attend.”

  First, he needed to hug his cousins and then he had to talk with the abbot. As he strode out, he heard Joss saying, “What he means is, thank you for being so efficient in ratifying the Pax Protocols. We’ll be in touch regarding trade agreements, as our production line is currently in flux.”

  Someone laughed, but he really didn’t give a damn about this stuff right now. Relief and gratitude to the goddess welled up. No matter how this impacted him in the future, gladness rolled through him in a buoyant wave. He found his family in the cafeteria, and he hugged Phelan with all his might. Then he offered his hand to Mimi, but she embraced him like a long-lost brother. His small cousins clutched at his legs like he was a tree they might climb. Callum lifted them all at once, and soon he was covered, two dangling off his arms, one attached to his leg and another on his shoulders.

  “That is a gratifying sight,” the abbot said.

  Chilled by the old man’s tone, he turned with shoulders squared, ready to fight. “You don’t know how happy I am right now, more than I’ve been in years. And if you think my family being alive is an excuse to reverse your decision, let me tell you—I’m not coming back, no matter what. This is where I’m meant to be. I’ve chosen a life with Joss, and I love her so much that I’d probably die if I had to leave her. If you aim to interfere, just go ahead and kill me instead.”

  His impassioned speech attracted an audience, much to his chagrin. When he finished, a smattering of applause broke out among the spectators. To his astonishment, the abbot guffawed, hunching with the force of his amusement. “You always did come out swinging, Callum. That aggression, we couldn’t entirely train out of you, and when you feel cornered you’re still doing it. It’s a miracle that your family survived, just like your victory over the invaders. You’re clearly touched by the goddess but you’re not meant to walk with us forever. I bless the path you’ve chosen and bid you good fortune. The order will withdraw from Burnt Amber presently, so you should say farewell to those you’ll miss.”

  Callum had no idea what to say, as it seemed he had blown up like a volcano over essentially nothing. It was awkward when the abbot left and Phelan was outright snorting with laughter. “Never thought I’d hear the likes of that from you.”

  “It was so romantic.” Mimi pretended to swoon, and he had no mind to put up with their nonsense, family or not.

  “It was,” Joss agreed.

  Oh damn. She heard that?

  She went on, “But don’t you think you should’ve told me that you love me first? Instead of yelling your feelings at a room full of other people.” A soft laugh escaped her. “Though I will allow that it’s entirely on brand.”

  “Probably,” he muttered.

  She turned to Phelan, who resembled him in a ginger variant, scaled back in size. “I’m Joss Bristow, Callum’s mate. Though I’m a bobcat, I admit to an overwhelming fondness for bears.”

  “You’ll fit right in,” Phelan said.

  As ever, Joss eased his embarrassment by chatting easily with his family and she even sang some children’s songs with the little ones. The smallest burst into tears when Callum stole her away, but he ignored the plaintive walls. Cubs that age were always bellowing about something.

  “Where are you taking me?” she demanded, tugging on his arm, hard.

  “To bed.”

  “And I have no say in that?”

  “Of course you do.”

  “Then slow down. There’s one thing you need to do first.”

  Callum paused, trying to figure out what he’d missed. In all honesty, there were probably a lot of nuances that he overlooked. “What is it?”

  “We’re calling my mother. She’s sent me forty messages since the wireless came back on, and if you’re on the vid call with me, she won’t yell at me too much.”

  “You’re using me as a shield against your mother’s wrath?”


  Callum kissed the top of her head. “I’ll protect you, kit. From anyone, anywhere. If they want you, they come through me.”

  Her breath caught, and her eyes went luminous. “Okay, now I want to drag you off to bed, but video chat first.”

  Joss’s mother answered on the first beep, and he could see Joss in this woman’s features. She opened her mouth and closed it again when she realized Joss wasn’t alone. “Finally you call me,” was all she said.

  “I’m so sorry. It’s been madness on this side. The wireless was off for security reasons. I’m not sure if you met Callum when he was in Ash Valley. Things were chaotic then. But…” Joss hurried her next words. “We’re mated and I’m moving to Burnt Amber. We’ll visit soon, once things settle down a bit.”

  “Joss.” That was a warning tone if he’d ever heard one.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “Isn’t he a monk?” Bethel Bristow demanded.

  Joss grinned with far too much enthusiasm. “Not anymore!”

  “Gods love us, you seduced a monk? You reckless, ridiculous—”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he interrupted. He’d promised to keep her mother from yelling at her, after all. “And Joss didn’t seduce me. I just couldn’t resist her. Now she’s
the only goddess I worship.”

  “Oh. Oh. I see. You…you’re both safe then? And happy??”

  “We are,” Joss said. “We’ll talk more when we come to see you. And if you want to hit me for worrying you—”

  “I won’t allow that. You can smack me instead.”

  “Okay, I get it. I like him already,” Bethel said.

  Eyes gleaming, Joss shot him a sizzling look. “Me too.”

  “Call me when you two aren’t about to melt my screen.” With that, Joss’s mother cut the connection.

  Callum took that as a sign and swung Joss into his arms. “We’ve taken care of all urgent issues, I told Jere to handle things for a while, and I’ve loudly declared my devotion. Can I have you now?”


  Joss could get used to Callum’s inclination to carry her like a princess. Snuggling close, she whispered, “You already do, but by all means, take me to bed.”

  She smiled when he strode directly to their room without pausing. It wasn’t even noon, but she doubted they’d emerge for at least a day. Deliberately, he turned the bolt behind them and then he kissed her without putting her down. His strength was intoxicating, but she couldn’t get naked while he held her.

  Callum put her on her feet long enough for her to rip her clothes off, and his came off that quickly as well. But when she moved toward the bedroom, he tugged her back with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “In here?” she asked.

  “In that chair. Do you know how many times you sat on my lap there, and I couldn’t have you? I’ve imagined it so many times.”

  “Then let’s make your fantasy come true.”

  He shuddered a little as he sat down, his body fully on display for her to admire, and there was a lot to adore. His cock was hard, ruddy with desire, and gleaming at the tip. Joss settled onto his lap, remembering all the times he’d cuddled her here, just like this, but now they were naked, and it changed everything. She leaned in for a kiss, teasing at his lips with her tongue, and his shaft throbbed against her ass.

  Callum caressed her back and shoulders, deepening the kiss, devouring her as if he could never get enough. When his lips shifted to her throat, she tipped her head back and his gentle/rough teeth sent pleasure-chills through her entire body, tightening her nipples. He noticed of course and palmed her breasts. Joss rested her head on his shoulder as the sensations built. She was already wet, and he discovered it when he slipped a hand between her thighs, massaging her lips with soft, lovely strokes. His touch made her feel urgent and languid at the same time, like she wanted to come, but she also wanted this to continue forever.

  Joss squirmed on his lap, tension tightening her stomach as he teased between her lips and clit. The movements created soft friction, rubbing his cock along the curve of her ass. Her weight and pressure must feel good because he moved with her, grinding as she worked herself against his fingertips. He kissed her neck, her shoulders, plucked at the tips of her breasts, stroked her belly, and then back down, rhythmic touches that filled her entire body with music, a pleasure she’d only known before when she sang.

  “Ready for me, love?”


  At her whispered assent, he lifted her and sat her on his cock, still facing away. His hands settled on her waist and with effortless motions, he pressed her up and down, fucking her deep and slow. She tilted forward for better pressure where it felt best and moaned when he hit the sweet spot. At this angle, he could touch her everywhere as he thrust inside her. His big hands played over her breasts, he teased her clit and the softness of her inner thighs.

  “Yes. Callum, yes.”

  She was getting close, desperate and hungry, and helpless, reliant on him to level up the sensations, but he seemed in no hurry to let her finish, slowing his tempo when she tried to fuck faster. He couldn’t stop her from circling her hips, and when she clenched her internal muscles on his cock, he gasped in her ear.

  “Stop trying to drive me over. I want this to last.”

  “And I want to come.”

  He bit her softly on the side of the neck and teased her clit. “Then come for me. Let me feel it. You’re almost there, aren’t you? So close it aches.”

  Joss whimpered when he pulled his slick fingers away and licked them. “Damn you.”

  When he repeated the touch, she did come, bright sparks bursting all over her body. He fucked her deep and slow through another orgasm. Her legs were jelly when Callum finished inside her with a guttural cry. Afterward, he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “So much that sometimes I can’t believe this is real. You could’ve had anyone, yet you picked me.”

  “Because I love you. I’m supposed to be with you. I know love at first sight is absurd, but I wanted you to be mine from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Trust me, I’m aware.”

  “And it never changed, even when you got to know me?” That seemed to amaze him.

  “That only increased my interest,” she admitted.

  “I have no idea why.”

  “Part of it is because you need me. I’m not that special, and I can’t do anything well except sing, but I feel…essential to you, like…” She hesitated, wondering if this was too cheesy to say aloud. Why not? “Like we complete one another, okay?”

  Wildly embarrassed, she tried to hide her face in her hands, but he wouldn’t let her. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me. It’s hard for me to fathom that I have any pieces that you lack, but you’re right. I do need you. Without you, I’m drifting. Everything is black and white and there’s no brightness. It’s a little hard to explain.”

  “You don’t have to. Thanks for what you said to my mother, by the way.”

  “Hm? Which thing?”

  “About not letting her hit me. Offering to take my punishment. Nothing could’ve reassured her faster than that. And you defended me when she thought I was causing trouble.”

  Callum said seriously, “I will always take your side.”

  “No matter what? Even if I’m obviously wrong?”

  He chuckled softly, a little gust of breath against her skin. “Even then.”

  “To be honest, I don’t want to be indulged to that extent. But I feel warm knowing that you’re so in love with me.” Amusement overcame her when she remembered how he’d shouted at the abbot.

  “Absolutely smitten, I believe that’s the word.”

  Delighted, Joss kissed his ear and slipped off his lap to wash up. Sex was awesome, but the aftermath could be messy. Callum took his turn in the bathroom, and when he came out, she had her knitting basket out and was examining the half-finished sweater that didn’t currently look like much.

  He raised a brow. “Have we been together long enough for me to bore you? It seems a bit soon for you to turn to arts and crafts. I’ve the energy to—”

  “Stop.” She couldn’t breathe for laughing. “This is important, so try to keep from pouncing me for five minutes.”

  “Easy for you to say. You weren’t celibate for fifteen years.”


  “Fine, I’m listening.”

  “I started this sweater as a gift for you when I first arrived. As a thank-you for looking after me. I was hoping to have it done before I left, so it would’ve been a parting gift, a memento of the love that wasn’t meant to be.”

  “I feel like crying, kit. Hope this story takes a brighter turn.”

  She smiled up at him and got to her feet. “You know that it will. Now, this sweater is my promise to you, our hope for the future. Because I know myself, and I won’t complete it quickly. I’ll forget about it as I work on my music. Then I’ll knit feverishly for a bit, get inspired by another song, and wander off again. But I will never, ever abandon this project. Or you. And one day, you’ll be able to wear this, I swear. It will keep you warm when I can’t.” />
  “Joss.” His tone was so soft, so sweet. “I’ll always be waiting. If you get lost in your music and forget this world for a while, I won’t go anywhere. I’ll make sure you have hot food waiting and clean clothes to wear. And I’ll never begrudge you time spent doing what you love.”

  “Music was my greatest love,” she whispered. “Until you. Now, you occupy equal space in my heart, and from this point on, every song I write, every song I sing, will be for you.”

  His eyes went lambent with heat, and he plucked the half-finished sweater from her hands. depositing it with loving care in her basket. “We’re going back to bed now, right?”


  By nightfall, Callum bordered on dehydration and he was delirious with joy.

  Maybe that was why he slipped out of bed and went looking for Pru. He hadn’t spoken to Joss’s cousin very much, but she ought to know what would make Joss happy. Since he’d flubbed the declaration of his feelings, he wanted to see whether Joss would enjoy a surprise announcement regarding their relationship. Since she was a performer, he thought maybe…but it seemed better not to screw this up. If a private proposal would be a better move, Pru would know.

  But since officially, she would be leading Burnt Amber alongside him, his instincts said he should invite input. It hadn’t occurred to him to host those town forums until Joss brought it up, and it might piss everyone off if he didn’t involve them in this process. Or maybe not. Hell, he was bad at this, at dealing with people in general.

  Callum found Pru in the quarters she shared with Dom, who thankfully was somewhere else. And when Pru heard what he wanted, her quizzical expression melted into excitement. “Absolutely! Joss will love a bit of spectacle, especially if it’s not normally your style.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, we already said our vows privately. But I think she would like it if it was official, formalized by Burnt Amber’s blessing.”


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