Fan Girl (Los Rancheros)

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Fan Girl (Los Rancheros) Page 18

by Brandace Morrow

  It takes a long time for us to get our breath back. Finally he lifts his head and says, “Can I stay here forever?”

  I laugh and it tightens my muscles around him.

  He groans and his eyes roll back.

  “You can stay until you feed me. Then you can come back.”

  He smiles. “Deal.”

  He pulls out, and I see silver in his junk. “I think that’s my favorite part of you.”

  He looks down. “Me too, that’s what makes you scream.”

  I sigh happily. “I knew you were a freak.”

  He laughs loud and rolls onto his back. He’s got a D ring with a ball in the middle at the top end of his dick this time. Genius. Freaking genius. Perfect position to find that notorious G.

  I know I’m in love now. I think about locking him away in my closet. He’s so big, though. No really, do I love him? I don’t know, but it’s pretty damn close. Sex like that could seal the deal, that’s for certain.

  I turn my head to look at him. “I’m thinking about locking you in my closet to keep forever and ever. Do you have an aversion to chains?”

  He throws his head back and laughs, then rolls to me and gathers me up in his arms. “Silk is more my style, but it’ll be me tying you up, not the other way around.” His eyes are bright green, almost florescent they’re so bright.

  I’m left breathless and try to pass it off. “I have a tongue ring, too. There’s a lot you can benefit from that, don’t forget.”

  He pulls me closer, I feel against my belly that he’s getting hard again already. Stamina! CHECK!

  He says, “Don’t go there unless you wanna go there.”

  I hate to break the mood, but my stomach is getting to that point. “Hungry. Breakfast,” I say in short terms in hopes he will pick it up in his sex fogged mind.

  “Breakfast. Check.” He rolls off of me, and I’m thinking I may finally speak man after all these years.

  I glance at the clock and there’s no time for a shower. Thank goodness I took one last night. I change into a black razorback tank top that says ‘Keep Calm and Get a Tattoo’ with a worn pair of blue jeans and black heels. Hair up in a high pony and minimal makeup will have to do.

  I walk out to Deklan in khaki pants, unbuttoned but zipped, and nothing else, cooking at my stove.

  He checks me out from head to toe, then grabs a cup and straw from the counter. “Breakfast milady. I made omelets and toast too, if you think you can eat.”

  I take my cup and kiss his cheek as I pass to the bar on the other side of him and sit.

  “So, what are you doing today?” I’m trying out this domesticated bliss thing.

  “I have a meeting with my manager and assistant to go over the recording schedule. Then there’s a New York video conference to finalize the line. I’ll have to make a trip out soon. Oh, Tommy wants us to come to a barbeque on Saturday. You’re off that day, right?”

  I nod my head. “I’m off Saturday and Sunday. You’re talking about the clothing line, right?”

  “Yeah, I still can’t believe they talked me into it. Last year it sold huge, though, so at least it’s successful.”

  Deklan started his own line last year of reasonably priced men’s clothes. Everything is handpicked by him and then made available at low cost retailers. The thirty dollar pairs of jeans were going out of stock. “So we’ll plan on leaving here about ten thirty. Tommy lives up in the mountains. On a good day it’s an hour drive.”

  “Sounds great. I can’t wait to meet the kids, after hearing so much about them.”

  “They’re a riot.” He smiles and starts eating.

  I look up then back down, playing with my food. Finally, I take a deep breath and ask, “Do you want to come over tonight for dinner?” Why is that so hard?

  He smiles huge and says, “Yeah, but I’ll cook. Tomorrow I have to do the Late Show if you want to set it up to record.”

  I look up sharply.

  He’s laughing silently. I throw a piece of egg at his head, and he laughs loud.

  “Shut up!”

  I stand up and begin loading the dishwasher when he comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “You’re too easy. I love it. At least you’re a supportive girlfriend. You could be after my money, or hate what I do. I’ll take what I’ve got right here.” He kisses that spot where my shoulder meets my neck, and I melt back against him. “Mmm,” he murmurs.

  “Work,” I whisper, “I need to go.”

  He sighs against my neck. “Kay. If you think of what you want for dinner, text me. I’ll see you back here.”

  I’m almost out of the kitchen before I stop and look down at my junk drawer for a long second. I glance at Deklan who is rinsing out the blender then back to the drawer. I open it and pull out an extra set of keys. “Dek.”

  He looks up, and splashes himself with water, while catching the keys flying at him. He looks down at his hand and back at me, the biggest smile spreading across his face that I’ve ever seen.

  Chapter 25

  I get to work fifteen minutes early and all of the noon shift girls are already there. So are the paparazzi. I walk with my head down to the front door. As soon as it’s closed and locked with the blinds down, I take out the ultrasound picture and it’s promptly snatched and passed around in the midst of gasps and squeals.

  “Oh my gosh, I just can’t believe it! We are going to have so much fun shopping for this little monkey!” Michelle drawls.

  “Monkey? Oh no. Peanut, jelly bean, okay. I’m not having a monkey,” I correct.

  “You say that, but when they literally start climbing the walls, it’s another thing.” Carmen speaks from experience.

  I shake my head. Not going there.

  Amy speaks up, “So, I saw Deklan posted a picture of you two together. Guess it’s getting serious if he’s taking things public. He’s never done that before.”

  I nod. “He went to the doctor’s appointment with me, said he wanted to do this. So we’re trying to do it.”

  Stacie gives me a huge hug, but I pull away and point my finger sternly to everyone. “No one say anything. Not a word. You can talk about the shop, but nothing personal.” I get solemn nods from everyone.

  Turning back to Stacie, I say, “My due date is September twenty-fifth, so we need to put that in the books.”

  She nods. “I think we should hire another artist to start in June or so, so that you have time to shop and get your place remodeled. You’ll be super busy, hiring a nanny, getting things set up. Not to mention public appearances with Deklan. You’ll probably only be able to work three days a week.”

  Nanny. Remodel. Deklan. I hate the idea of not working every day, but I can see where I wouldn’t be able to get things done.

  I sigh and give in. “I’ll call Reed, and see if he has anybody he can send our way.” I always call Reed in New York first to see if he has anyone available. He gets them while they’re still in art school and cultivates the talent. Half of my girls have come from him. I need to call him anyway to tell him the news.


  After work, I go up to the office to call Reed. He answers, “What’s doing, Ali girl?” in his gravelly voice.

  He sounds like a bear and it makes me smile. “Hey Reed, how’s the business?”

  “Oh, you know. Whipping these kids into shape. I swear I’m too old for this shit anymore. I need a vacation,” he grumbles, just like I knew he would. The man is a constant complainer, but it’s all bark.

  I fiddle with a pen nervously. “How about you take a trip the end of September?”

  “Where’m I sposed to go, doll?” he asks incredulously.

  “Here. I’m… I’m pregnant, Reed. You could come out for the birth if you want.” Reed was my family after my parents wrote me off when I graduated high school. I didn’t have anyone to spend Christmas or Thanksgiving with, so he always took me with him to his house to spend it with him and his wife Doris, who died a few years back. She was the Mrs. Claus
to his mister. Since then, we’ve been spending holidays together, just the two of us, when I can talk him into it. He hasn’t been the same since she passed.

  They were together forty-five years. Doris wasn’t able to have children, so there’s no one else to take care of him. We’ve been sticking to each other a long time. He’s my father/grandfather in every way that matters.

  He’s silent until I hear a sniffle. My eyes immediately start to water.

  He whispers roughly, “Oh my girl. My Ali girl. My heart is so full.”

  I smile and wipe my eyes. “I’m glad, Reed. You should think of what you want to be called. I don’t think my kid should have Santa for a grandpa.”

  He lets out a 'ho ho ho' perfect for Christmas. “I’m thinking Pop is a good name. I always wanted to be a Pop,” he says quietly.

  I sniff. “I had an ultrasound yesterday. I’ll send you a picture on your phone. It actually looks like something.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see it. I’m so happy, girl. So happy.”

  “Well, that brings me to my next order of business. I need to get a new girl in here by the summer. I think I’m going to go part-time. I don’t think I’ll have the time to get everything done. Do you have anyone good that would be willing to relocate?”

  “Number one, anyone would relocate to work at your shop, Ali. Don’t doubt that for a second. And two, I think you’re smart to step back. Family comes first. I have a girl, Sashi, she’s perfect for your shop. She looks like an Anime, but the talent... oh, she’s great. I’ll send you her details and get her to email you some of her work.”

  “Sounds perfect. Thank you so much for letting go of your best girls for me.”

  “I want them to go to the best, and I trained you right. I’ll put it in the books for September. How long do you want me to stay?”

  “How long do you want to stay?” I ask him.

  “How about forever?” He gives a tight laugh and my heart lurches.

  “Is everything okay, Reed. Are you sick?”

  “Oh no, girl. Just tired is all. Been doing this a long time. I’ll be sixty-five this year. Retirement sounds like heaven, and with you having a baby all the way across the country, it sounds even better.”

  I’m shocked. I just saw him three months ago at Christmas, and he seemed perfectly happy. What happened? I rush to tell him, “Anytime you want to get out here, you’re always welcome. I'd love to see you. If you want to sell the shop and come out here, I think you would love the beach! You could be surfing Santa. I’ll get you a Hawaiian shirt.”

  We both share a laugh, and he says he’ll think about it some more.

  Chapter 26

  When I open my front door, I smell garlic and grilled chicken. Setting my purse down on the island, I watch Deklan stir noodles boiling in a pot, then wipe his hands on a towel while walking toward me. Leaning down, he gives me a kiss and asks, “Hey Ali, how was work?”

  I’m still worried about Reed, so I tell him about the day and my phone call.

  “That’s great that he can get a girl out to you that fast. Watching you work, I’ve been worried about when you get bigger. I think your back would kill you inside an hour. I just didn’t want to push any buttons.”

  “So everyone keeps telling me. I have to figure out the damn house, buy a new car, and shop for everything. I’m going to need more than two hours before work to get it done.”

  “Don’t worry about it, babe. If you need help, I can loan you my assistant. You just tell her what you need, and she’ll get it done.”

  “Thanks, but I kind of want to buy the stuff myself. I wanna go to the big baby stores and make choices, not hand someone a list.”

  “Whatever you want to do, sweetheart. I don’t want you to stress about it, though. What else is it? Something else is bothering you.”

  I lean back in my chair and sigh. “It’s Reed. He’s been like a grandpa to me, and he was so happy about the baby. I asked him to come out in September, and he mentioned he was thinking about retiring. It worries me. Since he lost Doris, I’m afraid he's aging faster.”

  Deklan takes my hand and rubs the knuckles. “Maybe he should come out here. Sunshine, no New York winters for his arthritis, the baby. He might do better having someone to look out for again.”

  “Yeah. I’ll keep an eye out for apartments or something.”

  Deklan stands up. “Me, too. Ready for dinner?”

  “What did you make me?” I tease.

  He smiles as he dishes out noodles. “Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread.”

  “Sounds perfect, thank you for cooking. How did your day go?”

  We take our plates to the couch, and he tells me about the clothes they’re shipping out for him to okay, and the schedule for recording. “Looks like it’s going to be twenty songs, then we’ll narrow it down. Saturday we’ll figure out who has material, then Monday try to put something together.”

  “Sounds cool. Have you written a lot?”

  He wags his head from side to side as he chews. “Some. Only a few that are really good. I’ve heard some of Pete’s new music, though. I think it’s gonna be a good album.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it. Oh, the paps found Shell this morning.”

  He takes another bite, studying my face. “Did you have any problems?”

  I shake my head. “No, it was fine. We kept the blinds down. The customers loved it, said they felt like they just got their fifteen minutes of fame.”

  He laughs. “I’m glad they didn’t freak anyone out.”


  After dinner we both sit with our feet on the coffee table. He’s simultaneously watching a game and checking emails on his laptop. I’m researching everything baby. Mostly what I can’t eat, and how to be healthy. “Did you know that pasteurized milk is bad for you? The enzymes from the cow are what’s good for you. Same with yogurt. And free-range meat doesn’t have growth hormones. Do you know what that can do to your body?”

  Deklan closes my laptop and sets it on the other side of him.


  “You’re the girl that watches that medical show, and is convinced you have all of the symptoms and will die in two days.” He’s laughing at me.

  “I am not a hypochondriac!” I fold my arms. “I mean there are steroids and hormones in beef and chicken. Genetically modified stuff. Pesticides on produce. I’m going organic.”

  He just looks at me and shakes his head. “I’ll buy going organic, but none of that vegan shit. Or vegetarian, I have to have meat.”

  I smirk and bite his bicep. “Me too.”

  Deklan looks over at me shocked. “Did you just bite me?”

  I lean away from him and shake my head no, warily.

  “I think you did.”

  I shake my head faster and put my feet on the floor.

  He moves his computer off of his lap. “You did, you bit me. You know what you’re supposed to do when someone bites you?”

  I’m ready to bolt. I shake my head again.

  In a quiet voice he answers, “You bite back.” Then vaults over the back of the couch as I take off around the corner to the hallway.

  I feel his arms just under my breasts and then I’m airborne. He rolls us so that he’s on the bottom, bouncing on the bed. I try to roll off and he pulls me back with strong arms, so that my back is to his front and we’re facing the ceiling.

  He starts tickling my side with one arm, but I’m not that ticklish there, so I keep a straight face and don’t move. His breathing is lifting my whole body, making me feel miniature sized. He pulls my shirt up a little and wiggles his fingers flat on my belly and my breath catches. He’s feeling the baby. He pulls me up more with the arm that’s under my boobs, and buries his face in my hair. I feel him take a deep breath in, then slowly let it out in a sigh. His pinky goes under my jeans lightly, and I suck in a breath. The hand stays there as he bends his pinky along my panties.

  I take a deep breath and bend my legs, resting my feet on
the outside of his knees and causing my ass to push back into him. Deklan grunts a puff of air into my hair and slides his hand down. I suck in my stomach and his hand swoops down into the gap I've created. He goes straight under my panties to cup my mound, before putting pressure on his middle finger, sliding into the folds.

  I stare up at the ceiling and pant as he plays me like a guitar, strumming his callused fingers against sensitive nerves. His fingers circle and circle. When he starts flicking his tongue below my ear I arch my back and come on his fingers. Deklan wastes no time. The hand that’s been bound around me unbuttons my pants and both hands push down. I kick out of my jeans and panties while he’s unbuckling his belt.

  He flips us over so that I’m flat on my stomach. He holds his body away on his elbows so he doesn’t crush me while he kicks out of his jeans. Then he’s pulling me up to my knees and swooping my shirt off and to the floor. The bra is gone in about three seconds, then he’s pushing me back down. I lay on my belly, head to the side and watch him bend over me in my peripheral vision.

  I shiver as I feel his breath on my spine, before his mouth touches down on the red lotus flower. He opens his mouth and licks it with a flat tongue, so that I feel his tongue ring across my skin. He is so good with that thing. He moves all the way down my back to the base of my spine where my tattoo stops.

  His arms are straight, hands by my shoulders when he spreads his knees wide, making my legs spread too. I can feel his dick heavy on the crack of my ass and push up into it. He moans and straightens, then pulls my hips up. I feel him press his thumbs into my lower back. He tells me, “These dimples right here are perfect for pulling you back against me.” He slides his hands over the flare of my hips and down over my butt cheeks before he squeezes. “And this ass, I fucking love this ass.” I shiver and get wetter with his words.

  Deklan pulls me up on my forearms with my belly off of the bed. His legs are so much longer than mine that he has to lean down with one arm to get in the right position to reach me. He goes slow, stretching me so good, with little bursts of pressure then back out again. It has me rocking against him, trying to get him all the way in. I push back hard and all the breath rushes out of him. “Ah,” he breathes out weakly.


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