Never Surrender

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Never Surrender Page 27

by Michael Anderle

  Tabitha hugged Hirotoshi, Ryu, and Katsu and headed towards her suite. Shin’s funeral would be the day after tomorrow, and he would be honored along with those from the Battle of Straiphus. Then, there would be a private ceremony with Bethany Anne, Barnabas, and a few others.


  She smiled to those she passed along the hallway and finally took a right towards her alcove and her door. She stopped ten feet away and looked up, remembering she had a little guy for a roommate now.

  She was seriously going to give Bethany Anne a piece of her mind. She wasn’t a damned babysitter. By a piece of her mind, she meant she was going to get on her knees and beg Bethany Anne to take the boy and give him to someone else.

  She might have had little game before she left, but she was feeling the old Tabitha coming back to the surface, and a little guy was going to be date-night kryptonite.

  She blew out her breath and walked forward, Meredith opened the door for her. Walking in, she noticed nothing seemed amiss, then she frowned. She could smell Jinx and Anne in the suite. They had to have been here recently. Maybe Bethany Anne had the young teenager watching the boy while Tabitha was out?

  Tabitha walked forward and tossed her bag on the table, “Hello?” she called out.


  “Good, you are here,” she called out, “I’m Tabitha.” She walked to the room that Anne had used before Tabitha had left to start the Eubos Operation.

  I know who you are, Ranger.

  “Good, now if you would just come out and introduce yourself,” Tabitha called out as she looked into the room, but nothing seemed messed up. No one was using this bedroom. Perplexed, Tabitha turned around.

  My name is Dio.

  It was then that Tabitha looked down, to see the German Shepherd laying on the floor, looking up at her.

  “Oh, shit.” Tabitha put her hand over her mouth, “You are Jinx’s brother.”

  Yes, my Ranger, I am.

  Tabitha went back carefully over every word Bethany Anne said and immediately knew where the Empress had allowed Tabitha to make all sorts of assumptions.

  She didn’t have a young boy as a roommate, she now had one of Ashur and Bellatrix’s children as a partner. While she had been around Dio before, she hadn’t paid any attention because it was Anne and Jinx that had hung out with the puppy. Plus, Tabitha hadn’t been very good company at that time.

  Tabitha walked around and collapsed onto the couch. She closed her eyes, trying to remember what the rules were for any of the puppies and who they chose. She heard Dio get up and move to the couch and jump up beside her. He laid down and placed his head on her lap. She started to pet him, knowing full well this was a bad move if she wanted to figure out a way around having to keep the young dog.

  Some time later, Tabitha woke up. She wasn’t on the couch like she would have expected, she was in bed, tucked in. She looked around, and noticed the two eyes staring at her in the dim light, “Dio?”


  “What happened?”

  I called the Queen, and she came and picked you up, and tucked you in bed.


  No, the Queen came to talk with you, and you were asleep on the couch. I explained you came home and collapsed. She did that scary red eyes thing and then picked you up, came in here, and tucked you in. She told me to stand guard until you woke up. She also said that if I needed to wake you I would have to bite you, so I’ve been on the edge of the bed, watching out for you.

  Tabitha’s eyes teared up, thinking about the pup sitting on the edge of the bed willing to attack someone for her.

  Just like her Tonto’s…

  “Come here, Dio,” she told the dog, who walked across the bed. Tabitha patted the bed next to her. Dio took the invitation and laid down against her side. Tabitha put an arm over him, “Meredith?”

  “Yes, Ranger Tabitha.”

  “Lock my doors, and give me a heads up if any of my guys need me. Otherwise, anyone lower in the chain of command than Barnabas needs to go away. Dio and I are going to go to sleep.”

  “Yes, Tabitha.”

  The lights blinked out in her room.

  QBBS Meredeth Reynolds - All Guns Blazing

  Jean Dukes was being held by John as she cried as silently as possible, her tears soaking his chest.

  Bethany Anne looked out of the glass into space.

  In the distance, there was a large set of caskets, the remains of those who had fought valiantly and died on the ArchAngel and the many other ships in the Straiphus system. The video of the ceremony was going out to all who wished to see it.

  Both the Humans and the Yollins.

  Bethany Anne’s voice was even, but still full of emotion. She was resolute, yet warm. “There are those who will often wonder why our generation chose to take the battle out to the stars when we had the chance to stay at home and change our own world.”

  “The problem with waiting for the bully is that you give them the power over you instead of taking the fight out to the bullies in space. Whether they look like you do, or they look different, a bully crosses all species, all systems, and all types of peoples.”

  “There are those who don’t understand who we are as a people, who humanity is. They see our guns, or our ability to wage war, or our violent tendencies and judge us. Perhaps, just perhaps, their ignorance will be enough to provide us the peace that we crave.”

  “What they miss seeing is the ability of humans to sacrifice for each other, to sacrifice for an ideal. We aren’t the only species who can do this, but that is an important aspect of humanity we share.”

  “I am going to speak about one such human. I am going to tell the story of one man who left the service on my home planet to follow me many years ago.”

  Bethany Anne took a deep breath and held it for a moment.

  TOM, keep my emotions in check.

  I’ve got your back, Bethany Anne.

  Bethany Anne released her breath.

  “I’m going to tell you the story of Chief Engineer John Edward Rodriquez and how he sacrificed his life in the Straiphus system, giving his all to keep the Etheric Empire safe…”

  Jean Dukes couldn’t keep her crying quiet any longer.

  Planet Yoll, Capital City, Shool District

  The park was mostly deserted as night was coming and many of the Yollins in that area were starting to eat.

  The seven toughs figured the small alien family would be good for a mugging. The elite populace had currently stopped their attacks on humans for religious or political reasons. However, the humans often had something that could be sold.

  So, the seven Yollins walked across the street, assuming this would be an easy score. The Yollins spread out, forming a half circle around the arguing couple. An arguing couple who ignored them.

  The little human however smiled at the Yollins. The little alien seemed happy they showed up.

  “Hey!” Mu’tek shouted. As the leader of the group, it was his responsibility for the demands.

  Neither of the two adult humans turned towards him, they just continued arguing. He looked down, and the little alien stuck her tongue out at him.

  That was damned annoying.

  “HEY!” he shouted again.

  Both humans turned toward him, “WHAT?” they shouted at the same time.

  Mu’tek opened his arms, “You haven’t paid the toll for using this park. You need to pay both the toll and penalties now.” One of his gang members snickered, “I want any technology.” He waved his hand, “And your clothes. You humans have so many different sets, I think I’ll start collecting them.”

  “Oh, fuck you. Go away and leave us alone,” the human male responded.

  Mu’tek’s eyes hardened, “I asked politely, but you refused.” He looked to his left, “Maybe we let Grel harm the little girl?”

  The little girl’s eyes flashed yellow, and then she lifted her hand, the middle finger seemed to grow a claw, and she pointed just the middle
finger up in his direction.

  The female snickered and spoke to her mate, “Looks like she’s channeling her inner BA.”

  The male just shook his head in annoyance.

  Mutek nodded, and Grel walked forward. He hadn’t taken two steps when the little alien’s hands changed to claws. Then her eyes went yellow, and she screamed as she ran at Grel. He barely had time to react when she jumped, landing two knees on his chest, knocking him off his feet. She slashed across his eyes, rode him down and jumped off before he hit the ground. The youngster landed and rolled between the legs of Grel’s partner. She popped upright and turned around, slicing through the spot between his foot and his leg’s armor.

  He went down screaming.

  It didn’t take long before Mu’tek himself had to fight the little demon from hell. He had his knife out and used it. He managed to stab the little alien. His eyes opened in shock when the knife didn’t penetrate.

  The child laughed and spoke in Yollin, “Jean Dukes’ armor, bitch!”

  She ripped her claws across his throat.

  That was the final straw. Four of the Yollin toughs were down, one was possibly dying. The other three grabbed the hurt ones, slapping the one holding his head after the little girl had punched him on her way to Mu’tek.

  The thugs left, limping as fast as they could drag their fallen out of the park.

  Ecaterina opened her arms, and the little child’s eyes faded from yellow, and her arms changed back as she rushed and jumped up into her mom’s arms. “That’s our little warrior!” She said as the two high-fived, and they turned to look over at Dad. “Told you she could take them out!”

  Nathan reached over and ruffled Christina’s hair, “Ok, I owe you two ounces of gold and both of you an apology. I guess the three of us are a team.” He admitted and pulled two coins out and handed them to Ecaterina. He opened his arms. Christina crawled from her mom’s embrace over to her dad and kissed him on the cheek, “Those fucktards were lousy. Auntie Bethany Anne would make them each do a thousand pushups for their bad form.”

  Nathan grimaced at his daughter, “What would Auntie Bethany Anne say about you using such language, little lady?”

  “She would say drop and give me fifty,” Christina moaned.

  “That’s right,” Nathan agreed and put her down, “So, get to it. If you think you are old enough to be cursing, then you are old enough to do it right. Next time you curse and it isn’t unique, it’s a hundred pushups.”

  Christina did her first push-up, “One … dammit.”

  She went down and pushed up again, “Two … shit-faced gargoyle.”

  A minute later, the two adults listened in as Christina continued her pushups, “Thirty-eight … scum sucking pile of doggie poo.”

  “Nah-ah!” Ecaterina admonished the little girl, “That is a repeat from your fifth pushup, start over.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Christina wailed as she went back down.

  “That’s a second fifty now, you repeated fucking,” Nathan told her.

  “This isn’t fair!” she whined.

  “On the contrary, it is very fair. Ask Uncle Scott or Uncle Eric sometimes, they have had to do the same thing.”

  “This sucks! It isn’t worth cussing if I have to do push-ups all the time,” she complained.

  Ecaterina rolled her eyes and reached into her pocket. She took out the two coins Nathan had given her for losing the bet and returned them. He mouthed ‘thank you’ and gave her a wink.

  Yollin System - Three Years Post Straiphus Rebellion

  They say that history is written by the victors, and they are right. The reason is completely logical. Those that lost aren’t around to write anything.

  As the dead can’t write from beyond the grave.

  The latest and most impressive ship built in the Yollin’s new military shipyards slowly and smoothly slid from its moorings as hundreds who watched from nearby ships raised their hands in salute.

  The Empress stared in silence as the new, massive, ship slid into place next to her official Royal in-system Transport Pod. The doors opened to allow the Empress’ transport to enter the ship’s cavernous bay.

  It wasn’t long before those in the Transport Pod disembarked and made their way to the bridge, which was built in the center of the massive vessel.

  Bethany Anne stopped outside of the bridge to look at the dark, six-foot-wide, gray stone monument that had so many names chiseled into it. She reached up and rubbed her hand across a few. Turning, she wiped a tear from her cheek as she took the last few steps to the bridge, the doors opening automatically for her.

  She nodded to those standing around waiting for her arrival. The Yollin head of the shipyard, those that worked to make this ship useable by both humans and Yollins, and those who had been employed on the massive electronic infrastructure.

  Necessary to house the new Intelligence.

  She walked straight to the Captain’s chair, turned and sat down. The Shipyard Master looked over to the Minister of Defense, who winked back at him.

  “This is Empress Bethany Anne of the Etheric Empire, show yourself.” She commanded.

  A face, a replica of the Empress herself, slowly brightened into view on the front screens, her eyes flaring red. Some of those on the bridge were shocked to see the face of the Empress on the screens.

  Their Empress, however, smiled in satisfaction. “Hello ArchAngel, it’s damned good to have you back.”

  The face on the screen looked around at everyone standing on her bridge. Then, she looked at the woman seated in the Captain’s chair and smiled.

  “Hello, Mother.”

  There was a second where no one even breathed, as the AI continued, “This is the Leviathan Class Super-Dreadnought ArchAngel II. I have been commanded to protect the Etheric Empire by Empress Bethany Anne. All Lockdown Protocols on this ship have not yet been implemented. Does the Empress command I enact lockdown protocols?”

  “No, I do not,” Bethany Anne replied.

  “Lockdown protocals are not activated. Leviathan Class Super-Dreadnought ArchAngel II is now fully operational and will fight all who attack the Etheric Empire until Victorious…or Dead.”

  Bethany Anne smiled, her eyes red in memory of those whose names graced the stone outside the bridge. “Good, it’s time you kick some more ass, ArchAngel.”


  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written March 29th and 30th, 2017


  Thank you - thank you - thank you for reading these notes. By reading this stuff, it pretty much means you have read well over a MILLION words of Kurtherian kick-ass badassery… AND probably a shit-ton of cursing. Probably way more colorful language than the recommended daily allowance suggested by just about anyone who has a problem with cursing.

  Yes, I know I have a problem writing this type of language, and I completely blame my sense of humor. I snicker (don’t judge me!) when stupid curse words are strung together in humorous ways.

  If they are strung together in even better ways, I’ll laugh out loud and then go back and re-read them another time…and then snicker again.


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