Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Secret Missions #2 - Curse of the Black Hole Pirates

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Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Secret Missions #2 - Curse of the Black Hole Pirates Page 6

by Ryder Windham

  Veeren swallowed hard, then said, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Whatever I say.” Gunn turned abruptly to face Nuru and the troopers. “The pirates will be here any moment. I'm certain they'll transfer us to one of their ships. Give all your weapons to Cleaver. Now!”

  “But, Gunn,” Nuru said. “I can't let anyone else have my lightsabers. It would be ... irresponsible.”

  “Then you’d better do a really good job of looking like you‘re unarmed, kid.”

  The troopers handed their weapons to Cleaver. Gunn quickly issued additional instructions to everyone. When Gunn was done, Breaker sounded skeptical as he said, “Do you really think that will work, Captain Gunn?”

  “We don’t have time for another plan.”

  “On second thought,” Nuru said as he handed Ring-Sol Ambase’s lightsaber to Cleaver, “perhaps you’d better hold onto this one.”

  Less than six minutes after Gunn had given brisk instructions to everyone on the Harpy, one of the two Vangaard Pathfinders latched onto the Harpy’s starboard docking port with a loud clang. A moment later, the port’s hatch hissed open, and a short, fishlike alien boarded the captured transport.

  The alien‘s name was Robonino. He was a Patrolian, a bipedal amphibian with mottled mauve scales. He once had two bulbous red eyes, but a dark patch covered the ruined socket formerly occupied by his left. Wide fins projected from either side of his laterally compressed head, and two arms extended from his sleeveless spacesuit. His arms resembled cumbersome, vestigial wings with knobby-jointed fingers. He clutched a scanning device in one hand and a blaster in the other. A pack of equipment was slung across his back, and he moved with a shambling stride that suggested his legs had never entirely adapted to walking.

  Robonino's right eye surveyed the passage tube, then looked to the small monitor on his handheld scanner.

  Another alien, a tall, broad-shouldered humanoid reptilian, moved up behind him. Before Robonino could announce that his scanner had not detected any radiation leaks, the reptilian shoved him aside and snarled, “Outta my way, fish-head!”

  The reptilian was a Trandoshan named Bossk. Clad in an ill-fitting yellow spacesuit, his bulky forearms jutted out from sleeves that were too short and too tight. His leggings ended just below his knees, exposing his thick-skinned legs and bare feet that ended in clawed toes. His long-barreled blaster rifle looked almost ridiculous in the clutches of his massive, clawed hands, which looked as if they would sooner break the weapon in half than fire it with any accuracy.

  Bossk’s wide nostrils flared. “There's no reactor leak on this junkheap! I only smell stinkin’ humans!”

  He moved forward without grace or stealth, his heavy feet clumping loudly through the passage tube. Robonino held both his scanner and blaster in front of him as he followed Bossk into the transport’s main cabin.

  The two aliens found Lalo Gunn standing in front of the cabin’s acceleration couch. Her arms were raised with her palms exposed and fingers extended to show that she wasn‘t holding any weapons. Behind her, Nuru and Veeren were seated side by side on the couch. Both wore dark, grease-stained coveralls with blue blankets wrapped around their upper bodies. The coveralls and cape-like blankets had been the most immediately available things that Gunn could find for disguises. Nuru’s had deep pockets, one of which concealed his lightsaber.

  Bossk growled through his fanged maw, then repeated, “There's no reactor leak!”

  “I fixed it.” Gunn said. “And I left my blaster in the cockpit.”

  Without looking at Robonino, Bossk said, “Check it out.” As Robonino sauntered off into the passage tube that led from the main cabin to the cockpit, Nuru realized that he had been holding his breath. He exhaled quietly. Nuru was worried about what would happen if the pirates found Cleaver, who — at Gunn's instruction — had hidden himself along with most of the Breakout Squad's weapons in the Harpy's engine room.

  Facing Gunn, Bossk blinked his eyes and said, “So, you fixed the leak, huh?”

  “That's right,” Gunn said. “Right after I sent the distress signal!”

  Bossk blinked again as he cocked his head. He appeared to be weighing information within the narrow confines of his thick skull. Nuru remained relatively calm as he watched the Trandoshan, but he sensed Veeren go tense beside him.

  “Distress signal?” Bossk snapped. “I didn’t hear any signal!”

  “I was hired to bring these two kids to their family,” Gunn said, and began to gesture with her left hand to the seated figures.

  Bossk reacted with surprising speed. Shifting his blaster rifle to his right hand as he moved forward, he grabbed Gunn's wrist with his left and spun her around, wrenching her arm up behind her back and turning her body so that they both faced the two Chiss on the couch. Adjusting his grip on his rifle, Bossk tilted its barrel toward Gunn's head as he looked from Nuru to Veeren. He let out a low hiss, then said, “I wonder what blue kids taste like.”

  “Before you chow down,” Gunn said coolly, “you should know they're worth more alive. A lot more. Their parents are loaded.” She looked at the rifle's barrel as if it were a minor annoyance.

  Gunn had told Nuru and Veeren to pretend to be brother and sister, members of a wealthy family. She had also told Nuru not to reveal himself as a Jedi unless absolutely necessary. Nuru sensed that Gunn was nervous, and admired her for not showing it. Because of his Jedi training, he was not at all frightened by the menacing Trandoshan. He knew more than a dozen different ways to disarm and disable the fiend without even getting up from the couch. Despite his own confidence, he felt sorry for Veeren, who had begun to tremble.

  Veeren‘s obvious fear did not escape Bossk. Keeping his hold on Gunn, he leaned closer to the Chiss girl and said, “Think you’re worth more alive? Haw! Nothing beats a free lunch!”

  Just then, Robonino reentcred the cabin, carrying Gunn’s blaster in one of his pockets. The Patrolian stepped over beside Bossk and held up the scanner so the Trandoshan could see it.

  Bossk glanced at the scanner‘s small monitor, then his eyes flicked to Gunn's face. He said, “How many life forms on board?” Before Gunn could reply, he pressed the tip of his blaster against her jaw, then added, “And if you tell me any number different than four, you're dead.”

  Gunn said, “Do you mean how many more life forms on board?”

  Confused, Bossk said, “Huh?”

  “You asked, ‘How many life forms on board?’ But I don't know if you want me to include myself, the two kids, you, and your friend.”

  “I asked you how many more life forms are on board!” Bossk sputtered defiantly. “And fish-head's not my friend!”

  Hearing this, Robonino’s fins flared out on both sides of his head, and his good eye twitched as he glanced at Bossk. Robonino took a cautious step away from the belligerent Trandoshan.

  “My mistake,” Gunn said. “But you already told me the number.”

  “Huh?” Bossk said again.

  “You discouraged me from saying any number other than four,” Gunn replied. “And you're right. There’re four more life forms.”

  “I know that!” Bossk sputtered. “I asked you to tell me where they are!”

  Nuru sensed the Trandoshan had reached a boiling point, and hoped that Gunn would not attempt to correct the dimwitted brute. He shifted slightly on his seat, moving his hand beneath the blue blanket that fell over his lap until his fingertips brushed against the side of his lightsaber. He no longer cared about sticking to Gunn's plan. If he had to reveal himself as a Jedi to save Gunn, he would.

  But Gunn stayed remarkably calm. Ignoring the pressure of the blaster rifle‘s barrel against her jaw, she tilted her chin slightly in the direction of a nearby hatch and said, “The other passengers are in the secondary hold.”

  “I know where they are!” Bossk said. “Fishhead’s scanner showed me. So now, you open the hold, and no funny stuff!” He jerked Gunn around. Bracing her like a shield in front of him, Bossk gui
ded her toward the hatch while Robonino readied his own blaster.

  As they moved closer to the hatch, Gunn said, “There are two things you should know about the four passengers in the hold.”

  “What’s that?” Bossk said.

  “First, they’re unarmed Republic clone troopers. I’ve got them contained in a force field.”

  Bossk snorted. “You putting me on?”

  “No,” Gunn said as she palmed the hatch's opening mechanism. The hatch slid back, and Bossk gazed over Gunn's shoulder to see four armored troopers standing upright, lined up with their backs against a plastoid bulkhead.

  Even though Gunn had mentioned the force field, Bossk failed to notice the sheet of pale blue light that stretched from deck to ceiling within the hold, separating him from the four motionless troopers. He reacted automatically, and typically without thinking, by rapidly swinging his blaster rifle away from Gunn's jaw so that its long barrel now rested on her shoulder. Holding Gunn like a shield and now using her shoulder like sniper saddle, he squeezes off five powerful shots at the troopers.

  The rifle's noise was almost deafening inside the Harpy, and each shot caused Veeren to flinch. The fired bolts exploded into bright bursts as the energy field absorbed their impact, while all four troopers remained perfectly still. Bossk was about to fire more rounds when Gunn shouted, “Force field! They're behind a force field!”

  Bossk noticed the four troopers had not budged from their position against the bulkhead. “I know they're behind a force field!” he snarled. “I just wanted to make sure the field was working!”

  Behind Bossk, Robonino nearly laughed out loud at the Trandoshan’s ridiculous excuse. Unable to contain himself, the little Patrolian released what sounded like a gurgling cough.

  Bossk held tight to Gunn as he swiftly twisted his neck to look at Robonino, who quickly pretended he was only clearing, his throat. Bossk said, “The other pirates didn't believe me when I told them about the clones. If this ain’t proof, I don’t know what is!”

  While Nuru wondered what the Trandoshan had said about the clones, the Patrolian reached to his own belt to activate a comm, signaling his allies that the transport secured. A moment later, footsteps sounded as more pirates boarded the Harpy.

  Nuru and Veeren sat still and silent as a dozen life-forms from as many worlds shuffled, lumbered, slinked, and slithered into and through the main cabin. The pirates included a long-tusked Pacithhip who walked on robotic stilts, a female Arcona in a dark green pressure suit, and a Sullustan with a tattooed head. The largest pirate was a hulking Swokes Swokes, who had had to crouch-walk to avoid bumping his bulbous, sharp-horned head against the ceiling. Nuru wondered if any of the pirates knew how to return in Republic space.

  Still in the Trandoshan's clutches, Gunn sized up the Swokes Swokes as he passed her. The Swokes lidless eyes barely glanced at Gunn before he ducked into a passage tube that led to the Harpy's freight elevator.

  The Arcona looked at the occupants in the cabin and loudly announced, “This ship is now the property of the Black Hole Pirates!”

  Gunn did not enjoy hearing this, but resisted her urge to give the Arcona a dirty look. The Arcona turned her anvil-shaped head to face Nuru and Veeren. Nuru immediately noticed the Arcona's eyes looked like glittering gold.

  “Sit tight, kids,” said the Arcona. “We're all going for little ride. And if you behave, there may be a place for you among us.”

  The docked Vangaard Pathfinder's engine fired, and then the Pathfinder began tugging the Harpy to the frigate. Robonino returned to the Harpy's main cabin, and then he and the Arcona headed off to the engine room. Watching their departure, Nuru grimaced. All he could do was hope that Cleaver could avoid detection. Gunn’s plan depended on it.

  There was a loud thunk from outside the Harpy as the pathfinder delivered both ships alongside the immense frigate. The Trandoshan finally released his grip on Gunn, and he shoved her back toward Nuru and Veeren. Gunn stumbled but recovered her balance quickly, and spun fast so she could keep her on the reptilian lout.

  Bossk aimed a thumb at the open hold and said, “How come the clones are just standing there like that?”

  “Before you started shooting,” Gunn said through clenched teeth, “I was about to tell you the second thing about those troopers.”

  “So tell me already!” Bossk snapped.

  Without batting an eye, Gunn said, “They’re defective.”

  ““Defective?” Bossk said. “What do you mean, the clones are defective?”

  “It's kind of complicated,” Gunn replied. “It might be best if I talked with your leader.”

  “As far as you're concerned,” Bossk said, “I'm in charge around here. Now answer me! Defective how?”

  Just then, Gunn noticed the Swokes Swokes as he reentered the Harpy's main cabin. Facing Bossk, Gunn said, “You watch your mouth, buster! I'll have you know that some of my best friends happen to be Swokes Swokes!”

  Overhearing this, the surprised Swokes Swokes stopped and looked at the female human beside Bossk. Bossk was baffled by Gunn’s outburst and said. “Huh?”

  “You heard me!” Gunn said. “I don‘t know what you have against Swokes Swokes, and I don’t care! Swokes Swokes are highly intelligent, so don’t you say otherwise!” And then she pretended to notice the Swokes Swokes for the first time. Speaking in the Swokes Swokes native language, Swoken, she said, “Finally, a friendly face!”

  Across the cabin, Veeren whispered to Nuru, “What did she say?”

  “I don‘t know,” Nuru whispered back.

  The Swokes Swokes twisted his fleshy neck to look at the passage tube behind him. He saw no one in the tube. Turning back to face Gunn, he pointed a thick, clawed finger at himself as he replied in Swoken, “Me?”

  Bossk watched in astonishment as Gunn reached out to take the Swokes Swokes' monstrous hand in her own relatively delicate grasp. “I'm Lalo Gunn,” she said in Basic. “I’m captain of this ship, or was at least until a few minutes ago. I'm so relieved you found me and my passengers out here. Are you the leader of these privateers?”

  Bossk looked from the Swokes Swokes to Gunn and said, “You think he's the leader?!”

  The Swokes Swokes ignored Bossk, and his gaping maw pulled back into a wide smile that revealed long, uneven fangs. “I'm not the leader,” the Swokes Swokes said. “I’m Mokshok, first mate to Cap’n Mcgrrrr.”

  ln Swoken, Gunn said, “A pleasure to meet you, Mokshok.”

  “Hey!” Bossk snarled at Gunn. “Enough gibberish! I was talkin' to you!”

  “Mokshok,” Gunn continued in Swoken, “I’d like to talk with you and your leader about how we might work together.” Giving a dismissive glance to Bossk, she added, “Maybe we could talk in private?”

  “Hey!” Bossk roared so loudly that Veeren flinched beside Nuru. “I’m in charge here!”

  Mokshok said, “Take a walk, Bossk.”

  Bossk glared at Mokshok and snarled, “You don’t give me orders, you big-”

  Mokshok launched a meaty fist into Bossk’s face. The Swokes Swokes's knuckles carried Bossk‘s head straight into the cabin’s wall, which it struck with a sickening thud. Mokshok disconnected his knuckles from Bossk's face, and then the Trandoshan's knees buckled under him and he flopped to the deck.

  From across the cabin, Nuru sensed that the blow to the head had not killed the Trandoshan, but had merely knocked him out cold. Although he did not know what Gunn had said to the Swokes Swokes, he was fairly certain she had goaded them into Fighting each other.

  Mokshok beckoned to two other pirates and said, “Take Bossk hack to the pathfinder and dump him in the infirmary.”

  As the two pirates carried the Trandoshan out of the Harpy, Gunn glanced at the wall, where the impact of the Trandoshan’s head had left a deep dent. Returning her attention to the Swokes Swokes, she smiled and said, “Thanks, Mokshok. I don’t know why that fellow said such unkind things about you.”

  “Bossk is a jer
k,” Mokshok said. “He only arrived in this sector a few days ago, but I’ve been just itching to punch his clock. Kept on bragging about what a big-time bounty hunter he was, and babbling about the Republic having an army of clones. You ever hear such nonsense?”

  Both Gunn and Nuru realized that the pirates must have been operating in a very isolated region of space if they had never heard of the Clone Wars until Bossk’s recent arrival. Gunn replied, “I can' tell you about Bossk’s experience as a bounty hunter, but he was right about the clones. I happen to be transporting four of them. They're harmless now, completely immobilized.” She gestured to the open hatch.

  Mokshok stepped over to the hold so he could view the motionless troopers. He said, “Those armored suits ... have people in 'em?”

  “Yup,” Gunn said.

  “Mcgrrrr will want to have a look at these guys.”

  “You said Mcgrrrr is your captain?”

  “That’s right,” Mokshok replied. “You'll meet him soon enough.” Returning his gaze to Gunn, he smiled as he asked, “Where'd you learn to speak Swoken?”

  “A friend from Makem Te.”

  Hearing the name of his homeworld, Mokshok sighed. “What I wouldn‘t give to see Makem Te again.”

  “What’s stopping you?”

  Mokshok was about to respond when a male human entered the cabin. Clad in a broad, shaggy vest that made him resemble a furry creature, the man also wore a darkly mottled tunic, baggy trousers, and well-worn boots made of exotic leather. His face looked heavy but strong, marked by few wrinkles except for the creases at the edges of his twinkling blue eyes, which were so incredibly pale, they resembled ice. A mop of grizzled hair fell across his forehead, and silver whiskers bristled from his cheeks. Nuru could only guess the man’s age as anywhere between thirty-five and sixty years.


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