Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Secret Missions #2 - Curse of the Black Hole Pirates

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Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Secret Missions #2 - Curse of the Black Hole Pirates Page 10

by Ryder Windham

  “I'm waiting for Cleaver.”

  “Move, Breaker. That's an order.”

  Breaker scrambled onto the ramp. The Harpy began to pull away from the landing platform. Seeing Cleaver running toward the platform’s edge, Breaker shouted, “Jump!”

  A whuffa was actually gaining on Cleaver as the droid leaped from the platform's edge, his arms extended in front of him. His outstretched metal fingers missed the Harpy's platform and he began to fall.

  Seeing the droid plummet, Breaker shouted, “No!”

  But just then Cleaver appeared to bounce off an invisible cushion of air, and he soared up toward Breaker. Breaker did not pause to wonder how Cleaver had become airborne, but held tight to the side of the Harpy with one hand as he caught the droid's left wrist with the other, then he swung Cleaver up onto the ramp beside him. Only then did Breaker notice Nuru — still braced beside Chatterbox — had his right hand directed toward Cleaver. Breaker realized Nuru had used the Force to catch Cleaver and yank him back to the ship.

  Cleaver followed Breaker’s gaze and said, “Thank you, Commander Nuru.”

  “Thank me later!” Nuru said as he and Chatterbox hauled Breaker and Cleaver into the Harpy. The ramp lifted and the hatch sealed. Nuru ran through the main cabin, passing Groob, Knuckles, and Sharp, and didn't stop running until reached the cockpit. Gunn and Mcgrrrr were seated behind the controls, and Veeren stood behind Gunn’s seat.

  Nuru looked through the cockpit window and saw the pirate ships in front of them, hovering near the side of the immense, glowing sphere as lights continued to shimmer throughout the chamber. Then the lights swirled and converged into a vortex. Veeren gasped at the sight.

  “It's a hyperspace portal,” Nuru said. “Mcgrrrr, hail the other ships. Tell them to fly into the portal.”

  “But where will we go?”

  “With any luck, far from here,” Gunn said. “Just do it!”

  Mcgrrrr hailed the other ships. The pathfinders moved forward, then vanished into the vortex, followed by the Sullustans’ saucer, the pirate starfighters, and the Random Mallet.

  “Here goes nothing,” Gunn said as she sent her transport into the vortex.

  The Harpy shuddered as it plunged into a brilliant cascade of energy, and then a loud, harmonic whine traveled through the ship. Mcgrrrr said, “What was that noise?”

  “Beats me,” Gunn said as she checked her consoles. “I’ve never heard it before.”

  Listening carefully, Nuru said, “That noise isn't coming from the ship. It’s from ... outside.”

  “Sure doesn't sound like hyperspace to me,” Gunn said. “I wonder how long it‘s gonna—”

  Before Gunn could finish, the noise faded out, the cascade of light vanished, and the Harpy emerged into outer space, surrounded by stars. Through the cockpit window, the pirate vessels and the Sullustans' saucer were all in view.

  Gunn said, “Where’s the nebula and the black hole? That jump barely lasted thirty seconds. We couldn’t have jumped far.” She glanced at her scopes, then added, “My compass must still be on the blink. The readout says we're back in Chiss space.”

  Mcgrrrr said, “Then ... we‘re free from the black hole!”

  Nuru sensed Veeren become tense beside him. Her red eyes were locked on something outside the ship, beyond the pirate vessels. And then Nuru saw what she saw, too.

  A large silhouette of an inverted conical station was suspended against the stars.

  “There's nothing wrong with the compass, Gunn,” Nuru said. “See over there? We’ve arrived back at the Chiss space station.”

  Mcgrrrr looked at Gunn and said, “Chiss space? And where exactly is that in relation to ... anywhere?”

  Ignoring Mcgrrrr, Gunn muttered, “It's not possible.” Turning to Nuru, she repeated, “It's not possible! It took us almost ten hours to travel from Chiss space to the black hole sector.” She shook her head. “How could we have covered that distance again so much faster?”

  “We didn't use an Infinity Gate the first time,” Nuru replied.

  Mcgrrrr looked at a console. “No readings from that space station,” he said, “but we are picking up a signal from a ship beside it. A Metalorn yacht.”

  Nuru said, “That's Umbrag’s ship.” Closing his eyes, he reached out with the Force, searching for any psychic trace of Ring-Sol Ambase. He sensed no sign of his missing Master.

  “But where's the rest of Umbrag’s fleet?” Gunn said. “There’s no sign of them.”

  Mcgrrrr asked, “Who’s Umbrag?”

  “Bad guy,” Gunn said. “We don’t like him.”

  Mcgrrrr grinned. “Then my pirates and I don’t like him, either.”

  The Skakoan Overseer Umbrag was sitting on the bridge of his Metalorn yacht, polishing his metal-rimmed goggles, when a skeletal battle droid stepped up to him and said, “Five starships and seven starfighters are heading this way, sir. The largest ship is a frigate.”

  “I wasn’t expecting any reinforcements,” Umbrag said through his breathing apparatus.

  “They aren’t Separatist vessels, sir.”

  Umbrag's eyes went wide behind his goggles. “Republic warships?”

  “Negative, sir. I think they’re pirates.”

  Before Umbrag could respond, a large explosion wracked his entire yacht, launching him out of his seat. Umbrag grunted as he crashed to the floor.

  The droid said, “That sounded like a concussion missile!”

  Rising to his feet, Umbrag shoved the droid aside and stepped toward a console that displayed a stream of data beside twelve blips that represented the incoming ships. “Count Dooku told me that no one would approach this station after I claimed it!” Umbrag fumed. “I wouldn't have followed Dooku’s orders and sent my armada back to Skako if I'd known there was any possibility of an attack!”

  Another explosion rocked the yacht. The droid cried, “Perhaps Count Dooku was mistaken, sir?”

  Umbrag launched his armored fist into the droid's head. As the droid stumbled from him, Umbrag turned to face two more droids who stood before the navigation controls and shouted, “Get us out of here! Back to Skako! Now!”

  The yacht’s engines fired, then it sped away from the Chiss space Station. The yacht took three more violent hits before it vanished into hyperspace.

  The remaining ships circled the area of the yacht’s departure, then turned and angled back, heading for the conical space station. They were still moving toward the station when sixty Chiss assault cruisers dropped out of hyperspace to surround them from all sides.

  ““You and all your companions are free to leave,” Veeren said.

  She was standing in a large docking bay on the Chiss space station, facing Nuru, Captain Mcgrrrr, and Professor Groob. The Hasty Harpy rested on a platform near Nuru’s group, and the Sullustans' saucer and a shuttle from the Random Mallet were parked on neighboring platforms. Breaker, Sharp, and Cleaver stood at the bottom of the Harpy’s ramp, watching Nuru and waiting for his return.

  Mcgrrrr lifted his eyebrows and said, “You mean, you’re letting the Black Hole Pirates loose?”

  “Correct,” Veeren said. “Although the Chiss Ascendancy acknowledges that none of you were responsible for the Separatist attack, and also appreciates your combined effort to return me to Chiss space, make no mistake in the fact that none of you are entirely welcome here.”

  Mcgrrrr said, “I suppose that means you wouldn’t be happy if I left Bossk behind?”

  “I most certainly would not,” Veeren answered coolly.

  “I was jesting!” Mcgrrrr said with a chuckle. “I have every intention of releasing him from his commission as soon as we return to Republic space. But tell me, how are my pirates supposed to leave when I don't even know where Chiss space is?”

  “Your respective navigators have received hyperspace coordinates that will deliver you to the edge of Republic space. From there, you may rely on the data in your own navi-computers.”

  Groob said, “Well, I'm certa
inly eager to get going. My family and I want very much to return to Sullust.” He bowed politely to Veeren, then trotted off to his saucer.

  Mcgrrrr turned to Nuru and said, “How do I know you won't come chasing after us?”

  “I have no quarrel with you, Mcgrrrr,” Nuru replied. “Bossk, on the other hand ...”

  Mcgrrrr laughed and clapped Nuru on the shoulder. “I wish you only clear skies, lad, but if the Jedi business doesn't work out for you, I hope you'll let me know.” Then he leaned closer to Nuru and added, “In my humble opinion, you would make an excellent pirate.”

  Mcgrrrr walked off to his shuttle. Nuru looked at Veeren. He had so many things he wanted to ask her, but remembering his responsibilities as a Jedi, he chose his words carefully. “Good-bye, Aristocra. I regret that my mission to Chiss space did not go at all well, but I am relieved that the Separatists did not destroy your station, and that no Chiss lives were lost in the attack. I shall inform my superiors that Republic ships should stay out of Chiss space until you decide to renew diplomatic discussions.”

  Just then, the Sullustans’ saucer and Mcgrrrr‘s shuttle rose up from the landing platform, and traveled out through the docking bay's shielded portal and into space. Nuru glanced at the departing ships, then returned his attention to Veeren.

  “Good-bye, Nuru Kungurama”

  Once again, Nuru noticed Veeren's upper lip sneered slightly as she said his name. He said, “Wait, Aristocra. Forgive me for asking, but I am curious ... Does my name irritate you in some way?”

  Veeren stared hard at Nuru for a moment, then replied, “The Jedi did not read the data cylinder correctly.”

  Confused, Nuru said, “I don‘t understand.”

  “You told me that a Jedi found you in a Chiss escape pod when you were an infant, and that the Jedi learned your name from a data cylinder. But your name is not Nuru Kungurama. You are Kung'urama'nuruodu of the Second Ruling Family.”

  “Oh,” Nuru said. “Oh! And ... You are of the Second Ruling Family, too, and your name also ends with nuruodo. Does that mean we're ... related?”

  Veeren arched one eyebrow. “That is a tactless question,” she said.

  Nuru did not know how to respond, but knowing that he might never see Veeren again he felt compelled to say something. “I'm sorry I don‘t know Chiss protocol,” he said. “I wish we could have talked more. I realize you may not care to hear this, but ... I am glad we met.”

  “I know,” Veeren said. And then she turned and walked away, heading for a door on the other side of the docking bay. The door slid open, and she stepped through it without looking back.

  Nuru walked back to the Harpy. Seeing his approach, Breaker, Sharp, and Cleaver stepped away from the transport‘s ramp. Cleaver held Ring-Sol Ambase's lightsaber out to Nuru and said, “I neglected to return this to you earlier, Commander.”

  “Thank you, Cleaver,” Nuru said as he took the weapon and clipped it to his belt beside his own lightsaber. “And I neglected to tell you that you handled yourself very well against the whuffa.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Cleaver said. The droid and Breaker turned and walked up the ramp.

  Nuru was about to follow when Sharp said, “One moment, Commander.” He removed his helmet and stepped closer to Nuru.

  Nuru could see from his knitted brow that he was very concerned. “What's wrong, Sharp?”

  “I've been thinking about how we arrived at that black hole, sir,” Sharp said, keeping his voice low. “I hate to say this, but I can't stop wondering if either Chatterbox or Captain Gunn had something to do with it. Maybe one of them rigged the navi-computer. Maybe both of them rigged it.”

  Astonished, Nuru said, “But ... why?”

  “I don't know, sir,” Sharp said. “But I don't think we wound up near that black hole by accident, and I believe they were the only ones who could have done the job to get us there.”

  Nuru shook his head. “I don’t know what to say, Sharp. The facts don't add up. I mean, why would Gunn or Chatterbox do it? Also, they were both on the Harpy while we were in the Star Chamber's control station. They had nothing to do with adjusting the controls to the Infinity Gate that delivered us back here. I did that, though I don't know exactly how. I suppose it was an incredibly fortunate accident.”

  “But think about it, Commander,” Sharp said. “Doesn’t it seem overly coincidental that we would accidentally arrive near the black hole, only to encounter people who would lead you to a Star Chamber so you could accidentally deliver us straight back to Chiss space?”

  Nuru’s eyes went wide. “You think we‘re being manipulated?”

  “I do, sir,” Sharp said. “And I’d like very much to know who’s pulling the strings. Meanwhile, I suggest we watch both Chatterbox and Gunn very Carefully.”

  “Perhaps we should confide with Breaker and Cleaver about this.”

  Sharp grimaced. “Now that I think of it, Breaker’s awfully keen with technology. What if he’s the saboteur?”

  Nuru had a hard time thinking of Breaker as a suspect. “We ... we shouldn't jump to conclusions.” He gestured to the landing ramp. “Come on. We'd better get aboard before the others start suspecting that we're up to something.”

  Sharp followed Nuru onto the Harpy. The ship lifted off to exit the docking bay, then traveled to the designated hyperspace portal. As Gunn‘s transport launched into hyperspace, Nuru contemplated Sharp's concerns. And the more he thought about it, the more he began to suspect that someone was indeed manipulating the actions of the Breakout Squad.

  But who?

  “Nuru Kungurama and Breakout Squad successfully returned the Aristocra to Chiss space,” Count Dooku said. “And with the aid of the Sullustan xenoarchaclologist and Mcgrrrr's gang, they forced overseer Umbrag to retreat.”

  Dooku was standing in his secret lair, facing the flickering hologram of Darth Sidious that was suspended in the air before him. A dark hood concealed the upper half of Darth Sidious’s face, but Dooku could clearly see his Master's lips twitch into a sick smile.

  “Those ridiculous pirates and their allies served us well,” Darth Sidious said. “They believed themselves cursed by the forces of a black hole that held them captive in space, never realizing that their arrival in that remote sector was not an accident ... never knowing the truth. It was we who cursed them.”

  His smile vanished. “Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen,” he continued. “All of our pawns — including Nuru Kungurama — have unknowingly served us well in the years that have led up to this moment. It is only a matter of time before we form an alliance with the Chiss.”

  Facing the hologram, Duoku hesitated for a moment, then said, “The Trandoshan hunter's arrival near the black hole nearly disrupted our plan.”

  “His arrival was necessary,” Darth Sidious snapped. “It was our best opportunity to introduce him to Kungurama.”

  Lifting his eyebrows, Dooku said, “And now that they've met?”

  “They must meet again,” Darth Sidious replied softly. “It is only ... natural.” Then the Sith Lord leered and added, “And speaking of reunions, how is your guest?”

  “He's coming around.”

  “Excellent. Keep me apprised.”

  “Yes, my Master,” Dooku said just before Darth Sidious’s hologram vanished.

  Ring-Sol Ambase opened his eyes slowly. He felt groggy, and his throat was very dry.

  He was lying on his back on an elevated pad in a dimly illuminated room with a white, octagonal ceiling. He tried to lift and turn his head, but felt pressure against the lower half of his face. Something, covered his nose and mouth.

  A breath mask?

  He blinked and wondered where he was. And then his mind flooded with his last memory before he had lost consciousness.


  He had no idea how his young Padawan apprentice had wound up on board the unarmed freighter that had transported him and three squads of clone troopers to the planet Kynachi. During the transit through
hyperspace, he had sensed Nuru’s presence, and even informed a clone trooper named Breaker about the nagging sensation, but Breaker had assured him that no other Jedi was on the ship.

  And then the freighter had arrived at Kynachi, only to he attacked by a waiting armada of Separatist warships. A few troopers were killed immediately. Ambase recalled ordering the surviving clones to go to the escape pods, and how surprised he had been — just before his own pod had jettisoned — to sense Nuru again, using the Force to call out to him. But then Ambase’s pod had fallen away from the shattered freighter, and beyond that, his memory was blank.

  Ambase was certain that his Padawan had been on the freighter. But he had no idea whether Nuru had survived.

  Where am I?

  He shifted his gaze from the ceiling. He was lying on a conform pad, covered by a white blanket. Medical diagnostic machines with winking lights were on either side of him. From what he could see, he was lying in the center of an eight-walled room with a single window that offered a view of a gray sky. He was unable to see any doors, but suspected one might be set into the wall behind the head of his conform pad.

  He studied the diagnostic machines again, trying to comprehend their functions. What happened? How long have I been here?

  He tried to move his arms and legs. The blanket did not shift even slightly over his inert body, which seemed dead below his neck. One of the machines began beeping, and he wondered if his attempt to move had triggered an alarm of some kind. And then he became aware of a presence.

  Someone had entered the room. The beeping noise continued. Ambase tried to speak, but his throat felt dry and weak.

  “Please remain still, Master Ambase,” a deep voice said from the unseen area behind him. “You‘ve been through a great deal.”

  Ambase recognized the voice instantly. He saw a tall figure move into view to the left of his bed. His eyes went wide as he directed his gaze to the man who had once been not only a Jedi Master, but also his friend.


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